I couldn't find any DataPath.cfg in the game files, it was in the config folder. I copied the DataPath file to the Gamefiles folder and then ran the command. In the screenshot it is only an excerpt, the list is much longer


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God damn... is now seems to work :D

I'll start making a guide for stupids (like me in this project) this weekend ;)
I have two more questions to finish. Can I set the skill pool myself, if so where? For example, rd are officially 700. Can I set them to 800 or 900? Can I set other parameters myself?

How can my friends create an account on my server, or do I have to create one for them? We use the official Enhanced Client. Of course, when I go to Account on the login screen, it goes to the official website.
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There is another config file, most settings can be adjusted this way. PlayerCaps.cfg

As long as your shard is open and setup and account creation is on, by default, they simply have to use your IP address and login like you do and an account will be created automatically for them.
OK, fine. Many Thanks. Can I create a test character? So a character whose skill points I can set to maximum without having to skill them? Is that also edited in a file?
Log in with another account once you have your admin account, make a character, once done, log out and log back in with your admin, then use [admin to bring up menu, drill down to your player character from account list, use props to make changes!
You can use [SetAllSkills ### on your admin or player character to set all skills to whatever you want for testing or 0 to reset.
Log in with another account once you have your admin account, make a character, once done, log out and log back in with your admin, then use [admin to bring up menu, drill down to your player character from account list, use props to make changes!
Uff, Sorry, I dropped out mentally :D I didn't quite get that. I created an account after the server asked me if I wanted to create one. When I started the client and I wanted to create a new account by simply entering different access data, the server said that an account already existed with this IP.

There is another config file, most settings can be adjusted this way. PlayerCaps.cfg
I was looking for a way to raise the skillset from 720 a bit. I also wanted to increase skills like the maximum number of followers from 5 to 6. But in the Playercaps.cfg I could not find this information. Are they stored elsewhere?

You can use [SetAllSkills ### on your admin or player character to set all skills to whatever you want for testing or 0 to reset.
I haven't fully understood that yet :,)
There is a IP restriction toggle in the Config folder in Account.cfg, increase so you can have more than one account!

# Number of accounts allowed to be created from a single IP address
As to your other two questions, followers is hard coded into the Mobile.cs in the Server files, and the staff commands in game always start with a [(followed by the command and at times arguments or prams) you enter this like you were typing text to talk to other players, you can see all listed commands via [helpinfo, the [setallskills <value to set to> is a command to quickly set all skills to say 120, we use his for testing and staff stuff, its not a proper way to set up players, usually coding in desired settings is far better in the end as setting props blindly could have undesirable effects!
As to your other two questions, followers is hard coded into the Mobile.cs in the Server files, and the staff commands in game always start with a [(followed by the command and at times arguments or prams) you enter this like you were typing text to talk to other players, you can see all listed commands via [helpinfo, the [setallskills <value to set to> is a command to quickly set all skills to say 120, we use his for testing and staff stuff, its not a proper way to set up players, usually coding in desired settings is far better in the end as setting props blindly could have undesirable effects!
OK, I'll try that. I am not a programming expert and unfortunately often have to ask where I can find something and how I can change it. Please be lenient. :)

I tested it and it works. Also opening the overview of all commands. Really great for testing. However, if I wanted to make the basic changes, such as increasing the skill pool from 720 to 900, and the maximum number of followers (pet slots) so that it applies to other players as well, would I have to change that in hard code? Have I understood that correctly?

I found this in the mobile.cs, but the change had no effect:

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I discovered these cool reward items. Are these rewards already included in the server files? Or do they have to be copied in manually (if so, in which folder)? Since these are Veteran Rewards, can they also be made available immediately?

You'll need to recompile the server every time you edit the scripts for it to take hold, and for custom scripts, they go anywhere you want within the scripts folder, unless otherwise stated by the creator of said custom scripts. Make a custom folder in there and place them there for easy look up later. Be mindful that older versions of scripts might not work on the latest version of ServUO, so make sure to test the new additions you add bit by bit, don't get caught adding a ton of stuff, than having a ton of errors to follow!
I only found out today that there are no doors and no NPCs in the world. Then I started the "CreateWorld" command. A lot went through and a lot was created. In the end, doors and NPCs were there, but there was a message about a puzzle (see screenshot).

I have discovered another phenomenon. If I place gold in the bank, I can no longer see it in the bank compartment afterwards. However, when I call up the account balance with "Balance", the NPC says the correct amount.
You'll need to recompile the server every time you edit the scripts for it to take hold, and for custom scripts, they go anywhere you want within the scripts folder, unless otherwise stated by the creator of said custom scripts. Make a custom folder in there and place them there for easy look up later. Be mindful that older versions of scripts might not work on the latest version of ServUO, so make sure to test the new additions you add bit by bit, don't get caught adding a ton of stuff, than having a ton of errors to follow!
Unfortunately I can't do that with the reward items. I copied the items into a subfolder in the Scripts folder and restarted the server. As a gamemaster, can I somehow spawn them to watch them?


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Primal Lich puzzle am unclear of, it is one of many UO systems that is auto generated in that create world command. As for banks, that was changed in UO too, no longer is gold deposited like before, now its all an account, again am unclear as I don't play, just code! As for any constructable item/mobile in the game, you can add them with the [add <name of item or mobile>
This should help on what changed in UO since you last played : A Summary for Returning Players – Ultima Online
As for any constructable item/mobile in the game, you can add them with the [add <name of item or mobile>
I tried after copying the reward items to the scripts folder and restarting the server to spawn the Hodded Robe from the reward items but he didn't recognize the item. I've tried various names such as "hoodedrobe" or "shroud".

This should help on what changed in UO since you last played : A Summary for Returning Players – Ultima Online
Thanks for the information.

As for banks, that was changed in UO too, no longer is gold deposited like before, now its all an account
Seems to be like that
Check the script for the hood, you need to use the name exactly as it is in the script
[Constructable] public class <name> () {}
Check the script for the hood, you need to use the name exactly as it is in the script
[Constructable] public class <name> () {}
I entered this name. Didn't he recognize the objects when starting the server?


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by the script
[Add HoodedRobe
should work! Not to repeat myself but you did recompile the server after adding in these scripts?
by the script
[Add HoodedRobe
should work! Not to repeat myself but you did recompile the server after adding in these scripts?
I do not think so. But I have to say that I don't know how to do it. With setting up this server I'm just learning a lot about it. So I would have to ask you how exactly I recompile the server?
I ran the "dotnet build" command in the docker terminal and then got a bunch of errors and warnings. The errors and warnings result from the reward items. If I take them out of the script folder again, then there are no errors or warnings
What does this 767;1R mean?


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You have 1 playermobile.cs in your distro edits folder (and the subfolder) and you have the normal playermobile.cs
Thats why you have duplicates and thats why it tells you that is already defined
You have 1 playermobile.cs in your distro edits folder (and the subfolder) and you have the normal playermobile.cs
Thats why you have duplicates and thats why it tells you that is already defined
Thanks for the hint. I'm still a little overwhelmed with the project, but it's fun and I'm learning. Bit by bit. Do you know what does this 767;1R mean?
Slowly but surely I'm on the right track and I'm starting to understand what I'm doing here :) I got some reward items to work. With the Hooded Robe (Shroud), there is a phenomenon that the character gets the name "Shrouded Figure". It's gone as soon as I take the robe off again. How can I fix this? What triggers this name change?


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What can I fix a bad spawn? When I go to the coordinates as a GameMaster, I'm in nothing. All Black. Is something missing there? Did something not load correctly?

Refreshing the respawns did nothing. Should I delete the world and have it recreated?


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Don't worry about the bad spawn, the hood has a mod o change the name when worn, all by design, you can edit this right in the script for the hooded shroud!
Is there a command, similar to that "SetSkill", to increase stats (strength, intelligence, endurance)?
[Set Int 125, [set str 125, [set dex 125

*My Bad, forgot Whitespace 'dope'
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When I use that, it tells me it's an invalid command. Got it... [set dex "number"

I´ve to use a space
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Correct, you can also chain those commands by using [Set Int Dex Str 123, this will set each individual stat in one command to that number.
You can also use [Set Int 123 Dex 456 Str 789 to set a different number per stat.
And the cap will be ignored? Are there still titles like "Glorious Lord" and the titles like "Legendary Tamer" and so on? If yes, how are they displayed?
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You can break cap but not that simple, the game is not designed for breaking caps, no support for high values, it requires more thought than just raising a property!
I'm still struggling with one thing. I play on a 4K monitor. Some things here seem very small. For example, when I killed a monster, the opened inventory (backpack) is very small. I have the UI Scale at 1.0. Can this be increased somehow?
I don't think using the default client that it can be increased any further, most of us use 3rd party clients like ClassicUO which have additional scaling options built into the client. I don't know if there is an Enhanced 3rd party client available though.
Okay. I will test the ClassicUO Client.
Can the interval when the server saves the world be shortened so that it saves at shorter intervals?
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