
This is very broad, but i have no idea how the loot is measured via ServUO or RUNUO and I haven't been able to find anything too good on reading this all, has anyone any links they could share or knowledge to any of it? I am curious how the lootpack.cs script is laid out as well as how it works on a mob with stats such as

this.AddLoot(LootPack.FilthyRich, 3);

Like I know where you get the filthy rich in lootpack.cs but what does the 3 mean is that quantity orrr? just looking for some information thanks.
3 is a multiplier of loot
        public virtual void AddLoot(LootPack pack, int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
I think that 3 means the quantity, if you put 6 there its supposed to double it, not sure thought

(ctor) LootPackEntry( bool atSpawnTime, LootPackItem[] items, double chance, int quantity )
(ctor) LootPackEntry( bool atSpawnTime, LootPackItem[] items, double chance, string quantity )
(ctor) LootPackEntry( bool atSpawnTime, LootPackItem[] items, double chance, LootPackDice quantity, int maxProps, int minIntensity, int maxIntensity )
(ctor) LootPackEntry( bool atSpawnTime, LootPackItem[] items, double chance, string quantity, int maxProps, int minIntensity, int maxIntensity )
(ctor) LootPackEntry( bool atSpawnTime, LootPackItem[] items, double chance, int quantity, int maxProps, int minIntensity, int maxIntensity )


Quote from GoldDraco13

new LootPackEntry( true, Gold, 100.00, "5d100+500" ),

The first 100 is the % of chance it would drop on the creature as loot.

The 5d100+500 means the dice roll plus 500 gold...the dice roll will produce a random ammount between 5 and 500.
Think this post is right place to ask:

If this INT means count (1)

        public static readonly LootPackItem[] PotionItems = new[]
            new LootPackItem(typeof(AgilityPotion), 1), new LootPackItem(typeof(StrengthPotion), 1),
            new LootPackItem(typeof(RefreshPotion), 1), new LootPackItem(typeof(LesserCurePotion), 1),
            new LootPackItem(typeof(LesserHealPotion), 1), new LootPackItem(typeof(LesserPoisonPotion), 1)

What do these numbers ? (56-14-81-etc)

        public static readonly LootPackItem[] AosMagicItemsMeagerType1 = new[]
            new LootPackItem(typeof(BaseWeapon), 56), new LootPackItem(typeof(BaseRanged), 14),
            new LootPackItem(typeof(BaseArmor), 81), new LootPackItem(typeof(BaseShield), 11),
            new LootPackItem(typeof(BaseJewel), 42)

Active Shards


Total amount