ServUO Version
Publish 58
Ultima Expansion
Endless Journey
How do I add text to the reward? Currently I can only see another bullet indicating that there is another reward...
This is the code:

public ItsHammerTimeQuest()
    : base()
    this.AddObjective(new ApprenticeObjective(SkillName.Blacksmith, 50, "Gorge's Shop", 1077733, 1077734));         
    this.AddReward(new BaseReward(typeof(HammerOfHephaestus), 1077740));
    this.AddReward(new BaseReward(new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Valorite, 5)));

This is what I see in game:
This should work

this.AddReward(new BaseReward(new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Valorite, 5), "Valorite Runic Hammer"));
Well you cant add a item there, you need to supply an type.
You can also not pass parameters to the constructor. Thats why there are bags for rewards like this.

So you can either create a bag that contains a valorite runic hammer with 5 uses, or edit BaseReward and how it is actually awarded to allow parameters
Thanks for the workaround, I'll do that instead of the individual hammer. When I complete the reward, I get the hammer as a reward; it just does not display the name on the quest gump of what you are going to get...

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