Have downloaded also covers running the server after installation tips:You asking the wrong person if you mail me about errors, many people here are far better then me. Try posting here your issues. Btw be sure you have downloaded this
if not is probable you made some mistakes with files.
High Seas Ships v2.01Ec client boat bug
why that?
Solved not a bug![]()
High Seas Ships v2.01
Pleaselook forthis,contains the latestships,NPC,andrudderequipment,hehe
Are sold ship merchants? I say selling the High Seas Ships v2.01 containing vessel commercial!yes that 's what i mean notice that I already included this package and did not update the shipwright sells yet...![]()
Error 'Mobile' does not contain a definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method 'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Mobile' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Server C:\...\ServUO-test\Server\Skills.cs (Line 319)
Error 'PlayerMobile.GetRacialSkillBonus(SkillName)': no suitable method found to override Scripts C:\Users\Mick\Desktop\Valinor - 3DTest\ServUO-test\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs (Line 2592)
I provided the wrong file, hope I can get help, if you also need to ask him to file, tell me, please, thank you.
namespace Server.Customs.Encryption
public class Configuration
public static bool Enabled = true;
public static bool AllowUnencryptedClients = false;
public static LoginKey[] LoginKeys = new LoginKey[]
new LoginKey("", 0x25932F1D, 0xA7B3A27F), // Latest 2D Patch
new LoginKey("", 0x24132F1D, 0xA773A27F), // Latest EC Patch
new LoginKey("7.0.35 2D", 0x283235CD, 0xA1345E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.34 2D", 0x28EAAFDD, 0xA157227F),
new LoginKey("7.0.33 2D", 0x28A325ED, 0xA1767E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.32 2D", 0x289BA7FD, 0xA169527F),
new LoginKey("7.0.31 2D", 0x295C260D, 0xA197BE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.30 2D", 0x2904AC1D, 0xA1BCA27F),
new LoginKey("7.0.29 2D", 0x29CD362D, 0xA1D59E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.28 2D", 0x29B5843D, 0xA1EA127F),
new LoginKey("7.0.27 2D", 0x2A7E164D, 0xA0081E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.26 2D", 0x2A26EC5D, 0xA019A27F),
new LoginKey("7.0.25 2D", 0x2AEF466D, 0xA07F3E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.24 2D", 0x2AD7247D, 0xA065527F),
new LoginKey("7.0.23 2D", 0x2A9F868D, 0xA0437E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.22 2D", 0x2B406C9D, 0xA0A1227F),
new LoginKey("7.0.21 2D", 0x2B08D6AD, 0xA0875E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.20 2D", 0x2BF084BD, 0xA0FD127F),
new LoginKey("7.0.19 2D", 0x2BB976CD, 0xA0DBDE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.18 2D", 0x2C612CDD, 0xA328227F),
new LoginKey("7.0.17 2D", 0x2C29E6ED, 0xA30EFE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.16 2D", 0x2C11A4FD, 0xA313527F),
new LoginKey("7.0.15 2D", 0x2CDA670D, 0xA3723E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.14 2D", 0x2C822D1D, 0xA35DA27F),
new LoginKey("7.0.13 2D", 0x2D4AF72D, 0xA3B71E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.12 2D", 0x2D32853D, 0xA38A127F),
new LoginKey("7.0.11 2D", 0x2DFB574D, 0xA3ED9E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.10 2D", 0x2DA36D5D, 0xA3C0A27F),
new LoginKey("7.0.9 2D", 0x2E6B076D, 0xA223BE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.8 2D", 0x2E53257D, 0xA23F527F),
new LoginKey("7.0.7 2D", 0x2E1BC78D, 0xA21BFE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.6 2D", 0x2EC3ED9D, 0xA274227F),
new LoginKey("7.0.5 2D", 0x2E8B97AD, 0xA250DE7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.4 2D", 0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.3 2D", 0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.2 2D", 0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.1 2D", 0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
new LoginKey("7.0.0 2D", 0x2F93A5FD, 0xA2DD527F),
new LoginKey("6.0.14 2D", 0x2C022D1D, 0xA31DA27F),
new LoginKey("6.0.13 2D", 0x2DCAF72D, 0xA3F71E7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.12 2D", 0x2DB2853D, 0xA3CA127F),
new LoginKey("6.0.11 2D", 0x2D7B574D, 0xA3AD9E7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.10 2D", 0x2D236D5D, 0xA380A27F),
new LoginKey("6.0.9 2D", 0x2EEB076D, 0xA263BE7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.8 2D", 0x2ED3257D, 0xA27F527F),
new LoginKey("6.0.7 2D", 0x2E9BC78D, 0xA25BFE7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.6 2D", 0x2E43ED9D, 0xA234227F),
new LoginKey("6.0.5 2D", 0x2E0B97AD, 0xA210DE7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.4 2D", 0x2FF385BD, 0xA2ED127F),
new LoginKey("6.0.3 2D", 0x2FBBB7CD, 0xA2C95E7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.2 2D", 0x2F63ADDD, 0xA2A5227F),
new LoginKey("6.0.1 2D", 0x2F2BA7ED, 0xA2817E7F),
new LoginKey("6.0.0 2D", 0x2f13a5fd, 0xa29d527f),
new LoginKey("5.0.9 2D", 0x2F6B076D, 0xA2A3BE7F),
new LoginKey("5.0.8 2D", 0x2F53257D, 0xA2BF527F),
new LoginKey("5.0.7 2D", 0x10140441, 0xA29BFE7F),
new LoginKey("5.0.6 2D", 0x2fc3ed9c, 0xa2f4227f),
new LoginKey("5.0.5 2D", 0x2f8b97ac, 0xa2d0de7f),
new LoginKey("5.0.4 2D", 0x2e7385bc, 0xa22d127f),
new LoginKey("5.0.3 2D", 0x2e3bb7cc, 0xa2095e7f),
new LoginKey("5.0.2 2D", 0x2EE3ADDD, 0xA265227F),
new LoginKey("5.0.1 2D", 0x2eaba7ec, 0xa2417e7f),
new LoginKey("5.0.0 2D", 0x2E93A5FC, 0xA25D527F),
new LoginKey("4.0.11 2D", 0x2C7B574C, 0xA32D9E7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.10 2D", 0x2C236D5C, 0xA300A27F),
new LoginKey("4.0.9 2D", 0x2FEB076C, 0xA2E3BE7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.8 2D", 0x2FD3257C, 0xA2FF527F),
new LoginKey("4.0.7 2D", 0x2F9BC78D, 0xA2DBFE7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.6 2D", 0x2F43ED9C, 0xA2B4227F),
new LoginKey("4.0.5 2D", 0x2F0B97AC, 0xA290DE7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.4 2D", 0x2EF385BC, 0xA26D127F),
new LoginKey("4.0.3 2D", 0x2EBBB7CC, 0xA2495E7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.2 2D", 0x2E63ADDC, 0xA225227F),
new LoginKey("4.0.1 2D", 0x2E2BA7EC, 0xA2017E7F),
new LoginKey("4.0.0 2D", 0x2E13A5FC, 0xA21D527F),
new LoginKey("3.0.8 2D", 0x2C53257C, 0xA33F527F),
new LoginKey("3.0.7 2D", 0x2C1BC78C, 0xA31BFE7F),
new LoginKey("3.0.6 2D", 0x2CC3ED9C, 0xA374227F),
new LoginKey("3.0.5 2D", 0x2C8B97AC, 0xA350DE7F),
new LoginKey("3.0.4 2D", 0x2D7385BD, 0xA3AD127F),
new LoginKey("3.0.3 2D", 0x2D3BB7CD, 0xA3895E7F),
new LoginKey("3.0.2 2D", 0x2DE3ADDD, 0xA3E5227F),
new LoginKey("3.0.1 2D", 0x2DABA7ED, 0xA3C17E7F),
new LoginKey("3.0.0 2D", 0x2D93A5FD, 0xA3DD527F),
This is a fix found by someone elseView attachment 4365
Hello, how to modify this area is transparent, you can see the working with text!
NetState ns = m.NetState;
if( ns.IsKRClient ) {
AddButton(x + 1, y, 2435, 2436, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
else {
AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
Hey !
I have been able to merge the modifications for Enhanced Client support (see patch txt files in this post). It seems to be working
I just had to modify RaceDefinitions.cs according to what I have found on the net
Here are the results !
I still need to test it out on long term ... but I have just launched it on my Test Center, and it seems to be working. Now I am able to create a character with Enhanced Client (for example)
EDIT : updated with Publish 54 version
Had to merge the files just replacing them caused all the problems i had, i also needed msvcr71.dll to connect to my server.Using a fresh copy of servuo with up54 and i attempted to install the enhanced client support. Upon compiling i got these errors. See the screenshot below. Any help would be appreciated or a point in the direction of what i need to do.
did u check to see if you had msvcr71.dll, if your running windows 7,8,or 10 u probably dont have this.I got a question on this I got it all installed using uo saloader but when I click login with enhanced client consol outputs the msg encryption check waiting why wont it let it go though
Hey guys! i'm new here! everything ok? i'm having a weird error here... and i don't know how to fix. I got the missing string error, and after merge the files on this post i got this error when compiling!
It's a fresh server, latest release, no custom scripts!
I've tested on the latest enhanced client, and on version ... both got the missing string error on npcs!
I'll be very grateful if someone can help me!
Compile Server for Windows
Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
Não foi possível encontrar C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe
C:\ServUO-master>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /win32ico
n:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\servuo.ico" /r:"C:\ServUO-master\Ultima.dll" /target:
exe /out:"C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe" /recurse:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\*.cs" /
d:ServUO /d:NEWTIMERS /nowarn:0618 /debug /nologo /optimize /unsafe
Server\Item.cs(1034,12): error CS0103: The name 'OpenUOSDK' does not exist in
the current context
Server\Items\SecureTradeContainer.cs(114,70): error CS1061:
'Server.Network.NetState' does not contain a definition for
'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method 'NewSecureTrading' accepting
a first argument of type 'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1418,48): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_Switches' and no extension method
'_Switches' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump' could
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1436,44): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_TextEntries' and no extension method
'_TextEntries' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Server\Main.cs(189,64): error CS1061: 'Server.Expansion' does not contain a
definition for 'TOL' and no extension method 'TOL' accepting a first
argument of type 'Server.Expansion' could be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(34,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(35,55): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(66,46): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(97,51): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(202,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(207,60): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(210,63): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(212,62): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\Skills.cs(328,38): error CS1061: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a
definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method
'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
Server\Item.cs(1034,12): error CS0103: The name 'OpenUOSDK' does not exist in
the current context
Server\Items\SecureTradeContainer.cs(114,70): error CS1061:
'Server.Network.NetState' does not contain a definition for
'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method 'NewSecureTrading' accepting
a first argument of type 'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1418,48): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_Switches' and no extension method
'_Switches' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump' could
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1436,44): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_TextEntries' and no extension method
'_TextEntries' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Server\Main.cs(189,64): error CS1061: 'Server.Expansion' does not contain a
definition for 'TOL' and no extension method 'TOL' accepting a first
argument of type 'Server.Expansion' could be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(34,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(35,55): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(66,46): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(97,51): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(202,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(207,60): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(210,63): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(212,62): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\Skills.cs(328,38): error CS1061: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a
definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method
'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Press any key to continue . . .
I ran into that one sometimes. What I did anytime stuff disappeared was click to change it to list view, then back to grid, and the stuff would normally reappear. There were other instances too, like every time I opened a MIB - the SOS would be invisible, or under something in a stack (?) but not visible. Go to list view and move it, go back to grid view... kind of odd, but not a big problem. .Was the issue with stackable items in a container fixed? When you drag and create a new pile from the original pile, the original pile disappears
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