I don't know why, the compilation fails, no EXE files! Oh my God, I'm gonna crack, this is China, at 2 o'clock in the morning!
Variation I have modified files back under the program now or text is missingupload_2015-9-17_17-28-47.png

On my side I hope I can get the modified files script to help thanks


  • RaceDefinitions.cs
    15.2 KB · Views: 16
  • Container.cs
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  • VirtualHair.cs
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  • MessagePump.cs
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  • RaceDefinitions.cs
    15.2 KB · Views: 7
  • Container.cs
    42.8 KB · Views: 4
  • VirtualHair.cs
    4.7 KB · Views: 3
  • MessagePump.cs
    7.5 KB · Views: 5
  • NetState.cs
    30.9 KB · Views: 5
Then it continued to send


  • Packets.cs
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  • ClientVersion.cs
    6.1 KB · Views: 6
  • Effects.cs
    12 KB · Views: 6
  • EventSink.cs
    45.2 KB · Views: 6
  • ExpansionInfo.cs
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  • Item.cs
    116 KB · Views: 6
  • Mobile.cs
    268.4 KB · Views: 5
  • Race.cs
    5.3 KB · Views: 7
hey found a way around most the issues on here without having to change files ect ect ect got mine working all i did was loaded the Servuo.sln file in Visual Studio 2015, set it to debug and recompiled it yes it will throw warnings at you if you have the XML and vitanex core installed but nothing that will hinder the games performance or operation, dunno if it will compile on a custom server but i know on a clean Servuo-Questmod-master copy i had no issues other then some warnings when i compiled threw VS 2015, hope this helps you guys out spent 5 hrs working on the issue to figure it out :)
Hi. I just started with C#.. making server seems good for C# learning.. so.. I already downloaded ServUO + all server files and scripts manualy merged with old files, but I have one error in method GetRacialSkillBonus.

Error    'Mobile' does not contain a definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method 'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Mobile' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    Server    C:\...\ServUO-test\Server\Skills.cs    (Line 319)
Error    'PlayerMobile.GetRacialSkillBonus(SkillName)': no suitable method found to override    Scripts    C:\Users\Mick\Desktop\Valinor - 3DTest\ServUO-test\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs    (Line 2592)

also using latest versions of files here and asdf0523's files in other thread .. fixing some other errors in packetHandlers etc..
I provided the wrong file, hope I can get help, if you also need to ask him to file, tell me, please, thank you.

- Using Visual Studio 2015 Community

My goal is make server for my friends. I tried make Enhanced Client working.. everything looks ok.. but in compiling I have this one error.. Is there help in some way from u guys? sry for my english.. :)
Ok, everything looks now ok. Then I added encryption... Classic client works with no issues, I guess. Problem is with Enhanced Client which is priority number one. I use latest version UOSALoader2.3 from


I set latest versions I used in both clients in Encryption/Configuration.cs using for Classic and for Enhanced Client, like that:

namespace Server.Customs.Encryption
    public class Configuration
        public static bool Enabled = true;

        public static bool AllowUnencryptedClients = false;

        public static LoginKey[] LoginKeys = new LoginKey[]
            new LoginKey("", 0x25932F1D, 0xA7B3A27F), // Latest 2D Patch
            new LoginKey("", 0x24132F1D, 0xA773A27F), // Latest EC Patch

            new LoginKey("7.0.35 2D",       0x283235CD, 0xA1345E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.34 2D",       0x28EAAFDD, 0xA157227F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.33 2D",       0x28A325ED, 0xA1767E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.32 2D",       0x289BA7FD, 0xA169527F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.31 2D",       0x295C260D, 0xA197BE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.30 2D",       0x2904AC1D, 0xA1BCA27F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.29 2D",       0x29CD362D, 0xA1D59E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.28 2D",       0x29B5843D, 0xA1EA127F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.27 2D",       0x2A7E164D, 0xA0081E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.26 2D",       0x2A26EC5D, 0xA019A27F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.25 2D",       0x2AEF466D, 0xA07F3E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.24 2D",       0x2AD7247D, 0xA065527F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.23 2D",       0x2A9F868D, 0xA0437E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.22 2D",       0x2B406C9D, 0xA0A1227F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.21 2D",       0x2B08D6AD, 0xA0875E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.20 2D",       0x2BF084BD, 0xA0FD127F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.19 2D",       0x2BB976CD, 0xA0DBDE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.18 2D",       0x2C612CDD, 0xA328227F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.17 2D",       0x2C29E6ED, 0xA30EFE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.16 2D",       0x2C11A4FD, 0xA313527F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.15 2D",       0x2CDA670D, 0xA3723E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.14 2D",         0x2C822D1D, 0xA35DA27F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.13 2D",         0x2D4AF72D, 0xA3B71E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.12 2D",         0x2D32853D, 0xA38A127F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.11 2D",         0x2DFB574D, 0xA3ED9E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.10 2D",         0x2DA36D5D, 0xA3C0A27F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.9 2D",        0x2E6B076D, 0xA223BE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.8 2D",        0x2E53257D, 0xA23F527F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.7 2D",        0x2E1BC78D, 0xA21BFE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.6 2D",        0x2EC3ED9D, 0xA274227F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.5 2D",        0x2E8B97AD, 0xA250DE7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.4 2D",         0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.3 2D",         0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.2 2D",         0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.1 2D",         0x2FABA7ED, 0xA2C17E7F),
            new LoginKey("7.0.0 2D",         0x2F93A5FD, 0xA2DD527F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.14 2D",         0x2C022D1D, 0xA31DA27F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.13 2D",         0x2DCAF72D, 0xA3F71E7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.12 2D",         0x2DB2853D, 0xA3CA127F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.11 2D",         0x2D7B574D, 0xA3AD9E7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.10 2D",         0x2D236D5D, 0xA380A27F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.9 2D",         0x2EEB076D, 0xA263BE7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.8 2D",         0x2ED3257D, 0xA27F527F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.7 2D",         0x2E9BC78D, 0xA25BFE7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.6 2D",         0x2E43ED9D, 0xA234227F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.5 2D",         0x2E0B97AD, 0xA210DE7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.4 2D",         0x2FF385BD, 0xA2ED127F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.3 2D",         0x2FBBB7CD, 0xA2C95E7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.2 2D",         0x2F63ADDD, 0xA2A5227F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.1 2D",         0x2F2BA7ED, 0xA2817E7F),
            new LoginKey("6.0.0 2D",         0x2f13a5fd, 0xa29d527f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.9 2D",         0x2F6B076D, 0xA2A3BE7F),
            new LoginKey("5.0.8 2D",         0x2F53257D, 0xA2BF527F),
            new LoginKey("5.0.7 2D",         0x10140441, 0xA29BFE7F),
            new LoginKey("5.0.6 2D",         0x2fc3ed9c, 0xa2f4227f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.5 2D",         0x2f8b97ac, 0xa2d0de7f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.4 2D",         0x2e7385bc, 0xa22d127f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.3 2D",         0x2e3bb7cc, 0xa2095e7f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.2 2D",         0x2EE3ADDD, 0xA265227F),
            new LoginKey("5.0.1 2D",         0x2eaba7ec, 0xa2417e7f),
            new LoginKey("5.0.0 2D",         0x2E93A5FC, 0xA25D527F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.11 2D",         0x2C7B574C, 0xA32D9E7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.10 2D",         0x2C236D5C, 0xA300A27F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.9 2D",         0x2FEB076C, 0xA2E3BE7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.8 2D",         0x2FD3257C, 0xA2FF527F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.7 2D",         0x2F9BC78D, 0xA2DBFE7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.6 2D",         0x2F43ED9C, 0xA2B4227F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.5 2D",         0x2F0B97AC, 0xA290DE7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.4 2D",         0x2EF385BC, 0xA26D127F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.3 2D",         0x2EBBB7CC, 0xA2495E7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.2 2D",         0x2E63ADDC, 0xA225227F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.1 2D",         0x2E2BA7EC, 0xA2017E7F),
            new LoginKey("4.0.0 2D",         0x2E13A5FC, 0xA21D527F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.8 2D",         0x2C53257C, 0xA33F527F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.7 2D",         0x2C1BC78C, 0xA31BFE7F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.6 2D",         0x2CC3ED9C, 0xA374227F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.5 2D",         0x2C8B97AC, 0xA350DE7F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.4 2D",         0x2D7385BD, 0xA3AD127F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.3 2D",         0x2D3BB7CD, 0xA3895E7F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.2 2D",         0x2DE3ADDD, 0xA3E5227F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.1 2D",         0x2DABA7ED, 0xA3C17E7F),
            new LoginKey("3.0.0 2D",         0x2D93A5FD, 0xA3DD527F),

Added latest patch versions to both clients...

But work only CLassic Client.. for Enhanced Client I have this issue and I can't login
Encryption - check waiting.png

Why? Can u help me someone?
View attachment 4365

Hello, how to modify this area is transparent, you can see the working with text!
This is a fix found by someone else

find the file: Scripts\Services\Toolbar\Gumps\Toolbar.cs

line 75: AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
replace with: AddButton(x + 1, y, 2435, 2436, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

this fixes it for EC client, but breaks it for classic client.
few quick edits fixes that problem though...

in the same file listed above change: public ToolbarGump(ToolbarInfo info)
to: public ToolbarGump(ToolbarInfo info, Mobile m)

then change the line mentioned above to this:
NetState ns = m.NetState;
if( ns.IsKRClient ) {
                    AddButton(x + 1, y, 2435, 2436, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                else {
                    AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

go to the file Toolbar\Core\ToolbarCore.cs
change line 63: m.SendGump(new ToolbarGump(module.ToolbarInfo));
to: m.SendGump(new ToolbarGump(module.ToolbarInfo, m));

go to file Toolbar\Gumps\ToolbarEdit.cs
change line: m.SendGump(new ToolbarGump(module.ToolbarInfo));
to: m.SendGump(new ToolbarGump(module.ToolbarInfo, m));

and now it should act normally in both EC and classic client
Hey !

I have been able to merge the modifications for Enhanced Client support (see patch txt files in this post). It seems to be working :)
I just had to modify RaceDefinitions.cs according to what I have found on the net ;)

Here are the results !

I still need to test it out on long term ... but I have just launched it on my Test Center, and it seems to be working. Now I am able to create a character with Enhanced Client (for example)

EDIT : updated with Publish 54 version

Using a fresh copy of servuo with up54 and i attempted to install the enhanced client support. Upon compiling i got these errors. See the screenshot below. Any help would be appreciated or a point in the direction of what i need to do.


  • servuo enhanced client compile errors.jpg
    servuo enhanced client compile errors.jpg
    461.9 KB · Views: 40
Using a fresh copy of servuo with up54 and i attempted to install the enhanced client support. Upon compiling i got these errors. See the screenshot below. Any help would be appreciated or a point in the direction of what i need to do.
Had to merge the files just replacing them caused all the problems i had, i also needed msvcr71.dll to connect to my server.
I got a question on this I got it all installed using uo saloader but when I click login with enhanced client consol outputs the msg encryption check waiting why wont it let it go though
did u check to see if you had msvcr71.dll, if your running windows 7,8,or 10 u probably dont have this.
Hey guys! i'm new here! everything ok? i'm having a weird error here... and i don't know how to fix. I got the missing string error, and after merge the files on this post i got this error when compiling!
It's a fresh server, latest release, no custom scripts!
I've tested on the latest enhanced client, and on version ... both got the missing string error on npcs!
I'll be very grateful if someone can help me!

Compile Server for Windows

Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
Não foi possível encontrar C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe

C:\ServUO-master>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /win32ico
n:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\servuo.ico" /r:"C:\ServUO-master\Ultima.dll" /target:
exe /out:"C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe" /recurse:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\*.cs" /
d:ServUO /d:NEWTIMERS /nowarn:0618 /debug /nologo /optimize /unsafe
Server\Item.cs(1034,12): error CS0103: The name 'OpenUOSDK' does not exist in
the current context
Server\Items\SecureTradeContainer.cs(114,70): error CS1061:
'Server.Network.NetState' does not contain a definition for
'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method 'NewSecureTrading' accepting
a first argument of type 'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1418,48): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_Switches' and no extension method
'_Switches' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump' could
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1436,44): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_TextEntries' and no extension method
'_TextEntries' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Server\Main.cs(189,64): error CS1061: 'Server.Expansion' does not contain a
definition for 'TOL' and no extension method 'TOL' accepting a first
argument of type 'Server.Expansion' could be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(34,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(35,55): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(66,46): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(97,51): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(202,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(207,60): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(210,63): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(212,62): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\Skills.cs(328,38): error CS1061: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a
definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method
'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly


Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
Hey guys! i'm new here! everything ok? i'm having a weird error here... and i don't know how to fix. I got the missing string error, and after merge the files on this post i got this error when compiling!
It's a fresh server, latest release, no custom scripts!
I've tested on the latest enhanced client, and on version ... both got the missing string error on npcs!
I'll be very grateful if someone can help me!

Compile Server for Windows

Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
Não foi possível encontrar C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe

C:\ServUO-master>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /win32ico
n:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\servuo.ico" /r:"C:\ServUO-master\Ultima.dll" /target:
exe /out:"C:\ServUO-master\ServUO.exe" /recurse:"C:\ServUO-master\Server\*.cs" /
d:ServUO /d:NEWTIMERS /nowarn:0618 /debug /nologo /optimize /unsafe
Server\Item.cs(1034,12): error CS0103: The name 'OpenUOSDK' does not exist in
the current context
Server\Items\SecureTradeContainer.cs(114,70): error CS1061:
'Server.Network.NetState' does not contain a definition for
'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method 'NewSecureTrading' accepting
a first argument of type 'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1418,48): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_Switches' and no extension method
'_Switches' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump' could
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1436,44): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
does not contain a definition for '_TextEntries' and no extension method
'_TextEntries' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
Server\Main.cs(189,64): error CS1061: 'Server.Expansion' does not contain a
definition for 'TOL' and no extension method 'TOL' accepting a first
argument of type 'Server.Expansion' could be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(34,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(35,55): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(66,46): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(97,51): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(202,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(207,60): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\SecureTrade.cs(210,63): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not
contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method
'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Server\SecureTrade.cs(212,62): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist
in the current context
Server\Skills.cs(328,38): error CS1061: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a
definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method
'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly


Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .

If you read through the 8 pages of post on this topic, I bet you will find the answer ;)
i try'd every method on this topic, still getting the compile error! Also try'd regnak's packets.cs edit on page 5... and missing string everywhere !
can someone point me where do i start? i'm still a apprendice on this scripting thing! sorry for the trouble guys
Last edited:
I just downloaded the new ServUO repo, and added the files from the EC pack... It will not compile. Tons of errors. Have there been too many updates to the repo for these EC files to work?

Server\Item.cs(1034,12): error CS0103: The name 'OpenUOSDK' does not exist in

  the current context

Server\Items\SecureTradeContainer.cs(114,70): error CS1061:

  'Server.Network.NetState' does not contain a definition for

  'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method 'NewSecureTrading' accepting

  a first argument of type 'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are

  you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1418,48): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'

  does not contain a definition for '_Switches' and no extension method

  '_Switches' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump' could

  be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs(1436,44): error CS1061: 'Server.Gumps.Gump'

  does not contain a definition for '_TextEntries' and no extension method

  '_TextEntries' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.Gump'

  could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly


Server\Main.cs(189,64): error CS1061: 'Server.Expansion' does not contain a

  definition for 'TOL' and no extension method 'TOL' accepting a first

  argument of type 'Server.Expansion' could be found (are you missing a

  using directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\SecureTrade.cs(34,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not

  contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method

  'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type

  'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using

  directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\SecureTrade.cs(35,55): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not

  contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method

  'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type

  'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using

  directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\SecureTrade.cs(66,46): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist

  in the current context

Server\SecureTrade.cs(97,51): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist

  in the current context

Server\SecureTrade.cs(202,61): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not

  contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method

  'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type

  'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using

  directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\SecureTrade.cs(207,60): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist

  in the current context

Server\SecureTrade.cs(210,63): error CS1061: 'Server.Network.NetState' does not

  contain a definition for 'NewSecureTrading' and no extension method

  'NewSecureTrading' accepting a first argument of type

  'Server.Network.NetState' could be found (are you missing a using

  directive or an assembly reference?)

Server\SecureTrade.cs(212,62): error CS0103: The name 'TradeFlag' does not exist

  in the current context

Server\Skills.cs(328,38): error CS1061: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a

  definition for 'GetRacialSkillBonus' and no extension method

  'GetRacialSkillBonus' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile'

  could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly



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For the most part, the files will need to be manually merged.

These files are using an older copy of ServUo than the copy that Dragon Slayer forked to do EC Support.
And so some of things that are included in these files are no longer in the Repo, that's what causing the errors.
I knew something was fishy... most of the errors are in files that were not even modified for EC... (Server\SecureTrade.cs and Server\Skills.cs)

Bummer, I was hoping to have a working base for EC and then bring in some of DragonSlayers changes.
Although Dragon Slayer maintained a repo of the changes, I wouldn't go so far as calling them Dragon Slayers changes..
I personally made many of those fixes.
Well, my apologies. He released it so I thought it was his :)

The only reason I switched to ServUO was for the EC support... but it seems to be gone now. Bummer. I just like to see someone working on it. It is certainly above my paygrade...
Oh, not a problem.. just wishing to keep the facts straight so to speak..
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What part of EC are you trying to get working? I managed to get EC working about 2 years ago with quite some ease. Are you referring to anything EC specific?
Let's see I think the Face selected saving to the (paperdoll and status bar), and player written books were the only couple issues that hadn't been resolved in the current public source.
Was the issue with stackable items in a container fixed? When you drag and create a new pile from the original pile, the original pile disappears
Fraz that repo they used for the ec merge only had your container fix I didn't add the face changes so yes I did more then maintain it.

I say zero downed did a hell of a job working on fixes as well only fix that was done to that repo from fraz was a container fix the face changes he started never got added in.

status bars are not broken either on players just admin chars never could figure that one out. but I have a clue why they are.
Was the issue with stackable items in a container fixed? When you drag and create a new pile from the original pile, the original pile disappears
I ran into that one sometimes. What I did anytime stuff disappeared was click to change it to list view, then back to grid, and the stuff would normally reappear. There were other instances too, like every time I opened a MIB - the SOS would be invisible, or under something in a stack (?) but not visible. Go to list view and move it, go back to grid view... kind of odd, but not a big problem. .
What are you talking about Dragon Slayer,
Most of those things were working in Shard Engine that you used to start all your emu.

I've seen your changes ,
Like when I fixed the toolbar , all you did was change the button gump number so it was different.
Thats not coding! LOL!
You can still see the original number, as all you did was move it to the end of the line and remark it out.

So you're saying the Face selected at startup appears on all the bars? Huh What?

On the other note of whatever it is you are talking about..
I'm also the one who told you why your status bars weren't showing values on admins! LOL..
7 days later here you are pretending you somehow know this without me telling you why.

You have a clue.. I doubt it..

Have fun by yourself.. good luck getting anyone to help you, when you try to take all the credit all the time.

Hi Zerodowned, ,could you please let me know which fixes you were responsible for.
I'll make a list of who did what right now. Yes, I fixed that issue.

Right before I add it all back correctly without the dozens of mistakes Dragon Slayer added copying and pasting it.
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@Whoever you are.

I don't care what you think..as whoever you are appeared just in time to get involved in this.

I'm still waiting on those fixes for EC..it was so easy remember..
Where are the face and book fixes?

Maybe you shouldn't waste time here , when you should be posting that already.

I spent the last 3 days and endless hours on another feature I am giving to the ServUO community.
What did you do? Nothing?
Please don't tell me about wasting time, until you do something more than talk.
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