Sure thing, tell me if you find more weird stuff :p
I mean I tested it but other people test it differently
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Server.Items.SmithingPressEastAddon' to type 'Server.Items.BaseTool'.
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem.CompleteCraft(Int32 quality, Boolean makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, IUsesRemaining tool, CustomCraft customCraft)
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem.CraftItemTimer.OnTick()
at Server.Timer.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Got these crash after I placed the addon in town and had a regural player try to craft a item from the smithmenu and server crashed.
[doublepost=1475808445][/doublepost]Never mind on that crash was my groof up didn't get the merge complete disregard system is working 1000% good so far.
Well the first part had me worried befor I saw the second message ;)
Glad it works for you now
Sure thing, I also tried to make it rather open to have it work with other items + other craftsystems.
Do you mind me asking what custom stuff you do with it ^^?
I have custom painting crafting witch brewing ect so I made it where there is machine that will take the tools for charges and can craft from them.
Cant seem to find infos about them but I checked the files and found the alchemy and cooking addons, guess I will add them in at some point ;)
Did you encounter any trouble? I mean do I need to take more than 5 minutes to add them? :p
you made it simple enough should not take long. but don't be like me and have the ids backwards LOL
[doublepost=1476232888][/doublepost]Tasanar its his system and I'm sure he will get to it I just letting him know they added them. And 90% of my shard is custom now.
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No need to apologize.

I added them locally after a tiny amount of fiddling thanks to the consumeres function .. :/ but I am not confident to release it yet.

- There are no clilocs so who knows how they will be named.
- The positions of each part is an unkown to me (just the alchemy machine? table? .. )
- The tiles are not blocking movement, so you can simply walk through them.

They are in the files early but they are not done with them. Unless anyone can confirm that they can actually already get them.
I mean I did not find any publish note mentioning them either.
I modified the above script so it does not require modifying any existing files, it's untested as i discovered my art.mul is too old or client 509 wont show them correctly. but if someone wants to test its a simple drop it in and add one of the deeds. no replacing any existing files.

Based off the State 05.10.16 revision.


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I just had a quick gaze over it but I cant test it atm. I like the idea but you will still need further edits.

- If the uses are at 0 the tool would get deleted wich would result in causing null pointers.
- The BBQSmoker needs an edit so it also is seen as a heat source so you can cook on it.
- If I remember right there was a place where you had to edit so that you could get the context menu in houses too.
ah your right too, should have known it wasn't that simple.
I cant use these anyway so I wont go any further but maybe it will provide some inspiration or something as without the BaseTool changes the amount of modified files would be greatly reduced.
I hope you don't mind I did this but, I figured a way to get these into runuo 2.5 as deco items. The toggle still works for animations but you can't use them to craft with (obviously). To get this done just drop the addons folder into customs, take out the two baseaddondeed.cs and baseaddoncontainerdeed.cs.

Then comment out this section in SpecialVeteranAddonComponent.cs
/* public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
if (!from.InRange(this, 2))
else if (!from.CanSee(this))
else if (SpAddon.IsAccessibleTo(from))
CraftSystem system = SpAddon.CraftSystem;
CraftContext context = system.GetContext(from);
from.SendGump(new CraftGump(from, system, Addon as IUsesRemaining, null));

and change "VIP" in the SpecialVeteranAddonContextMenuEntrys.cs (line 24 I think) to Counselor. Then you can add them to the veteran rewards table or what ever you want from there.

Again, if this is inappropriate, I apologize and please remove this post.

Thanks for this though, it made getting these on to my shard as deco rewards super easy!
No thats all good and a really clever way. Didnt think about doing it this way :)
Still glad they helped you out :)

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