I hope you don't mind I did this but, I figured a way to get these into runuo 2.5 as deco items. The toggle still works for animations but you can't use them to craft with (obviously). To get this done just drop the addons folder into customs, take out the two baseaddondeed.cs and baseaddoncontainerdeed.cs.
Then comment out this section in SpecialVeteranAddonComponent.cs
/* public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
if (!from.InRange(this, 2))
else if (!from.CanSee(this))
else if (SpAddon.IsAccessibleTo(from))
CraftSystem system = SpAddon.CraftSystem;
CraftContext context = system.GetContext(from);
from.SendGump(new CraftGump(from, system, Addon as IUsesRemaining, null));
and change "VIP" in the SpecialVeteranAddonContextMenuEntrys.cs (line 24 I think) to Counselor. Then you can add them to the veteran rewards table or what ever you want from there.
Again, if this is inappropriate, I apologize and please remove this post.
Thanks for this though, it made getting these on to my shard as deco rewards super easy!