Hello guys :) Its my first post, so HI!
I'm actually struggling with customizing paragon.cs for my shard needs.
What i want to do is: having paragon spawn in other facet than ishenar with diffrent art drops and diffrent paragon hue.

I just started my journey with scripting and id like to know if its possible to do (add in same file) and maybe some tips how to do it.
Right now i can freerly change facet/arts/hue but id like to have old ishenar paragons with those new.

So, is there any way to do something like that but to make it work :p ?

        public static Type[] Artifacts = new Type[]
            typeof(GoldBricks), typeof(PhillipsWoodenSteed),
            typeof(AlchemistsBauble), typeof(ArcticDeathDealer),
            typeof(BlazeOfDeath), typeof(BowOfTheJukaKing),
            typeof(BurglarsBandana), typeof(CavortingClub),
            typeof(EnchantedTitanLegBone), typeof(GwennosHarp),
            typeof(IolosLute), typeof(LunaLance),
            typeof(NightsKiss), typeof(NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow),
            typeof(OrcishVisage), typeof(PolarBearMask),
            typeof(ShieldOfInvulnerability), typeof(StaffOfPower),
            typeof(VioletCourage), typeof(HeartOfTheLion),
            typeof(WrathOfTheDryad), typeof(PixieSwatter),
        public static int Hue = 0x501;// Paragon hue
        public static Type[] Artifacts = new Type[]
            typeof for some other artifacts of my choosing
        public static int Hue = 0x123;// New Paragon hue
+ rest of the code

I want to keep everything about paragons (rate of respawn, % for arts, bonuses for stat/skills and more) and same [paragon] title with creatures name.
I hope this is right place to post such thing
You would practically have to copy Paragon.cs, and modify the whole file. Or maybe if/else check the map on each function, and have Ilshenar be the same as normal, and adjust the settings for Felucca.
Add Maps to the list using Map Objects.
Adding Faucet Maps to Paragons:
public static Map[] Maps = new Map[]                   // Maps that paragons will spawn on

Adding Items (See highlight, I add a generic Katana and Cookies)
Adding Items:
        public static Type[] Artifacts = new Type[]
            typeof(GoldBricks), typeof(PhillipsWoodenSteed),
            typeof(AlchemistsBauble), typeof(ArcticDeathDealer),
            typeof(BlazeOfDeath), typeof(BowOfTheJukaKing),
            typeof(BurglarsBandana), typeof(CavortingClub),
            typeof(EnchantedTitanLegBone), typeof(GwennosHarp),
            typeof(IolosLute), typeof(LunaLance),
            typeof(NightsKiss), typeof(NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow),
            typeof(OrcishVisage), typeof(PolarBearMask),
            typeof(ShieldOfInvulnerability), typeof(StaffOfPower),
            typeof(VioletCourage), typeof(HeartOfTheLion),
            typeof(WrathOfTheDryad), typeof(PixieSwatter),

Change the HUE change the Hex / Color Code value. Here are some nice hues UO Hues.
Change the HUE:
public static int Hue = 0x501;// Paragon hue

Active Shards


Total amount