greetings all - this thread has gone quiet because we moved the development of the server to private channels. The server is running beautifully and it's nice to play with others. There have been numerous changes and additions (offline skill study books just got added which let your char learn skills while offline albeit slowly). Crashes and bugfixes have also been made.

Updates here will be rarer, as the development has moved to the server. Server source/scripts is available to anyone - this is an open project, but it just takes time to update servers and keep this resource here up to date.

this is the latest changelog for the server (changes not yet reflected in the dropbox)

May 14
- Server is up!
- made some changes to randomencounters, too many healing dragons spawning
- added townhomes in the inn in the public tavern which can be rented out! great for new players.
- added new housing in sarth and south of britain - they are townhomes so you can rent them
- fixed bugs with the hitching post, should work correctly now. test it out in britain!
- added new hitching post to animal trainers
- changed AFK command so it no longer allows for your thirst and hunger to go down. [afk as long as you want now! (Thanks Gadget!)
- made changes to buildworld command (thanks Gadget!)
- (gamemaster) added a new [hue command! Check it out!
- added trash barrel near britain bank. No item decay means we have to be responsible with what we leave on ground
- added macro area to britain bank area - this is a safe place for a sacred activity, please don't bug people there.

May 16
- added ingot stones in the dread isles for those who don't like to mine
- added offline study books! These books allow you character to continue working a skill eve when offline. Note that macroing is still VERY MUCH quicker than using this method. books that max out at 75 skill can be bought at sarth library, books that max out at 100 can be found as rare drops in dungeon chests, and books that max out at 120 can be found in treasure maps chests!
I have to pull myself away from playing to take the time to stop my server just to update and it's a lot harder to do than it sounds! Thanks for the update.
I have to pull myself away from playing to take the time to stop my server just to update and it's a lot harder to do than it sounds! Thanks for the update.
heya, the dropbox files haven't been updated yet... the above is just on the server that we're hosting (and which you're welcome to join!). I"ll have an update in a bit - we are still making changes
Hi All following this thread - we've been busy updating the adventures server (online), that's why there hasn't been much activity here.

that being said, i updated the server to may 20th in the dropbox... i'm spending most of my time updating the online server for us to play on, so the offline players will have to see if they want to update or not. here is a list of changes

May 14
- Server is up!
- made some changes to randomencounters, too many healing dragons spawning
- added townhomes in the inn in the public tavern which can be rented out!  great for new players.
- added new housing in sarth and south of britain - they are townhomes so you can rent them
- fixed bugs with the hitching post, should work correctly now.  test it out in britain!
- added new hitching post to animal trainers
- changed AFK command so it no longer allows for your thirst and hunger to go down.  [afk as long as you want now!  (Thanks Gadget!)
- made changes to buildworld command (thanks Gadget!)
- (gamemaster) added a new [hue command! 
- added trash barrel near britain bank.  No item decay means we have to be responsible with what we leave on ground
- added macro area to britain bank area - this is a safe place for a sacred activity, please don't bug people there.

May 16
- added ingot stones in the dread isles for those who don't like to mine
- added offline study books!  These books allow you character to continue working a skill eve when offline.  Note that macroing is still VERY MUCH quicker than using this method.  books that max out at 75 skill can be bought at sarth library, books that max out at 100 can be found as rare drops in dungeon chests, and books that max out at 120 can be found in treasure maps chests!

May 18
- changed prices of studybooks, as well as drop rate and how gains were calculated.  gains were too easy how it was previously (these are meant to be hard to gain with)
- added pack grenades!  what are they?  you'll soon find out!
- added cussing for townspersons - they will now retort with ancient swears!  I will be adding more to these guys as time goes by
- fixed crash issues and general debug of scripts (thanks Gadget)
- added entrances for the common bank and common tavern in sarth bank/tavern... look for the doors on the walls.

May 20
- fixed crash ssues (thanks Gadget!)
- reds now have a chance to drop large amounts of gold, and a special rare armor set called the phoenix armor
- studybooks now have a 5% chance to disentigrate after use (so they don't last forever)
- reds will now heal/res a player that is criminal or has over 5 kills

May 21
- Major upgrade to the way blues and reds move, they move like players now when in combat! Warning, you can be chased down by a mounted red.
- did a balancing sweep of reds/blues to make them less invulnerable.  they are still hard, but can die now.
- blueguards will now only attack negative karma of -7500 or less (instead of -5000)
- red and blues will not carry less bandages, meaning you can wear them down quicker
- added some map features to sosaria
- fixed the pit - there were too many nimated lava tiles, that slowed down the client... cut that back considerably and now the area is smooth (and looks better)
- Player Vendors can now be placed anywhere!  Place them along roads or even in a city.
Hi All following this thread - we've been busy updating the adventures server (online), that's why there hasn't been much activity here.
- Player Vendors can now be placed anywhere! Place them along roads or even in a city.[/CODE]

Hi Finaltwist, is there a way to enable the item decay?
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SARTH ABBEY mage shop, I went on the second floor and now i'm suck. Something block the path when I try to get down to floor 0.
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yes this has been fixed in the latest map changes (as well as a bunch of other fixes adn changes) if you really want to play solo i'll see about updating the client and server today. also, in that building you can just go down the other set of stairs (there are 2)

As far as item decay, yes, there should be two runuo.exe's - use the one with itemdecay and set the time in myserversettings.
yes this has been fixed in the latest map changes (as well as a bunch of other fixes adn changes) if you really want to play solo i'll see about updating the client and server today. also, in that building you can just go down the other set of stairs (there are 2)

As far as item decay, yes, there should be two runuo.exe's - use the one with itemdecay and set the time in myserversettings.

Thank you!
However I found only one exe in the server folder. Where is the second?
just give me about half an hour, i'll have the latest update for the solo play up.
the other exe should be called runuo.exe.withitemdecay
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okay... i've updated the dropbox with the latest version (might take 15 minutes to finish upload). if i were you, i'd backup everything, then download the server, than copy the files in the FILES directory into the classicuo directory and overwrite.

also, if i were you, i'd join the online server because its much more fun to play with a few good people :D
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also, you won't be getting the full changes unless you use the save that's provided.
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just updating on progress being made towards new changes... there have been some major overhaul of the AI - and mobile movement. it's fantastic.

here's what was implemented on the online server:

May 22
- Improvements to the Henchment system - you can now command them to "run", "walk" or "speed"
- New improved archer2AI added - will be tested (archer mobiles now try and stay away from the person they are attacking) not added to any mobiles yet as still testing.

May 25
- Improvements to AI thanks to Gadget! Blues and reds can now use necromancy, bushido, etc. We have integratedOmniAI to the game.
- fixed bugs and other issues.
- tweaked offline skillbooks and removed some that didn't apply (spellweaving, imbuing)
- there weren't enough reasons to go in the jungles in sosaria... none at all actually.. so i added a rare tamable - the white panther. has a rare chance to appear. if you see regular panthers kill them to see if a rare white panther spawns in large jungle area (near Widow's keep, west of sarth)
- the animals that spawn are pretty useless and you just ignore them, right? like a bear or a dog.... well, now every animal will have a chance to spawn as a "greater" version of the original animal. these animals will be tougher, and sell for more when tamed. They will also provide twice the resources, making resource collecting more challenging.
- added tons of content in the background - will put in the world as time permits (items, systems, quests)
more changes coming down the line! will do a server/client update soonish (maybe this weekend)

May 26
- more "greater" animals entered in the spawn system, and they give twice the amount of resources.
- number of followers is now intel-based.  each 25 of int will get you more followers.  Also, vet+taming+lore+herding skills (all together) will get you more followers.  Max followers is 10 (at 120xvet/lore/taming/herding and 150 int).  I aimed for an average player to have 3-5 followers.
- fixed a few balancing issues in the pit.  Some players were taking advantage of the prisoner spawning there... also bloodsuck can no longer be lured out of the pit area.

MAy 28
- added rotating merchant stalls in sarth plazza... these cool addons change every day and have different vendors everyday, so check them out - a one stop shop of sorts!
- tweaked how the number of followers is calculated.  now, players will have their base followers set by int (6 max at 150 int) then have a bonus for herding skill and a bonus for taming/lore/vet.
- tweaked how pet experience is calculated.  now a chicken can be trained and a dragon can be trained and experience needed scales with the creature.
- MAJOR changes to how playervendors work... now they take into account attribute intensities!  So if you have a sword with 50% max damage increase ,it will sell for more than a sword with 10% DMG incr.  its possible to sell really high end items now for 30-70k on your playervendor.  Thanks Gadget!
Update to Odyssey today - working on merging both now
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liking the changes so far, lots of cleaning up, factions are gone, obsolete mobiles are gone... looking good!
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okay, we have an experimental version of the merge ready - map changes (decorations) are all taken except for sosaria. basically had to choose between no-road sosaria with improved city decorations or our sosaria with the pit and sarth, roads, etc. other maps are all updated however.

The merged version is likely unstable so not sure when we will be making the switch.

on a side note, gadget has been working on his playervendor... its a VERY in depth system now that takes into account number of properties and intensities as well - his system is amazing and allows for you to place player vendors (anywhere in the world i might add) and they will sell your things on a random basis. allows you to sell your dungeon loot and figuring out what the price is is quite fun in itself.
Hi Finaltwist, could you update the repository for the offline version (old sosaria)? the dropbox folder is still dated may 24. thankyou!
well, i can update it to the may 28th version , or do you want the testing merged version with odyssey?
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okay i'll upload the latest version (the version running on the online server now). the merged odyssey version hasn't really been tested.

if you want to keep your save, do

[spawngen remove

dropbox is shitty and wants me to update and upgrade and pay so im using google drive. you can get the latest version here. the ultima-adventures changelog lists all the changes.

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In case you want to try the updated odyssey, here is the merged version. It's not been tested yet.
you will need to download the odyssey client and overwrite the files in the UOCLASSIC directory with the files int he FILE director (copy the files from FILES to CLASSICUO and overwrite)

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oh sorry, wasn't sure how to use google drive, you can use this link to access the may 28th server:

and this one to access the merged
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found a better way to share the google drive folder - you can just click on the resource download now to get the files
it would be easier if you just joined us on the server geppino - that way you don't have to worry about updating everytime there are changes.

in order to update and keep your save you need to replace the info/data/scripts folder. then in game do
[spawngen remove

you should try coming on the server though - you can play the way you want and i can copy your character if you tell me your skills.
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This week I'll be integrating the sosaria map changes to adventures. I opted to keep the jail system out since our server allows one to play as a red, with the red city "the pit". having a jail leans too much towards the good side (else you would also need a jail for blues trying to enter the evil towns). since the jail area is there, I'll switch it into a high end dunegon with a few custom mobs.

We changed the way npc characters move, a mounted red can easily outrun a blue on foot. so no more running away from every mobs now. the blue guards we use have that same feature. they don't do the one-tile-move-stop-one-tile-move-stop thing that mobiles do usually. it's a custom mob speed system created by gadget.

With the map changes the fork is really quite fun.
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Just wanted to update you all and let you know i've ported the map changes from odyssey sosaria to ultima adventures! now all maps are per odyssey, with the added benefits of roads/sarth, pit etc. There's a MUL update file in the google drive. just copy those into the classicuo folder and FILES folder (assuming you are already using the merged server/client)

Greetings! Just to let everyone know, there's a june 2 map update in the google drive (download). just copy that to your FILES and classicuo folders and overwrite. i've copied over all map changes made to odyssey. djeryv did some amazing work.

latest changes to server
June 1
- updated sosaria map to the latest version of the odyssey maps... all changes ported (that i could find)
- killing a guard will now give you a kill
- killing a red: you can now carve up the corpse and drag the head on a guard for a gold/karma reward!

we are working on adapting the time it takes a mob to target you now... did you ever notice sometimes takes 5-6 seconds for a mob to target you? you can just stand there next to him and its like he hasn't realized you're there.... well that's not very realistic, so we're looking into it :D
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a player on the server asked me which heads give rewards then dropped on the guards and which don't... and it got me thinking - why wouldn't there be a reward for killing an evil mage, or a warrior? so i went ahead and added all evil human mobs to the head bounty system. :D

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additionally, the rewards are scaled to the type of enemy it was... e.g. a monk's head will be high on karma, low on gold.
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LAtest changes which are live on the server - will be reflected in the download for offline peeps once i get to it!

June 1
- updated sosaria map to the latest version of the odyssey maps... all changes ported (that i could find)
- killing a guard will now give you a kill
- killing a red: you can now carve up the corpse and drag the head on a guard for a gold/karma reward!
- added bounties given by guards for ALL human enemies (warriors, evil mages, etc etc - why was it only bandits and pirates?)... carve them up and drop a head on a guard
- Updated spawns to match Odyssey - new map changes.
- fixed issue where a red would discord a player
- tweaked the difficulty of blues and reds somewhat - they should hit harder, but die easier
- the Town Herald might gossip about your lottery purchases now and other acts that are specific to this server!

June 3
- reduced red spawns
- Gadget fixed issue with reds who are bards
- Added: The wench! this lady of pleasure will make you feel better, and can also be used to change your stats!! can be found near most inns in sosaria
- fixed store inventories to match odyssey.
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Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - Based on Ultima Odyssey with a new update entry:

June 09 update

Server and client updated to June 09 version. download latest client and server in the download google drive.

Changelog since last post:
June 1
- updated sosaria map to the latest version of the odyssey maps... all changes ported (that i could find)
- killing a guard will now give you a kill
- killing a red: you can now carve up the corpse and drag the head on a guard for a gold/karma reward!
- added bounties given by guards for ALL human enemies... carve them up and drop a head on a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
also, i discovered that henchmen are spawns based on the player's stats and skills - this is an issue for characters over 700 skillcap (like the alien on vanilla odyssey) or on our fork. so they have been tweaked to adjust for that eventuality. also, they healed whenever they moved, attacked/got attacked... and they healed 100% of the damage on a simple check for skills. this has been tweaked so they can now only heal every 5 seconds and the damage healed it random as well, like a player healing.

this change is live in the server and not in the last offline package.
also tweaked it so guildmaster vendors sell more of everything. being part of a guild should have advantages other than fast skillgain and slightly lower prices.
on adventures, npc prices are randomized within a range as well, and prices refresh on regular intervals. so it pays to shop for a deal.
also, i discovered that henchmen are spawns based on the player's stats and skills - this is an issue for characters over 700 skillcap (like the alien on vanilla odyssey) or on our fork. so they have been tweaked to adjust for that eventuality.
How does this code in Odyssey "not" prevent that?

int nCap = (int)(from.Skills.Cap/100);
    if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }
int nTotal = from.SkillsTotal;
    if ( nTotal > (nCap*100) ){ nTotal = nCap*100; }
How does this code in Odyssey "not" prevent that?

int nCap = (int)(from.Skills.Cap/100);
    if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }
int nTotal = from.SkillsTotal;
    if ( nTotal > (nCap*100) ){ nTotal = nCap*100; }

have a skillcap of 100,000 and someone with 3000 total skills.
do the math and compare to 700 skills and 700 cap

although not an issue for you (other than the alien race), its was for us.
the insta-healing check whenever they moved/attacked/gotattacked was also quite OP...
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i've chosen to limit the henchmen's spawn potential to statcap only, and added a bandage timer. i can share if you want to see the code.
Even the alien race doesn't break it. Look at the code. if nCap is > 100 then set it to 100 so it can't go higher. Same with nTotal. It can't go above anyone with over 1,000 skill points.
the intent is to achieve a 0-100 value for nskills - however hard to do when cap could be anything
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sure, might not be an issue for you, but you can see how in our case it skewed things heavily
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i saw a henchman go 1 on 1 with a balron and realized something was off :)
And that Odyssey code there doesn't let it go above 100 no matter what character you have. Even if you have 100,000 skill points it can't go above 1,000.

if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }

This stops it from being 101, 102, 103, etc.
700 totalskills, 700 cap
nskills = 100

3000 totalskills, 100,000 cap
nskills = 300

Sorry going off of memory since you didn't post the nskills calc, so its either 1 to 3 or 100 to 300
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sorry... thats 1 to 30.. anyways you get my point.
If nCap cannot go above 100, and nTotal cannot go above 1,000, then there isn't an issue like you described. No matter how many skill points a character has. It is impossible. This tiny bit of Odyssey code doesn't let a henchman have over 100 in any skill.

int nCap = (int)(from.Skills.Cap/100);
    if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }
int nTotal = from.SkillsTotal;
    if ( nTotal > (nCap*100) ){ nTotal = nCap*100; }

int nSkills = nTotal / nCap;
int nCap = (int)(from.Skills.Cap/100);
e.g. 100,000 / 100 = 1000

if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }
so ncap = 100

int nTotal = from.SkillsTotal;
e.g. ntotal = 3000

if ( nTotal > (nCap*100) ){ nTotal = nCap*100; }
e.g. if (3000 > (100*100 // e.g. 10,000) // does not apply here, 3000 is lower than 10000

int nSkills = nTotal / nCap;
e.g. nskills = 3000 / 1000

or = 3

now, do the same equiations with 700 skills, 700 cap and youll see a different value than 3. actually as players gain skills in adventures, they can theoreticlly have up to 6500 skill pts... so the difference can be very great.
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also the lack of a healing timer really made them even more op than the skills issue.
healing 100 of damage over 90% of the time whenever they move/attack/get attacked was crazy fast.
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besides... if you don't agree with me, create a char with a 3000 skill total, 100,000 skillcap and create a henchmen. see for yourself. it can solo a balron.
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anyways we fixed the issue, im happy to share the code with you but knowing you i don't think you'll be interested in what we've done :/
Are you even reading the code? I am getting the feeling you are not.

Are you aware that 10,000 skill points equates to 1,000 whole skill points in game? Do you know how these values work? Your examples show otherwise. Your example has a character with 300 whole skill points as seen in game (or 3,000 points used in coding).

3000/100 = 30. So your henchman will have a 30 in their appropriate skills. The nCap is 100, not 1,000 because that is impossible.
im glad you came to discuss this in adventures thread wizard, glad you think the system is great the way it is. like i said, having a henchman fighter solo a balron was an sig things werent great on my end. but heh to each their own. I walked through the example above line by line for you, not sure i can do more.

always a real pleasure to talk to you wizard.
You still haven't proved me wrong, other than your poor use of math and coding.

Are you even reading the code? I am getting the feeling you are not.

Are you aware that 10,000 skill points equates to 1,000 whole skill points in game? Do you know how these values work? Your examples show otherwise. Your example has a character with 300 whole skill points as seen in game (or 3,000 points used in coding).

3000/100 = 30. So your henchman will have a 30 in their appropriate skills. The nCap is 100, not 1,000 because that is impossible.

You can't even defend this without the classic "shut up because". I hope the rest of your changes are better coded.
Have a nice day wizard! I'm not sure i want to bother convincing you, i have better things to do with my time :D
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just try it and see... if you want.

the insta-heal was the main issue too, we fixed that - happy to share with you
There's no need to be condescending. I've done my best to stay civil with you, even despite your poor attitude towards me. Again, throw a rock at a puddle of mud, you just get dirty, so i'm happy to end the convo here.

I indicated what the issue was - perhaps i only saw the hechman fight the balron alone, and the timelords dragons alone and it was all in my imagination. Even if it was, there's still no reason to be a poor sport and insult people.

I guess when people are wrong that have that oh crap embarrassment moment where you either admit it or hope everyone forgets about it. That would explain the evidence you provided with fake values. But it was really classy of you to say by Odyssey is broke when it isn't. The math is in the code right in front of your face, but you put fake values in there to make a point. Good work.
that is true, i am.

now i am curious to know how this is wrong:

int nCap = (int)(from.Skills.Cap/100);
e.g. 100,000 / 100 = 1000

if ( nCap > 100 ){ nCap = 100; }
so ncap = 100

int nTotal = from.SkillsTotal;
e.g. ntotal = 3000

if ( nTotal > (nCap*100) ){ nTotal = nCap*100; }
e.g. if (3000 > (100*100 // e.g. 10,000) // does not apply here, 3000 is lower than 10000

int nSkills = nTotal / nCap;
e.g. nskills = 3000 / 100

or = 30

Maybe you'd be more willing to help djeryv? i realized i did a mistake, used /1000 at the end when it should have been 100. still doesnt change the issue.
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wizardtim can be very condescending and downright insulting sometimes. i have a thick skin, went through a divorce so nothing he can do will get to me :)

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