Btw, in original Odyssey, it's possible to turn in the thieves' and assassins' heads to guards for some money :) Probably impossible with the new guards, right? (unless you imported the relevant code recently, I haven't checked yet...) You may want to look into OnDragDrop in the original TownGuards.cs if you'd like to retain this functionality. //

what do you take me for??? try it!!

I even increased the gold drop rate, and made guards hint to that "if you bring us the heads of criminals, we might reward you" when someone walks nearby... etc.
I even increased the gold drop rate, and made guards hint to that "if you bring us the heads of criminals, we might reward you" when someone walks nearby... etc.
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now guards actually tell people that's an option, whereas before it was hard to know
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feel rfee to add convo, options, etc. i welcome any of your changes my friend
Hehe true :) And sure thing, I'll actually try to make a PlayerVendor that can reside outside of a house next, and will then try to turn my attention to convos ;)
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Alrighty, here's an update to PlayerVendorDeed.cs that allows to freely place the Player Vendors around the map, except in other players' houses and private houses. It introduces a new parameter to MyServerSettings, which you'll need to add there, for instance after the other PV-related properties:

        public static bool AllowFreePVPlacement() // If enabled, Player Vendors can be placed anywhere on the map except in other player's houses and in private houses
            return true;

I haven't tested it too deeply yet, but I confirmed that the basics seem to work without crashing. However, I'm not sure if this will correctly interact with PV's mechanics in all occasions, so we'll just have to play with it and see for ourselves, I guess.
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Currently it's a bit funny in that it allows you to even place a PV in a dungeon, I'm not sure if we should truly allow that XD


  • PlayerVendorDeed.cs
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Hehe true :) And sure thing, I'll actually try to make a PlayerVendor that can reside outside of a house next, and will then try to turn my attention to convos ;)
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Alrighty, here's an update to PlayerVendorDeed.cs that allows to freely place the Player Vendors around the map, except in other players' houses and private houses. It introduces a new parameter to MyServerSettings, which you'll need to add there, for instance after the other PV-related properties:

        public static bool AllowFreePVPlacement() // If enabled, Player Vendors can be placed anywhere on the map except in other player's houses and in private houses
            return true;

I haven't tested it too deeply yet, but I confirmed that the basics seem to work without crashing. However, I'm not sure if this will correctly interact with PV's mechanics in all occasions, so we'll just have to play with it and see for ourselves, I guess.
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Currently it's a bit funny in that it allows you to even place a PV in a dungeon, I'm not sure if we should truly allow that XD
Why not? player vendors are passable... the only exploit i can think of is people placing many of them in a row to block mobs.

If someone wants to do that... well so be it! Maybe we can have it so when a PV is released it is gone, and costs 2-3,000 gold. that way if someone wants to spend 10k on a dungeon block that is one time use they can go ahead.
we don't have to worry about all the exploits and limits the original UO had to have because of hundreds of people playing.

I have a section in the myserversettings for your edits. you can add whatever you want there and post the file here and i'll add it
so.. i was taming a bunch of different animals earlier today and i thought about a cool idea:

a place where you can create your own little collection of animals - like a zoo of sorts. It would only have to be a large area with little individual cages where you can bring a tamed pet and release it.

That way someone can try and "collect" one of each animal out there - there are TONS in odyssey.
I'm going to make the area inaccessible, with a teleport stone that only is given once you've sold X number of animals to the animal broker, or something like that. I already have the design in mind from architect. :D

Hello! I'm running the server locally that I downloaded from the 4th of may release and I'm having a great time with it. I just saw that there's a new one. Is it safe to update my game without losing my progress? Also, is there a list of implemented features somewhere? I fear that I might have missed it if there is. I just keep stumbling on new stuff all of the time and have a hard time keeping up with the game.
Hi Helton, nice to meet ya

Yeah, i would update if i were you - and you should be able to keep your save folder intact (don't overwrite it if you have a character).

1. download client and server
2. overwrite client
3. delete scripts folder
4. extract everything (Except for the saves folder if you want to keep your character) from the server to the uo directory and overwrite.
5. in the admin account (wizard): type [Spawngen Remove, then type [Spawngen Spawns.map

you should be good - all guards will be blue guards, and cities in lodoria will have an animal broker

There are a few more things coming, but you should be able to keep your savegame. let me know if above doesn't work for you. As for list of updates.. there are lots - youll notice the worlmap has markers now so you can see where things are and what they are, itemdecay is disabled now (reducing server load).
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. I just keep stumbling on new stuff all of the time and have a hard time keeping up with the game.

this game is loaded with content... the original odyssey had TONS, and we've added more since.. so don't feel like you need to "keep up". just play and have fun.
if you'd like anything changed or have idea, let us know.

I'm in process of adding a player animal zoo, where you can collect the tamables in the game. :D
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Your instructions worked! The client options were reset (which is understandable) and my pet is nowhere to be seen, which is reasonably easy to replace, but aside from that, everything is working fine :) Thanks for the quick help!

Also, using the built-in [loot function, would it be possible to differentiate between the coins? Like, I want to loot gold and silver, but not cooper. Is that a thing that can be done? Cooper piles up on weight really fast and I just see myself dropping it on the floor to keep dungeon delving
there's a built in option in the "help" menu that allows for auto looting. you can select what you want to loot automatically. I never use that command :D
So, what systems are we currently "missing" in the buildworld process? I might take a look at making scripts to recreate them on BuildWorld, but for that I'd need a bit of detailed information as to how these things were set up in the first place and where they are located so that I can find them, inspect them, and recreate the same setup in BuildWorld if possible :) Can't promise I'll be able to make all of them (or even any of them, after all, my scripting skills are still rather limited), but I'll give it a try :)

The idea is that if we can use our own spawn map (Spawns.map) and a custom set of scripts to restart the systems that can't be spawned through a PremiumSpawner, we may allow the players to use buildworld on update to fully reset the world :)
Okay so first of all, the buildworld now basically brings everything back to the original odyssey's state. so i don't use it at all.
the spawngen command seems to work for restoring and adding new spawners (all i need to do is update the spawns.map file). However, champspawns are missed, and anything else added to the world wth the [add command. this is important for teleporters which i use quite a bit... if you could find out a way to add teleporters without having to overwrite a save that would be great... djeryv might have given tips to this in the first few posts he did in this thread.

for example, im almost done the animal sanctuary where people will be able to collect tamables throughout the lands


I am going to have to add teleporters manually in order to let people in and out of the holding pens. that means people will have to overwrite the saves folder :(
Wow, that's a really cool design! :)
And yeah, basically, for anything spawned, we can just hook up the Spawns.map file to auto-spawn the entire map.
For anything you're currently adding manually via [add, we'd need to write a script which would recreate the objects at the same coordinates and with the same set of parameters that you're currently setting manually - and then those scripts can be hooked into buildworld so that it removes the old objects and then builds the new set via scripts. I'll try to take a look, maybe I'll use those champ spawn altars as an example of something that would follow that pattern :) If I manage to come up with anything, I'll let you know!
Alrighty, testing a bit more regarding BuildWorld. I can tell that you've converted some of the decorations to statics inside MUL, since after Buildworld now I have more of them retained, such as e.g. the doors of the house outside Britain, which is good :) I tested the Ambrosia champion spawns and they seem to work correctly after Buildworld at the moment without any special change required (I ran Buildworld and the champion spawn system wasn't removed, moreover, it correctly spawned stuff once it restarted). This leaves the potential other unconverted stuff, such as decorations that are neither MUL statics nor exported statics (via [staex), and ensuring that everything else that's mobile is spawned through a PremiumSpawner, I guess.

Those teleporters you're mentioning in the animal sanctuary - pretty sure we can work out a way to retain them after BuildWorld, we'll see how to do it once you release the update and I can get my hands on it and inspect how things work ;)

Oh, and obviously, the [buildworld command itself will need to be rigged to spawn only from Spawns.map, I outlined a way to do it somewhere above in this thread :)

If you already have a teleporter set up somewhere in the world that you want retained, please give me the coordinates and I'll inspect it and see if I can hook it up properly so that it's retained on buildworld.
wow great news!

Let me add teleporters now to the sanctuary and send to you.
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okay here you go, latest version up and running. there have been map changes, so you'll need to copy the FILES dir over to the client. also region.xml in data changed, and a few scripts too. i added a changelog to keep track of all the changes being made too.

the penalty for using recall has been tweaked - if you recall WITHIN a world its not that bad, but recalling to a NEW map/world incurs a higher penalty. a reason to use those moongates. (gatetravel and sacred journey has the same penalty applied).

May 10 version uploaded.

the issue with teleporters is you cna't just "spawn a teleporter there".... the teleporter needs to remember where it is teleporting to. Again, djeryv did this in buildworld, so the code is there somewhere.
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look in the vicinity of 2129 3483 in lodoria. just [go there - put 50 as the z coord.
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I'm gonna put a statue of Djeryv somewhere in the world as a thanks for the world's first maker. A statue of you and me as well would be fitting, wouldn't it?
Nice, I'll take a look and I'll report back :)
Hehe, sounds like a fun addition, why not? :D
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Ok, as far as I can tell, Buildworld doesn't touch those teleporters - I tried running the command and I could still use the teleporters after Buildworld finished its work, and I haven't seen them being removed during the process. That said, it's also possible to use [staex to export those teleporters as statics into decoration .cfg files which can then be placed inside e.g. Data/Decoration/Lodor (this preserves their teleportation coordinates - check the generated .cfg file for details), that'll most likely make them "rebuildable" with the buildworld process - that is, they'll be removed and then placed again when buildworld is called. The benefit of that that I can see is that your elements are preservable - for instance, if someone plays with a GM/admin account and screws something up, e.g. accidentally deletes the teleporters, they can still run [buildworld and recreate them from decoration .cfg files. Otherwise, there seems to be no other difference as far as I could tell.
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Here's an example of a line from "teleporters.cfg" that I generated using [staex (note that since [staex uses a rectangular region as a target, you may want to revise the .cfg file after it's exported to see that it only includes the stuff you intend to be there):

Teleporter 7107 (PointDest=(2136, 3490, -10); Creatures=False; SourceEffect=False; DestEffect=False; SoundID=0; Delay=00:00:00)
2133 3497 -10
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I'd like to encourage you to do some centred+, so i'm not putting your statue up, you'll have to do it yourself!! :D

lots of empty areas in lodoria, forests, etc. the latest server has centred+ set for lodoria edits.
Hehe I might :) Centred+ is a fun program btw, I'm still learning the ropes, it's a little bit easy to mess things up since I always seem to want to use my mouse wheel to zoom in/out and stuff, and that raises/lowers the tile :)) It takes some time to get used to it, but... I'm working on it :D

Awesome, I'll practice a little with it soon :)
wait... i might make my "statue" as a mob instead. A mob that has some cool tricks up his sleeve. much more fun than a static!! :D
not sure if this would usefull you guys, but i use this in my world for all my gold
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i also use these, they help me get around areas since im still figuring out the layout of the lands. not fully sure on how the toolbar works. but the staffrunebook, is a runebook for gms that auto fills itself based on the ingame locations, caves, towns, dungeons. the command for it ingame is [sr.

and the gold ledger i posted above is and ingame item used to hold and keep track of all gold you have, should also count stuff in your banks also.
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these are the script archives i use if anyone is interested. i go through them every now and then looking for new things to add or play with.
i take 0.00000% credit for anything found. i just feel everyone out there should have access to these since not many know about them. reallllly hope these help in some way :)



  • GoldLedger.cs
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  • LedgerGoldCommand.cs
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  • StaffRunebook.zip
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  • Toolbar.zip
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Update: i have the may 10th file merged and working. i have my gold ledger added in aswell. question: am i still able to do [buildworld or will that mess up anything currently you have set up?
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i also noticed that there are a lot of items laying around that are not set to static and are able to be moved. theres some items laying around brit, along with in the bank when on the left when you enter, same with some items in the tavern. just an fwi :) i love the addition of the roads and small towns and other areas, love the game but it was very empty. glad you kept how entering certain places work, makes playing with buddys bit more fun.
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Heya! nice to meet you.

Sure, in order to get rid of the items, just use the runuo.exe.withitemdecay and go in serversettings and put decay to -1. everything will disapear.
then just save, restart with the original .exe file (one exe has item decay, the other doesn't, so play with the one you prefer).

Buildworld doesn't work yet. if you're using the save file, which you are, you don't need to build anyhting so don't worry about it.

I knew about the gold ledger, i like not being able to adventure for hours and hours, so having a weight limit from gold carried is something i actually appreciate, but everyone's different!! Happy you got it added, and who knows, someone else here might copy you too :)
nice to meet you aswell. ive been a fan of ultima since the 90's. i use to play on the greatlakes server wayyy back when lol this whole covid bs has got me playing on my pc more so i figured id jump back in
ODyssey is a great way to play alone, if you can find 2 or 3 people to play with you its even better.

let us know what other changes you make.
Heya! nice to meet you.

Sure, in order to get rid of the items, just use the runuo.exe.withitemdecay and go in serversettings and put decay to -1. everything will disapear.
then just save, restart with the original .exe file (one exe has item decay, the other doesn't, so play with the one you prefer).

Buildworld doesn't work yet. if you're using the save file, which you are, you don't need to build anyhting so don't worry about it.

I knew about the gold ledger, i like not being able to adventure for hours and hours, so having a weight limit from gold carried is something i actually appreciate, but everyone's different!! Happy you got it added, and who knows, someone else here might copy you too :)

Noob here. How do I run the RunUO.exe.withitemdecay? Tried to rename it, save as, all files as "RunUO.exe". It doesn't run.
Noob here. How do I run the RunUO.exe.withitemdecay? Tried to rename it, save as, all files as "RunUO.exe". It doesn't run.

rename the old .exe to something else
rename runuo.exe.withitemdecay to runuo.exe
run runuo.exe

you might need to change your file explorer settings to "always display file extensions" or "never hide file extensions"

you're probably renaming the file "runuo.exe".exe or something like that.
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the only place with items is the bank really. i don't leave things anywhere else. if you just ran around with the admin account wizard and [delete the items in the bank you'd basically be good to go.
I moved the original RunUO.exe to the utilities folder. I do have file extensions shown. Under View > File name extensions on windows explorer, Windows 10. Even with a rename and not using the save as method the file is not openable. Weird.

Edit: I deleted the original RunUO.exe in the .rar and renamed the .withitemdecay to .exe. Seems to of worked. Thanks for the game updates. Lovin' it.
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Alrighty, I tried to export the teleporters for the Animal Sanctuary, I *think* I got them all covered, though it's probably best to double check. Used [staex with some manual cleaning of the .cfg file. If you drop the .cfg file from the archive into Data/Decorations/Lodor, these teleporters will not only be retained now upon Buildworld, but they'll also be created for anyone who is playing the game but doesn't have them yet (I tried deleting the teleporters and then running buildworld, and that generated them for me, retaining their destinations and properties).

The basic principle should be similar for anything else that you added as a decoration on top of Djeryv's build and would like retained and generated on Buildworld - that'll eventually allow the mod to function autonomously and recreate itself when running buildworld, which will not only preserve the players' saved games, but also will allow the mod to "regenerate" itself if something goes wrong.

I checked the Buildworld code in more detail, and noticed the following key principles regarding what it does:
- Buildworld only removes the items of types PremiumSpawner, PotionCauldron, and MagicPool, which is why I noticed that the champion system was preserved after buildworld (however, without a script, the champion system simply won't be affected in any way past buildworld, so if someone, for example, has a saved game where the champion system didn't exist yet, calling buildworld won't create it for them, obviously). However, in a saved game that already has the champion system set up, buildworld won't mess it up or remove it. It will remove the currently spawned critters, but the system itself (which is preserved) will generate new ones, apparently.
- Buildworld removes every creature in the world that inherits from BaseCreature. This is done to ensure that the game is respawned clean from the .map files. This means that mobiles placed directly via [add without a PremiumSpawner are a big no, they'll be removed on buildworld and won't come back. All the mobiles in the world should either be spawned through a PremiumSpawner (exported to .map via the spawner save command) or through some other system that does its own spawning (e.g. RandomEncounters) or through a custom script that's hooked into Buildworld and runs after the world is despawned.
- Buildworld decorates the world using all the .cfg files in Data/Decoration. No code modification is necessary to use new files from that location, so anything exported via [staex can be named anything you'd like and dropped into one of the subfolders under Data/Decoration, and that'll become a part of the Buildworld process automatically. All decorations that are not statics inside MUL files should be done this way, so that they can be (re)created on Buildworld. Note that Buildworld itself won't kill off decorations by default unless their weight set to -2 (those decorations will be removed by Decorate when Buildworld is called, prior to rebuilding decorations from .cfg files).
- The spawn generator in Buildworld only loads the files dangers.map, land.map, animals.map, world.map, pirates.map, spread.map, and towns.map by default. Since we need to spawn from a complete exported file (Spawns.map), that portion of Buildworld will need to be modified to account for that fact.
- Everything else in Buildworld are the hooked up scripts that generate various stuff that can't be spawned from a PremiumSpawner or otherwise without a special script - similar hooks can be set up for subsystems that need respawning on Buildworld.

So, it looks like it's not too hard to make the mod completely autonomous and self-recreating (and thus, being able to preserve the Saves folder, which is critically important for our players), but it just might be somewhat tedious to retroactively go over all the locations and ensure that, at least, (1) those locations are spawned through PremiumSpawners that are exported to Spawns.map (which should be hooked in Buildworld), and (2) those locations are decorated either via MUL files or via .cfg files exported through [staex and placed inside Data/Decoration/*.

Hopefully this helps :)


  • teleporters-animalsanctuary.zip
    814 bytes · Views: 4
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Alrighty, I tried to export the teleporters for the Animal Sanctuary, I *think* I got them all covered, though it's probably best to double check. Used [staex with some manual cleaning of the .cfg file. If you drop the .cfg file from the archive into Data/Decorations/Lodor, these teleporters will not only be retained now upon Buildworld, but they'll also be created for anyone who is playing the game but doesn't have them yet (I tried deleting the teleporters and then running buildworld, and that generated them for me, retaining their destinations and properties).

The basic principle should be similar for anything else that you added as a decoration on top of Djeryv's build and would like retained and generated on Buildworld - that'll eventually allow the mod to function autonomously and recreate itself when running buildworld, which will not only preserve the players' saved games, but also will allow the mod to "regenerate" itself if something goes wrong.

I checked the Buildworld code in more detail, and noticed the following key principles regarding what it does:
- Buildworld only removes the items of types PremiumSpawner, PotionCauldron, and MagicPool, which is why I noticed that the champion system was preserved after buildworld (however, without a script, the champion system simply won't be affected in any way past buildworld, so if someone, for example, has a saved game where the champion system didn't exist yet, calling buildworld won't create it for them, obviously). However, in a saved game that already has the champion system set up, buildworld won't mess it up or remove it. It will remove the currently spawned critters, but the system itself (which is preserved) will generate new ones, apparently.
- Buildworld removes every creature in the world that inherits from BaseCreature. This is done to ensure that the game is respawned clean from the .map files. This means that mobiles placed directly via [add without a PremiumSpawner are a big no, they'll be removed on buildworld and won't come back. All the mobiles in the world should either be spawned through a PremiumSpawner (exported to .map via the spawner save command) or through some other system that does its own spawning (e.g. RandomEncounters) or through a custom script that's hooked into Buildworld and runs after the world is despawned.
- Buildworld decorates the world using all the .cfg files in Data/Decoration. No code modification is necessary to use new files from that location, so anything exported via [staex can be named anything you'd like and dropped into one of the subfolders under Data/Decoration, and that'll become a part of the Buildworld process automatically. All decorations that are not statics inside MUL files should be done this way, so that they can be (re)created on Buildworld. Note that Buildworld itself won't kill off decorations by default unless their weight set to -2 (those decorations will be removed by Decorate when Buildworld is called, prior to rebuilding decorations from .cfg files).
- The spawn generator in Buildworld only loads the files dangers.map, land.map, animals.map, world.map, pirates.map, spread.map, and towns.map by default. Since we need to spawn from a complete exported file (Spawns.map), that portion of Buildworld will need to be modified to account for that fact.
- Everything else in Buildworld are the hooked up scripts that generate various stuff that can't be spawned from a PremiumSpawner or otherwise without a special script - similar hooks can be set up for subsystems that need respawning on Buildworld.

So, it looks like it's not too hard to make the mod completely autonomous and self-recreating (and thus, being able to preserve the Saves folder, which is critically important for our players), but it just might be somewhat tedious to retroactively go over all the locations and ensure that, at least, (1) those locations are spawned through PremiumSpawners that are exported to Spawns.map (which should be hooked in Buildworld), and (2) those locations are decorated either via MUL files or via .cfg files exported through [staex and placed inside Data/Decoration/*.

Hopefully this helps :)

well the issue with merging spawns.map to buildworld would be duplication.... since spawns.map has all premiumspawners, if you were to add spawns.map to the buildworld, wouldn't some spawns be duplicated?
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I moved the original RunUO.exe to the utilities folder. I do have file extensions shown. Under View > File name extensions on windows explorer, Windows 10. Even with a rename and not using the save as method the file is not openable. Weird.

Edit: I deleted the original RunUO.exe in the .rar and renamed the .withitemdecay to .exe. Seems to of worked. Thanks for the game updates. Lovin' it.
the idea is to improve on the original odyssey and make it more customizable (via myserver settings). that way you can choose what you want and what you don't want.
Yeah, you don't just add spawns.map to the mix, you replace the other spawn files with spawns.map (since spawns.map is a complete deal, and includes everything in the world). Thus, you just change the Buildworld process so that it uses only Spawns.map and nothing else (those other files won't be needed if you generate from spawns.map).
okay.. well i'm creating a "scrubbed" and cleaned version of the save file and server (since many here appear not to want my useless junk lying around everywhere). can you take that version and make it buildworldable? ill have it uploaded in a few minutes.

i also made changes to the sanctuary since enemies woulc see over the half walls... so hopefully the new change makes it so they can't see.

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