Noob question: I keep getting attacked by the shop keeper whenever I practice swordfighting with the dummy. I always leave peace mode on. Sometimes I also aggro npcs in town. I'm not sure why. Am I missclicking or double-clicking wrong? Please, tell me what I can do to avoid this
Join the discord , friendly folk there will gladly help you with your issue :)
An excellent project is very well implemented, with many it takes a lot of time to figure out if there will be a similar build on servuo 0.58 in the future? P.S. And is it possible to translate dialogues and gumpas with text into another language where the texts are?
Its possible to run Ultima Adventures using the regular client? cos i want to use a notebook capable of running the server but not the open source client, it has a integrated Intel graphic card.
Its possible to run Ultima Adventures using the regular client? cos i want to use a notebook capable of running the server but not the open source client, it has a integrated Intel graphic card.
classicuo runs on celeron with integrated no problem friend, ask around in the discord people may be able to help you.
Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server with a new update entry:

Massive new content update, cooking, classes, fixes. Feb 2023

Here is the new update for Feb 2023. It's been a busy few months for the server! Lots of new players testing all the new systems and providing valuable feedback.

My focus on the last few months was to make existing "useless" systems useful again. Massive changes to cooking, farming, new magery class (I kept hearing that melee/tamer was the only way to play late game... not any more!), a troubadour class, smokeweed growing/smoking, alcohol and custom brewing, automated functions and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I've been leading the development of this fork of Ultima Odyssey for the last 2 years.

I have over 1,700 hours put into this project and have coded most of the additional content found in Adventures.

I have been getting many requests to help people customize their own personal worlds over the years. Now, Adventures is and will always remain free, however I am making myself available as a coder-for-hire for anyone who wants additional custom content on their personal servers.

I can do the following for your offline server:
- clean the world of anything you don't want
- tweak any system in the world to be just the way you want it
- help you upgrade your existing offline server to the new code
- code in any new system you want (note that my cost will depend on the complexity of the system)
-new AI

Want a new type of weapon? A new way to deal damage? A new type of taming system? A new Specialization character class? Have ideas you'd like to see and use in your world? I'm available.

I can be contacted on the discord for the server here: Join the Ultima Adventures Discord Server! I can also be contacted on the servuo forums. Rate will vary from $50 up, depending on what you need done and I accept paypal/bitcoin for payment. Cheers!
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unfortunately adventures wont work with the non open source original OSI client, we have had alot of users try over the years and ive given it a solid go myself

there are graphical and gameplay issues that arise nobodys ever reported being able to overcome

Classicuo is integrated into the build, and there are no guide on using the OSI clients, if you can get it to work please let me know as many people still ask about this on the discord for adventures
unfortunately adventures wont work with the non open source original OSI client, we have had alot of users try over the years and ive given it a solid go myself

there are graphical and gameplay issues that arise nobodys ever reported being able to overcome

Classicuo is integrated into the build, and there are no guide on using the OSI clients, if you can get it to work please let me know as many people still ask about this on the discord for adventures
I will try my best to make it work cos i really want it on an older computer. I know that its called technological progress but its an old game so... why not? Thanks for the reply
I wanted to use your rename containers while locked down or secure in a house so I borrowed your code, I hope that is okay. One thing I did notice and not sure if it's the same on yours as I'm using Pub 57 but all containers show the Rename option regardless if they are locked down or not. To fix this I changed your RenameContainer context menu entry to the following:

    public class RenameContainer : ContextMenuEntry
        private BaseContainer m_Item;
        private bool m_Renamable;
        private Mobile m_from;

        public RenameContainer(BaseContainer item, Mobile from) : base(1111680, 4)
            m_Item = item;
            m_Renamable = ((BaseContainer)m_Item).Renamable();
            m_from = from;

        public static void AddTo(Mobile from, BaseContainer item, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

            if (house == null)

            if (house.IsLockedDown(item) || house.IsSecure(item))
                list.Add(new RenameContainer(item, from));

        public override void OnClick()
            if (!m_Renamable)

            m_from.SendGump(new ContainerNameGump(m_from, (BaseContainer)m_Item));
I wanted to use your rename containers while locked down or secure in a house so I borrowed your code, I hope that is okay. One thing I did notice and not sure if it's the same on yours as I'm using Pub 57 but all containers show the Rename option regardless if they are locked down or not. To fix this I changed your RenameContainer context menu entry to the following:

    public class RenameContainer : ContextMenuEntry
        private BaseContainer m_Item;
        private bool m_Renamable;
        private Mobile m_from;

        public RenameContainer(BaseContainer item, Mobile from) : base(1111680, 4)
            m_Item = item;
            m_Renamable = ((BaseContainer)m_Item).Renamable();
            m_from = from;

        public static void AddTo(Mobile from, BaseContainer item, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

            if (house == null)

            if (house.IsLockedDown(item) || house.IsSecure(item))
                list.Add(new RenameContainer(item, from));

        public override void OnClick()
            if (!m_Renamable)

            m_from.SendGump(new ContainerNameGump(m_from, (BaseContainer)m_Item));
feel free to use it friend! Im glad others are using the code - honestly i have no idea why no one else has ever done this in the past heh. such a simple change. I'm happy if my code contributes to the improvement of UO and its legacy :)
For those of you who downloaded the package prior to today: the directory needs to be renamed to ultima-adventures only and placed in the C drive. I mistakenly renamed the directory when packaging. fixed in the revised package.
I installed the server, but the other person cannot connect to me in the game, what else needs to be configured?
If the two of you are not on the same LAN you will either need to port forward on your router to the server OR use a program like HAMACHI that will create a kind of vpn that you should be able to access the server via without port forwarding,

should be no other setup needed other than start the server, and then point clients to its ip address if your on the same LAN
Hello, tell me where to enable in scripts so that things are dressed by double clicking? (ultima-adventures)
some items can be equiped that way like Lanterns, or Candle sticks, your best bet is to check those items scripts and copy it to other scripts, its not something that can be enabled across all items as far as im aware
By chance are we able to get a copy of the 2.7 core that was used? the folder included does not contain the cs files. I can download the 2.7 core else where but I wanted to get the core with any modifications that you guys made.
By chance are we able to get a copy of the 2.7 core that was used? the folder included does not contain the cs files. I can download the 2.7 core else where but I wanted to get the core with any modifications that you guys made.
Nevermind, I see that the 2.2 folder actually contains the 2.7 core files (not confusing at all haha)
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Since we are moving up in the versions of the distro, will this eventually open up to some of the new skills such as spell weaving ?
By chance are we able to get a copy of the 2.7 core that was used? the folder included does not contain the cs files. I can download the 2.7 core else where but I wanted to get the core with any modifications that you guys made.

Nevermind, I see that the 2.2 folder actually contains the 2.7 core files (not confusing at all haha)
actually core is in the /server/ directory in base folder

everything is released, everything shared :)
to anyone who may be following this thread: I've decided to take a breather from this project and have set up a public github with the code. Anyone who wants to clone this project and develop it as they wish is free to do so.

to anyone who may be following this thread: I've decided to take a breather from this project and have set up a public github with the code. Anyone who wants to clone this project and develop it as they wish is free to do so.

I'll assume your breather has to do with HarryBerry's infantile rant over on Reddit.
Bro, Allow me to apologize on behalf of that twit's 'bovine excrement' (~read as:BS)
The amount of time and dedication you have put into this project is staggering, and despite the rambling of a few wantonly ugly personalities out there, it IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED. I've been playing the FREE offline version Ultima Adventures for well over a year now. (off and on) I'd agree with HarryBerry that there are many nuances that make the online version unappealing to me personally, So I Said thanks to FinalTwist and I quit. And now, if I don't like something, I put on my big boy script kiddie panties and (try) to fix it myself. You know, in lieu of making a complete ID-10-T of myself by typing up a droll tl;dr rant about how slighted I feel over a [EXPLETIVE] game...

To you, Mr. Finaltwist, and ALL the other uber g33ks (programmers and contributors of every type) on this forum that keep Post EA UO dream Alive...A HUGE


...As soon as I win the lottery, I'm buying you all a Coffee... :cool:
I'll assume your breather has to do with HarryBerry's infantile rant over on Reddit.
Bro, Allow me to apologize on behalf of that twit's 'bovine excrement' (~read as:BS)
The amount of time and dedication you have put into this project is staggering, and despite the rambling of a few wantonly ugly personalities out there, it IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED. I've been playing the FREE offline version Ultima Adventures for well over a year now. (off and on) I'd agree with HarryBerry that there are many nuances that make the online version unappealing to me personally, So I Said thanks to FinalTwist and I quit. And now, if I don't like something, I put on my big boy script kiddie panties and (try) to fix it myself. You know, in lieu of making a complete ID-10-T of myself by typing up a droll tl;dr rant about how slighted I feel over a [EXPLETIVE] game...

To you, Mr. Finaltwist, and ALL the other uber g33ks (programmers and contributors of every type) on this forum that keep Post EA UO dream Alive...A HUGE


...As soon as I win the lottery, I'm buying you all a Coffee... :cool:
Wow I did not realize that reddit post existed, I totally missed it. @Finaltwist I have a few words for you.

I've been playing Ultima Online since its inception (beta), which unfortunately shows my age at this point. At some point, I hit the end of the game on EA servers, just after I think it was the High Seas release, with castle and all. I sold my account and move on, like any normal gamer. Prior to that I knew Ryan had existed and was developing RunUO, and at the time, it was 'okay'. Then ServUO came around, which was a big step up. I had then regained my love for the game because I could experience it in different ways, and be at the helm of the world. I had made and destroyed many personal projects of my own selfishness, just to entertain myself. Then I noticed, as you know, Djerv and his world. It was at that point, I stopped making my own worlds. I found it a little boring after a while then you came along, I still remember the thread in servuo that people gave you so much grief saying you 'stole' the idea or whatever. Regardless, I checked it out and I loved where your mind was heading, it was like somehow you took all the feedback (that I never gave anyone) and put it into use. I watched you release the updates as the server grew, I never played on your online server though, I only ever played on my own with a few friends on our self-hosted. We were all equally excited whenever a new release came out, changes to the mechanics, and new things were introduced. Even with the occasional bugs, it didn't destroy what you have created. I wanted to let you know, not everyone thinks as that one idiot does, not everyone is as ungrateful as that one idiot is, and there are many fans of what you are doing. When i first read your post here that you wanted to take a break, i did not know of that Reddit post or perhaps some of the other negative feedback you were getting. What I thought honestly was, 'The guy deserves it!' *Cheers* . If you decide to come back to this project, please know that you have people that support you. Like any video poster on youtube, don't read the comments. Trolls exist everywhere.
In case anyone wants it, a slightly modified Vita-Nex should compile just fine. This should allow much more to be modified and enhanced. So far I've made good use of it.


    718.5 KB · Views: 9
Good afternoon everyone, how to disable the sketch in the ultima (the map is covered with black squares), tell me where to fix it in the scripts so that the map is visible I play on the orion client, maybe it's in the orion or script settings UOLive. Thanks


  • Exaple.jpg
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By the way, maybe this is intended and I just realized it, when mobiles such as a warrior npc that isn't being controlled starts killing simple creatures such as a horse, it almost seems as if an invisible version of the killed npc comes back to life. Any way to make this not happen. ive checked around and so far I cannot find the offending code...
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Hi all. There is such a script for looting money (everything starts with no compilation errors) but does not loot money from corpses, I use the version RUNUO 2.7 (Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server) in settings all enabled. please help me to remake the script so that I can loot money, or I need to make changes to Basecreature.cs
You can try using my suggestion on the servuo resource to use eventsink . It should work on RunUo, you may need to manually insert the creature death event sink if you do not have it, should not be to hard.

So I'm just about finished with a 'Rank Level System' for Ultima Adventures, its built mainly for adventures so it won't work outright with any other distro. it will have a separate quest system and special abilities, for those familiar it would be something a little similar to the anime 'black summoner'.

Is there interest in me sharing this? I only ask because I have yet to put together a setup doc as distro edits would be needed as well as a core edit to eventsinks if you do not already have them in place. I do not have a live server and will likely never bother launching as much.

Each Level up just gives a boost to base stats, so likely will want to consider increasing base stat caps as well as considering a balance that makes sense for your own shard. Maybe even disable stat gains entirely from using skills.

Ideally, you will want to disable power scrolls as this gives bonus stat caps to skill based on the rank of the individual skill
The player rank will determine additional rewards for a certain quest or maybe allow only certain weapons to be able to be held by a certain rank player.

For unique skills, I only have one so far but ideally, i will stop at about maybe 30 or 40. The one I currently have (smithes eyes) is once its achieved, the player can see the stats of other players armor and weapons, by default this is now blocked and there is no way to see the stats of equipment other players are wearing. On the flip side if the other player has another ability 'Concealment' that matches or is higher than the rank 'Smithes Eyes' then they equipment is once again blocked from being seen.

The three quest types are fairly generic but achieve the goal, of currently expanding them. Made this whole thing from scratch, mostly. I also made use of a 'Data Storage' in the bank similar to what already exists to follow the same format. I will eventually be changing the gump backgrounds to better align with the ones already in place.

So yeah just tossing this out to see if there is any interest. I know @Finaltwist is taking a break, so figured I would pitch in some ideas.
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Hello. Where on your server (ultima adventure) script is the parameter responsible for the amount of ore in the pack, it simply doesn’t put it in the pack&
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So I'm just about finished with a 'Rank Level System' for Ultima Adventures, its built mainly for adventures so it won't work outright with any other distro. it will have a separate quest system and special abilities, for those familiar it would be something a little similar to the anime 'black summoner'.

Is there interest in me sharing this? I only ask because I have yet to put together a setup doc as distro edits would be needed as well as a core edit to eventsinks if you do not already have them in place. I do not have a live server and will likely never bother launching as much.

Each Level up just gives a boost to base stats, so likely will want to consider increasing base stat caps as well as considering a balance that makes sense for your own shard. Maybe even disable stat gains entirely from using skills.

Ideally, you will want to disable power scrolls as this gives bonus stat caps to skill based on the rank of the individual skill
The player rank will determine additional rewards for a certain quest or maybe allow only certain weapons to be able to be held by a certain rank player.

For unique skills, I only have one so far but ideally, i will stop at about maybe 30 or 40. The one I currently have (smithes eyes) is once its achieved, the player can see the stats of other players armor and weapons, by default this is now blocked and there is no way to see the stats of equipment other players are wearing. On the flip side if the other player has another ability 'Concealment' that matches or is higher than the rank 'Smithes Eyes' then they equipment is once again blocked from being seen.

The three quest types are fairly generic but achieve the goal, of currently expanding them. Made this whole thing from scratch, mostly. I also made use of a 'Data Storage' in the bank similar to what already exists to follow the same format. I will eventually be changing the gump backgrounds to better align with the ones already in place.

So yeah just tossing this out to see if there is any interest. I know @Finaltwist is taking a break, so figured I would pitch in some ideas.
View attachment 21693
View attachment 21692
Looks nice buddy :), nice gumps, guessing this is essentially it's own "charicter mode"

Could it run alongside the normal game as an option?, or would the changes you suggest be needed I.e.powrscrolls to stop people not useing this setup from cheating?

I'm an admin on the live adventures server and just wanted to drop a quick footnote in that FT is indeed taking a breather but further changes are ongoing, not sure when but there will be future releases

Most recent addition is the new chemist specialist, essentially a potion focused mad scientist with bonuses to frankenstine and no spellcasting etc
Hello. Where on your server (ultima adventure) script is the parameter responsible for the amount of ore in the pack, it simply doesn’t put it in the pack&
Ore in your backpack?, are you getting the ore land on the floor?

If you are it could be your notnstrong enough, as ore when mined should land in the backpack as it is
Looks nice buddy :), nice gumps, guessing this is essentially it's own "charicter mode"

Could it run alongside the normal game as an option?, or would the changes you suggest be needed I.e.powrscrolls to stop people not useing this setup from cheating?

I'm an admin on the live adventures server and just wanted to drop a quick footnote in that FT is indeed taking a breather but further changes are ongoing, not sure when but there will be future releases

Most recent addition is the new chemist specialist, essentially a potion focused mad scientist with bonuses to frankenstine and no spellcasting etc

Ore in your backpack?, are you getting the ore land on the floor?

If you are it could be your notnstrong enough, as ore when mined should land in the backpack as it is

I likely won't be following any new updates, until this project ever makes a jump to ServUO from RunUo. However, this project of mine will be future-proof since it doesn't use anything weird. Adding this to a live server 'should not' cause any problems, just make back ups of saves per the usual.

It can run alongside the existing game mechanics with no conflicts. Disabling the power scrolls would be optional if you wanted to rely solely on the Rank system to grant the stat cap bonuses. However, if the power scroll has already been used, or they get a skill stat cap raise through other means, it won't hurt anything.

Also as far as counting items used, it starts at basepotion so even with new potions, everything is accounted for. Which can be used for future unique abilities.

I just finished the escort quest (which honestly is a pain since I did not want to rely on XML or the built in quest system).

So I just need to finish the skills (because of how each skill is used, im basically doing each skill on its own for gaining exp towards a rank up), as well as add some abilities, then I will post it in ServUO resources and link it here.
hello. which script is responsible for changed it so tamed animals won't attack their owners with breath area attack (unless the tame is directly attacking the owner)?
hello. which script is responsible for changed it so tamed animals won't attack their owners with breath area attack (unless the tame is directly attacking the owner)?
It's loyalty based, at high loyalty there careful and shouldn't hit you, notnsure where the script is tho
I likely won't be following any new updates, until this project ever makes a jump to ServUO from RunUo. However, this project of mine will be future-proof since it doesn't use anything weird. Adding this to a live server 'should not' cause any problems, just make back ups of saves per the usual.

It can run alongside the existing game mechanics with no conflicts. Disabling the power scrolls would be optional if you wanted to rely solely on the Rank system to grant the stat cap bonuses. However, if the power scroll has already been used, or they get a skill stat cap raise through other means, it won't hurt anything.

Also as far as counting items used, it starts at basepotion so even with new potions, everything is accounted for. Which can be used for future unique abilities.

I just finished the escort quest (which honestly is a pain since I did not want to rely on XML or the built in quest system).

So I just need to finish the skills (because of how each skill is used, im basically doing each skill on its own for gaining exp towards a rank up), as well as add some abilities, then I will post it in ServUO resources and link it here.
Pretty cool addin then

And no sweat, was just posting to indicate that things are ongoing

Doubt we will be jumping to servuo, it's a massive load of work and possibly would need a reset of the world save, either way glad you enjoy it so far :)
It's loyalty based, at high loyalty there careful and shouldn't hit you, notnsure where the script is tho

Pretty cool addin then

And no sweat, was just posting to indicate that things are ongoing

Doubt we will be jumping to servuo, it's a massive load of work and possibly would need a reset of the world save, either way glad you enjoy it so far :)
I think transferring all scripts from runuo to servuo is not really too much difference in syntax with update NET 5.0(
I think transferring all scripts from runuo to servuo is not really too much difference in syntax with update NET 5.0(
Happy for anyone to fork the project and make it their own! Looks like a fantastic system (leveling) and really neat, but it would have to be added as an opt-in feature... Everything in UA has always been about choice, there's ... 63? Different foundational play styles? Avatar, observer, soulbound... This system could be optional for each of the styles, or its own as a fourth.

Balancing has been very tricky in UA with all the options we have available... Adding a leveling system would really change the core difficulty curve of the game.

Also... In a way.... Isn't the soulbound system a gradual leveling system too?

In any case, feel free to fork the github and upload your work in your own copy of the git! I'm sure it will be useful for many.
So, downloading from google or dropbox doesn't work for me cuz of my shitty hospital wifi, is there a torrent file of Ultima Adventures?
This is what I have so far. Feel free to post opinions and feedback on the discussion.


Active Shards


Total amount