And do you just want the UO Architect program itself, or the entire building database?
Everything that it needs to run properly in a nice folder haha. I just can't seem to get it to run. Downloaded servuo, architect, the building databases. And still can't run it right. Cause I am dumb. LOL
Everything that it needs to run properly in a nice folder haha. I just can't seem to get it to run. Downloaded servuo, architect, the building databases. And still can't run it right. Cause I am dumb. LOL
Right click on UOArchitect.exe, under Properties do the following:
  • Check the box for Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select Windows Vista
  • Check the box for Run this program as an administrator
Once you've done that, you should be able to run the application, load the buildings in the editor, export the files, etc. However the one issue I have been having is that when attempting to connect to the server after making the modifications, I am unable to do so. This might have more to do with changes to ServUO than anything else, so I am unsure what will resolve this currently. At some point in the future I may take some time and throw the app through the debugger.

I personally know all the major contributors, but through one event or another, they've mostly moved on with their lives and/or they've completely burnt themselves out of games entirely. Collectively we've made several efforts to revive various projects they started like UO Genesis, UO Landscaper, UO Architect, and even a replacement for Pandora, but unfortunately a lot of the source files have since been lost or were on older computers since replaced.

With any luck we'll find a way to replace this tool or have something of an update for it in the future that will allow for easier customizations of realms for years to come. I hope to have the first UO shard on Mars. XD
the problem is, I specify the path in the multi patch target, I have a red line, the path to the files is correct
the problem is, I specify the path in the multi patch target, I have a red line, the path to the files is correct
without any other info, i would guess that its a permissions problem. try right click the exe > run as admin so the exe has the ability to access the file/directory? depending on the path and the way your system is set up, your user might have the permissions needed to access the files. or perhaps the file(s) you are trying to access are already in use by another program (ie your client, perhaps).
+ Customs/OrbRemoteServer/UOArchitect/MobileSaver.cs:
CS1061: Line 345: 'Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'SpawnNames' and no accessible extension method 'SpawnNames' accepting a first argument of type 'Spawner' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Change it to
spawner.SpawnObjects.Add(new SpawnObject(t.ToString()));
and it will work .
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