I'm taking the opportunity to expand on the Xmlspawner tutorials that can be found scattered around the community, whether here or RunUO or wherever. Original authors will get credit if I find one to copy/paste, but my focus is that the tutorials follow a more universal outline and they will be of increasing difficulty (involving more addons and/or different features discovered by other creators over the years).
Anyone can contribute to this project, it is a community effort. Please do not duplicate tutorials. If you have one similar to one that is posted, it would be better to merge the tutorials into one. Make sure to include all steps that must be taken. Also if you would like help structuring a tutorial, just let me know and I'd be glad to give you a hand.
For right now the universal outline should be:
Feature Usage: This is where you would describe what the tutorial is about. For example, Quest creation using KILL and.or KILLNAMED.
Installation Step: While the ServUO Repo has Xmlspawner installed with all the additional steps, not everyone is using ServUO's Repo. As such, please include the step number if your tutorial includes something from one of those steps. Using KILL/KILLNAMED as an example, Installation Step: 2 - KILL/KILLNAMED.
Estimated Completion Time: Roughly how long it will take to walkthrough the entire tutorial, executing all steps. This will help give people an idea of how long they could be stuck at their computer.
Tutorial Steps: This goes along with the estimated completion time.
Introduction: If you wrote the quest or Xmlspawner set up for a specific reason, you could explain a bit of why you did it this way or what the purpose was. For example, if you wrote a quest for a player to kill a specific mob and return with their head, you could simply state that.
Tutorial Step 1: This is where you would begin your tutorial. Please include screenshots and/or visual examples as much as possible.
Now I'd like to open this up for everyone to join in. There are several Xmlspawner tutorials that are floating around the community now, but is there either an existing tutorial that needs to be expanded on or one that you would like to see written (in which case, please try to give as much detail as possible so the tutorial can be created). Also, please remember that people are volunteering their time to create these tutorials and they take time, so don't request one and expect it to be posted within an hour.
Please post your tutorial suggestions as replies. If further information is needed, you will be contacted via PM for clarification.
Anyone can contribute to this project, it is a community effort. Please do not duplicate tutorials. If you have one similar to one that is posted, it would be better to merge the tutorials into one. Make sure to include all steps that must be taken. Also if you would like help structuring a tutorial, just let me know and I'd be glad to give you a hand.
For right now the universal outline should be:
Feature Usage: This is where you would describe what the tutorial is about. For example, Quest creation using KILL and.or KILLNAMED.
Installation Step: While the ServUO Repo has Xmlspawner installed with all the additional steps, not everyone is using ServUO's Repo. As such, please include the step number if your tutorial includes something from one of those steps. Using KILL/KILLNAMED as an example, Installation Step: 2 - KILL/KILLNAMED.
Estimated Completion Time: Roughly how long it will take to walkthrough the entire tutorial, executing all steps. This will help give people an idea of how long they could be stuck at their computer.
Tutorial Steps: This goes along with the estimated completion time.
Introduction: If you wrote the quest or Xmlspawner set up for a specific reason, you could explain a bit of why you did it this way or what the purpose was. For example, if you wrote a quest for a player to kill a specific mob and return with their head, you could simply state that.
Tutorial Step 1: This is where you would begin your tutorial. Please include screenshots and/or visual examples as much as possible.
Now I'd like to open this up for everyone to join in. There are several Xmlspawner tutorials that are floating around the community now, but is there either an existing tutorial that needs to be expanded on or one that you would like to see written (in which case, please try to give as much detail as possible so the tutorial can be created). Also, please remember that people are volunteering their time to create these tutorials and they take time, so don't request one and expect it to be posted within an hour.
Please post your tutorial suggestions as replies. If further information is needed, you will be contacted via PM for clarification.
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