
I'm taking the opportunity to expand on the Xmlspawner tutorials that can be found scattered around the community, whether here or RunUO or wherever. Original authors will get credit if I find one to copy/paste, but my focus is that the tutorials follow a more universal outline and they will be of increasing difficulty (involving more addons and/or different features discovered by other creators over the years).

Anyone can contribute to this project, it is a community effort. Please do not duplicate tutorials. If you have one similar to one that is posted, it would be better to merge the tutorials into one. Make sure to include all steps that must be taken. Also if you would like help structuring a tutorial, just let me know and I'd be glad to give you a hand.

For right now the universal outline should be:

Feature Usage: This is where you would describe what the tutorial is about. For example, Quest creation using KILL and.or KILLNAMED.

Installation Step: While the ServUO Repo has Xmlspawner installed with all the additional steps, not everyone is using ServUO's Repo. As such, please include the step number if your tutorial includes something from one of those steps. Using KILL/KILLNAMED as an example, Installation Step: 2 - KILL/KILLNAMED.

Estimated Completion Time: Roughly how long it will take to walkthrough the entire tutorial, executing all steps. This will help give people an idea of how long they could be stuck at their computer. ;)

Tutorial Steps: This goes along with the estimated completion time.

Introduction: If you wrote the quest or Xmlspawner set up for a specific reason, you could explain a bit of why you did it this way or what the purpose was. For example, if you wrote a quest for a player to kill a specific mob and return with their head, you could simply state that.

Tutorial Step 1: This is where you would begin your tutorial. Please include screenshots and/or visual examples as much as possible.

Now I'd like to open this up for everyone to join in. There are several Xmlspawner tutorials that are floating around the community now, but is there either an existing tutorial that needs to be expanded on or one that you would like to see written (in which case, please try to give as much detail as possible so the tutorial can be created). Also, please remember that people are volunteering their time to create these tutorials and they take time, so don't request one and expect it to be posted within an hour.

Please post your tutorial suggestions as replies. If further information is needed, you will be contacted via PM for clarification.
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You will find all these tutorials under the Tutorials link from the main menu.

Reserved for tutorial links.

Quick Commands/Advanced Installation

Xmlspawner Properties

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILL Objective Part 1

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILL Objective Part 2

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILLNAMED Objective

Advanced - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, Xmlspawner Control, XmlSpawner Properties, KILL Objective
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That is very nice. Could you maybe write up an overview over the XmlSpawner attachments that exist? I've started making a list but this seems utterly undocumented, most threads by arteGordon are all over the web and often deleted where he explained individual ones. I got a good chunk of information about the siege system available through XmlSpawner and the attachments coming with that. But between your actual-spawner and the siege system there seem to be tons of other attachments I've found not coverage yet to any degree.

Here is what I have so far .. (Excel file format with tab delimited columns). This seems to be only a small number of attachments, the ones that [availatt reveals ingame. There seem to be many more though.


  • xml_spawner_attachments.txt
    8.9 KB · Views: 45
That list is pretty comprehensive and will take a lot of time to complete (which I do plan on getting around to them in chunks as they related to one another). What I can do is hopefully explain in a tutorial what the structure of each type of attachment is (basically how to properly build it in-game on the xmlspawner).
For example, for XmlSiege, I would do something like this:

To spawn a static with the xmlsiege attachment, it would be like this
Will spawn a short, marble wall with 50 hit points.

static,272: the itemID of the object you want to have the Xmlsiege attachment, literally anything, even a complete multi (but a multi would be: multi,multiID).
/ATTACH: Keyword used in XmlSpawner to add an XmlAttachment to an object spawned from an Xmlspawner.
/XmlSiege,50: Following the ATTACH keyword, this tells the Xmlspawner which attachment to use. In this case, XmlSiege. Then to add a MaxHits value of 50.
Note: By default, Xmlspawner "assumes" the numeral after the "," is the MaxHits. You can add more complicated variables by just using the ",".
Would spawn a short, marble wall with 30 MaxHits, 50 ResistFire, 100 ResistPhysical, 5 Wood, 2 Iron, 1 Stone. (Wood, Iron, Stone being how much of each it takes to repair 100 MaxHits.)

If you would like something more in-depth and more specific, if you'd like to give me an example (even a project you're working on), I can create a tutorial for it, most likely.
I'm not working on a specific project but trying to compile a documentation of ServUO and features. I've finished the regular ingame commands available, syntax/usage and rank and now am looking into doing the same for XmlSpawner, as it adds basically a ton more commands available outside of doing scripts and compiling them.

Ps: Basically you can access the XmlSpawner attachments to directly modify mobiles (including player chars) or objects by
[addatt <attachmentname>
and in some cases use all kinds of properties with that. The Xmlspawner ingame-help is useful to get some idea and it lists some of the attachments but it seems from websites and Xmlspawner tutorials, that these are by far not all.
But for my GM tool (Accomplice adaptation for ServUO, as Pandora actually is mostly no longer working) I need to see what is available and what the syntax is, so I can make it useful indeed for life conditions.
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That works for accessing the target manually to add an attachment, but using an actual Xmlspawner to access and add attachments (including their syntax and formatting) isn't 100% covered, as I've experienced instances when I have had to change syntax/formatting to get the attachment working properly. Most of my tutorials will cover using Xmlspawners and XmlQuestNPCs, rather than using in-game commands to perform Xmlspawner functions.

i will learn all about xml2spawner system. Thnx for all infos here.
and my goal(?not sure, if this is the right word) is to concept a animal level system with this system. I have read, that this is possible.

if anybody have the same goal for the next time...pls let me know :)

Greetings Döschl
yes i know that and i have seen it. i ask here in the forum about changes with the gumps in that system....but seems like nobody can help.

i read, its possible to insert a petlvlsystem over xml. the advantages are....little or no changes in the bc, ful plug and play .... no servercrashes, when its damaged....
Oh, yea, I read now :) UO Nightshade has a really slick pet leveling system, but I don't know which addon it is. You might ask their owner. You might also try this forum that appears to be the only place left on the planet where people discuss XmlSpawner development: http://xmlspawner.fr.yuku.com/ . But if you do decide to roll your own you've got a great community here that is very supportive :)
Hi Norman,
thanks for your answer. Thank you also that you are trying to encourage me. Of course, I do not know if Google translated correctly, but so far it looks okay.
My problem is that I am indeed computer scientist, but the programming I never liked.
C # is not really a hardcore programming language, so that I could teach myself a lot.
It is very difficult to understand a fairly extensive system. It takes a long time until one has found anything.
So I thought to myself, I'm trying to build my own system. Because at least I know what I have I done.
The link you sent, I know. Some time ago I've tried to read everything and understand. But somehow always comes in between RealLife :)
On top of that I was rebuilding my own Server and the old stuff flies out. (Oh, I think, here the translation is really bad)
The FS Animal system is not the best. JakoTaming also. The whole thing to realize about AnimalLore has its limits.
I have, I think, good ideas. But first I have to read and understand everything about XML,
2. know everything about the creation Gumps.
This is sometimes too much for someone who has a job. And that's why I'm super happy that there is this cummunity here!
I really thank all those who answer my sometimes stupid questions. I'm still learning ... year after year.

Greetings Döschl (from germany...and learning english here in the forum and in uo sice yaers ago :) and i caught myself that I partly wrote English sentences in Google translator, rather than German: D
A great way to learn Gump creation is to go look at the code for a reasonably simple gump that you are already familiar with. NOT the crafting gumps though. They use a very complex system to be generic. I would encourage you to make an account on UO Nightshade and check out their system. Every character on that shard starts with a 5xGM skill ball. Just use that to get GM Taming and Vet, then go tame a bear or something. Select Training on the context menu of your pet and look at their gump. Might give you some ideas.
I have already learned, because I have the viewed basic tutorials of gump creating.
It is not meant art to look at other servers, as they have fixed that.
I call it spying. It is not to get the right kind, I think.
I'll read the next time a lot and try. and I know the basic gumps running on my server. I certainly understand something and I think it will be still a long way :)
However, if you have more tips ... out with it: D
I've adapted FS Taming for my shard, even added the Elemental Levels before the idea was added to the last updated release. I've had the scripts tweaked though to have hard caps on a lot of things, especially resistances, but as far as editing the system itself goes, it's one of the easier ones to make changes to, even if you're just learning C#.

As for the gumps, I'm going to post a thread to download GumpStudio, as the old link no longer works. That program is Drag/Drop for creating gumps. The nice thing is, if you look at the script for the gump you want to change, you can enter those values into GumpStudio and re-create the gump. Then you can "see" the gump, make changes to it and then export the gump to a script file. All you have to do at that point is copy the code for the gump from one script to the other.

I kow that about gumps! I have seen this tuts! I copied parts of easily gumps to confirm my interest. :D thank you for all your replays and responses, and support about .....
Quick Commands/Advanced Installation

Xmlspawner Properties

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILL Objective Part 1

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILL Objective Part 2

Beginner - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, KILLNAMED Objective

Advanced - XmlDialog/XmlEdit, XmlQuestNPC, Xmlspawner Control, XmlSpawner Properties, KILL Objective

The links don't work.

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