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  1. Cad

    UO Client Compatibility Chart (For RunUO)

    How do you use these?
  2. Cad

    Animal Loyalty Int

    Where did you end up putting this? Do you have screenshots showing the results? I'm still in the process of fixing the pet loyalty timers...Pets are just abandoning owners after an hour or even before sometimes.
  3. Cad

    Pets wandering away after random world saves (ServUO57)

    Hello, attached is my BaseCreature.cs I've modified the loyalty to lose 1 every hour instead of 10. Pets were all fed prior to us going to AFK to see if they would wander off. So approx 20 mins of AFK and the pets ditched. Any ideas on changes to solve this? Thank you.
  4. Cad

    Pets leaving owners

    what exactly does this do? I'm having an issue where followers are going un-tame on random world saves. I have my loyalty ratings modified to lose 1 every hour but these are pretty fresh tames that they are losing.
  5. Cad

    HowToMake Talking NPCs with Titles Who can Teach

    This is what I've been looking for! Thank you. This makes the game much more immersive. My only question is how do I make it so they don't talk to players when they are hidden and only players can trigger the speech?
  6. Cad

    Putting TreasureLevel "x" on an XMLSpawner

    Oh okay, thank you for looking that up.
  7. Cad

    Putting TreasureLevel "x" on an XMLSpawner

    Yes servuo, so I've been adding them in like that, I was wondering how they respawn. Is it when the chest is fully looted or after it's unlocked?
  8. Cad

    Putting TreasureLevel "x" on an XMLSpawner

    Hello, I've been putting my treasure chest on xmlspawners but have yet to actually test it and see how it functions? Has anyone used this and know how the respawn of the chest or the treasure inside works? I know the decorations command comes with a ton of containers and chest but they're all...
  9. Cad

    Random Speech to MOB

  10. Cad

    Guild Chat not working (ServUO 57)

    Just added Knives Chat Reborn 1.3 and it fixed the issue. Thank you! Now to try and disable that backslash function.
  11. Cad

    Guild Chat not working (ServUO 57)

    Hello all, I've been stumped on this issue for a while now; I'm using the old guild system (guild stone) and for some reason, I do not have a working guild chat...If I remember correctly guild chat was always [g on the shard I played, now it seems to be \. Whenever anyone uses the \ method it...
  12. Cad

    Old runuo like guild system with stone issue

    I'm not too sure about those because all I've ever played is Renaissance Era. I would say AOS possibly? is a great tool to use. It has UO history and shows the era the systems were added in.
  13. Cad

    Old runuo like guild system with stone issue

    You should be able to just change this line in your Guild.cs file Around line 779 public static bool NewGuildSystem { get { return Core.AOS; } } I'm using ServUO 57 and this line defaulted as Core.UOR and since I'm running a UOR era I just set it to a higher expansion.
  14. Cad

    (ServUO Pub 57.1) Changed my client from the latest to

    I've been running a Renaissance-era shard with no issues for a few years now, well I wanted that real classic feel so I downloaded the renaissance patch to bring Maginicia back to its old state before the gargoyles and it was running well for a bit until I tweak my current expansion back to UOR...
  15. Cad

    UO:T2A graphics under client

    I'm getting this error when trying to set my shard to use this client.
  16. Cad

    Help with explosion potions (pvp)how are supposed to work?

    On the shard I play on there is a delay of about 4-5 seconds and also a random min-max timer of 3, 4 on them as well to prevent perfect pot macros.
  17. Cad

    System messages upon entering areas

    I'm sorry lol where is that option located on the props?
  18. Cad

    System messages upon entering areas

    Thank you! what I ended up doing was one spawner to trigger a system message because I originally had 4 harpies on that spawner and you get the prox message every time one spawns.
  19. Cad

    System messages upon entering areas

    Hello, After reading the XML tutorial made by Milva, I wanted to try the proximity message feature in the XML spawners. How exactly can I get this feature to work so that when a player enters that set area they get a message? I put my message in the ProximityMSG box and nothing happens. Thank...
  20. Cad

    (ServUO 57) Creating new monster

    Thanks, I actually just figured out the weapon part of it, but I can't seem to get the shroud to stay showing on the body (which I figured is because I'm using the hooded shroud of shadows, and it's blessed by default.) When I was using the body value of the restless soul, the nightmare it was...

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