
Hammerhand submitted a new resource:

OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54 - Ores/Woods/Leathers/Token resources

Yup.. a new one. All of the bugs have been sprayed, most died & a few got squished.. 2 new BoD's have been added. Carpentery & BowFletch. :D
Heres a "brief" discription.. (borrowed from a much older OWLTR release, altered where needed)

5 custom ores, 11 custom woods and 7 custom leather all based on 120 skill cap.
Full elementals tree that include all metals, wood and leather.
Each of them hold the resource and when spawned by gargoyles tool a runic item with 5 charges as well.
Master of The...

Read more about this resource...
Awesome Hammerhand! I know you have been working on this for a long time and I am glad to see the fruits of your labor. I am sure many people will love you for this!
Forgot to add 1 tiny little thing... There is now a 2nd BoD book for holding the Carp & Fletch BoD's. :D

Now remember Kiddies... the contents of the Modified file must be merged into the same files in your server, unless you have made NO modifications to those scripts. So be sure to pad your keyboard with something soft (you might need it). ;)
Wonderful release! Nice to see this updated many will enjoy this always such a very popular system!! :) Thanks for you eye crossing work :)
I think this is missing edits needed to SmallBulkEntry.cs

+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallCarpenterBOD.cs:
    CS0117: Line 82: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'CarpenterStaff'
    CS0117: Line 84: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'CarpenterInstrument'
    CS0117: Line 212: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'CarpenterStaff'
    CS0117: Line 214: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'CarpenterInstrument'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallFletcherBOD.cs:
    CS0117: Line 82: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'FletcherAllBow'
    CS0117: Line 84: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'FletcherAllBow'
    CS0117: Line 214: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'FletcherAllBow'
    CS0117: Line 216: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBulkEntry' does not contain a definition for 'FletcherAllBow'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

I created my own edits for it to get the server up and running however I'm not sure if they are actually correct or not as I'm not certain if I picked the correct files or not. anyway what I did was add the following in SmallBulkEntry.cs just below tailoring.

EDITED AND REMOVED my edits since it was added by Hammerhand

Other than having that one small issue my server is up and running. I replaced version 3.01.00 with this on a server with lots of edits already... took me about 6 hours lol was lots of fun :)
I'll play with it some and let you know what I think.
Last edited:
Reloaded .rar with the forgotten script. I knew it needed to go in there too. Guess I've been a bit overly tired. Anywho, the actual entry looks a bit like yours Visam.
        //--<< Custom BODs Edit>>-------------------------------[Start 1 of 1] 
        public static SmallBulkEntry[] CarpenterStaff
            get { return GetEntries("Carpenter", "staffs"); }

        public static SmallBulkEntry[] CarpenterInstrument
            get { return GetEntries("Carpenter", "instruments"); }

        public static SmallBulkEntry[] FletcherAllBow
            get { return GetEntries("Fletcher", "allbows"); }

        //--<< Custom BODs Edit>>-------------------------------[End 1 of 1]
For anyone interested I've been testing features in this for a little over an hour (not that that is a real test for a beast like this) but so far everything I've done with it has been perfect. The new carp/flet BODs (and the items that go with them) are a really nice addition. It's really great to see this fully functional again.

excellent job on this Hammerhand!!:D
Just a smal note. Better to go with merge, and just do merges. Even on clean server. Some number of errors arround.
And there also are quite a few missmerges inside. Like: LargeBOD.cs line 243 contains an extra
Baserunictools.cs mising:
        //daat99 OWTLR start - runic storage
        public virtual Type GetCraftableType()
            return null;
        //daat99 OWTLR end - runic storage
Line 121
as it is in options, not

Also if you just replace, you will get a loot errors about missing properties.

If anyone lazzzy as hell i can post Todays repo + this system in already :D (Scripts part that is)
Last edited:
My apologies for missing that. I thought I had gotten that taken care of. Not sure where the extra bracket came from in the LargeBOD.cs, but the BaseRunicTool.cs is in the release & contains the snippet you posted.
Maybe the extra bracket came about with his merge, with scripts and changing we all know to well that at times we either need to add a bracket or remove it :)
Well might be mistaken in Baserunictools.cs. (Might be my bad marge...)
But Largebod.cs had that extra bracket :p and also Elemental.cs needed small change... (Just did recheck form my rar download)
Hello All - I tried to install on a fresh servuo install and have this error:
Is this corrected with the smallbod? and is there a largebod/smallbod corrected for download? or does the package above have the corrections?
Thanks for a great addition...
Actually, there is an extra } around line 243
                    //daat99 OWLTR start - custom wood
                    else if (m_Material >= BulkMaterialType.OakWood && m_Material <= BulkMaterialType.Petrified && small.Material != m_Material)
                        from.SendMessage("Both orders must use the same wood type."); // Both orders must use the same leather type.
                    //daat99 OWLTR end - custom wood
                   } << extra
Just remove that & you should be fine. Its one I missed before I released it.
Removed the } and got this one...


ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5881.26699
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 11 errors, 0 warnings
+ Mobiles/Monsters/AOS/ShadowKnight.cs:
    CS0115: Line 12: 'Server.Mobiles.ShadowKnight.CanStealth': no suitable metho
d found to override
+ Mobiles/Monsters/ML/Humanoid/Magic/Satyr.cs:
    CS0115: Line 63: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanDiscord': no suitable method found
to override
    CS0115: Line 64: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanPeace': no suitable method found t
o override
    CS0115: Line 65: 'Server.Mobiles.Satyr.CanProvoke': no suitable method found
to override
+ Mobiles/Monsters/SE/EliteNinja.cs:
    CS0115: Line 13: 'Server.Mobiles.EliteNinja.CanStealth': no suitable method
found to override
+ Mobiles/Special/Barracoon.cs:
    CS0115: Line 133: 'Server.Mobiles.Barracoon.AllureImmune': no suitable metho
d found to override
+ Quests/SA Evidence Quests/Mobiles/GargishRouser.cs:
    CS0115: Line 116: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanDiscord': no suitable met
hod found to override
    CS0115: Line 117: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanPeace': no suitable metho
d found to override
    CS0115: Line 118: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.CanProvoke': no suitable met
hod found to override
    CS0115: Line 121: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.DiscordInterval': no suitabl
e method found to override
    CS0115: Line 122: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.PeaceInterval': no suitable
method found to override
    CS0115: Line 123: 'Server.Mobiles.GargishRouser.ProvokeInterval': no suitabl
e method found to override
+ Quests/SA Evidence Quests/GatheringOfEvidence.cs:
    CS0115: Line 271: 'Server.Engines.Quests.Prassel.CheckTerMur()': no suitable
method found to override
+ Quests/SA Termur Zhah Quest/Mobiles/MinionOfScelestus.cs:
    CS0115: Line 60: 'Server.Mobiles.MinionOfScelestus.TaintedLifeAura': no suit
able method found to override
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/DespiseCreature.cs:
    CS0115: Line 130: 'Server.Engines.Despise.DespiseCreature.ForceNotoriety': n
o suitable method found to override
    CS0115: Line 132: 'Server.Engines.Despise.DespiseCreature.GivesFameAndKarmaA
ward': no suitable method found to override
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/EvilCreatures.cs:
    CS0115: Line 54: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Phantom.GetBardTarget(bool)': no su
itable method found to override
+ Services/Despise Revamped/Mobiles/GoodCreatures.cs:
    CS0115: Line 54: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.CanDiscord': no suitable me
thod found to override
    CS0115: Line 55: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.DiscordInterval': no suitab
le method found to override
    CS0115: Line 57: 'Server.Engines.Despise.Silenii.GetBardTarget(bool)': no su
itable method found to override
+ Services/Quests/Peerless System/Medusa's Lair/Medusa.cs:
    CS0115: Line 134: 'Server.Mobiles.Medusa.AllureImmune': no suitable method f
ound to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
Hi all, Thank You Hammer -- The other problems I get too; found them on basecreature in mobiles - fixed some but not all with the merge of basecreature - in owltr it's missing the # bard region skills (and the allure section if I recall...)

This is a great add-on esp. with Master of Arts...
After merging i got only 1 error loading... Probably missing only 1 « } » somewhere, if anyone can help, Thanks!

ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5881.26699
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 1 errors, 0 warnings
+ Mobiles/BaseCreature.cs:
    CS1513: Line 5650: } expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

#region Header
// **********
// ServUO - BaseCreature.cs
// **********

#region References
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Doom;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Haven;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
using Server.Ethics;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Sixth;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;
using Server.Targeting;
using System.Linq;
using daat99;

namespace Server.Mobiles

    #region Enums
    /// <summary>
    ///     Summary description for MobileAI.
    /// </summary>
    public enum FightMode
        None, // Never focus on others
        Aggressor, // Only attack aggressors
        Strongest, // Attack the strongest
        Weakest, // Attack the weakest
        Closest, // Attack the closest
        Evil, // Only attack aggressor -or- negative karma
        Good // Only attack aggressor -or- positive karma

    public enum OrderType
        None, //When no order, let's roam
        Come, //"(All/Name) come"  Summons all or one pet to your location.
        Drop, //"(Name) drop"  Drops its loot to the ground (if it carries any).
        Follow, //"(Name) follow"  Follows targeted being.
        //"(All/Name) follow me"  Makes all or one pet follow you.
        Friend, //"(Name) friend"  Allows targeted player to confirm resurrection.
        Unfriend, // Remove a friend
        Guard, //"(Name) guard"  Makes the specified pet guard you. Pets can only guard their owner.
        //"(All/Name) guard me"  Makes all or one pet guard you.
        Attack, //"(All/Name) kill",
        //"(All/Name) attack"  All or the specified pet(s) currently under your control attack the target.
        Patrol, //"(Name) patrol"  Roves between two or more guarded targets.
        Release, //"(Name) release"  Releases pet back into the wild (removes "tame" status).
        Stay, //"(All/Name) stay" All or the specified pet(s) will stop and stay in current spot.
        Stop, //"(All/Name) stop Cancels any current orders to attack, guard or follow.
        Transfer //"(Name) transfer" Transfers complete ownership to targeted player.

    public enum FoodType
        None = 0x0000,
        Meat = 0x0001,
        FruitsAndVegies = 0x0002,
        GrainsAndHay = 0x0004,
        Fish = 0x0008,
        Eggs = 0x0010,
        Gold = 0x0020,
        Metal = 0x0040

    public enum PackInstinct
        None = 0x0000,
        Canine = 0x0001,
        Ostard = 0x0002,
        Feline = 0x0004,
        Arachnid = 0x0008,
        Daemon = 0x0010,
        Bear = 0x0020,
        Equine = 0x0040,
        Bull = 0x0080

    public enum ScaleType
        //daat99 OWLTR start - custom scales 1
        //daat99 OWLTR end - custom scales 1

    public enum MeatType

    public enum HideType
            //daat99 OWLTR start - custom hides
        //daat99 OWLTR end - custom hides

    public class DamageStore : IComparable
        public Mobile m_Mobile;
        public int m_Damage;
        public bool m_HasRight;

        public DamageStore(Mobile m, int damage)
            m_Mobile = m;
            m_Damage = damage;

        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            DamageStore ds = (DamageStore)obj;

            return ds.m_Damage - m_Damage;

    public class FriendlyNameAttribute : Attribute
        //future use: Talisman 'Protection/Bonus vs. Specific Creature
        private readonly TextDefinition m_FriendlyName;

        public TextDefinition FriendlyName { get { return m_FriendlyName; } }

        public FriendlyNameAttribute(TextDefinition friendlyName)
            m_FriendlyName = friendlyName;

        public static TextDefinition GetFriendlyNameFor(Type t)
            if (t.IsDefined(typeof(FriendlyNameAttribute), false))
                var objs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FriendlyNameAttribute), false);

                if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                    FriendlyNameAttribute friendly = objs[0] as FriendlyNameAttribute;

                    return friendly.FriendlyName;

            return t.Name;

    public class BaseCreature : Mobile, IHonorTarget
        public const int MaxLoyalty = 100;

        #region Var declarations
        private BaseAI m_AI; // THE AI

        private AIType m_CurrentAI; // The current AI
        private AIType m_DefaultAI; // The default AI

        private FightMode m_FightMode; // The style the mob uses

        private int m_iRangePerception; // The view area
        private int m_iRangeFight; // The fight distance

        private bool m_bDebugAI; // Show debug AI messages

        private int m_iTeam; // Monster Team

        private double m_dActiveSpeed; // Timer speed when active
        private double m_dPassiveSpeed; // Timer speed when not active
        private double m_dCurrentSpeed; // The current speed, lets say it could be changed by something;

        private Point3D m_pHome; // The home position of the creature, used by some AI
        private int m_iRangeHome = 10; // The home range of the creature

        private readonly List<Type> m_arSpellAttack; // List of attack spell/power
        private readonly List<Type> m_arSpellDefense; // List of defensive spell/power

        private bool m_bControlled; // Is controlled
        private Mobile m_ControlMaster; // My master
        private Mobile m_ControlTarget; // My target mobile
        private Point3D m_ControlDest; // My target destination (patrol)
        private OrderType m_ControlOrder; // My order

        private int m_Loyalty;

        private double m_dMinTameSkill;
        private bool m_bTamable;

        private bool m_bSummoned;
        private DateTime m_SummonEnd;
        private int m_iControlSlots = 1;

        private bool m_bBardProvoked;
        private bool m_bBardPacified;
        private Mobile m_bBardMaster;
        private Mobile m_bBardTarget;
        private WayPoint m_CurrentWayPoint;
        private IPoint2D m_TargetLocation;

        private Mobile m_SummonMaster;

        private int m_HitsMax = -1;
        private int m_StamMax = -1;
        private int m_ManaMax = -1;
        private int m_DamageMin = -1;
        private int m_DamageMax = -1;

        private int m_PhysicalResistance, m_PhysicalDamage = 100;
        private int m_FireResistance, m_FireDamage;
        private int m_ColdResistance, m_ColdDamage;
        private int m_PoisonResistance, m_PoisonDamage;
        private int m_EnergyResistance, m_EnergyDamage;

        private List<Mobile> m_Owners;
        private List<Mobile> m_Friends;

        private bool m_IsStabled;

        private bool m_HasGeneratedLoot; // have we generated our loot yet?

        private bool m_Paragon;

        private string m_CorpseNameOverride;

        private int m_FailedReturnHome; /* return to home failure counter */

      private int m_QLPoints;

        public virtual InhumanSpeech SpeechType { get { return null; } }

        public int FollowRange { get; set; }

        /* Do not serialize this till the code is finalized */

        private bool m_SeeksHome;

        public bool SeeksHome { get { return m_SeeksHome; } set { m_SeeksHome = value; } }

        public string CorpseNameOverride { get { return m_CorpseNameOverride; } set { m_CorpseNameOverride = value; } }

        [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster, AccessLevel.Administrator)]
        public bool IsStabled
            get { return m_IsStabled; }
                m_IsStabled = value;
                if (m_IsStabled)

        [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster, AccessLevel.Administrator)]
        public Mobile StabledBy { get; set; }

        public bool IsPrisoner { get; set; }

    public int QLPoints { get { return m_QLPoints; } set { m_QLPoints = value; } }

        protected DateTime SummonEnd { get { return m_SummonEnd; } set { m_SummonEnd = value; } }

        public virtual Faction FactionAllegiance { get { return null; } }
        public virtual int FactionSilverWorth { get { return 30; } }

        #region Bonding
        public const bool BondingEnabled = true;

        public virtual bool IsBondable { get { return (BondingEnabled && !Summoned); } }
        public virtual TimeSpan BondingDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromDays(7.0); } }
        public virtual TimeSpan BondingAbandonDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0); } }

        public override bool CanRegenHits { get { return !m_IsDeadPet && base.CanRegenHits; } }
        public override bool CanRegenStam { get { return !IsParagon && !m_IsDeadPet && base.CanRegenStam; } }
        public override bool CanRegenMana { get { return !m_IsDeadPet && base.CanRegenMana; } }

        public override bool IsDeadBondedPet { get { return m_IsDeadPet; } }

        private bool m_IsBonded;
        private bool m_IsDeadPet;
        private DateTime m_BondingBegin;
        private DateTime m_OwnerAbandonTime;

        public Spawner MySpawner
                if (Spawner is Spawner)
                    return (Spawner as Spawner);

                return null;
            set { }

        public Mobile LastOwner
                if (m_Owners == null || m_Owners.Count == 0)
                    return null;

                return m_Owners[m_Owners.Count - 1];

        public bool IsBonded
            get { return m_IsBonded; }
                m_IsBonded = value;

        public bool IsDeadPet { get { return m_IsDeadPet; } set { m_IsDeadPet = value; } }

        public DateTime BondingBegin { get { return m_BondingBegin; } set { m_BondingBegin = value; } }

        public DateTime OwnerAbandonTime { get { return m_OwnerAbandonTime; } set { m_OwnerAbandonTime = value; } }

        #region Delete Previously Tamed Timer
        private DeleteTimer m_DeleteTimer;

        public TimeSpan DeleteTimeLeft
                if (m_DeleteTimer != null && m_DeleteTimer.Running)
                    return m_DeleteTimer.Next - DateTime.UtcNow;

                return TimeSpan.Zero;

        private class DeleteTimer : Timer
            private readonly Mobile m;

            public DeleteTimer(Mobile creature, TimeSpan delay)
                : base(delay)
                m = creature;
                Priority = TimerPriority.OneMinute;

            protected override void OnTick()

        public void BeginDeleteTimer()
            if (!(this is BaseEscortable) && !Summoned && !Deleted && !IsStabled)
                m_DeleteTimer = new DeleteTimer(this, TimeSpan.FromDays(3.0));

        public void StopDeleteTimer()
            if (m_DeleteTimer != null)
                m_DeleteTimer = null;

        public virtual double WeaponAbilityChance { get { return 0.4; } }

        public virtual WeaponAbility GetWeaponAbility()
            return null;

        #region Elemental Resistance/Damage
        public override int BasePhysicalResistance { get { return m_PhysicalResistance; } }
        public override int BaseFireResistance { get { return m_FireResistance; } }
        public override int BaseColdResistance { get { return m_ColdResistance; } }
        public override int BasePoisonResistance { get { return m_PoisonResistance; } }
        public override int BaseEnergyResistance { get { return m_EnergyResistance; } }

        public int PhysicalResistanceSeed
            get { return m_PhysicalResistance; }
                m_PhysicalResistance = value;

        public int FireResistSeed
            get { return m_FireResistance; }
                m_FireResistance = value;

        public int ColdResistSeed
            get { return m_ColdResistance; }
                m_ColdResistance = value;

        public int PoisonResistSeed
            get { return m_PoisonResistance; }
                m_PoisonResistance = value;

        public int EnergyResistSeed
            get { return m_EnergyResistance; }
                m_EnergyResistance = value;

        public int PhysicalDamage { get { return m_PhysicalDamage; } set { m_PhysicalDamage = value; } }

        public int FireDamage { get { return m_FireDamage; } set { m_FireDamage = value; } }

        public int ColdDamage { get { return m_ColdDamage; } set { m_ColdDamage = value; } }

        public int PoisonDamage { get { return m_PoisonDamage; } set { m_PoisonDamage = value; } }

        public int EnergyDamage { get { return m_EnergyDamage; } set { m_EnergyDamage = value; } }

        public int ChaosDamage { get; set; }

        public int DirectDamage { get; set; }

        public bool IsParagon
            get { return m_Paragon; }
                if (m_Paragon == value)
                else if (value)

                m_Paragon = value;


        public virtual bool HasManaOveride { get { return false; } }

        public virtual FoodType FavoriteFood { get { return FoodType.Meat; } }
        public virtual PackInstinct PackInstinct { get { return PackInstinct.None; } }

        public List<Mobile> Owners { get { return m_Owners; } }

        public virtual bool AllowMaleTamer { get { return true; } }
        public virtual bool AllowFemaleTamer { get { return true; } }
        public virtual bool SubdueBeforeTame { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool StatLossAfterTame { get { return SubdueBeforeTame; } }
        public virtual bool ReduceSpeedWithDamage { get { return true; } }
        public virtual bool IsSubdued { get { return SubdueBeforeTame && (Hits < ((double)HitsMax / 10)); } }

        public virtual bool Commandable { get { return true; } }

        public virtual Poison HitPoison { get { return null; } }
        public virtual double HitPoisonChance { get { return 0.5; } }
        public virtual Poison PoisonImmune { get { return null; } }

        public virtual bool BardImmune { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool Unprovokable { get { return BardImmune || m_IsDeadPet; } }
        public virtual bool Uncalmable { get { return BardImmune || m_IsDeadPet; } }
        public virtual bool AreaPeaceImmune { get { return BardImmune || m_IsDeadPet; } }

        public virtual bool BleedImmune { get { return false; } }
        public virtual double BonusPetDamageScalar { get { return 1.0; } }
        public virtual bool AllureImmune { get { return false; } }

        public virtual bool DeathAdderCharmable { get { return false; } }

        public virtual bool GivesFameAndKarmaAward { get { return true; } }

        //TODO: Find the pub 31 tweaks to the DispelDifficulty and apply them of course.
        public virtual double DispelDifficulty { get { return 0.0; } } // at this skill level we dispel 50% chance
        public virtual double DispelFocus { get { return 20.0; } }
        // at difficulty - focus we have 0%, at difficulty + focus we have 100%
        public virtual bool DisplayWeight { get { return Backpack is StrongBackpack; } }

        #region High Seas
        public virtual bool TaintedLifeAura { get { return false; } }

        #region Breath ability, like dragon fire breath
        private long m_NextBreathTime;

        // Must be overriden in subclass to enable
        public virtual bool HasBreath { get { return false; } }

        // Base damage given is: CurrentHitPoints * BreathDamageScalar
        public virtual double BreathDamageScalar { get { return (Core.AOS ? 0.16 : 0.05); } }

        // Min/max seconds until next breath
        public virtual double BreathMinDelay { get { return 30.0; } }
        public virtual double BreathMaxDelay { get { return 45.0; } }

        // Creature stops moving for 1.0 seconds while breathing
        public virtual double BreathStallTime { get { return 1.0; } }

        // Effect is sent 1.3 seconds after BreathAngerSound and BreathAngerAnimation is played
        public virtual double BreathEffectDelay { get { return 1.3; } }

        // Damage is given 1.0 seconds after effect is sent
        public virtual double BreathDamageDelay { get { return 1.0; } }

        public virtual int BreathRange { get { return RangePerception; } }

        // Damage types
        public virtual int BreathChaosDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int BreathPhysicalDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int BreathFireDamage { get { return 100; } }
        public virtual int BreathColdDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int BreathPoisonDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int BreathEnergyDamage { get { return 0; } }

        // Is immune to breath damages
        public virtual bool BreathImmune { get { return false; } }

        // Effect details and sound
        public virtual int BreathEffectItemID { get { return 0x36D4; } }
        public virtual int BreathEffectSpeed { get { return 5; } }
        public virtual int BreathEffectDuration { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual bool BreathEffectExplodes { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool BreathEffectFixedDir { get { return false; } }
        public virtual int BreathEffectHue { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int BreathEffectRenderMode { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual int BreathEffectSound { get { return 0x227; } }

        // Anger sound/animations
        public virtual int BreathAngerSound { get { return GetAngerSound(); } }
        public virtual int BreathAngerAnimation { get { return 12; } }

        public virtual void BreathStart(Mobile target)

            Direction = GetDirectionTo(target);

            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(BreathEffectDelay), new TimerStateCallback(BreathEffect_Callback), target);

        public virtual void BreathStallMovement()
            if (m_AI != null)
                m_AI.NextMove = Core.TickCount + (int)(BreathStallTime * 1000);

        public virtual void BreathPlayAngerSound()

        public virtual void BreathPlayAngerAnimation()
            Animate(BreathAngerAnimation, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

        public virtual void BreathEffect_Callback(object state)
            Mobile target = (Mobile)state;

            if (!target.Alive || !CanBeHarmful(target))


            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(BreathDamageDelay), new TimerStateCallback(BreathDamage_Callback), target);

        public virtual void BreathPlayEffectSound()

        public virtual void BreathPlayEffect(Mobile target)

        public virtual void BreathDamage_Callback(object state)
            Mobile target = (Mobile)state;

            if (target is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target).BreathImmune)

            if (CanBeHarmful(target))

        public virtual void BreathDealDamage(Mobile target)
            if (!Evasion.CheckSpellEvasion(target))
                int physDamage = BreathPhysicalDamage;
                int fireDamage = BreathFireDamage;
                int coldDamage = BreathColdDamage;
                int poisDamage = BreathPoisonDamage;
                int nrgyDamage = BreathEnergyDamage;

                if (BreathChaosDamage > 0)
                    switch (Utility.Random(5))
                        case 0:
                            physDamage += BreathChaosDamage;
                        case 1:
                            fireDamage += BreathChaosDamage;
                        case 2:
                            coldDamage += BreathChaosDamage;
                        case 3:
                            poisDamage += BreathChaosDamage;
                        case 4:
                            nrgyDamage += BreathChaosDamage;

                if (physDamage == 0 && fireDamage == 0 && coldDamage == 0 && poisDamage == 0 && nrgyDamage == 0)
                    target.Damage(BreathComputeDamage(), this); // Unresistable damage even in AOS
                    AOS.Damage(target, this, BreathComputeDamage(), physDamage, fireDamage, coldDamage, poisDamage, nrgyDamage);

        public virtual int BreathComputeDamage()
            int damage = (int)(Hits * BreathDamageScalar);

            if (IsParagon)
                damage = (int)(damage / XmlParagon.GetHitsBuff(this));

            if (damage > 200)
                damage = 200;

            return damage;

        public virtual bool CanFly { get { return false; } }

        #region Spill Acid
        public void SpillAcid(int Amount)
            SpillAcid(null, Amount);

        public void SpillAcid(Mobile target, int Amount)
            if ((target != null && target.Map == null) || Map == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < Amount; ++i)
                Point3D loc = Location;
                Map map = Map;
                Item acid = NewHarmfulItem();

                if (target != null && target.Map != null && Amount == 1)
                    loc = target.Location;
                    map = target.Map;
                    bool validLocation = false;
                    for (int j = 0; !validLocation && j < 10; ++j)
                        loc = new Point3D(loc.X + (Utility.Random(0, 3) - 2), loc.Y + (Utility.Random(0, 3) - 2), loc.Z);
                        loc.Z = map.GetAverageZ(loc.X, loc.Y);
                        validLocation = map.CanFit(loc, 16, false, false);
                acid.MoveToWorld(loc, map);

        Solen Style, override me for other mobiles/items:
        kappa+acidslime, grizzles+whatever, etc.

        public virtual Item NewHarmfulItem()
            return new PoolOfAcid(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 30, 30);

        #region Flee!!!
        public virtual bool CanFlee { get { return !m_Paragon; } }

        private DateTime m_EndFlee;

        public DateTime EndFleeTime { get { return m_EndFlee; } set { m_EndFlee = value; } }

        public virtual void StopFlee()
            m_EndFlee = DateTime.MinValue;

        public virtual bool CheckFlee()
            if (m_EndFlee == DateTime.MinValue)
                return false;

            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= m_EndFlee)
                return false;

            return true;

        public virtual void BeginFlee(TimeSpan maxDuration)
            m_EndFlee = DateTime.UtcNow + maxDuration;

        public virtual bool IsInvulnerable { get { return false; } }

        public BaseAI AIObject { get { return m_AI; } }

        public const int MaxOwners = 5;

        public virtual OppositionGroup OppositionGroup { get { return null; } }

        #region Friends
        public List<Mobile> Friends { get { return m_Friends; } }

        public virtual bool AllowNewPetFriend { get { return (m_Friends == null || m_Friends.Count < 5); } }

        public virtual bool IsPetFriend(Mobile m)
            return (m_Friends != null && m_Friends.Contains(m));

        public virtual void AddPetFriend(Mobile m)
            if (m_Friends == null)
                m_Friends = new List<Mobile>();


        public virtual void RemovePetFriend(Mobile m)
            if (m_Friends != null)

        public virtual bool IsFriend(Mobile m)
            OppositionGroup g = OppositionGroup;

            if (g != null && g.IsEnemy(this, m))
                return false;

            if (!(m is BaseCreature))
                return false;

            BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)m;

            return (m_iTeam == c.m_iTeam && ((m_bSummoned || m_bControlled) == (c.m_bSummoned || c.m_bControlled))
                   /* && c.Combatant != this */);

        #region Allegiance
        public virtual Ethic EthicAllegiance { get { return null; } }

        public enum Allegiance

        public virtual Allegiance GetFactionAllegiance(Mobile mob)
            if (mob == null || mob.Map != Faction.Facet || FactionAllegiance == null)
                return Allegiance.None;

            Faction fac = Faction.Find(mob, true);

            if (fac == null)
                return Allegiance.None;

            return (fac == FactionAllegiance ? Allegiance.Ally : Allegiance.Enemy);

        public virtual Allegiance GetEthicAllegiance(Mobile mob)
            if (mob == null || mob.Map != Faction.Facet || EthicAllegiance == null)
                return Allegiance.None;

            Ethic ethic = Ethic.Find(mob, true);

            if (ethic == null)
                return Allegiance.None;

            return (ethic == EthicAllegiance ? Allegiance.Ally : Allegiance.Enemy);

        public virtual bool IsEnemy(Mobile m)
            XmlIsEnemy a = (XmlIsEnemy)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlIsEnemy));

            if (a != null)
                return a.IsEnemy(m);

            OppositionGroup g = OppositionGroup;

            if (g != null && g.IsEnemy(this, m))
                return true;

            if (m is BaseGuard)
                return false;

            if (GetFactionAllegiance(m) == Allegiance.Ally)
                return false;

            Ethic ourEthic = EthicAllegiance;
            Player pl = Ethics.Player.Find(m, true);

            if (pl != null && pl.IsShielded && (ourEthic == null || ourEthic == pl.Ethic))
                return false;

            if (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).HonorActive)
                return false;

            if (!(m is BaseCreature) || m is MilitiaFighter)
                return true;

            if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m, typeof(EtherealVoyageSpell)))
                return false;

            BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)m;

            if ((FightMode == FightMode.Evil && m.Karma < 0) || (c.FightMode == FightMode.Evil && Karma < 0) || (FightMode == FightMode.Good && m.Karma > 0) || (c.FightMode == FightMode.Good && Karma > 0))
                return true;

            return (m_iTeam != c.m_iTeam || ((m_bSummoned || m_bControlled) != (c.m_bSummoned || c.m_bControlled))
                   /* || c.Combatant == this*/);

        public override string ApplyNameSuffix(string suffix)
            XmlData customtitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "ParagonTitle");

            if (customtitle != null)
                suffix = customtitle.Data;
            else if (IsParagon && !GivesMLMinorArtifact)
                if (suffix.Length == 0)
                    suffix = XmlParagon.GetParagonLabel(this);
                    suffix = String.Concat(suffix, " " + XmlParagon.GetParagonLabel(this));

                XmlAttach.AttachTo(this, new XmlData("ParagonTitle", suffix));

            return base.ApplyNameSuffix(suffix);

        public virtual bool CheckControlChance(Mobile m)
            if (GetControlChance(m) > Utility.RandomDouble())
                Loyalty += 1;
                return true;


            if (Body.IsAnimal)
                Animate(10, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
            else if (Body.IsMonster)
                Animate(18, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

            Loyalty -= 3;
            return false;

        public virtual bool CanBeControlledBy(Mobile m)
            return (GetControlChance(m) > 0.0);

        public double GetControlChance(Mobile m)
            return GetControlChance(m, false);

        public virtual double GetControlChance(Mobile m, bool useBaseSkill)
            if (m_dMinTameSkill <= 29.1 || m_bSummoned || m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return 1.0;

            double dMinTameSkill = m_dMinTameSkill;

            if (dMinTameSkill > -24.9 && AnimalTaming.CheckMastery(m, this))
                dMinTameSkill = -24.9;

            int taming =
                (int)((useBaseSkill ? m.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Base : m.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value) * 10);
            int lore = (int)((useBaseSkill ? m.Skills[SkillName.AnimalLore].Base : m.Skills[SkillName.AnimalLore].Value) * 10);
            int bonus = 0, chance = 700;

            if (Core.ML)
                int SkillBonus = taming - (int)(dMinTameSkill * 10);
                int LoreBonus = lore - (int)(dMinTameSkill * 10);

                int SkillMod = 6, LoreMod = 6;

                if (SkillBonus < 0)
                    SkillMod = 28;
                if (LoreBonus < 0)
                    LoreMod = 14;

                SkillBonus *= SkillMod;
                LoreBonus *= LoreMod;

                bonus = (SkillBonus + LoreBonus) / 2;
                int difficulty = (int)(dMinTameSkill * 10);
                int weighted = ((taming * 4) + lore) / 5;
                bonus = weighted - difficulty;

                if (bonus <= 0)
                    bonus *= 14;
                    bonus *= 6;

            chance += bonus;

            if (chance >= 0 && chance < 200)
                chance = 200;
            else if (chance > 990)
                chance = 990;

            chance -= (MaxLoyalty - m_Loyalty) * 10;

            chance += (int)XmlMobFactions.GetScaledFaction(m, this, -250, 250, 0.001);

            return ((double)chance / 1000);

        private static readonly Type[] m_AnimateDeadTypes = new[]
            typeof(MoundOfMaggots), typeof(HellSteed), typeof(SkeletalMount), typeof(WailingBanshee), typeof(Wraith),
            typeof(SkeletalDragon), typeof(LichLord), typeof(FleshGolem), typeof(Lich), typeof(SkeletalKnight),
            typeof(BoneKnight), typeof(Mummy), typeof(SkeletalMage), typeof(BoneMagi), typeof(PatchworkSkeleton)

        public virtual bool IsAnimatedDead
                if (!Summoned)
                    return false;

                Type type = GetType();

                bool contains = false;

                for (int i = 0; !contains && i < m_AnimateDeadTypes.Length; ++i)
                    contains = (type == m_AnimateDeadTypes[i]);

                return contains;

        public virtual bool IsNecroFamiliar
                if (!Summoned)
                    return false;

                if (m_ControlMaster != null && SummonFamiliarSpell.Table.Contains(m_ControlMaster))
                    return SummonFamiliarSpell.Table[m_ControlMaster] == this;

                return false;

        public override void Damage(int amount, Mobile from)
            Damage(amount, from, false, false);

        public override void Damage(int amount, Mobile from, bool informMount)
            Damage(amount, from, informMount, false);

        public override void Damage(int amount, Mobile from, bool informMount, bool checkDisrupt)
            int oldHits = Hits;

            if (Core.AOS && !Summoned && Controlled && 0.2 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                amount = (int)(amount * BonusPetDamageScalar);

            if (EvilOmenSpell.TryEndEffect(this))
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.25);

            Mobile oath = BloodOathSpell.GetBloodOath(from);

            if (oath == this)
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.1);
                from.Damage(amount, from);

            base.Damage(amount, from, informMount, checkDisrupt);

            if (SubdueBeforeTame && !Controlled)
                if ((oldHits > ((double)HitsMax / 10)) && ((double)Hits <= ((double)HitsMax / 10)))
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, false, "* The creature has been beaten into subjugation! *");

        public virtual bool DeleteCorpseOnDeath { get { return !Core.AOS && m_bSummoned; } }

        public override void SetLocation(Point3D newLocation, bool isTeleport)
            base.SetLocation(newLocation, isTeleport);

            if (isTeleport && m_AI != null)

        public override void OnBeforeSpawn(Point3D location, Map m)
            if (XmlParagon.CheckConvert(this, location, m))
                IsParagon = true;

            base.OnBeforeSpawn(location, m);

        public override ApplyPoisonResult ApplyPoison(Mobile from, Poison poison)
            if (!Alive || IsDeadPet)
                return ApplyPoisonResult.Immune;

            if (EvilOmenSpell.TryEndEffect(this))
                poison = PoisonImpl.IncreaseLevel(poison);

            ApplyPoisonResult result = base.ApplyPoison(from, poison);

            if (from != null && result == ApplyPoisonResult.Poisoned && PoisonTimer is PoisonImpl.PoisonTimer)
                (PoisonTimer as PoisonImpl.PoisonTimer).From = from;

            return result;

        public override bool CheckPoisonImmunity(Mobile from, Poison poison)
            if (base.CheckPoisonImmunity(from, poison))
                return true;

            Poison p = PoisonImmune;

            XmlPoison xp = (XmlPoison)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlPoison));

            if (xp != null)
                p = xp.PoisonImmune;

            return (p != null && p.RealLevel >= poison.RealLevel);

        public int Loyalty { get { return m_Loyalty; } set { m_Loyalty = Math.Min(Math.Max(value, 0), MaxLoyalty); } }

        public WayPoint CurrentWayPoint { get { return m_CurrentWayPoint; } set { m_CurrentWayPoint = value; } }

        public IPoint2D TargetLocation { get { return m_TargetLocation; } set { m_TargetLocation = value; } }

        public virtual Mobile ConstantFocus { get { return null; } }

        public virtual bool DisallowAllMoves
                XmlData x = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "NoSpecials");

                return x != null && x.Data == "True";

        public virtual bool InitialInnocent
                XmlData x = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "Notoriety");

                return x != null && x.Data == "blue";

        public virtual bool AlwaysMurderer
                XmlData x = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "Notoriety");

                return x != null && x.Data == "red";

        public virtual bool AlwaysAttackable
                XmlData x = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "Notoriety");

                return x != null && x.Data == "gray";

        public virtual bool ForceNotoriety
                return false;

        public virtual bool HoldSmartSpawning { get { return IsParagon; } }

        public virtual int DamageMin { get { return m_DamageMin; } set { m_DamageMin = value; } }

        public virtual int DamageMax { get { return m_DamageMax; } set { m_DamageMax = value; } }

        public override int HitsMax
                if (m_HitsMax > 0)
                    int value = m_HitsMax + GetStatOffset(StatType.Str);

                    if (value < 1)
                        value = 1;
                    else if (value > 1000000)
                        value = 1000000;

                    return value;

                return Str;

        public int HitsMaxSeed { get { return m_HitsMax; } set { m_HitsMax = value; } }

        public override int StamMax
                if (m_StamMax > 0)
                    int value = m_StamMax + GetStatOffset(StatType.Dex);

                    if (value < 1)
                        value = 1;
                    else if (value > 1000000)
                        value = 1000000;

                    return value;

                return Dex;

        public int StamMaxSeed { get { return m_StamMax; } set { m_StamMax = value; } }

        public override int ManaMax
                if (m_ManaMax > 0)
                    int value = m_ManaMax + GetStatOffset(StatType.Int);

                    if (value < 1)
                        value = 1;
                    else if (value > 1000000)
                        value = 1000000;

                    return value;

                return Int;

        public int ManaMaxSeed { get { return m_ManaMax; } set { m_ManaMax = value; } }

        public virtual bool CanOpenDoors { get { return !Body.IsAnimal && !Body.IsSea; } }

        public virtual bool CanMoveOverObstacles { get { return Core.AOS || Body.IsMonster; } }

        public virtual bool CanDestroyObstacles
                // to enable breaking of furniture, 'return CanMoveOverObstacles;'
                return false;

        public void Unpacify()
            BardEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            BardPacified = false;

        private HonorContext m_ReceivedHonorContext;

        public HonorContext ReceivedHonorContext { get { return m_ReceivedHonorContext; } set { m_ReceivedHonorContext = value; } }


        Seems this actually was removed on OSI somewhere between the original bug report and now.
        We will call it ML, until we can get better information. I suspect it was on the OSI TC when
        originally it taken out of RunUO, and not implmented on OSIs production shards until more
        recently.  Either way, this is, or was, accurate OSI behavior, and just entirely
        removing it was incorrect.  OSI followers were distracted by being attacked well into
        AoS, at very least.


        public virtual bool CanBeDistracted { get { return !Core.ML; } }

        public virtual void CheckDistracted(Mobile from)
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < .10)
                ControlTarget = from;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.Attack;
                Combatant = from;
                Warmode = true;

        public override void OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill)
            if (BardPacified && (HitsMax - Hits) * 0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble())

            int disruptThreshold;
            //NPCs can use bandages too!
            if (!Core.AOS)
                disruptThreshold = 0;
            else if (from != null && from.Player)
                disruptThreshold = 18;
                disruptThreshold = 25;

            if (amount > disruptThreshold)
                BandageContext c = BandageContext.GetContext(this);

                if (c != null)

            if (Confidence.IsRegenerating(this))

            WeightOverloading.FatigueOnDamage(this, amount);

            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null && !willKill)
                speechType.OnDamage(this, amount);

            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)
                m_ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetDamaged(from, amount);

            if (!willKill)
                if (CanBeDistracted && ControlOrder == OrderType.Follow)
            else if (from is PlayerMobile)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), ((PlayerMobile)@from).RecoverAmmo);

            base.OnDamage(amount, from, willKill);

        public virtual void OnDamagedBySpell(Mobile from)
            if (CanBeDistracted && ControlOrder == OrderType.Follow)

        public virtual void OnHarmfulSpell(Mobile from)
        { }

        #region Alter[...]Damage From/To
        public virtual void AlterDamageScalarFrom(Mobile caster, ref double scalar)
        { }

        public virtual void AlterDamageScalarTo(Mobile target, ref double scalar)
        { }

        public virtual void AlterSpellDamageFrom(Mobile from, ref int damage)
        { }

        public virtual void AlterSpellDamageTo(Mobile to, ref int damage)
        { }

        public virtual void AlterMeleeDamageFrom(Mobile from, ref int damage)
            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (from != null && from.Talisman is BaseTalisman)
                BaseTalisman talisman = (BaseTalisman)from.Talisman;

                if (talisman.Killer != null && talisman.Killer.Type != null)
                    Type type = talisman.Killer.Type;

                    if (type.IsAssignableFrom(GetType()))
                        damage = (int)(damage * (1 + (double)talisman.Killer.Amount / 100));

        public virtual void AlterMeleeDamageTo(Mobile to, ref int damage)
        { }

        public virtual void CheckReflect(Mobile caster, ref bool reflect)
        { }

        public virtual void OnCarve(Mobile from, Corpse corpse, Item with)
            int feathers = Feathers;
            int wool = Wool;
            int meat = Meat;
            int hides = Hides;
            int scales = Scales;
            int dragonblood = DragonBlood;

            if ((feathers == 0 && wool == 0 && meat == 0 && hides == 0 && scales == 0) || Summoned || IsBonded || corpse.Animated)
                if (corpse.Animated)
                    corpse.SendLocalizedMessageTo(from, 500464); // Use this on corpses to carve away meat and hide
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500485); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
                if (Core.ML && from.Race == Race.Human)
                    hides = (int)Math.Ceiling(hides * 1.1); // 10% bonus only applies to hides, ore & logs

                if (corpse.Map == Map.Felucca)
                    feathers *= 2;
                    wool *= 2;
                    hides *= 2;

                    if (Core.ML)
                        meat *= 2;
                        scales *= 2;

                new Blood(0x122D).MoveToWorld(corpse.Location, corpse.Map);

                if (feathers != 0)
                    corpse.AddCarvedItem(new Feather(feathers), from);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500479); // You pluck the bird. The feathers are now on the corpse.

                if (wool != 0)
                    corpse.AddCarvedItem(new TaintedWool(wool), from);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500483); // You shear it, and the wool is now on the corpse.

                if (meat != 0)
                    if (MeatType == MeatType.Ribs)
                        corpse.AddCarvedItem(new RawRibs(meat), from);
                    else if (MeatType == MeatType.Bird)
                        corpse.AddCarvedItem(new RawBird(meat), from);
                    else if (MeatType == MeatType.LambLeg)
                        corpse.AddCarvedItem(new RawLambLeg(meat), from);

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500467); // You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse.

                if (hides != 0)
                    Item holding = from.Weapon as Item;

                    if (Core.AOS && (holding is SkinningKnife /* TODO: || holding is ButcherWarCleaver || with is ButcherWarCleaver */))
                        Item leather = null;

                        switch (HideType)
                            case HideType.Regular:
                                leather = new Leather(hides);
                            case HideType.Spined:
                                leather = new SpinedLeather(hides);
                            case HideType.Horned:
                                leather = new HornedLeather(hides);
                            case HideType.Barbed:
                                leather = new BarbedLeather(hides);
                            //daat99 OWLTR start - custom leather
                            case HideType.Polar: leather = new PolarLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.Synthetic: leather = new SyntheticLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.BlazeL: leather = new BlazeLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.Daemonic: leather = new DaemonicLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.Shadow: leather = new ShadowLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.Frost: leather = new FrostLeather(hides); break;
                            case HideType.Ethereal: leather = new EtherealLeather(hides); break;
                            //daat99 OWLTR end - custom leather

                        if (leather != null)
                            if (!from.PlaceInBackpack(leather))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500471); // You skin it, and the hides are now in the corpse.
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073555); // You skin it and place the cut-up hides in your backpack.
                        if (HideType == HideType.Regular)
                            corpse.DropItem(new Hides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Spined)
                            corpse.DropItem(new SpinedHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Horned)
                            corpse.DropItem(new HornedHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Barbed)
                            corpse.DropItem(new BarbedHides(hides));
                        //daat99 OWLTR start - custom hides
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Polar)
                            corpse.DropItem(new PolarHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Synthetic)
                            corpse.DropItem(new SyntheticHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.BlazeL)
                            corpse.DropItem(new BlazeHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Daemonic)
                            corpse.DropItem(new DaemonicHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Shadow)
                            corpse.DropItem(new ShadowHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Frost)
                            corpse.DropItem(new FrostHides(hides));
                        else if (HideType == HideType.Ethereal)
                            corpse.DropItem(new EtherealHides(hides));
                        //daat99 OWLTR end - custom hides   

                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(500471); // You skin it, and the hides are now in the corpse.

                if (scales != 0)
                    ScaleType sc = ScaleType;

                    switch (sc)
                        case ScaleType.Red:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new RedScales(scales), from);
                        case ScaleType.Yellow:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new YellowScales(scales), from);
                        case ScaleType.Black:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new BlackScales(scales), from);
                        case ScaleType.Green:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new GreenScales(scales), from);
                        case ScaleType.White:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new WhiteScales(scales), from);
                        case ScaleType.Blue:
                            corpse.AddCarvedItem(new BlueScales(scales), from);
                        //daat99 OWLTR start - custom scales
                        case ScaleType.Copper: corpse.DropItem(new CopperScales(scales)); break;
                        case ScaleType.Silver: corpse.DropItem(new SilverScales(scales)); break;
                        case ScaleType.Gold: corpse.DropItem(new GoldScales(scales)); break;
                        //daat99 OWLTR end - custom scales
                        case ScaleType.All:
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new RedScales(scales), from);
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new YellowScales(scales), from);
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new BlackScales(scales), from);
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new GreenScales(scales), from);
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new WhiteScales(scales), from);
                                corpse.AddCarvedItem(new BlueScales(scales), from);
                                //daat99 OWLTR start - custom scales
                                corpse.DropItem(new CopperScales(scales));
                                corpse.DropItem(new SilverScales(scales));
                                corpse.DropItem(new GoldScales(scales));
                                //daat99 OWLTR end - custom scales

                    from.SendMessage("You cut away some scales, but they remain on the corpse.");

                if (dragonblood != 0)
                    corpse.AddCarvedItem(new DragonBlood(dragonblood), from);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500467); // You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse.

                corpse.Carved = true;

                if (corpse.IsCriminalAction(from))

        public const int DefaultRangePerception = 16;
        public const int OldRangePerception = 10;

        public BaseCreature(
            AIType ai, FightMode mode, int iRangePerception, int iRangeFight, double dActiveSpeed, double dPassiveSpeed)
            if (iRangePerception == OldRangePerception)
                iRangePerception = DefaultRangePerception;

            m_Loyalty = MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy

            m_CurrentAI = ai;
            m_DefaultAI = ai;

            m_iRangePerception = iRangePerception;
            m_iRangeFight = iRangeFight;

            m_FightMode = mode;

            m_iTeam = 0;

            SpeedInfo.GetSpeeds(this, ref dActiveSpeed, ref dPassiveSpeed);

            m_dActiveSpeed = dActiveSpeed;
            m_dPassiveSpeed = dPassiveSpeed;
            m_dCurrentSpeed = dPassiveSpeed;

            m_bDebugAI = false;

            m_arSpellAttack = new List<Type>();
            m_arSpellDefense = new List<Type>();

            m_bControlled = false;
            m_ControlMaster = null;
            m_ControlTarget = null;
            m_ControlOrder = OrderType.None;

            m_bTamable = false;

            m_Owners = new List<Mobile>();

            m_NextReacquireTime = Core.TickCount + (int)ReacquireDelay.TotalMilliseconds;


            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null)

            if (IsInvulnerable && !Core.AOS)
                NameHue = 0x35;


        public BaseCreature(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)
            m_arSpellAttack = new List<Type>();
            m_arSpellDefense = new List<Type>();

            m_bDebugAI = false;

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write(20); // version






            // Version 1

            int i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < m_arSpellAttack.Count; i++)

            for (i = 0; i < m_arSpellDefense.Count; i++)

            // Version 2

            // Removed in version 9
            //writer.Write( (double) m_dMaxTameSkill );

            if (m_bSummoned)


            // Version 3

            // Version 4

            // Verison 5

            // Version 6

            // Version 7





            // Version 8
            writer.Write(m_Owners, true);

            // Version 10

            // Version 11

            // Version 12

            // Version 13
            writer.Write((m_Friends != null && m_Friends.Count > 0));

            if (m_Friends != null && m_Friends.Count > 0)
                writer.Write(m_Friends, true);

            // Version 14

            // Version 17
            if (IsStabled || (Controlled && ControlMaster != null))

            // Version 18

            // Mondain's Legacy version 19

      //Version 20 Queens Loyalty

        private static readonly double[] m_StandardActiveSpeeds = new[] {0.175, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8};

        private static readonly double[] m_StandardPassiveSpeeds = new[] {0.350, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0};

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            m_CurrentAI = (AIType)reader.ReadInt();
            m_DefaultAI = (AIType)reader.ReadInt();

            m_iRangePerception = reader.ReadInt();
            m_iRangeFight = reader.ReadInt();

            m_iTeam = reader.ReadInt();

            m_dActiveSpeed = reader.ReadDouble();
            m_dPassiveSpeed = reader.ReadDouble();
            m_dCurrentSpeed = reader.ReadDouble();

            if (m_iRangePerception == OldRangePerception)
                m_iRangePerception = DefaultRangePerception;

            m_pHome.X = reader.ReadInt();
            m_pHome.Y = reader.ReadInt();
            m_pHome.Z = reader.ReadInt();

            if (version >= 1)
                m_iRangeHome = reader.ReadInt();

                int i, iCount;

                iCount = reader.ReadInt();
                for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    string str = reader.ReadString();
                    Type type = Type.GetType(str);

                    if (type != null)

                iCount = reader.ReadInt();
                for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    string str = reader.ReadString();
                    Type type = Type.GetType(str);

                    if (type != null)
                m_iRangeHome = 0;

            if (version >= 2)
                m_FightMode = (FightMode)reader.ReadInt();

                m_bControlled = reader.ReadBool();
                m_ControlMaster = reader.ReadMobile();
                m_ControlTarget = reader.ReadMobile();
                m_ControlDest = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                m_ControlOrder = (OrderType)reader.ReadInt();

                m_dMinTameSkill = reader.ReadDouble();

                if (version < 9)

                m_bTamable = reader.ReadBool();
                m_bSummoned = reader.ReadBool();

                if (m_bSummoned)
                    m_SummonEnd = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    new UnsummonTimer(m_ControlMaster, this, m_SummonEnd - DateTime.UtcNow).Start();

                m_iControlSlots = reader.ReadInt();
                m_FightMode = FightMode.Closest;

                m_bControlled = false;
                m_ControlMaster = null;
                m_ControlTarget = null;
                m_ControlOrder = OrderType.None;

            if (version >= 3)
                m_Loyalty = reader.ReadInt();
                m_Loyalty = MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy

            if (version >= 4)
                m_CurrentWayPoint = reader.ReadItem() as WayPoint;

            if (version >= 5)
                m_SummonMaster = reader.ReadMobile();

            if (version >= 6)
                m_HitsMax = reader.ReadInt();
                m_StamMax = reader.ReadInt();
                m_ManaMax = reader.ReadInt();
                m_DamageMin = reader.ReadInt();
                m_DamageMax = reader.ReadInt();

            if (version >= 7)
                m_PhysicalResistance = reader.ReadInt();
                m_PhysicalDamage = reader.ReadInt();

                m_FireResistance = reader.ReadInt();
                m_FireDamage = reader.ReadInt();

                m_ColdResistance = reader.ReadInt();
                m_ColdDamage = reader.ReadInt();

                m_PoisonResistance = reader.ReadInt();
                m_PoisonDamage = reader.ReadInt();

                m_EnergyResistance = reader.ReadInt();
                m_EnergyDamage = reader.ReadInt();

            if (version >= 8)
                m_Owners = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                m_Owners = new List<Mobile>();

            if (version >= 10)
                m_IsDeadPet = reader.ReadBool();
                m_IsBonded = reader.ReadBool();
                m_BondingBegin = reader.ReadDateTime();
                m_OwnerAbandonTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

            if (version >= 11)
                m_HasGeneratedLoot = reader.ReadBool();
                m_HasGeneratedLoot = true;

            if (version >= 12)
                m_Paragon = reader.ReadBool();
                m_Paragon = false;

            if (version >= 13 && reader.ReadBool())
                m_Friends = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
            else if (version < 13 && m_ControlOrder >= OrderType.Unfriend)

            if (version < 16 && Loyalty != MaxLoyalty)
                Loyalty *= 10;

            double activeSpeed = m_dActiveSpeed;
            double passiveSpeed = m_dPassiveSpeed;

            SpeedInfo.GetSpeeds(this, ref activeSpeed, ref passiveSpeed);

            bool isStandardActive = false;
            for (int i = 0; !isStandardActive && i < m_StandardActiveSpeeds.Length; ++i)
                isStandardActive = (m_dActiveSpeed == m_StandardActiveSpeeds[i]);

            bool isStandardPassive = false;
            for (int i = 0; !isStandardPassive && i < m_StandardPassiveSpeeds.Length; ++i)
                isStandardPassive = (m_dPassiveSpeed == m_StandardPassiveSpeeds[i]);

            if (isStandardActive && m_dCurrentSpeed == m_dActiveSpeed)
                m_dCurrentSpeed = activeSpeed;
            else if (isStandardPassive && m_dCurrentSpeed == m_dPassiveSpeed)
                m_dCurrentSpeed = passiveSpeed;

            if (isStandardActive && !m_Paragon)
                m_dActiveSpeed = activeSpeed;

            if (isStandardPassive && !m_Paragon)
                m_dPassiveSpeed = passiveSpeed;

            if (version >= 14)
                m_RemoveIfUntamed = reader.ReadBool();
                m_RemoveStep = reader.ReadInt();

            TimeSpan deleteTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            if (version >= 17)
                deleteTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();

            if (deleteTime > TimeSpan.Zero || LastOwner != null && !Controlled && !IsStabled)
                if (deleteTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    deleteTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(3.0);

                m_DeleteTimer = new DeleteTimer(this, deleteTime);

            if (version >= 18)
                m_CorpseNameOverride = reader.ReadString();

            if (version >= 19)
                m_Allured = reader.ReadBool();

            if (version >= 20)
                m_QLPoints = reader.ReadInt();

            if (version <= 14 && m_Paragon && Hue == 0x31)
                Hue = Paragon.Hue; //Paragon hue fixed, should now be 0x501.

            if (Core.AOS && NameHue == 0x35)
                NameHue = -1;




            if (IsAnimatedDead)
                AnimateDeadSpell.Register(m_SummonMaster, this);

        public virtual bool IsHumanInTown()
            return (Body.IsHuman && Region.IsPartOf(typeof(GuardedRegion)));

        public virtual bool CheckGold(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (dropped is Gold)
                return OnGoldGiven(from, (Gold)dropped);

            return false;

        public virtual bool OnGoldGiven(Mobile from, Gold dropped)
            if (CheckTeachingMatch(from))
                if (Teach(m_Teaching, from, dropped.Amount, true))
                    return true;
            else if (IsHumanInTown())
                Direction = GetDirectionTo(from);

                int oldSpeechHue = SpeechHue;

                SpeechHue = 0x23F;
                SayTo(from, "Thou art giving me gold?");

                if (dropped.Amount >= 400)
                    SayTo(from, "'Tis a noble gift.");
                    SayTo(from, "Money is always welcome.");

                SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                SayTo(from, 501548); // I thank thee.

                SpeechHue = oldSpeechHue;

                return true;

            return false;

        public override bool ShouldCheckStatTimers { get { return false; } }

        #region Food
        private static readonly Type[] m_Eggs = new[] {typeof(FriedEggs), typeof(Eggs)};

        private static readonly Type[] m_Fish = new[] {typeof(FishSteak), typeof(RawFishSteak)};

        private static readonly Type[] m_GrainsAndHay = new[] {typeof(BreadLoaf), typeof(FrenchBread), typeof(SheafOfHay)};

        private static readonly Type[] m_Meat = new[]
            /* Cooked */
            typeof(Bacon), typeof(CookedBird), typeof(Sausage), typeof(Ham), typeof(Ribs), typeof(LambLeg), typeof(ChickenLeg),
            /* Uncooked */
            typeof(RawBird), typeof(RawRibs), typeof(RawLambLeg), typeof(RawChickenLeg), /* Body Parts */
            typeof(Head), typeof(LeftArm), typeof(LeftLeg), typeof(Torso), typeof(RightArm), typeof(RightLeg)

        private static readonly Type[] m_FruitsAndVegies = new[]
            typeof(HoneydewMelon), typeof(YellowGourd), typeof(GreenGourd), typeof(Banana), typeof(Bananas), typeof(Lemon),
            typeof(Lime), typeof(Dates), typeof(Grapes), typeof(Peach), typeof(Pear), typeof(Apple), typeof(Watermelon),
            typeof(Squash), typeof(Cantaloupe), typeof(Carrot), typeof(Cabbage), typeof(Onion), typeof(Lettuce), typeof(Pumpkin)

        private static Type[] m_Gold = new[]
            // white wyrms eat gold..

        private static readonly Type[] m_Metal = new[]
            // Some Stygian Abyss Monsters eat Metal..
            typeof(IronIngot), typeof(DullCopperIngot), typeof(ShadowIronIngot), typeof(CopperIngot), typeof(BronzeIngot),
            typeof(GoldIngot), typeof(AgapiteIngot), typeof(VeriteIngot), typeof(ValoriteIngot)

        public virtual bool CheckFoodPreference(Item f)
            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.Eggs, m_Eggs))
                return true;

            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.Fish, m_Fish))
                return true;

            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.GrainsAndHay, m_GrainsAndHay))
                return true;

            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.Meat, m_Meat))
                return true;

            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.FruitsAndVegies, m_FruitsAndVegies))
                return true;

            if (CheckFoodPreference(f, FoodType.Metal, m_Metal))
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool CheckFoodPreference(Item fed, FoodType type, Type[] types)
            if ((FavoriteFood & type) == 0)
                return false;

            Type fedType = fed.GetType();
            bool contains = false;

            for (int i = 0; !contains && i < types.Length; ++i)
                contains = (fedType == types[i]);

            return contains;

        public virtual bool CheckFeed(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (!IsDeadPet && Controlled && (ControlMaster == from || IsPetFriend(from)) &&
                (dropped is Food || dropped is Gold || dropped is CookableFood || dropped is Head || dropped is LeftArm ||
                 dropped is LeftLeg || dropped is Torso || dropped is RightArm || dropped is RightLeg || dropped is IronIngot ||
                 dropped is DullCopperIngot || dropped is ShadowIronIngot || dropped is CopperIngot || dropped is BronzeIngot ||
                 dropped is GoldIngot || dropped is AgapiteIngot || dropped is VeriteIngot || dropped is ValoriteIngot))
                Item f = dropped;

                if (CheckFoodPreference(f))
                    int amount = f.Amount;

                    if (amount > 0)
                        bool happier = false;

                        int stamGain;

                        if (f is Gold)
                            stamGain = amount - 50;
                            stamGain = (amount * 15) - 50;

                        if (stamGain > 0)
                            Stam += stamGain;

                        if (Core.SE)
                            if (m_Loyalty < MaxLoyalty)
                                m_Loyalty = MaxLoyalty;
                                happier = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
                                if (m_Loyalty < MaxLoyalty && 0.5 >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                                    m_Loyalty += 10;
                                    happier = true;

                        if (happier)
                            SayTo(from, 502060); // Your pet looks happier.

                        if (Body.IsAnimal)
                            Animate(3, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        else if (Body.IsMonster)
                            Animate(17, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

                        if (IsBondable && !IsBonded)
                            Mobile master = m_ControlMaster;

                            if (master != null && master == from) //So friends can't start the bonding process
                                if (m_dMinTameSkill <= 29.1 || master.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Base >= m_dMinTameSkill ||
                                    OverrideBondingReqs() || (Core.ML && master.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value >= m_dMinTameSkill))
                                    if (BondingBegin == DateTime.MinValue)
                                        BondingBegin = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    else if ((BondingBegin + BondingDelay) <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                                        IsBonded = true;
                                        BondingBegin = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049666); // Your pet has bonded with you!
                                else if (Core.ML)
                                    // Your pet cannot form a bond with you until your animal taming ability has risen.

                        return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool OverrideBondingReqs()
            return false;

        public virtual bool CanAngerOnTame { get { return false; } }

        #region OnAction[...]
        public virtual void OnActionWander()
        { }

        public virtual void OnActionCombat()
        { }

        public virtual void OnActionGuard()
        { }

        public virtual void OnActionFlee()
        { }

        public virtual void OnActionInteract()
        { }

        public virtual void OnActionBackoff()
        { }

        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (CheckFeed(from, dropped))
                return true;
            else if (CheckGold(from, dropped))
                return true;

            return base.OnDragDrop(from, dropped);

        protected virtual BaseAI ForcedAI { get { return null; } }

        public void ChangeAIType(AIType NewAI)
            if (m_AI != null)

            if (ForcedAI != null)
                m_AI = ForcedAI;

            m_AI = null;

            switch (NewAI)
                case AIType.AI_Melee:
                    m_AI = new MeleeAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Animal:
                    m_AI = new AnimalAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Berserk:
                    m_AI = new BerserkAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Archer:
                    m_AI = new ArcherAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Healer:
                    m_AI = new HealerAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Vendor:
                    m_AI = new VendorAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Mage:
                    m_AI = new MageAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Predator:
                    //m_AI = new PredatorAI(this);
                    m_AI = new MeleeAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Thief:
                    m_AI = new ThiefAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_NecroMage:
                    m_AI = new NecroMageAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_OrcScout:
                    m_AI = new OrcScoutAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Spellbinder:
                    m_AI = new SpellbinderAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Samurai:
                    m_AI = new SamuraiAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Ninja:
                    m_AI = new NinjaAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Spellweaving:
                    m_AI = new SpellweavingAI(this);
                case AIType.AI_Mystic:
                    m_AI = new MysticAI(this);

        public void ChangeAIToDefault()

        public AIType AI
            get { return m_CurrentAI; }
                m_CurrentAI = value;

                if (m_CurrentAI == AIType.AI_Use_Default)
                    m_CurrentAI = m_DefaultAI;


        public bool Debug { get { return m_bDebugAI; } set { m_bDebugAI = value; } }

        public int Team
            get { return m_iTeam; }
                m_iTeam = value;


        public virtual void OnTeamChange()
        { }

        public Mobile FocusMob { get; set; }

        public FightMode FightMode { get { return m_FightMode; } set { m_FightMode = value; } }

        public int RangePerception { get { return m_iRangePerception; } set { m_iRangePerception = value; } }

        public int RangeFight { get { return m_iRangeFight; } set { m_iRangeFight = value; } }

        public int RangeHome { get { return m_iRangeHome; } set { m_iRangeHome = value; } }

        public double ActiveSpeed { get { return m_dActiveSpeed; } set { m_dActiveSpeed = value; } }

        public double PassiveSpeed { get { return m_dPassiveSpeed; } set { m_dPassiveSpeed = value; } }

        public double CurrentSpeed
                if (m_TargetLocation != null)
                    return 0.3;

                return m_dCurrentSpeed;
                if (m_dCurrentSpeed != value)
                    m_dCurrentSpeed = value;

                    if (m_AI != null)

        public Point3D Home { get { return m_pHome; } set { m_pHome = value; } }

        public bool Controlled
            get { return m_bControlled; }
                if (m_bControlled == value)

                m_bControlled = value;


        public override void RevealingAction()


        public void RemoveFollowers()
            if (m_ControlMaster != null)
                m_ControlMaster.Followers -= ControlSlots;
                if (m_ControlMaster is PlayerMobile)
                    if (((PlayerMobile)m_ControlMaster).AutoStabled.Contains(this))
            else if (m_SummonMaster != null)
                m_SummonMaster.Followers -= ControlSlots;
                if (m_SummonMaster is PlayerMobile)

            if (m_ControlMaster != null && m_ControlMaster.Followers < 0)
                m_ControlMaster.Followers = 0;

            if (m_SummonMaster != null && m_SummonMaster.Followers < 0)
                m_SummonMaster.Followers = 0;

        public void AddFollowers()
            if (m_ControlMaster != null)
                m_ControlMaster.Followers += ControlSlots;
                if (m_ControlMaster is PlayerMobile)
            else if (m_SummonMaster != null)
                m_SummonMaster.Followers += ControlSlots;
                if (m_SummonMaster is PlayerMobile)

        public Mobile ControlMaster
            get { return m_ControlMaster; }
                if (m_ControlMaster == value || this == value)

                m_ControlMaster = value;
                if (m_ControlMaster != null)


        public Mobile SummonMaster
            get { return m_SummonMaster; }
                if (m_SummonMaster == value || this == value)

                m_SummonMaster = value;


        public Mobile ControlTarget { get { return m_ControlTarget; } set { m_ControlTarget = value; } }

        public Point3D ControlDest { get { return m_ControlDest; } set { m_ControlDest = value; } }

        public OrderType ControlOrder
            get { return m_ControlOrder; }
                m_ControlOrder = value;

                if (m_Allured)
                    if (m_ControlOrder == OrderType.Release)
                        Say(502003); // Sorry, but no.
                    else if (m_ControlOrder != OrderType.None)
                        Say(1079120); // Very well.

                if (m_AI != null)


                if (m_ControlMaster != null)

        public bool BardProvoked { get { return m_bBardProvoked; } set { m_bBardProvoked = value; } }

        public bool BardPacified { get { return m_bBardPacified; } set { m_bBardPacified = value; } }

        public Mobile BardMaster { get { return m_bBardMaster; } set { m_bBardMaster = value; } }

        public Mobile BardTarget { get { return m_bBardTarget; } set { m_bBardTarget = value; } }

        public DateTime BardEndTime { get; set; }

        public double MinTameSkill { get { return m_dMinTameSkill; } set { m_dMinTameSkill = value; } }

        public bool Tamable { get { return m_bTamable && !m_Paragon; } set { m_bTamable = value; } }

        public bool Summoned
            get { return m_bSummoned; }
                if (m_bSummoned == value)

                m_NextReacquireTime = Core.TickCount;

                m_bSummoned = value;


        public int ControlSlots { get { return m_iControlSlots; } set { m_iControlSlots = value; } }

        public virtual bool NoHouseRestrictions { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool IsHouseSummonable { get { return false; } }

        #region Corpse Resources
        public virtual int Feathers { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int Wool { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual int Fur { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual MeatType MeatType { get { return MeatType.Ribs; } }
        public virtual int Meat { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual int Hides { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual HideType HideType { get { return HideType.Regular; } }

        public virtual int Scales { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual ScaleType ScaleType { get { return ScaleType.Red; } }

        public virtual int DragonBlood { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual bool AutoDispel { get { return false; } }
        public virtual double AutoDispelChance { get { return ((Core.SE) ? .10 : 1.0); } }

        public virtual bool IsScaryToPets { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool IsScaredOfScaryThings { get { return true; } }

        public virtual bool CanRummageCorpses { get { return false; } }

        public virtual void OnGotMeleeAttack(Mobile attacker)
            if (AutoDispel && attacker is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)attacker).IsDispellable &&
                AutoDispelChance > Utility.RandomDouble())

        public virtual void Dispel(Mobile m)
            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(m.Location, m.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042);
            Effects.PlaySound(m, m.Map, 0x201);


        public virtual bool DeleteOnRelease { get { return m_bSummoned; } }

        public virtual void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)
            Poison p = HitPoison;

            XmlPoison xp = (XmlPoison)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlPoison));

            if (xp != null)
                p = xp.HitPoison;

            if (m_Paragon)
                p = PoisonImpl.IncreaseLevel(p);

            if (p != null && HitPoisonChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                defender.ApplyPoison(this, p);

                if (Controlled)
                    CheckSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 0, Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Cap);

            if (AutoDispel && defender is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)defender).IsDispellable &&
                AutoDispelChance > Utility.RandomDouble())

        public override void OnAfterDelete()
            if (m_AI != null)
                if (m_AI.m_Timer != null)

                m_AI = null;

            if (m_DeleteTimer != null)
                m_DeleteTimer = null;

            FocusMob = null;

            if (IsAnimatedDead)
                AnimateDeadSpell.Unregister(m_SummonMaster, this);


        public void DebugSay(string text)
            if (m_bDebugAI)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 41, false, text);

        public void DebugSay(string format, params object[] args)
            if (m_bDebugAI)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 41, false, String.Format(format, args));

        * This function can be overriden.. so a "Strongest" mobile, can have a different definition depending
        * on who check for value
        * -Could add a FightMode.Prefered

        public virtual double GetFightModeRanking(Mobile m, FightMode acqType, bool bPlayerOnly)
            if ((bPlayerOnly && m.Player) || !bPlayerOnly)
                switch (acqType)
                    case FightMode.Strongest:
                        return (m.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value + m.Str); //returns strongest mobile

                    case FightMode.Weakest:
                        return -m.Hits; // returns weakest mobile

                        return -GetDistanceToSqrt(m); // returns closest mobile
                return double.MinValue;

        // Turn, - for left, + for right
        // Basic for now, needs work
        public virtual void Turn(int iTurnSteps)
            int v = (int)Direction;

            Direction = (Direction)((((v & 0x7) + iTurnSteps) & 0x7) | (v & 0x80));

        public virtual void TurnInternal(int iTurnSteps)
            int v = (int)Direction;

            SetDirection((Direction)((((v & 0x7) + iTurnSteps) & 0x7) | (v & 0x80)));

        public bool IsHurt()
            return (Hits != HitsMax);

        public double GetHomeDistance()
            return GetDistanceToSqrt(m_pHome);

        public virtual int GetTeamSize(int iRange)
            int iCount = 0;

            foreach (Mobile m in GetMobilesInRange(iRange))
                if (m is BaseCreature)
                    if (((BaseCreature)m).Team == Team)
                        if (!m.Deleted)
                            if (m != this)
                                if (CanSee(m))

            return iCount;

        private class TameEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private readonly BaseCreature m_Mobile;

            public TameEntry(Mobile from, BaseCreature creature)
                : base(6130, 6)
                m_Mobile = creature;

                Enabled = Enabled && (from.Female ? creature.AllowFemaleTamer : creature.AllowMaleTamer);

            public override void OnClick()
                if (!Owner.From.CheckAlive())

                Owner.From.TargetLocked = true;
                AnimalTaming.DisableMessage = true;

                if (Owner.From.UseSkill(SkillName.AnimalTaming))
                    Owner.From.Target.Invoke(Owner.From, m_Mobile);

                AnimalTaming.DisableMessage = false;
                Owner.From.TargetLocked = false;

        #region Teaching
        public virtual bool CanTeach { get { return false; } }

        public virtual bool CheckTeach(SkillName skill, Mobile from)
            if (!CanTeach)
                return false;

            if (skill == SkillName.Stealth && from.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Base < Stealth.HidingRequirement)
                return false;

            if (skill == SkillName.RemoveTrap &&
                (from.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Base < 50.0 || from.Skills[SkillName.DetectHidden].Base < 50.0))
                return false;

            if (!Core.AOS && (skill == SkillName.Focus || skill == SkillName.Chivalry || skill == SkillName.Necromancy))
                return false;

            return true;

        public enum TeachResult

        public virtual TeachResult CheckTeachSkills(
            SkillName skill, Mobile m, int maxPointsToLearn, ref int pointsToLearn, bool doTeach)
            if (!CheckTeach(skill, m) || !m.CheckAlive())
                return TeachResult.Failure;

            Skill ourSkill = Skills[skill];
            Skill theirSkill = m.Skills[skill];

            if (ourSkill == null || theirSkill == null)
                return TeachResult.Failure;

            int baseToSet = ourSkill.BaseFixedPoint / 3;

            if (baseToSet > 420)
                baseToSet = 420;
            else if (baseToSet < 200)
                return TeachResult.Failure;

            if (baseToSet > theirSkill.CapFixedPoint)
                baseToSet = theirSkill.CapFixedPoint;

            pointsToLearn = baseToSet - theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint;

            if (maxPointsToLearn > 0 && pointsToLearn > maxPointsToLearn)
                pointsToLearn = maxPointsToLearn;
                baseToSet = theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint + pointsToLearn;

            if (pointsToLearn < 0)
                return TeachResult.KnowsMoreThanMe;

            if (pointsToLearn == 0)
                return TeachResult.KnowsWhatIKnow;

            if (theirSkill.Lock != SkillLock.Up)
                return TeachResult.SkillNotRaisable;

            int freePoints = m.Skills.Cap - m.Skills.Total;
            int freeablePoints = 0;

            if (freePoints < 0)
                freePoints = 0;

            for (int i = 0; (freePoints + freeablePoints) < pointsToLearn && i < m.Skills.Length; ++i)
                Skill sk = m.Skills[i];

                if (sk == theirSkill || sk.Lock != SkillLock.Down)

                freeablePoints += sk.BaseFixedPoint;

            if ((freePoints + freeablePoints) == 0)
                return TeachResult.NotEnoughFreePoints;

            if ((freePoints + freeablePoints) < pointsToLearn)
                pointsToLearn = freePoints + freeablePoints;
                baseToSet = theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint + pointsToLearn;

            if (doTeach)
                int need = pointsToLearn - freePoints;

                for (int i = 0; need > 0 && i < m.Skills.Length; ++i)
                    Skill sk = m.Skills[i];

                    if (sk == theirSkill || sk.Lock != SkillLock.Down)

                    if (sk.BaseFixedPoint < need)
                        need -= sk.BaseFixedPoint;
                        sk.BaseFixedPoint = 0;
                        sk.BaseFixedPoint -= need;
                        need = 0;

                /* Sanity check */
                if (baseToSet > theirSkill.CapFixedPoint || (m.Skills.Total - theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint + baseToSet) > m.Skills.Cap)
                    // Full refund
                    m.Backpack.TryDropItem(m, new Gold(maxPointsToLearn), false);
                    return TeachResult.NotEnoughFreePoints;

                // Partial refund if needed
                m.Backpack.TryDropItem(m, new Gold(maxPointsToLearn - pointsToLearn), false);
                theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint = baseToSet;

            return TeachResult.Success;

        public virtual bool CheckTeachingMatch(Mobile m)
            if (m_Teaching == (SkillName)(-1))
                return false;

            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                return (((PlayerMobile)m).Learning == m_Teaching);

            return true;

        private SkillName m_Teaching = (SkillName)(-1);

        public virtual bool Teach(SkillName skill, Mobile m, int maxPointsToLearn, bool doTeach)
            int pointsToLearn = 0;
            TeachResult res = CheckTeachSkills(skill, m, maxPointsToLearn, ref pointsToLearn, doTeach);

            switch (res)
                case TeachResult.KnowsMoreThanMe:
                        Say(501508); // I cannot teach thee, for thou knowest more than I!
                case TeachResult.KnowsWhatIKnow:
                        Say(501509); // I cannot teach thee, for thou knowest all I can teach!
                case TeachResult.NotEnoughFreePoints:
                case TeachResult.SkillNotRaisable:
                        // Make sure this skill is marked to raise. If you are near the skill cap (700 points) you may need to lose some points in another skill first.
                        m.SendLocalizedMessage(501510, "", 0x22);
                case TeachResult.Success:
                        if (doTeach)
                            Say(501539); // Let me show thee something of how this is done.
                            m.SendLocalizedMessage(501540); // Your skill level increases.

                            m_Teaching = (SkillName)(-1);

                            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                                ((PlayerMobile)m).Learning = (SkillName)(-1);
                            // I will teach thee all I know, if paid the amount in full.  The price is:
                            Say(1019077, AffixType.Append, String.Format(" {0}", pointsToLearn), "");
                            Say(1043108); // For less I shall teach thee less.

                            m_Teaching = skill;

                            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                                ((PlayerMobile)m).Learning = skill;

                        return true;

            return false;

        public override void AggressiveAction(Mobile aggressor, bool criminal)
            base.AggressiveAction(aggressor, criminal);

            if (ControlMaster != null)
                if (NotorietyHandlers.CheckAggressor(ControlMaster.Aggressors, aggressor))
                    aggressor.Aggressors.Add(AggressorInfo.Create(this, aggressor, true));

            OrderType ct = m_ControlOrder;

            if (m_AI != null)
                if (!Core.ML || (ct != OrderType.Follow && ct != OrderType.Stop && ct != OrderType.Stay))
                    DebugSay("I'm being attacked but my master told me not to fight.");
                    Warmode = false;



            if (!IsEnemy(aggressor))
                Player pl = Ethics.Player.Find(aggressor, true);

                if (pl != null && pl.IsShielded)

            if (aggressor.ChangingCombatant && (m_bControlled || m_bSummoned) &&
                (ct == OrderType.Come || (!Core.ML && ct == OrderType.Stay) || ct == OrderType.Stop || ct == OrderType.None ||
                 ct == OrderType.Follow))
                ControlTarget = aggressor;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.Attack;
            else if (Combatant == null && !m_bBardPacified)
                Warmode = true;
                Combatant = aggressor;

        public override bool OnMoveOver(Mobile m)
            if (m is BaseCreature && !((BaseCreature)m).Controlled)
                return (!Alive || !m.Alive || IsDeadBondedPet || m.IsDeadBondedPet) || (Hidden && IsStaff());

            return base.OnMoveOver(m);

        public virtual void AddCustomContextEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
        { }

        public virtual bool CanDrop { get { return IsBonded; } }

        public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

            if (m_AI != null && Commandable)
                m_AI.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

            if (m_bTamable && !m_bControlled && from.Alive)
                list.Add(new TameEntry(from, this));

            AddCustomContextEntries(from, list);

            if (CanTeach && from.Alive)
                Skills ourSkills = Skills;
                Skills theirSkills = from.Skills;

                for (int i = 0; i < ourSkills.Length && i < theirSkills.Length; ++i)
                    Skill skill = ourSkills[i];
                    Skill theirSkill = theirSkills[i];

                    if (skill != null && theirSkill != null && skill.Base >= 60.0 && CheckTeach(skill.SkillName, from))
                        int toTeach = skill.BaseFixedPoint / 3;

                        if (toTeach > 420)
                            toTeach = 420;

                        list.Add(new TeachEntry((SkillName)i, this, from, (toTeach > theirSkill.BaseFixedPoint)));

        public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)
            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null && (speechType.Flags & IHSFlags.OnSpeech) != 0 && from.InRange(this, 3))
                return true;

            return (m_AI != null && m_AI.HandlesOnSpeech(from) && from.InRange(this, m_iRangePerception));

        public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)
            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null && speechType.OnSpeech(this, e.Mobile, e.Speech))
                e.Handled = true;
            else if (!e.Handled && m_AI != null && e.Mobile.InRange(this, m_iRangePerception))

        public override bool IsHarmfulCriminal(Mobile target)
            if ((Controlled && target == m_ControlMaster) || (Summoned && target == m_SummonMaster))
                return false;

            if (target is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target).InitialInnocent && !((BaseCreature)target).Controlled)
                return false;

            if (target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).PermaFlags.Count > 0)
                return false;

            return base.IsHarmfulCriminal(target);

        public override void CriminalAction(bool message)

            if (Controlled || Summoned)
                if (m_ControlMaster != null && m_ControlMaster.Player)
                else if (m_SummonMaster != null && m_SummonMaster.Player)

        public override void DoHarmful(Mobile target, bool indirect)
            base.DoHarmful(target, indirect);

            if (target == this || target == m_ControlMaster || target == m_SummonMaster || (!Controlled && !Summoned))

            var list = Aggressors;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                AggressorInfo ai = list[i];

                if (ai.Attacker == target)

            list = Aggressed;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                AggressorInfo ai = list[i];

                if (ai.Defender == target)
                    if (m_ControlMaster != null && m_ControlMaster.Player && m_ControlMaster.CanBeHarmful(target, false))
                        m_ControlMaster.DoHarmful(target, true);
                    else if (m_SummonMaster != null && m_SummonMaster.Player && m_SummonMaster.CanBeHarmful(target, false))
                        m_SummonMaster.DoHarmful(target, true);


        private static Mobile m_NoDupeGuards;

        public void ReleaseGuardDupeLock()
            m_NoDupeGuards = null;

        public void ReleaseGuardLock()

        private DateTime m_IdleReleaseTime;

        public virtual bool CheckIdle()
            if (Combatant != null)
                return false; // in combat.. not idling

            if (m_IdleReleaseTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                // idling...
                if (DateTime.UtcNow >= m_IdleReleaseTime)
                    m_IdleReleaseTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    return false; // idle is over

                return true; // still idling

            if (95 > Utility.Random(100))
                return false; // not idling, but don't want to enter idle state

            m_IdleReleaseTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(15, 25));

            if (Body.IsHuman)
                switch (Utility.Random(2))
                    case 0:
                        Animate(5, 5, 1, true, true, 1);
                    case 1:
                        Animate(6, 5, 1, true, false, 1);
            else if (Body.IsAnimal)
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                    case 0:
                        Animate(3, 3, 1, true, false, 1);
                    case 1:
                        Animate(9, 5, 1, true, false, 1);
                    case 2:
                        Animate(10, 5, 1, true, false, 1);
            else if (Body.IsMonster)
                switch (Utility.Random(2))
                    case 0:
                        Animate(17, 5, 1, true, false, 1);
                    case 1:
                        Animate(18, 5, 1, true, false, 1);

            return true; // entered idle state

            this way, due to the huge number of locations this will have to be changed
            Perhaps we can change this in the future when fixing game play is not the
            major issue.

        public virtual void CheckedAnimate(int action, int frameCount, int repeatCount, bool forward, bool repeat, int delay)
            if (!Mounted)
                base.Animate(action, frameCount, repeatCount, forward, repeat, delay);

        public override void Animate(int action, int frameCount, int repeatCount, bool forward, bool repeat, int delay)
            base.Animate(action, frameCount, repeatCount, forward, repeat, delay);

        private void CheckAIActive()
            Map map = Map;

            if (PlayerRangeSensitive && m_AI != null && map != null && map.GetSector(Location).Active)

        public override void OnCombatantChange()

            Warmode = (Combatant != null && !Combatant.Deleted && Combatant.Alive);

            if (CanFly && Warmode)
                Flying = false;

        protected override void OnMapChange(Map oldMap)


        protected override void OnLocationChange(Point3D oldLocation)


        public virtual void ForceReacquire()
            m_NextReacquireTime = Core.TickCount;

        public virtual bool CanStealth { get { return false; } }

        protected override bool OnMove(Direction d)

            if (Hidden) //Hidden, let's try stealth
                if (!Mounted && Skills.Stealth.Value >= 25.0 && CanStealth)
                    bool running = (d & Direction.Running) != 0;

                    if (running)
                        if ((AllowedStealthSteps -= 2) <= 0)
                    else if (AllowedStealthSteps-- <= 0)

            return true;


        public override void OnMovement(Mobile m, Point3D oldLocation)
            if (AcquireOnApproach && (!Controlled && !Summoned) && FightMode != FightMode.Aggressor)
                if (InRange(m.Location, AcquireOnApproachRange) && !InRange(oldLocation, AcquireOnApproachRange))
                    if (CanBeHarmful(m) && IsEnemy(m))
                        Combatant = FocusMob = m;

                        if (AIObject != null)
                            AIObject.MoveTo(m, true, 1);

            else if (ReacquireOnMovement)

            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null)
                speechType.OnMovement(this, m, oldLocation);

            /* Begin notice sound */
            if ((!m.Hidden || m.IsPlayer()) && m.Player && m_FightMode != FightMode.Aggressor && m_FightMode != FightMode.None &&
                Combatant == null && !Controlled && !Summoned)
                // If this creature defends itself but doesn't actively attack (animal) or
                // doesn't fight at all (vendor) then no notice sounds are played..
                // So, players are only notified of aggressive monsters
                // Monsters that are currently fighting are ignored
                // Controlled or summoned creatures are ignored
                if (InRange(m.Location, 18) && !InRange(oldLocation, 18))
                    if (Body.IsMonster)
                        Animate(11, 5, 1, true, false, 1);

            /* End notice sound */

            if (m_NoDupeGuards == m)

            if (!Body.IsHuman || Kills >= 5 || AlwaysMurderer || AlwaysAttackable || m.Kills < 5 || !m.InRange(Location, 12) ||

            GuardedRegion guardedRegion = (GuardedRegion)Region.GetRegion(typeof(GuardedRegion));

            if (guardedRegion != null)
                if (!guardedRegion.IsDisabled() && guardedRegion.IsGuardCandidate(m) && BeginAction(typeof(GuardedRegion)))
                    Say(1013037 + Utility.Random(16));

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0), ReleaseGuardLock);

                    m_NoDupeGuards = m;
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, ReleaseGuardDupeLock);

        public void AddSpellAttack(Type type)

        public void AddSpellDefense(Type type)

        public Spell GetAttackSpellRandom()
            if (m_arSpellAttack.Count > 0)
                Type type = m_arSpellAttack[Utility.Random(m_arSpellAttack.Count)];

                object[] args = {this, null};
                return Activator.CreateInstance(type, args) as Spell;
                return null;

        public Spell GetDefenseSpellRandom()
            if (m_arSpellDefense.Count > 0)
                Type type = m_arSpellDefense[Utility.Random(m_arSpellDefense.Count)];

                object[] args = {this, null};
                return Activator.CreateInstance(type, args) as Spell;
                return null;

        public Spell GetSpellSpecific(Type type)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < m_arSpellAttack.Count; i++)
                if (m_arSpellAttack[i] == type)
                    object[] args = {this, null};
                    return Activator.CreateInstance(type, args) as Spell;

            for (i = 0; i < m_arSpellDefense.Count; i++)
                if (m_arSpellDefense[i] == type)
                    object[] args = {this, null};
                    return Activator.CreateInstance(type, args) as Spell;

            return null;

        #region Set[...]
        public void SetDamage(int val)
            m_DamageMin = val;
            m_DamageMax = val;

        public void SetDamage(int min, int max)
            m_DamageMin = min;
            m_DamageMax = max;

        public void SetHits(int val)
            if (val < 1000 && !Core.AOS)
                val = (val * 100) / 60;

            m_HitsMax = val;
            Hits = HitsMax;

        public void SetHits(int min, int max)
            if (min < 1000 && !Core.AOS)
                min = (min * 100) / 60;
                max = (max * 100) / 60;

            m_HitsMax = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Hits = HitsMax;

        public void SetStam(int val)
            m_StamMax = val;
            Stam = StamMax;

        public void SetStam(int min, int max)
            m_StamMax = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Stam = StamMax;

        public void SetMana(int val)
            m_ManaMax = val;
            Mana = ManaMax;

        public void SetMana(int min, int max)
            m_ManaMax = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Mana = ManaMax;

        public void SetStr(int val)
            RawStr = val;
            Hits = HitsMax;

        public void SetStr(int min, int max)
            RawStr = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Hits = HitsMax;

        public void SetDex(int val)
            RawDex = val;
            Stam = StamMax;

        public void SetDex(int min, int max)
            RawDex = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Stam = StamMax;

        public void SetInt(int val)
            RawInt = val;
            Mana = ManaMax;

        public void SetInt(int min, int max)
            RawInt = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);
            Mana = ManaMax;

        public void SetDamageType(ResistanceType type, int min, int max)
            SetDamageType(type, Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void SetDamageType(ResistanceType type, int val)
            switch (type)
                case ResistanceType.Physical:
                    m_PhysicalDamage = val;
                case ResistanceType.Fire:
                    m_FireDamage = val;
                case ResistanceType.Cold:
                    m_ColdDamage = val;
                case ResistanceType.Poison:
                    m_PoisonDamage = val;
                case ResistanceType.Energy:
                    m_EnergyDamage = val;

        public void SetResistance(ResistanceType type, int min, int max)
            SetResistance(type, Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void SetResistance(ResistanceType type, int val)
            switch (type)
                case ResistanceType.Physical:
                    m_PhysicalResistance = val;
                case ResistanceType.Fire:
                    m_FireResistance = val;
                case ResistanceType.Cold:
                    m_ColdResistance = val;
                case ResistanceType.Poison:
                    m_PoisonResistance = val;
                case ResistanceType.Energy:
                    m_EnergyResistance = val;


        public void SetSkill(SkillName name, double val)
            Skills[name].BaseFixedPoint = (int)(val * 10);

            if (Skills[name].Base > Skills[name].Cap)
                if (Core.SE)
                    SkillsCap += (Skills[name].BaseFixedPoint - Skills[name].CapFixedPoint);

                Skills[name].Cap = Skills[name].Base;

        public void SetSkill(SkillName name, double min, double max)
            int minFixed = (int)(min * 10);
            int maxFixed = (int)(max * 10);

            Skills[name].BaseFixedPoint = Utility.RandomMinMax(minFixed, maxFixed);

            if (Skills[name].Base > Skills[name].Cap)
                if (Core.SE)
                    SkillsCap += (Skills[name].BaseFixedPoint - Skills[name].CapFixedPoint);

                Skills[name].Cap = Skills[name].Base;

        public void SetFameLevel(int level)
            switch (level)
                case 1:
                    Fame = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1249);
                case 2:
                    Fame = Utility.RandomMinMax(1250, 2499);
                case 3:
                    Fame = Utility.RandomMinMax(2500, 4999);
                case 4:
                    Fame = Utility.RandomMinMax(5000, 9999);
                case 5:
                    Fame = Utility.RandomMinMax(10000, 10000);

        public void SetKarmaLevel(int level)
            switch (level)
                case 0:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 624);
                case 1:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(625, 1249);
                case 2:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(1250, 2499);
                case 3:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(2500, 4999);
                case 4:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(5000, 9999);
                case 5:
                    Karma = -Utility.RandomMinMax(10000, 10000);

        public static void Cap(ref int val, int min, int max)
            if (val < min)
                val = min;
            else if (val > max)
                val = max;

        #region Pack & Loot

        #region Mondain's Legacy
        public void PackArcaneScroll(int min, int max)
            PackArcaneScroll(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackArcaneScroll(int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)

        public void PackArcaneScroll()
            if (!Core.ML)


        #region Stygian Abyss
        public void PackMysticScroll(double chance)
            if (chance <= Utility.RandomDouble())


        public void PackMysticScroll(int min, int max)
            PackMysticScroll(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackMysticScroll(int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)

        public void PackPotion()

        public void PackArcanceScroll(double chance)
            if (!Core.ML || chance <= Utility.RandomDouble())


        public void PackNecroScroll(int index)
            if (!Core.AOS || 0.05 <= Utility.RandomDouble())

            PackItem(Loot.Construct(Loot.NecromancyScrollTypes, index));

        public void PackScroll(int minCircle, int maxCircle)
            PackScroll(Utility.RandomMinMax(minCircle, maxCircle));

        public void PackScroll(int circle)
            int min = (circle - 1) * 8;

            PackItem(Loot.RandomScroll(min, min + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));

        public void PackMagicItems(int minLevel, int maxLevel)
            PackMagicItems(minLevel, maxLevel, 0.30, 0.15);

        public void PackMagicItems(int minLevel, int maxLevel, double armorChance, double weaponChance)
            if (!PackArmor(minLevel, maxLevel, armorChance))
                PackWeapon(minLevel, maxLevel, weaponChance);

        public virtual void DropBackpack()
            if (Backpack != null)
                if (Backpack.Items.Count > 0)
                    Backpack b = new CreatureBackpack(Name);

                    var list = new List<Item>(Backpack.Items);
                    foreach (Item item in list)

                    BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this);
                    if (house != null)
                        b.MoveToWorld(house.BanLocation, house.Map);
                        b.MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

        protected bool m_Spawning;
        protected int m_KillersLuck;

        public virtual void GenerateLoot(bool spawning)
            m_Spawning = spawning;

            if (!spawning)
                m_KillersLuck = LootPack.GetLuckChanceForKiller(this);


            if (m_Paragon)
                if (Fame < 1250)
                else if (Fame < 2500)
                else if (Fame < 5000)
                else if (Fame < 10000)

            m_Spawning = false;
            m_KillersLuck = 0;

        public virtual void GenerateLoot()
        { }

        public virtual void AddLoot(LootPack pack, int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)

        public virtual void AddLoot(LootPack pack)
            if (Summoned)

            Container backpack = Backpack;

            if (backpack == null)
                backpack = new Backpack();

                backpack.Movable = false;


            pack.Generate(this, backpack, m_Spawning, m_KillersLuck);

        public bool PackArmor(int minLevel, int maxLevel)
            return PackArmor(minLevel, maxLevel, 1.0);

        public bool PackArmor(int minLevel, int maxLevel, double chance)
            if (chance <= Utility.RandomDouble())
                return false;

            Cap(ref minLevel, 0, 5);
            Cap(ref maxLevel, 0, 5);

            if (Core.AOS)
                Item item = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrJewelry();

                if (item == null)
                    return false;

                int attributeCount, min, max;
                GetRandomAOSStats(minLevel, maxLevel, out attributeCount, out min, out max);

                if (item is BaseArmor)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, attributeCount, min, max);
                else if (item is BaseJewel)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseJewel)item, attributeCount, min, max);

                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmorOrShield();

                if (armor == null)
                    return false;

                armor.ProtectionLevel = (ArmorProtectionLevel)RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);
                armor.Durability = (ArmorDurabilityLevel)RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);


            return true;

        public static void GetRandomAOSStats(int minLevel, int maxLevel, out int attributeCount, out int min, out int max)
            int v = RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);

            if (v >= 5)
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 6);
                min = 20;
                max = 70;
            else if (v == 4)
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 4);
                min = 20;
                max = 50;
            else if (v == 3)
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 3);
                min = 20;
                max = 40;
            else if (v == 2)
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2);
                min = 10;
                max = 30;
                attributeCount = 1;
                min = 10;
                max = 20;

        public static int RandomMinMaxScaled(int min, int max)
            if (min == max)
                return min;

            if (min > max)
                int hold = min;
                min = max;
                max = hold;

            /* Example:
            *    min: 1
            *    max: 5
            *  count: 5
            * total = (5*5) + (4*4) + (3*3) + (2*2) + (1*1) = 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 55
            * chance for min+0 : 25/55 : 45.45%
            * chance for min+1 : 16/55 : 29.09%
            * chance for min+2 :  9/55 : 16.36%
            * chance for min+3 :  4/55 :  7.27%
            * chance for min+4 :  1/55 :  1.81%

            int count = max - min + 1;
            int total = 0, toAdd = count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, --toAdd)
                total += toAdd * toAdd;

            int rand = Utility.Random(total);
            toAdd = count;

            int val = min;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, --toAdd, ++val)
                rand -= toAdd * toAdd;

                if (rand < 0)

            return val;

        public bool PackSlayer()
            return PackSlayer(0.05);

        public bool PackSlayer(double chance)
            if (chance <= Utility.RandomDouble())
                return false;

            if (Utility.RandomBool())
                BaseInstrument instrument = Loot.RandomInstrument();

                if (instrument != null)
                    instrument.Slayer = SlayerGroup.GetLootSlayerType(GetType());
            else if (!Core.AOS)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon();

                if (weapon != null)
                    weapon.Slayer = SlayerGroup.GetLootSlayerType(GetType());

            return true;

        public bool PackWeapon(int minLevel, int maxLevel)
            return PackWeapon(minLevel, maxLevel, 1.0);

        public bool PackWeapon(int minLevel, int maxLevel, double chance)
            if (chance <= Utility.RandomDouble())
                return false;

            Cap(ref minLevel, 0, 5);
            Cap(ref maxLevel, 0, 5);

            if (Core.AOS)
                Item item = Loot.RandomWeaponOrJewelry();

                if (item == null)
                    return false;

                int attributeCount, min, max;
                GetRandomAOSStats(minLevel, maxLevel, out attributeCount, out min, out max);

                if (item is BaseWeapon)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item, attributeCount, min, max);
                else if (item is BaseJewel)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseJewel)item, attributeCount, min, max);

                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon();

                if (weapon == null)
                    return false;

                if (0.05 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    weapon.Slayer = SlayerName.Silver;

                weapon.DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);
                weapon.AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);
                weapon.DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)RandomMinMaxScaled(minLevel, maxLevel);


            return true;

        public void PackGold(int amount)
            if (amount > 0)
                PackItem(new Gold(amount));

        public void PackGold(int min, int max)
            PackGold(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackStatue(int min, int max)
            PackStatue(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackStatue(int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)

        public void PackStatue()

        public void PackGem()

        public void PackGem(int min, int max)
            PackGem(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackGem(int amount)
            if (amount <= 0)

            Item gem = Loot.RandomGem();

            gem.Amount = amount;


        public void PackNecroReg(int min, int max)
            PackNecroReg(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackNecroReg(int amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)

        public void PackNecroReg()
            if (!Core.AOS)


        public void PackReg(int min, int max)
            PackReg(Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max));

        public void PackReg(int amount)
            if (amount <= 0)

            Item reg = Loot.RandomReagent();

            reg.Amount = amount;

            //daat99 OWLTR start - add recipies to pack
            if (OWLTROptionsManager.IsEnabled(OWLTROptionsManager.OPTIONS_ENUM.RECIPE_CRAFT))
                if (Utility.Random(100) == 50)
                    PackItem(new CraftingRecipe(0));
                amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, amount);
                if (amount > 4)
                    amount = 4;
                switch (amount)
                    case 1:
                    default: amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); break;
                    case 2: amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 4); break;
                    case 3: amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5); break;
                    case 4: amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(4, 6); break;
                int check = 3, level = amount;
                if (level < check)
                    check = level;
                while (check != 0)
                    if (check > 2)
                        PackItem(new CraftingRecipe(level));
                        PackItem(new CraftingRecipe(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, amount)));
            //daat99 OWLTR end - add recipies to pack

        public void PackItem(Item item)
            if (Summoned || item == null)
                if (item != null)


            Container pack = Backpack;

            if (pack == null)
                pack = new Backpack();

                pack.Movable = false;


            if (!item.Stackable || !pack.TryDropItem(this, item, false)) // try stack
                pack.DropItem(item); // failed, drop it anyway

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && !Body.IsHuman)
                Container pack = Backpack;

                if (pack != null)

            if (DeathAdderCharmable && from.CanBeHarmful(this, false))
                DeathAdder da = SummonFamiliarSpell.Table[from] as DeathAdder;

                if (da != null && !da.Deleted)
                    from.SendAsciiMessage("You charm the snake.  Select a target to attack.");
                    from.Target = new DeathAdderCharmTarget(this);


        private class DeathAdderCharmTarget : Target
            private readonly BaseCreature m_Charmed;

            public DeathAdderCharmTarget(BaseCreature charmed)
                : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
                m_Charmed = charmed;

            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (!m_Charmed.DeathAdderCharmable || m_Charmed.Combatant != null || !from.CanBeHarmful(m_Charmed, false))

                DeathAdder da = SummonFamiliarSpell.Table[from] as DeathAdder;
                if (da == null || da.Deleted)

                Mobile targ = targeted as Mobile;
                if (targ == null || !from.CanBeHarmful(targ, false))

                from.DoHarmful(targ, true);

                m_Charmed.Combatant = targ;

                if (m_Charmed.AIObject != null)
                    m_Charmed.AIObject.Action = ActionType.Combat;

        public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            if (Core.ML)
                if (DisplayWeight)
                    list.Add(TotalWeight == 1 ? 1072788 : 1072789, TotalWeight.ToString()); // Weight: ~1_WEIGHT~ stones

                if (m_ControlOrder == OrderType.Guard)
                    list.Add(1080078); // guarding

            if (Summoned && !IsAnimatedDead && !IsNecroFamiliar && !(this is Clone))
                list.Add(1049646); // (summoned)
            else if (Controlled && Commandable)
                if (IsBonded) //Intentional difference (showing ONLY bonded when bonded instead of bonded & tame)
                    list.Add(1049608); // (bonded)
                    list.Add(502006); // (tame)

        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            if (Controlled && Commandable)
                int number;

                if (Summoned)
                    number = 1049646; // (summoned)
                else if (IsBonded)
                    number = 1049608; // (bonded)
                    number = 502006; // (tame)

                PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, number, from.NetState);


        public virtual double TreasureMapChance { get { return TreasureMap.LootChance; } }
        public virtual int TreasureMapLevel { get { return -1; } }

        public virtual bool IgnoreYoungProtection { get { return false; } }

        //daat99 OWLTR start - On Before (Re) Tame methods
        public virtual void OnBeforeTame()

        public virtual void OnBeforeReTame()
        //daat99 OWLTR start - On Before (Re) Tame methods

        public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
            int treasureLevel = TreasureMapLevel;

            if (treasureLevel == 1 && Map == Map.Trammel && TreasureMap.IsInHavenIsland(this))
                Mobile killer = LastKiller;

                if (killer is BaseCreature)
                    killer = ((BaseCreature)killer).GetMaster();

                if (killer is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)killer).Young)
                    treasureLevel = 0;

            if (!Summoned && !NoKillAwards && !IsBonded)
                if (treasureLevel >= 0)
                    if (m_Paragon && XmlParagon.GetChestChance(this) > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        XmlParagon.AddChest(this, treasureLevel);
                    else if ((Map == Map.Felucca || Map == Map.Trammel) && TreasureMap.LootChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                        PackItem(new TreasureMap(treasureLevel, Map));

                if (m_Paragon && Paragon.ChocolateIngredientChance > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    switch (Utility.Random(4))
                        case 0:
                            PackItem(new CocoaButter());
                        case 1:
                            PackItem(new CocoaLiquor());
                        case 2:
                            PackItem(new SackOfSugar());
                        case 3:
                            PackItem(new Vanilla());

            if (!Summoned && !NoKillAwards && !m_HasGeneratedLoot)
                m_HasGeneratedLoot = true;

            if (!NoKillAwards && Region.IsPartOf("Doom"))
                int bones = TheSummoningQuest.GetDaemonBonesFor(this);

                if (bones > 0)
                    PackItem(new DaemonBone(bones));

            if (IsAnimatedDead)
                Effects.SendLocationEffect(Location, Map, 0x3728, 13, 1, 0x461, 4);

            InhumanSpeech speechType = SpeechType;

            if (speechType != null)

            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)

            return base.OnBeforeDeath();

        private bool m_NoKillAwards;

        public bool NoKillAwards { get { return m_NoKillAwards; } set { m_NoKillAwards = value; } }

        public int ComputeBonusDamage(List<DamageEntry> list, Mobile m)
            int bonus = 0;

            for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                DamageEntry de = list[i];

                if (de.Damager == m || !(de.Damager is BaseCreature))

                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)de.Damager;
                Mobile master = null;

                master = bc.GetMaster();

                if (master == m)
                    bonus += de.DamageGiven;

            return bonus;

        public Mobile GetMaster()
            if (Controlled && ControlMaster != null)
                return ControlMaster;
            else if (Summoned && SummonMaster != null)
                return SummonMaster;

            return null;

        private class FKEntry
            public Mobile m_Mobile;
            public int m_Damage;

            public FKEntry(Mobile m, int damage)
                m_Mobile = m;
                m_Damage = damage;

        public static List<DamageStore> GetLootingRights(List<DamageEntry> damageEntries, int hitsMax)
            var rights = new List<DamageStore>();

            for (int i = damageEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (i >= damageEntries.Count)

                DamageEntry de = damageEntries[i];

                if (de.HasExpired)

                int damage = de.DamageGiven;

                var respList = de.Responsible;

                if (respList != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < respList.Count; ++j)
                        DamageEntry subEntry = respList[j];
                        Mobile master = subEntry.Damager;

                        if (master == null || master.Deleted || !master.Player)

                        bool needNewSubEntry = true;

                        for (int k = 0; needNewSubEntry && k < rights.Count; ++k)
                            DamageStore ds = rights[k];

                            if (ds.m_Mobile == master)
                                ds.m_Damage += subEntry.DamageGiven;
                                needNewSubEntry = false;

                        if (needNewSubEntry)
                            rights.Add(new DamageStore(master, subEntry.DamageGiven));

                        damage -= subEntry.DamageGiven;

                Mobile m = de.Damager;

                if (m == null || m.Deleted || !m.Player)

                if (damage <= 0)

                bool needNewEntry = true;

                for (int j = 0; needNewEntry && j < rights.Count; ++j)
                    DamageStore ds = rights[j];

                    if (ds.m_Mobile == m)
                        ds.m_Damage += damage;
                        needNewEntry = false;

                if (needNewEntry)
                    rights.Add(new DamageStore(m, damage));

            if (rights.Count > 0)
                rights[0].m_Damage = (int)(rights[0].m_Damage * 1.25);
                //This would be the first valid person attacking it.  Gets a 25% bonus.  Per 1/19/07 Five on Friday

                if (rights.Count > 1)
                    rights.Sort(); //Sort by damage

                int topDamage = rights[0].m_Damage;
                int minDamage;

                if (hitsMax >= 3000)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 16;
                else if (hitsMax >= 1000)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 8;
                else if (hitsMax >= 200)
                    minDamage = topDamage / 4;
                    minDamage = topDamage / 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < rights.Count; ++i)
                    DamageStore ds = rights[i];

                    ds.m_HasRight = (ds.m_Damage >= minDamage);

            return rights;

        #region Mondain's Legacy
        private bool m_Allured;

        public bool Allured { get { return m_Allured; } set { m_Allured = value; } }

        public virtual bool GivesMLMinorArtifact { get { return false; } }

        private static readonly Type[] m_Artifacts = new[]
            typeof(AegisOfGrace), typeof(BladeDance), typeof(Bonesmasher), typeof(FeyLeggings), typeof(FleshRipper),
            typeof(HelmOfSwiftness), typeof(PadsOfTheCuSidhe), typeof(RaedsGlory), typeof(RighteousAnger),
            typeof(RobeOfTheEclipse), typeof(RobeOfTheEquinox), typeof(SoulSeeker), typeof(TalonBite), typeof(BloodwoodSpirit),
            typeof(TotemOfVoid), typeof(QuiverOfRage), typeof(QuiverOfElements), typeof(BrightsightLenses), typeof(Boomstick),
            typeof(WildfireBow), typeof(Windsong)

        public static void GiveMinorArtifact(Mobile m)
            Item item = Activator.CreateInstance(m_Artifacts[Utility.Random(m_Artifacts.Length)]) as Item;

            if (item == null)

            if (m.AddToBackpack(item))
                // For your valor in combating the fallen beast, a special artifact has been bestowed on you.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072223); // An item has been placed in your backpack.
            else if (m.BankBox != null && m.BankBox.TryDropItem(m, item, false))
                // For your valor in combating the fallen beast, a special artifact has been bestowed on you.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072224); // An item has been placed in your bank box.
                item.MoveToWorld(m.Location, m.Map);
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072523); // You find an artifact, but your backpack and bank are too full to hold it.

        public virtual bool GivesSAArtifact { get { return false; } }

        private static readonly Type[] m_SAArtifacts = new[]
            typeof(AxesOfFury), typeof(BreastplateOfTheBerserker), typeof(EternalGuardianStaff), typeof(LegacyOfDespair),
            typeof(GiantSteps), typeof(StaffOfShatteredDreams), typeof(PetrifiedSnake), typeof(StoneDragonsTooth),
            typeof(TokenOfHolyFavor), typeof(SwordOfShatteredHopes), typeof(Venom), typeof(StormCaller)

        public static void GiveSAArtifact(Mobile m)
            Item item = Activator.CreateInstance(m_SAArtifacts[Utility.Random(m_SAArtifacts.Length)]) as Item;

            if (item == null)

            if (m.AddToBackpack(item))
                // For your valor in combating the fallen beast, a special artifact has been bestowed on you.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072223); // An item has been placed in your backpack.
            else if (m.BankBox != null && m.BankBox.TryDropItem(m, item, false))
                // For your valor in combating the fallen beast, a special artifact has been bestowed on you.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072224); // An item has been placed in your bank box.
                item.MoveToWorld(m.Location, m.Map);
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1072523); // You find an artifact, but your backpack and bank are too full to hold it.

        public virtual void OnRelease(Mobile from)
            if (m_Allured)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), Delete);

        public override void OnItemLifted(Mobile from, Item item)
            base.OnItemLifted(from, item);


        public virtual void OnKilledBy(Mobile mob)
            if (m_Paragon && XmlParagon.CheckArtifactChance(mob, this))
                XmlParagon.GiveArtifactTo(mob, this);

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (GivesMLMinorArtifact)
                if (MondainsLegacy.CheckArtifactChance(mob, this))

            if (GivesSAArtifact && Paragon.CheckArtifactChance(mob, this))

            if (mob is PlayerMobile && mob.Map == Map.TerMur && m_QLPoints > 0)
                PlayerMobile pm = mob as PlayerMobile;
                pm.Exp += m_QLPoints;
                pm.SendMessage("You have been awarded {0} points for your loyalty to the Queen of TerMur!", m_QLPoints);

            EventSink.InvokeOnKilledBy(new OnKilledByEventArgs(this, mob));

        public override void OnDeath(Container c)
            MeerMage.StopEffect(this, false);

            if (IsBonded)
                int sound = GetDeathSound();

                if (sound >= 0)
                    Effects.PlaySound(this, Map, sound);

                Warmode = false;

                Poison = null;
                Combatant = null;

                Hits = 0;
                Stam = 0;
                Mana = 0;

                IsDeadPet = true;
                ControlTarget = ControlMaster;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;


                var aggressors = Aggressors;

                for (int i = 0; i < aggressors.Count; ++i)
                    AggressorInfo info = aggressors[i];

                    if (info.Attacker.Combatant == this)
                        info.Attacker.Combatant = null;

                var aggressed = Aggressed;

                for (int i = 0; i < aggressed.Count; ++i)
                    AggressorInfo info = aggressed[i];

                    if (info.Defender.Combatant == this)
                        info.Defender.Combatant = null;

                Mobile owner = ControlMaster;

                if (owner == null || owner.Deleted || owner.Map != Map || !owner.InRange(this, 12) || !CanSee(owner) ||
                    if (OwnerAbandonTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                        OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;


                if (!Summoned && !m_NoKillAwards)
                    int totalFame = Fame / 100;
                    int totalKarma = -Karma / 100;

                    if (Map == Map.Felucca)
                        totalFame += ((totalFame / 10) * 3);
                        totalKarma += ((totalKarma / 10) * 3);

                    var list = GetLootingRights(DamageEntries, HitsMax);
                    var titles = new List<Mobile>();
                    var fame = new List<int>();
                    var karma = new List<int>();

                    bool givenQuestKill = false;
                    bool givenFactionKill = false;
                    bool givenToTKill = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                        DamageStore ds = list[i];

                        if (!ds.m_HasRight)
                                                //daat99 OWLTR start - add tokens on death
                        if (OWLTROptionsManager.IsEnabled(OWLTROptionsManager.OPTIONS_ENUM.MONSTER_GIVE_TOKENS))
                            //daat99 Tokens start - add tokens on death
                            GiveTokens.CalculateTokens(ds.m_Mobile, this);
                        //daat99 OWLTR/Tokens end - add tokens on death

                        Party party = Engines.PartySystem.Party.Get(ds.m_Mobile);

                        if (party != null)
                            int divedFame = totalFame / party.Members.Count;
                            int divedKarma = totalKarma / party.Members.Count;

                            for (int j = 0; j < party.Members.Count; ++j)
                                PartyMemberInfo info = party.Members[j];

                        if (GivesFameAndKarmaAward)
                            Party party = Engines.PartySystem.Party.Get(ds.m_Mobile);

                            if (party != null)
                                int divedFame = totalFame / party.Members.Count;
                                int divedKarma = totalKarma / party.Members.Count;

                                for (int j = 0; j < party.Members.Count; ++j)
                                    PartyMemberInfo info = party.Members[j];

                                    if (info != null && info.Mobile != null)
                                        int index = titles.IndexOf(info.Mobile);

                                        if (index == -1)
                                            fame[index] += divedFame;
                                            karma[index] += divedKarma;



                        XmlQuest.RegisterKill(this, ds.m_Mobile);

                        if (!givenFactionKill)
                            givenFactionKill = true;
                            Faction.HandleDeath(this, ds.m_Mobile);

                        Region region = ds.m_Mobile.Region;

                        if (!givenToTKill &&
                            (Map == Map.Tokuno || region.IsPartOf("Yomotsu Mines") || region.IsPartOf("Fan Dancer's Dojo")))
                            givenToTKill = true;
                            TreasuresOfTokuno.HandleKill(this, ds.m_Mobile);

                        PlayerMobile pm = ds.m_Mobile as PlayerMobile;

                        if (pm != null)
                            if (givenQuestKill)

                            QuestSystem qs = pm.Quest;

                            if (qs != null)
                                qs.OnKill(this, c);
                                givenQuestKill = true;

                            QuestHelper.CheckCreature(pm, this);

                    for (int i = 0; i < titles.Count; ++i)
                        Titles.AwardFame(titles[i], fame[i], true);
                        Titles.AwardKarma(titles[i], karma[i], true);


                if (DeleteCorpseOnDeath)

        /* To save on cpu usage, RunUO creatures only reacquire creatures under the following circumstances:
        *  - 10 seconds have elapsed since the last time it tried
        *  - The creature was attacked
        *  - Some creatures, like dragons, will reacquire when they see someone move
        * This functionality appears to be implemented on OSI as well

        private long m_NextReacquireTime;

        public long NextReacquireTime { get { return m_NextReacquireTime; } set { m_NextReacquireTime = value; } }

        public virtual TimeSpan ReacquireDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0); } }
        public virtual bool ReacquireOnMovement { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool AcquireOnApproach { get { return m_Paragon; } }
        public virtual int AcquireOnApproachRange { get { return 10; } }

        public override void OnDelete()
            Mobile m = m_ControlMaster;

            SummonMaster = null;

            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)


            if (m != null)

        public override bool CanBeHarmful(Mobile target, bool message, bool ignoreOurBlessedness)
            if (target is BaseFactionGuard)
                return false;

            if ((target is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)target).IsInvulnerable) || target is PlayerVendor || target is TownCrier)
                if (message)
                    if (target.Title == null)
                        SendMessage("{0} the vendor cannot be harmed.", target.Name);
                        SendMessage("{0} {1} cannot be harmed.", target.Name, target.Title);

                return false;

            return base.CanBeHarmful(target, message, ignoreOurBlessedness);

        public override bool CanBeRenamedBy(Mobile from)
            bool ret = base.CanBeRenamedBy(from);

            if (Controlled && from == ControlMaster && !from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(Jail)))
                ret = true;

            return ret;

        public bool SetControlMaster(Mobile m)
            if (m == null)
                ControlMaster = null;
                Controlled = false;
                ControlTarget = null;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.None;
                Guild = null;

                ISpawner se = Spawner;
                if (se != null && se.UnlinkOnTaming)
                    Spawner = null;

                if (m.Followers + ControlSlots > m.FollowersMax)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1049607); // You have too many followers to control that creature.
                    return false;

                CurrentWayPoint = null; //so tamed animals don't try to go back

                Home = Point3D.Zero;

                ControlMaster = m;
                Controlled = true;
                ControlTarget = null;
                ControlOrder = OrderType.Come;
                Guild = null;

                if (m_DeleteTimer != null)
                    m_DeleteTimer = null;



            return true;

        public override void OnRegionChange(Region Old, Region New)
            base.OnRegionChange(Old, New);

            if (Controlled)
                SpawnEntry se = Spawner as SpawnEntry;

                if (se != null && !se.UnlinkOnTaming && (New == null || !New.AcceptsSpawnsFrom(se.Region)))
                    Spawner = null;

        private static bool m_Summoning;

        public static bool Summoning { get { return m_Summoning; } set { m_Summoning = value; } }

        public static bool Summon(BaseCreature creature, Mobile caster, Point3D p, int sound, TimeSpan duration)
            return Summon(creature, true, caster, p, sound, duration);

        public static bool Summon(
            BaseCreature creature, bool controlled, Mobile caster, Point3D p, int sound, TimeSpan duration)
            if (caster.Followers + creature.ControlSlots > caster.FollowersMax)
                caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1049645); // You have too many followers to summon that creature.
                return false;

            m_Summoning = true;

            if (controlled)

            creature.RangeHome = 10;
            creature.Summoned = true;

            creature.SummonMaster = caster;

            Container pack = creature.Backpack;

            if (pack != null)
                for (int i = pack.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    if (i >= pack.Items.Count)


                (int)Math.Floor(creature.HitsMax * (1 + ArcaneEmpowermentSpell.GetSpellBonus(caster, false) / 100.0)));

            new UnsummonTimer(caster, creature, duration).Start();
            creature.m_SummonEnd = DateTime.UtcNow + duration;

            creature.MoveToWorld(p, caster.Map);

            Effects.PlaySound(p, creature.Map, sound);

            m_Summoning = false;

            return true;

        private static readonly Type[] m_MinorArtifactsMl = new[]
            typeof(AegisOfGrace), typeof(BladeDance), typeof(Bonesmasher), typeof(Boomstick), typeof(FeyLeggings),
            typeof(FleshRipper), typeof(HelmOfSwiftness), typeof(PadsOfTheCuSidhe), typeof(QuiverOfRage),
            typeof(QuiverOfElements), typeof(RaedsGlory), typeof(RighteousAnger), typeof(RobeOfTheEclipse),
            typeof(RobeOfTheEquinox), typeof(SoulSeeker), typeof(TalonBite), typeof(WildfireBow), typeof(Windsong),
            // TODO: Brightsight lenses, Bloodwood spirit, Totem of the void

        public static Type[] MinorArtifactsMl { get { return m_MinorArtifactsMl; } }

        private static bool EnableRummaging = true;

        private const double ChanceToRummage = 0.5; // 50%

        private const double MinutesToNextRummageMin = 1.0;
        private const double MinutesToNextRummageMax = 4.0;

        private const double MinutesToNextChanceMin = 0.25;
        private const double MinutesToNextChanceMax = 0.75;

        private long m_NextRummageTime;

        public virtual bool CanBreath { get { return HasBreath && !Summoned; } }
        public virtual bool IsDispellable { get { return Summoned && !IsAnimatedDead; } }

        #region Animate Dead
        public virtual bool CanAnimateDead { get { return false; } }
        public virtual double AnimateChance { get { return 0.05; } }
        public virtual int AnimateScalar { get { return 50; } }
        public virtual TimeSpan AnimateDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); } }
        public virtual BaseCreature Animates { get { return null; } }

        private DateTime m_NextAnimateDead = DateTime.UtcNow;

        public virtual void AnimateDead()
            Corpse best = null;

            foreach (Item item in Map.GetItemsInRange(Location, 12))
                Corpse c = null;

                if (item is Corpse)
                    c = (Corpse)item;

                if (c.ItemID != 0x2006 || c.Channeled || c.Owner.GetType() == typeof(PlayerMobile) || c.Owner.GetType() == null ||
                    (c.Owner != null && c.Owner.Fame < 100) ||
                    ((c.Owner != null) && (c.Owner is BaseCreature) &&
                     (((BaseCreature)c.Owner).Summoned || ((BaseCreature)c.Owner).IsBonded)))

                best = c;

            if (best != null)
                BaseCreature animated = Animates;

                if (animated != null)
                    animated.Tamable = false;
                    animated.MoveToWorld(best.Location, Map);
                    Scale(animated, AnimateScalar);
                    Effects.PlaySound(best.Location, Map, 0x1FB);
                        EffectItem.Create(best.Location, Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3789, 1, 40, 0x3F, 3, 9907, 0);

                best.ItemID = Utility.Random(0xECA, 9); // bone graphic
                best.Hue = 0;

            m_NextAnimateDead = DateTime.UtcNow + AnimateDelay;

        public static void Scale(BaseCreature bc, int scalar)
            int toScale;

            toScale = bc.RawStr;
            bc.RawStr = AOS.Scale(toScale, scalar);

            toScale = bc.HitsMaxSeed;

            if (toScale > 0)
                bc.HitsMaxSeed = AOS.Scale(toScale, scalar);

            bc.Hits = bc.Hits; // refresh hits

        #region Area Poison
        public virtual bool CanAreaPoison { get { return false; } }
        public virtual Poison HitAreaPoison { get { return Poison.Deadly; } }
        public virtual int AreaPoisonRange { get { return 10; } }
        public virtual double AreaPosionChance { get { return 0.4; } }
        public virtual TimeSpan AreaPoisonDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8); } }

        private DateTime m_NextAreaPoison = DateTime.UtcNow;

        public virtual void AreaPoison()
            var targets = new List<Mobile>();

            if (Map != null)
                foreach (Mobile m in GetMobilesInRange(AreaDamageRange))
                    if (this != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(this, m) && CanBeHarmful(m, false) && (!Core.AOS || InLOS(m)))
                        if (m is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)m).Controlled)
                        else if (m.Player)

            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                Mobile m = targets[i];

                m.ApplyPoison(this, HitAreaPoison);

                    EffectItem.Create(m.Location, m.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36B0, 1, 14, 63, 7, 9915, 0);
                Effects.PlaySound(m.Location, m.Map, 0x229);

            m_NextAreaPoison = DateTime.UtcNow + AreaPoisonDelay;

        #region Area damage
        public virtual bool CanAreaDamage { get { return false; } }
        public virtual int AreaDamageRange { get { return 10; } }
        public virtual double AreaDamageScalar { get { return 1.0; } }
        public virtual double AreaDamageChance { get { return 0.4; } }
        public virtual TimeSpan AreaDamageDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8); } }

        public virtual int AreaPhysicalDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AreaFireDamage { get { return 100; } }
        public virtual int AreaColdDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AreaPoisonDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AreaEnergyDamage { get { return 0; } }

        private DateTime m_NextAreaDamage = DateTime.UtcNow;

        public virtual void AreaDamage()
            var targets = new List<Mobile>();

            if (Map != null)
                foreach (Mobile m in GetMobilesInRange(AreaDamageRange))
                    if (this != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(this, m) && CanBeHarmful(m, false) && (!Core.AOS || InLOS(m)))
                        if (m is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)m).Controlled)
                        else if (m.Player)

            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                Mobile m = targets[i];

                int damage;

                if (Core.AOS)
                    damage = m.Hits / 2;

                    if (!m.Player)
                        damage = Math.Max(Math.Min(damage, 100), 15);

                    damage += Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 15);
                    damage = (m.Hits * 6) / 10;

                    if (!m.Player && damage < 10)
                        damage = 10;
                    else if (damage > 75)
                        damage = 75;

                damage = (int)(damage * AreaDamageScalar);


            m_NextAreaDamage = DateTime.UtcNow + AreaDamageDelay;

        public virtual void AreaDamageEffect(Mobile m)
            m.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 30, 5052, EffectLayer.LeftFoot); // flamestrike

        #region Healing
        public virtual bool CanHeal { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool CanHealOwner { get { return false; } }
        public virtual double HealScalar { get { return 1.0; } }

        public virtual int HealSound { get { return 0x57; } }
        public virtual int HealStartRange { get { return 2; } }
        public virtual int HealEndRange { get { return RangePerception; } }
        public virtual double HealTrigger { get { return 0.78; } }
        public virtual double HealDelay { get { return 6.5; } }
        public virtual double HealInterval { get { return 0.0; } }
        public virtual bool HealFully { get { return true; } }
        public virtual double HealOwnerTrigger { get { return 0.78; } }
        public virtual double HealOwnerDelay { get { return 6.5; } }
        public virtual double HealOwnerInterval { get { return 30.0; } }
        public virtual bool HealOwnerFully { get { return false; } }

        private long m_NextHealTime = Core.TickCount;
        private long m_NextHealOwnerTime = Core.TickCount;
        private Timer m_HealTimer;

        public bool IsHealing { get { return (m_HealTimer != null); } }

        public virtual void HealStart(Mobile patient)
            bool onSelf = (patient == this);

            //DoBeneficial( patient );


            if (!onSelf)
                patient.SendLocalizedMessage(1008078, false, Name); //  : Attempting to heal you.

            double seconds = (onSelf ? HealDelay : HealOwnerDelay) + (patient.Alive ? 0.0 : 5.0);

            m_HealTimer = Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds), new TimerStateCallback(Heal_Callback), patient);

        private void Heal_Callback(object state)
            if (state is Mobile)

        public virtual void Heal(Mobile patient)
            if (!Alive || Map == Map.Internal || !CanBeBeneficial(patient, true, true) || patient.Map != Map ||
                !InRange(patient, HealEndRange))

            bool onSelf = (patient == this);

            if (!patient.Alive)
            { }
            else if (patient.Poisoned)
                int poisonLevel = patient.Poison.Level;

                double healing = Skills.Healing.Value;
                double anatomy = Skills.Anatomy.Value;
                double chance = (healing - 30.0) / 50.0 - poisonLevel * 0.1;

                if ((healing >= 60.0 && anatomy >= 60.0) && chance > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    if (patient.CurePoison(this))
                        patient.SendLocalizedMessage(1010059); // You have been cured of all poisons.

                        CheckSkill(SkillName.Healing, 0.0, 60.0 + poisonLevel * 10.0); // TODO: Verify formula
                        CheckSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 100.0);
            else if (BleedAttack.IsBleeding(patient))
                patient.SendLocalizedMessage(1060167); // The bleeding wounds have healed, you are no longer bleeding!
                BleedAttack.EndBleed(patient, false);
                double healing = Skills.Healing.Value;
                double anatomy = Skills.Anatomy.Value;
                double chance = (healing + 10.0) / 100.0;

                if (chance > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    double min, max;

                    min = (anatomy / 10.0) + (healing / 6.0) + 4.0;
                    max = (anatomy / 8.0) + (healing / 3.0) + 4.0;

                    if (onSelf)
                        max += 10;

                    double toHeal = min + (Utility.RandomDouble() * (max - min));

                    toHeal *= HealScalar;


                    CheckSkill(SkillName.Healing, 0.0, 90.0);
                    CheckSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 100.0);



            if ((onSelf && HealFully && Hits >= HealTrigger * HitsMax && Hits < HitsMax) ||
                (!onSelf && HealOwnerFully && patient.Hits >= HealOwnerTrigger * patient.HitsMax && patient.Hits < patient.HitsMax))

        public virtual void StopHeal()
            if (m_HealTimer != null)

            m_HealTimer = null;

        public virtual void HealEffect(Mobile patient)

        #region Damaging Aura
        private long m_NextAura;

        public virtual bool HasAura { get { return false; } }
        public virtual TimeSpan AuraInterval { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); } }
        public virtual int AuraRange { get { return 4; } }

        public virtual int AuraBaseDamage { get { return 5; } }
        public virtual int AuraPhysicalDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AuraFireDamage { get { return 100; } }
        public virtual int AuraColdDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AuraPoisonDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AuraEnergyDamage { get { return 0; } }
        public virtual int AuraChaosDamage { get { return 0; } }

        public virtual void AuraDamage()
            if (!Alive || IsDeadBondedPet)

            var list = new List<Mobile>();

            foreach (Mobile m in GetMobilesInRange(AuraRange))
                if (m == this || !CanBeHarmful(m, false) || (Core.AOS && !InLOS(m)))

                if (m is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;

                    if (bc.Controlled || bc.Summoned || bc.Team != Team)
                else if (m.Player)

            foreach (Mobile m in list)

        public virtual void AuraEffect(Mobile m)
        { }

        #region Barding Skills
        private long m_NextDiscord;
        private long m_NextPeace;
        private long m_NextProvoke;

        public virtual bool CanDiscord { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool CanPeace { get { return false; } }
        public virtual bool CanProvoke { get { return false; } }

        public virtual TimeSpan DiscordInterval { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(60, 120)); } }
        public virtual TimeSpan PeaceInterval { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(60, 120)); } }
        public virtual TimeSpan ProvokeInterval { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(60, 120)); } }

        public virtual bool DoDiscord()
            Mobile target = GetBardTarget();

            if (target == null || !target.InLOS(this) || CheckInstrument() == null)
                return false;

            if (this.Spell != null)
                this.Spell = null;

            if (!this.UseSkill(SkillName.Discordance))
                return false;

            if (this.Target is Discordance.DiscordanceTarget)
                this.Target.Invoke(this, target);
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool DoPeace()
            Mobile target = GetBardTarget();
            if (target == null || !target.InLOS(this) || CheckInstrument() == null)
                return false;

            if (this.Spell != null)
                this.Spell = null;

            if (!this.UseSkill(SkillName.Peacemaking))
                return false;

            if (this.Target is Peacemaking.InternalTarget)
                this.Target.Invoke(this, target);
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool DoProvoke()
            Mobile target = GetBardTarget();

            if (target == null || !target.InLOS(this) || CheckInstrument() == null || !(target is BaseCreature))
                return false;

            if (this.Spell != null)
                this.Spell = null;

            if (!this.UseSkill(SkillName.Provocation))
                return false;

            if (this.Target is Provocation.InternalFirstTarget)
                this.Target.Invoke(this, target);

                if (this.Target is Provocation.InternalSecondTarget)
                    Mobile second = GetSecondTarget((BaseCreature)target);

                    if (second != null)
                        this.Target.Invoke(this, second);

                    return true;

            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Auto Checks creature for an instrument. Creates if none in pack, and sets for barding skills.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BaseInstrument CheckInstrument()
            BaseInstrument inst = BaseInstrument.GetInstrument(this);

            if (inst == null)
                if (this.Backpack == null)
                    return null;

                inst = this.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(BaseInstrument)) as BaseInstrument;

                if (inst == null)
                    inst = new Harp();
                    inst.SuccessSound = 0x58B;
                    inst.FailureSound = 0x58C;
                    inst.Movable = false;

            BaseInstrument.SetInstrument(this, inst);

            return inst;

        /// <summary>
        /// Default Method to get bard target. Simplisticly gets combatant. Override for a more dynamic way to choosing target
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Mobile GetBardTarget(bool creaturesOnly = false)
            Mobile m = this.Combatant;

            if (m == null && GetMaster() is PlayerMobile)
                m = GetMaster().Combatant;

            if (m == null || m == this || !CanBeHarmful(m, false) || (creaturesOnly && !(m is BaseCreature)))
                List<AggressorInfo> list = new List<AggressorInfo>();
                list.AddRange(this.Aggressors.Where(info => !creaturesOnly || info.Attacker is PlayerMobile ));

                if (list.Count > 0)
                    m = list[Utility.Random(list.Count)].Attacker;
                    m = null;


            return m;

        /// <summary>
        /// Used for second Provocation target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Mobile GetSecondTarget(BaseCreature first)
            if (first == null)
                return null;

            int range = BaseInstrument.GetBardRange(this, SkillName.Provocation);

            IPooledEnumerable eable = this.Map.GetMobilesInRange(Location, range);
            List<Mobile> possibles = new List<Mobile>();

            foreach (Mobile m in eable)
                if (m != first && m != this && first.InRange(m.Location, range))
                    if (this.CanBeHarmful(m, false) && first.CanBeHarmful(m, false))

            Mobile t = null;
            if (possibles.Count > 0)
                t = possibles[Utility.Random(possibles.Count)];


            return t;

        public virtual void OnThink()
            long tc = Core.TickCount;

            if (EnableRummaging && CanRummageCorpses && !Summoned && !Controlled && tc - m_NextRummageTime >= 0)
                double min, max;

                if (ChanceToRummage > Utility.RandomDouble() && Rummage())
                    min = MinutesToNextRummageMin;
                    max = MinutesToNextRummageMax;
                    min = MinutesToNextChanceMin;
                    max = MinutesToNextChanceMax;

                double delay = min + (Utility.RandomDouble() * (max - min));
                m_NextRummageTime = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(delay).TotalMilliseconds;

            if (CanBreath && tc - m_NextBreathTime >= 0)
                // tested: controlled dragons do breath fire, what about summoned skeletal dragons?
                Mobile target = Combatant;

                if (target != null && target.Alive && !target.IsDeadBondedPet && CanBeHarmful(target) && target.Map == Map &&
                    !IsDeadBondedPet && target.InRange(this, BreathRange) && InLOS(target) && !BardPacified)
                    if ((Core.TickCount - m_NextBreathTime) < 30000 && Utility.RandomBool())

                    m_NextBreathTime = tc +
                                       TimeSpan.FromSeconds(BreathMinDelay + ((Utility.RandomDouble() * (BreathMaxDelay - BreathMinDelay))))

            if ((CanHeal || CanHealOwner) && Alive && !IsHealing && !BardPacified)
                Mobile owner = ControlMaster;

                if (owner != null && CanHealOwner && tc - m_NextHealOwnerTime >= 0 && CanBeBeneficial(owner, true, true) &&
                    owner.Map == Map && InRange(owner, HealStartRange) && InLOS(owner) && owner.Hits < HealOwnerTrigger * owner.HitsMax)

                    m_NextHealOwnerTime = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(HealOwnerInterval).TotalMilliseconds;
                else if (CanHeal && tc - m_NextHealTime >= 0 && CanBeBeneficial(this) && (Hits < HealTrigger * HitsMax || Poisoned))

                    m_NextHealTime = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(HealInterval).TotalMilliseconds;

            if (ReturnsToHome && IsSpawnerBound() && !InRange(Home, RangeHome))
                if ((Combatant == null) && (Warmode == false) && Utility.RandomDouble() < .10) /* some throttling */
                    m_FailedReturnHome = !Move(GetDirectionTo(Home.X, Home.Y)) ? m_FailedReturnHome + 1 : 0;

                    if (m_FailedReturnHome > 5)
                        SetLocation(Home, true);

                        m_FailedReturnHome = 0;
                m_FailedReturnHome = 0;

            if (HasAura && tc - m_NextAura >= 0)
                m_NextAura = tc + (int)AuraInterval.TotalMilliseconds;

            if (Combatant != null && CanDiscord && tc - m_NextDiscord >= 0 && 0.33 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    m_NextDiscord = tc + (int)DiscordInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                    m_NextDiscord = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15).TotalMilliseconds;

            if (Combatant != null && CanPeace && tc - m_NextPeace >= 0 && 0.33 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                if (DoPeace())
                    m_NextPeace = tc + (int)PeaceInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                    m_NextPeace = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15).TotalMilliseconds;

            if (Combatant != null && CanProvoke && tc - m_NextProvoke >= 0 && 0.33 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                if (DoProvoke())
                    m_NextProvoke = tc + (int)ProvokeInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                    m_NextProvoke = tc + (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15).TotalMilliseconds;

        public virtual bool Rummage()
            Corpse toRummage = null;

            IPooledEnumerable eable = GetItemsInRange(2);
            foreach (Item item in eable)
                if (item is Corpse && item.Items.Count > 0)
                    toRummage = (Corpse)item;

            if (toRummage == null)
                return false;

            Container pack = Backpack;

            if (pack == null)
                return false;

            var items = toRummage.Items;

            bool rejected;
            LRReason reason;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i)
                Item item = items[Utility.Random(items.Count)];

                Lift(item, item.Amount, out rejected, out reason);

                if (!rejected && Drop(this, new Point3D(-1, -1, 0)))
                    // *rummages through a corpse and takes an item*
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 0x3B2, 1008086);
                    //TODO: Instancing of Rummaged stuff.
                    return true;

            return false;

        public void Pacify(Mobile master, DateTime endtime)
            BardPacified = true;
            BardEndTime = endtime;

        public override Mobile GetDamageMaster(Mobile damagee)
            if (m_bBardProvoked && damagee == m_bBardTarget)
                return m_bBardMaster;
            else if (m_bControlled && m_ControlMaster != null)
                return m_ControlMaster;
            else if (m_bSummoned && m_SummonMaster != null)
                return m_SummonMaster;

            return base.GetDamageMaster(damagee);

        public void Provoke(Mobile master, Mobile target, bool bSuccess)
            BardProvoked = true;

            if (!Core.ML)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*looks furious*");

            if (bSuccess)

                BardMaster = master;
                BardTarget = target;
                Combatant = target;
                BardEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0);

                if (target is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature t = (BaseCreature)target;

                    if (t.Unprovokable || (t.IsParagon && BaseInstrument.GetBaseDifficulty(t) >= 160.0))

                    t.BardProvoked = true;

                    t.BardMaster = master;
                    t.BardTarget = this;
                    t.Combatant = this;
                    t.BardEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0);
                else if (target is PlayerMobile)
                    ((PlayerMobile)target).Combatant = this;
                    Combatant = target;

                BardMaster = master;
                BardTarget = target;

        public bool FindMyName(string str, bool bWithAll)
            int i, j;

            string name = Name;

            if (name == null || str.Length < name.Length)
                return false;

            var wordsString = str.Split(' ');
            var wordsName = name.Split(' ');

            for (j = 0; j < wordsName.Length; j++)
                string wordName = wordsName[j];

                bool bFound = false;
                for (i = 0; i < wordsString.Length; i++)
                    string word = wordsString[i];

                    if (Insensitive.Equals(word, wordName))
                        bFound = true;

                    if (bWithAll && Insensitive.Equals(word, "all"))
                        return true;

                if (!bFound)
                    return false;

            return true;

        public static void TeleportPets(Mobile master, Point3D loc, Map map)
            TeleportPets(master, loc, map, false);

        public static void TeleportPets(Mobile master, Point3D loc, Map map, bool onlyBonded)
            var move = new List<Mobile>();

            foreach (Mobile m in master.GetMobilesInRange(3))
                if (m is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature pet = (BaseCreature)m;

                    if (pet.Controlled && pet.ControlMaster == master)
                        if (!onlyBonded || pet.IsBonded)
                            if (pet.ControlOrder == OrderType.Guard || pet.ControlOrder == OrderType.Follow ||
                                pet.ControlOrder == OrderType.Come)

            foreach (Mobile m in move)
                m.MoveToWorld(loc, map);

        public virtual void ResurrectPet()
            if (!IsDeadPet)


            Poison = null;

            Warmode = false;

            Hits = 10;
            Stam = StamMax;
            Mana = 0;


            IsDeadPet = false;

            Effects.SendPacket(Location, Map, new BondedStatus(0, Serial, 0));



            Mobile owner = ControlMaster;

            if (owner == null || owner.Deleted || owner.Map != Map || !owner.InRange(this, 12) || !CanSee(owner) || !InLOS(owner))
                if (OwnerAbandonTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                    OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;


        public override bool CanBeDamaged()
            if (IsDeadPet || IsInvulnerable)
                return false;

            return base.CanBeDamaged();

        public virtual bool PlayerRangeSensitive { get { return (CurrentWayPoint == null); } }
        //If they are following a waypoint, they'll continue to follow it even if players aren't around

        /* until we are sure about who should be getting deleted, move them instead */
        /* On OSI, they despawn */

        private bool m_ReturnQueued;

        private bool IsSpawnerBound()
            if ((Map != null) && (Map != Map.Internal))
                if (FightMode != FightMode.None && (RangeHome >= 0))
                    if (!Controlled && !Summoned)
                        if (Spawner != null && Spawner is Spawner && ((Spawner as Spawner).Map) == Map)
                            return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool ReturnsToHome { get { return (m_SeeksHome && (Home != Point3D.Zero) && !m_ReturnQueued && !Controlled && !Summoned); } }

        public override void OnSectorDeactivate()
            if (!Deleted && ReturnsToHome && IsSpawnerBound() && !InRange(Home, (RangeHome + 5)))
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((Utility.Random(45) + 15)), GoHome_Callback);

                m_ReturnQueued = true;
            else if (PlayerRangeSensitive && m_AI != null)


        public void GoHome_Callback()
            if (m_ReturnQueued && IsSpawnerBound())
                if (!((Map.GetSector(X, Y)).Active))
                    SetLocation(Home, true);

                    if (!((Map.GetSector(X, Y)).Active) && m_AI != null)

            m_ReturnQueued = false;

        public override void OnSectorActivate()
            if (PlayerRangeSensitive && m_AI != null)


        private bool m_RemoveIfUntamed;

        // used for deleting untamed creatures [in houses]
        private int m_RemoveStep;

        public bool RemoveIfUntamed { get { return m_RemoveIfUntamed; } set { m_RemoveIfUntamed = value; } }

        public int RemoveStep { get { return m_RemoveStep; } set { m_RemoveStep = value; } }

    public class LoyaltyTimer : Timer
        private static readonly TimeSpan InternalDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0);

        public static void Initialize()
            new LoyaltyTimer().Start();

        public LoyaltyTimer()
            : base(InternalDelay, InternalDelay)
            m_NextHourlyCheck = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);
            Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;

        private DateTime m_NextHourlyCheck;

        protected override void OnTick()
            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= m_NextHourlyCheck)
                m_NextHourlyCheck = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);

            var toRelease = new List<BaseCreature>();

            // added array for wild creatures in house regions to be removed
            var toRemove = new List<BaseCreature>();

                m =>
                    if (m is BaseMount && ((BaseMount)m).Rider != null)
                        ((BaseCreature)m).OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;


                    if (m is BaseCreature)
                        BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)m;

                        if (c.IsDeadPet)
                            Mobile owner = c.ControlMaster;

                            if (!c.IsStabled &&
                                (owner == null || owner.Deleted || owner.Map != c.Map || !owner.InRange(c, 12) || !c.CanSee(owner) ||
                                if (c.OwnerAbandonTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                                    c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                else if ((c.OwnerAbandonTime + c.BondingAbandonDelay) <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                                c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                        else if (c.Controlled && c.Commandable)
                            c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                            if (c.Map != Map.Internal)
                                c.Loyalty -= (BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty / 10);

                                if (c.Loyalty < (BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty / 10))
                                    c.Say(1043270, c.Name); // * ~1_NAME~ looks around desperately *

                                if (c.Loyalty <= 0)

                        // added lines to check if a wild creature in a house region has to be removed or not
                        if (!c.Controlled && !c.IsStabled &&
                            ((c.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) && c.CanBeDamaged()) || (c.RemoveIfUntamed && c.Spawner == null)))

                            if (c.RemoveStep >= 20)
                                lock (toRemove)
                            c.RemoveStep = 0;

            foreach (BaseCreature c in toRelease)
                c.Say(1043255, c.Name); // ~1_NAME~ appears to have decided that is better off without a master!
                c.Loyalty = BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy
                c.IsBonded = false;
                c.BondingBegin = DateTime.MinValue;
                c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                c.ControlTarget = null;
                //c.ControlOrder = OrderType.Release;
                // this will prevent no release of creatures left alone with AI disabled (and consequent bug of Followers)

            // added code to handle removing of wild creatures in house regions
            foreach (BaseCreature c in toRemove)
Have you looked at the merged code in Visual Studio Community Edition or Mono Develop? IDEs will highlight matching brackets for you. That usually helps find those pesky missing / extra brackets.
I am new to all of this. I have been able to get a server to play offline and try my hand at editing scripts. I have been able to do noobish things like changing the stats and other basic features of creatures and items etc... However getting OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO installed has been a bit of a challenge. First, am I merging these files into my UO directory files or adding it into the script folder somewhere? Please forgive my ignorance. I am reading a book on C# but mostly learning from a lot of trial and a lot of error. I hope I can get to the point where I have something worth uploading to share. I have always loved this game and have always wanted to get into the back end creation aspects of it and I am finally starting to take a stab at it.
The files to be merged are in the Modified folder for OWLTR. Each of the folders inside are named for the folder that you need to merge the files into. Ex: Items folder/Armor. You need to merge that ArmorEnums into yours. Same with the files in BaseClasses & so on. The ones in Data files can just be dropped into your Data folder. The remaining folders (Custom Craftables, MasterStorage, New & Tokens) can be put in a new folder inside the scripts folder itself. Most just make the new folder & name it customs to keep track of all custom scripts they add in.
The files to be merged are in the Modified folder for OWLTR. Each of the folders inside are named for the folder that you need to merge the files into. Ex: Items folder/Armor. You need to merge that ArmorEnums into yours. Same with the files in BaseClasses & so on. The ones in Data files can just be dropped into your Data folder. The remaining folders (Custom Craftables, MasterStorage, New & Tokens) can be put in a new folder inside the scripts folder itself. Most just make the new folder & name it customs to keep track of all custom scripts they add in.

I don't expect you to go through all the errors I have created, but if you could look this over and let me know if you think it is just how I am merging or have seen this level/type of error before let me know. I am trying different things with a fresh server copy and zip each time....

CS1520: Line 736: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 736: Type expected
CS1519: Line 736: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 736: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 737: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 737: Identifier expected
CS1031: Line 737: Type expected
CS1519: Line 737: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 738: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 738: Identifier expected
CS1031: Line 738: Type expected
CS1519: Line 738: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 739: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 739: Identifier expected
CS1031: Line 739: Type expected
CS1519: Line 739: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 740: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 740: Identifier expected
CS1520: Line 741: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 741: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 741: Identifier expected
CS1519: Line 745: Invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 745: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 745: Type expected
CS1519: Line 745: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 745: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 746: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 746: Identifier expected
CS1031: Line 746: Type expected
CS1519: Line 746: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 747: Method must have a return type
CS1001: Line 747: Identifier expected
CS1031: Line 747: Type expected
CS1519: Line 747: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 749: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 751: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 751: Type expected
CS1519: Line 751: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 751: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 752: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 752: Type expected
CS1519: Line 752: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 752: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0116: Line 755: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields
or methods
CS1022: Line 762: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
CS0116: Line 763: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields
or methods
CS1022: Line 764: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
CS0542: Line 232: 'DefInscription': member names cannot be the same as their
enclosing type
+ Services/Craft/DefTinkering.cs:
CS1525: Line 102: Invalid expression term '<<'
CS1525: Line 102: Invalid expression term '<<'
CS1513: Line 102: } expected
CS1002: Line 102: ; expected
CS1519: Line 103: Invalid token 'typeof' in class, struct, or interface memb
er declaration
CS1519: Line 103: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 104: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 104: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 104: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 104: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 105: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 105: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 105: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 105: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 105: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 106: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 106: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 106: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 106: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 108: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1519: Line 110: Invalid token '}' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1518: Line 112: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 127: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 135: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 141: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 166: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 174: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 198: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1022: Line 705: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
+ Services/Harvest/Core/HarvestSystem.cs:
CS1519: Line 342: Invalid token '>' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1585: Line 344: Member modifier 'public' must precede the member type and
+ Services/Harvest/Mining.cs:
CS1597: Line 123: Semicolon after method or accessor block is not valid
CS1519: Line 124: Invalid token '>' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1586: Line 126: Array creation must have array size or array initializer
CS1525: Line 127: Invalid expression term '<<'
CS1525: Line 127: Invalid expression term '<'
CS1002: Line 127: ; expected
CS1519: Line 128: Invalid token '{' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 129: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 129: Type expected
CS0270: Line 129: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 129: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 130: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 130: Type expected
CS0270: Line 130: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 130: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 130: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 130: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 131: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 131: Type expected
CS0270: Line 131: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 131: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 131: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 131: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 132: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 132: Type expected
CS0270: Line 132: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 132: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 132: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 132: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 133: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 133: Type expected
CS0270: Line 133: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 133: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 133: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 133: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 134: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 134: Type expected
CS0270: Line 134: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 134: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 134: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 134: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 135: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 135: Type expected
CS0270: Line 135: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 135: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 135: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 135: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 136: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 136: Type expected
CS0270: Line 136: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 136: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 136: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 136: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1520: Line 137: Method must have a return type
CS1031: Line 137: Type expected
CS0270: Line 137: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 137: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0270: Line 137: Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (
try initializing with a 'new' expression)
CS1519: Line 137: Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS0116: Line 139: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields
or methods
CS1518: Line 142: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 142: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 143: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 143: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 143: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 144: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 144: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 144: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 145: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 145: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 145: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 146: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 146: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 146: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 147: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 147: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 147: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 148: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 148: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 148: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 149: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 149: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 149: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 150: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 150: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 150: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 151: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 151: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 151: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 152: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 152: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 152: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 153: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 153: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 153: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 154: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 154: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 154: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 155: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 155: Identifier expected
CS1001: Line 155: Identifier expected
CS0116: Line 158: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields
or methods
CS1518: Line 165: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1001: Line 165: Identifier expected
CS1518: Line 166: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 167: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 168: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 169: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 170: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 171: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 172: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1518: Line 173: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CS1022: Line 174: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
+ Services/XmlSpawner/XMLSpawner Extras/XmlSockets/XmlSocketItems/BagOfResource
CS0101: Line 16: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'BagOfResources'
+ Services/AnimalTaming.cs:
CS0116: Line 1: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields o
r methods
CS0116: Line 494: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields
or methods
+ Skills/AnimalTaming.cs:
CS0101: Line 23: The namespace 'Server.SkillHandlers' already contains a def
inition for 'AnimalTaming'
CS0102: Line 124: The type 'Server.SkillHandlers.AnimalTaming' already conta
ins a definition for 'InternalTarget'
CS0102: Line 277: The type 'Server.SkillHandlers.AnimalTaming.InternalTarget
' already contains a definition for 'InternalTimer'
+ Spells/Base/Spell.cs:
CS1519: Line 221: Invalid token '<<' in class, struct, or interface member d
CS1585: Line 222: Member modifier 'public' must precede the member type and
CS1519: Line 285: Invalid token '==' in class, struct, or interface member d
CS1519: Line 331: Invalid token '>' in class, struct, or interface member de
CS1585: Line 333: Member modifier 'public' must precede the member type and
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
You're going to need to post some of the files with errors. As for the BagOfResources, just remove one of them, either from OWLTR or XML. Are you using WinMerge to merge the files?
I worked at it going file by file again with Winmerge instead and got it down to this....



  • upload_2016-2-24_9-52-34.png
    39.1 KB · Views: 2
Ok, theres an extra bracket } on line 243 in LargeBOD.cs Just remove that. As for the BOBGump.cs, it seems fine. Do you by any chance have 2 in your folder?
I haven't said enough - thank you for being willing to help me through this. This is the contents of the folder:



  • upload_2016-2-24_11-18-6.png
    68.1 KB · Views: 2
maybe they dont share the same file name? I dont know but the error says that there are 2 definitions of class BOBFilter

A search inside the files for "bobfilter" may help?
I searched file by file in everything in the Books file... It is odd because I started with a fresh from the zip ServUO and the same for OWLTR.
If you like I can take a look but for that maybe send me a pm with a link of a zipped version of what you got sofar
"Found it, its BOBFilterGump2.cs it has the same class name as BOBGump" - PyrO
If I rename the file with .bak at the end I get this....

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