Yeah, I like the vanilla ones, but I also appreciate the effort to implement some variety! :)
@ Finaltwist: Can you please send me the updates to Blues and Reds that you did for healing and stuff?
Btw, still can't reproduce the [Tamed] problem, I'm really puzzled now :/
sure thing... see attached

all i can say is that my character has 80 or so hiding, was hidden in the glade... OH!!! I was also using [afk!!! perhaps that has something to do with it?
i use [afk because i don't know why when i leave my computer or work on something else. i kind of want the [afk to stop thirst/hunger so i can leave my computer wihout having to worry about the character...


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im keeping a changelog of changes now. so you can see what's changed since server was last updated.
also good for me to track progress and what's been done.

okay so all i can say is:

1. character has hiding, and used the hiding skill
2. character was not an admin
3. character was ridding a mount which is tamed
4. i used the [afk command and left it for hours.
5. was in the lost glade
If this post if long i am sry. On a side note. Ive been using Joeku's staff runebook (working with current updates) believe its gm use only. But i use it to get around places, still new to these maps lol. Figured I'd post pics of what it does. I dropped it in and it auto made itself with all locations.


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If this post if long i am sry. On a side note. Ive been using Joeku's staff runebook (working with current updates) believe its gm use only. But i use it to get around places, still new to these maps lol. Figured I'd post pics of what it does. I dropped it in and it auto made itself with all locations.
yeah looks good... did you know admins also have a [go command??? works but has to be manually updated.. so perhaps the staff runebook is better... adding it!
@Finaltwist: Oh, btw, regarding useful admin commands - I recently found a really interesting command that I can't stop using now :) If you want to find, for example, all mobiles inheriting from BaseRed, you can type:
[global interface where BaseRed

That'll give you a list of all BaseRed-based creatures, and you can teleport to them, or delete them, and do other stuff.
You can search for mobiles and items that way, both generic (e.g. BaseBlue) or specific (e.g. Banker or Axe), and you can give additional criteria, e.g.
[global interface where YoungPlayer hits < 100
should search for all YoungPlayer NPCs with hit points less than 100.

This is similar to [xmlfind, but the latter (xmlfind) can only be used if XMLSpawner is installed.
yeah looks good... did you know admins also have a [go command??? works but has to be manually updated.. so perhaps the staff runebook is better... adding it!
in game command for it is [sr heres an extra copy. you should only need the base folder. i added my save file just incase?
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do y'all have a discord setup by chance? was thinking bout downloading it my phone today.


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loving the collaboration!!


garth, what version of the fork are you using? Just mentioning because there likely is a way for you update to May11 without losing your savegame.
(as long as you are using a version that has animal levelling and breeding as that change requires major changes to all mobiles in the world).

look at the main resource description, i added a how to update section at the bottom.
back up everything first just in case!
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note: have work to do so running the lost glade experiment again...
also, have you guys checked out the interestbag that bankers sell? my character is saving up all his money and earning interest on it...

There was a script i saw a while back that allowed a character to "study books" while you are offline, thereby giving a chance for players to earn skill while offline.
This could be very useful for GM+ skills. IT's here somewhere just need to find that script again.
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update... didn't take long! a red spawned and voila, he was blue!
note that red players have red capes and should attack on sight.... this one's name is blue and he doesn't attack at all.

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okay doing the same thing again but WITHOUT using the [afk command... let's see what happens.
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I updated last night with the may 11th update. The save file was my runebook account, just keeps a reference of my characters runebook. Just realized that it was not needed.
I updated last night with the may 11th update. The save file was my runebook account, just keeps a reference of my characters runebook. Just realized that it was not needed.
cool! hope you like the update!

try out gadget's playervendor too - we'd love to make it so you could place them anywhere you want (city, marketplace, etc)....
Ok, I was able to reproduce the problem, yet I'm not yet sure how to fix it... It seems to be directly related to taming as such. For example, if I'm inside the Glade, and I spawn a horse there than can be tamed, then if I start taming it (e.g. I have Animal Taming 100), it'll also make other creatures around (the ones spawned from RandomEncounters) also "tame", and may even make the subsequent spawned creatures appear "tamed" as well. No idea yet what's causing it.
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Oh, wait, maybe that's not it... maybe the problem is different. It looks like it may be connected to the fact that Reds and Blues are spawned on a tame horse, and that breaks the system somehow. Maybe it has nothing to do with my attempt at Taming - I didn't do any taming at the moment but I noticed that I started getting those [Tame] NPCs after one of them spawned on a horse :/ I did hiding+afk this time though, let me retry without it.
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Ok, I really don't see the pattern here... I just retried with no afk, no hiding, and no active animal taming, and I still get those tame NPCs spawned, and it wasn't even the first one that spawned on a horse that triggered it. I randomly get this effect now, even though just before I ran a huge test with hundreds of generated NPCs and none of them ever got this kind of effect. Maybe you're right in that it's the clean-up routine that's causing something like this?..
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In Timers.cs there's some code that says that "if a creature is owned, then it'll never be cleaned up", not sure if that's interfering somehow with the system since some of the mobiles are indeed mounted and have a tame NPC spawned with them... however, that still doesn't explain why some of the creatures that are not even tameable in the first place become marked as "Tamed". Hmm, it's a mystery for me.
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Ok, tried to make an experiment with detecting the moment where it breaks - it does indeed seem like it breaks on cleanup, possibly through the code in Timers.cs around lines 164-179 that seems to be related to tamed creatures. My hypothesis right now is that for those mounted NPCs, the code doesn't function correctly and it causes some kind of a weird glitch that not only keeps the NPC itself (and brands it with a tamed tag), but also seems to have repercussions elsewhere in making other NPCs spawned through the same system suffer the same effect.
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That code in lines 164-179 seems to have no direct effect on the issue, at least removing it doesn't help, but the switch to "Tame" is indeed timed, so it has to do with one of those timers, most likely the cleanup one (since I'm not getting the effect until the cleanup is called).
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Ok, if I disable the cleanup timer completely by putting a return at the beginning of its OnTick (on line 95), I'm no longer getting the "Tamed" effect, so indeed, it has something to do with the cleanup routine. I sort of wish I knew what... can't figure it out so far :(
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what the bloody hell??? that's a weird bug...
the problem has to be in randomencounters...

confirmed, even when not in [afk, still hidden, the randomenoucnters spawn blue. just had a tamed corpser show up.
by the way i've NOT used the taming skill in the glade at all. so just has to do with the player's skill level it seems...
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edit: did a search for the term "animal" in randomencounters and only found some commented text and the AI_Animal reference...
here are my character's skills

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edit... after some thought... could be something that is odyssey specific. e.g. when the mobiles are spawned the main game treats it a certain way...

could you check with a new character with 0 skills
then add taming, see if it happens
then add animal lore see if it happens

could also be "having a tamed mount" could be the issue. I know the lost glad "hides" the mount since its a mountless area. perhaps that has something to do with it... in regions....
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that's my best guess: has to do with the "mountless" region setting i bet. I bet this won't happen in the wilderness regions that allow mounts...

these regions must be "safe" so that anything that is spawned in there (like the bank or tavern) is friendly.
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Ok, I *think* I got to the bottom of it... basically, RandomEncounters doesn't clean up any tamed NPCs by default, so when it tries to remove a mounted NPC, it won't remove the mount correctly, and that causes the game to go bonkers for some reason. Here's how I fixed it (at least here's hoping):

On line 244 of Timers.cs:
                        if ( !(c.Controlled = true && c.ControlMaster is PlayerMobile ) )

Basically, this changes the functionality so that tamed NPCs owned by other NPCs are still despawned, only human player-owned NPCs are not despawned, that seems to do the trick :)

Here's the updated Timers.cs to try.
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Btw, on these stress tests related to RandomEncounters I noticed that Lost Glade is indeed too small to accomodate some of the random spawns by location, causing some spawns to be made out of bounds of the map. Not sure how exactly we should approach fixing that - just by exclusing Lost Glade from random encounters or by somehow tweaking the range to be in bounds :/


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wow.. i feel like randomencounter is now ready to begin being used earnestly :D
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im macroing stealth while testing out the changes.
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found it!!! offline skill training...

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Hi Final,
I downloaded the new client & server and tried it out with my old SAVES dir and got messages like this (just an example, it goes on and on with different Mobiles types after selecting yes).

"Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Mobiles.Druid
- Serial: 0x00007542
Delete the object? (y/n)"

Whether I answer yes or no crashes the server.

System.Exception: Load failed (items=False, mobiles=True, guilds=False, type=Server.Mobiles.Druid, serial=0x00007542) ---> System.Exception: ***** Bad serialize on Server.Mobiles.Druid *****
at Server.World.Load()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit"

The old SAVES works fine with Version 2.1, Build 7237.14470, so I guess I added/deleted something the new version doesn't like or..something.
Recreating the char is of course no problem, but it's all that nice loot I'm missing ;-)
For the time being I'll play on the old version.
Hi Final,
I downloaded the new client & server and tried it out with my old SAVES dir and got messages like this (just an example, it goes on and on with different Mobiles types after selecting yes).

"Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Mobiles.Druid
- Serial: 0x00007542
Delete the object? (y/n)"

Whether I answer yes or no crashes the server.

System.Exception: Load failed (items=False, mobiles=True, guilds=False, type=Server.Mobiles.Druid, serial=0x00007542) ---> System.Exception: ***** Bad serialize on Server.Mobiles.Druid *****
at Server.World.Load()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
This exception is fatal, press return to exit"

The old SAVES works fine with Version 2.1, Build 7237.14470, so I guess I added/deleted something the new version doesn't like or..something.
Recreating the char is of course no problem, but it's all that nice loot I'm missing ;-)
For the time being I'll play on the old version.

yeah i was affraid of that - you are using a version of the fork that predates the introduction of animal training and breeding. Some changes were made to the basecreature serialize/deserialize methods in order to add a few characteristics (female/male/level, etc). When the game tries to load your save it can't find those items so it just bugs out.

let me make a quick change to basecreature and upload a revised file here to see if that works for you.
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okay i am very poor in serialize/deserialize methods... so this might not work...

in basecreature find this
            //jako deserialize
            if (version >= 19 & Tamable)
                 m_level = reader.ReadUInt();
                 m_realLevel = reader.ReadUInt();              
                 m_experience = reader.ReadUInt();
                 m_maxLevel = reader.ReadUInt();
                 m_traits = reader.ReadUInt();

Here are my 2 suggestions:

1. change all the "reader.ReadUInt();" to "1;"
2. comment all the items in the { }

Load the game, see if either of those work.
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Note: once you've loaded the save, [save the world, exit and undo whatever you did, then reload.

hope this works for you.

BAsically, its trying to read something from the data file that isn't there.
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Well, here is at least some good news. The problem with the fishing loot and dragon loot corpses was I had cheched LargeContainers. For some reason these items don't seem to like that.
well that's good news!

by the way pet training and breeding is quite nice - train your pet to max level, then breed them to make an even more powerful version. there are tons of changes made since animal breeding, have a look at the resource description here to see them. :D
I ran into my first [KIL] guild murderer and man does he feel way out of step with my near 6x archer/fencer because I can't even get him below around 60% before his bandages and pots are popping off. I'm currently trying to use Serpent Shot over and over to see if he'll eventually run out of cure potions and I'm at 14 so far and he hasn't.

He's pure dex it seems so he's really boneheaded and easy to kite, but it just doesn't seem to matter. The poison on him lasts all of a millisecond before its gone. What should I do?
well, they are meant to be hard (give you a jolt of adrenaline when you see them).
IF i could have made them quicker and faster i would have, but they are limited to the "one tile at a time" movement curse of all basecreatures...

he will run out of them eventually, they spawn random amounts when they spawn.

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wait till you see a red-mage... those are harder...
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I was also tempted to give them bolas... :D
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I'm open for suggestions (and help doing it) in improving these dudes. I just made them work for odyssey but like you said they are still quite crude and simple.
they could use some cool tricks, and some kind of reward for killing them (think insurance payout from OSI, or something neat like a chance for an artefact).
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if you are running my fork, you'll see "omniAI" in the scripts/custom/testing folder... that's something i've been meaning to implement and would be perfect for these guys. Just haven't wrapped my head around them yet.
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OOOOkay ladies and gents!! Introducing, the new and improved hitching post!
A way to stable your pets, and still see them in the world!

Doesn't that just make sense? You tie the pet to the post, and it doesn't disapear.

See me with my horse, i double click the post and "stable" my pet.



and the pet will stay there, even on server restart.

it doesn't follow orders, or move or attack or anything. I can't control it until i double click the pet


It's a better way to stable pets...

works with any tamables - here's a "stabled" dragon.


So now in your home you can display all your favorite tamables. or if you stable your pet in a city, it will always be there.
Note, you cannot claim your pets from animal trainers. you have to go back to the pet in order to claim it.

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Oh, that hitching post looks really awesome! :D Grats on getting it into the game! Would love to give those a try in my playthrough too :)
Speaking of Blues and Reds - I might eventually look at improving their AI and making them more variable, but it might take me some time. If I come up with anything worthy I'll definitely upload here :)
okay sure... have a look at the OMNIAI in the customs/testing folder. there's examples of how to use the AI there - it's an AI that makes it possible to have a meelee/mage/necro mobile... it would also be cool to have them walk right up to the player, instead of doing the one tile-at-a-time move.
Yes, indeed, figuring out a way around the one tile at a time limitation is definitely on my todo list - would be nice to see them behave a bit more like real player characters :)
Hi all!
Do you know if exist a script to have something like a "quick bar" where you can place potions or other consumables to access them quickly?
Hi all!
Do you know if exist a script to have something like a "quick bar" where you can place potions or other consumables to access them quickly?

There is a feature like that in ClassicUO (called the "Counters" I believe, basically a way to display a bar with item count, and you can double click the items there to use them too)
Monster Gauntlet is almost ready guys!
As far as i know this is a first - you can pitch yourself against waves of monsters, and everything is scored...

im in testing phase now before i roll out a new release with the post and gauntlet and everything else.

the gauntlet will require some manual set-up (in order to keep your save), but i've create instructions on how to do that.

eta tomorrow!
Oh, very nice! :) And maybe I'll be able to code a script according to the instructions which will (re)create the gauntlet on buildworld, we'll see if I can manage that or not :D
hmm, the settings are stored in the NPC itself. so even if you spawn the npc with a premiumspawner, it will spawn without any of the settings set.
it's not a matter of statics/items/spawners...

anyways its not overly difficult and takes 10 minutes max.
Yeah, what I mean is that the script will not use a spawner of any kind, it'll just hand-spawn it and set the params on it according to the instruction :) But we'll see.
The thing is, unfortunately buildworld will wipe that NPC on a respawn, so we'll need a way to auto-recreate it ideally (or the user will have to manually set it up every time he uses buildworld :) )
im gonna be looking through all the scripts i have access to today and tomorrow to see what useful stuff i can find. im using a running version of an old shard ( ) , along with this current shard y'all are working on. i have have my big scripts folder to look through aswell. believe i posted a link to those a few pages back? can repost if needed. the side shard i have has bio engineering working with it and i thought that was dope :)
@ garthavan: It looks like the link to that shard repack is down btw, do you have a version anywhere that you can share?
oh nice! Yes, it would be awsome if you found some cool ideas... but even better if you implemented them and shared with us!!

since we're all sharing, this is the customs folder form an old server i worked on. i basically downloaded everything i could get my hands on. the good news is that i used to run runuo 2.2, which is the same as odyssey, so most of the stuff there is drag and drop ready.



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