you'll see a few of the systems in my fork from there - that's where i took them from. omniai is really the next cool thing that should be added i think.
the good news is its already in the /customs/testing folder and compiles. just has to be added to baseAI and then have to figure out how its used
I'll try to mess around with the AI part of the code during the upcoming weekend, will see if I can tweak and improve anything or figure out OmniAI, hehe :)
yeah i saw that on reddit /ultimaonline
its nice, though i'm not sure it's for me at this point.

I'm going to be looking at adding the "offline skill learning" books when im done with the gauntlet - i posted that resource earlier a few pages back. if anyone wants to look at making sure they cmopile that would be appreciated. i think its a neat idea to have a character learn skills (slowly) when you're not there.
those books seem interesting :) been trying to get some pals of mine to join me, but a few of them arnt big pc players and there other one is still playing members runescape.
well.. if we get a tight enough group of people (gadget, me, you) perhaps we can manage a 24/7 server.... you guys seem decent enough.
I don't mind paying the server cost (it less than $10 a month), but not too sure on how to set it up.

If you guys know how to do that let me know, i'll create the account and give you guys admin proviledges for changes/set up etc.
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it would have to be a whitelisted-only server to keep it contained.
still looking for more options, but so far i found this

Q: How To Make Your RunUO Server public [Tutorial]

How To Make Your RunUO Server public - external Connection:

A: If you want to make it public; go to into Scripts/Misc/serverlist.cs Edit with whatever you want(its a text file), then you just look for this:

public class ServerList
public static readonly string Address = null;
public static readonly string ServerName = null;
public static readonly bool AutoDetect = true;
public static void Initialize()

AND CHANGE IT the first null should be your IP address in hiphens "" thats an example the next red null should be changed to the name you want your shard in hiphens "example MY TEST SHARD" so it would look like this:

public class ServerList
public static readonly string Address = "";
public static readonly string ServerName = "MY TEST SHARD";
public static readonly bool AutoDetect = true;
public static void Initialize()

It is public now, boot up and run UO Server
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still looking for more options, but so far i found this

Q: How To Make Your RunUO Server public [Tutorial]

How To Make Your RunUO Server public - external Connection:

A: If you want to make it public; go to into Scripts/Misc/serverlist.cs Edit with whatever you want(its a text file), then you just look for this:

public class ServerList
public static readonly string Address = null;
public static readonly string ServerName = null;
public static readonly bool AutoDetect = true;
public static void Initialize()

AND CHANGE IT the first null should be your IP address in hiphens "" thats an example the next red null should be changed to the name you want your shard in hiphens "example MY TEST SHARD" so it would look like this:

public class ServerList
public static readonly string Address = "";
public static readonly string ServerName = "MY TEST SHARD";
public static readonly bool AutoDetect = true;
public static void Initialize()

It is public now, boot up and run UO Server

as long as that main server is up and running (whom ever is going to be the main admin? would have their runuo running at all times)
yes... but hosting it on a hosting service is much more complicated... they run linux/ubuntu and a bunch of other systems which i don't understand. I would need a server hosting solution that is drag/drop where you can have a command prompt and just run "runuo.exe".
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what i mean is that i don't want my computer running all the time, and then you have issues like firewall/etc that need to be dealt with. i'd pay for a 24/7 hosting service. there must be some out there - with the number of shards online and all.
these might be of more help.

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hey, yeah I know, but that's to open up your own server hosted on your computer. I know how to do that - but i don't want my computer having to run this 24/7....
there are services out there that cost 3-4 bucks a month that will host the server 24/7. that's what i'd be open to doing. only problem is it runs linux which i know nothing about (would it work with runuo??)

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the problem with using my won computer is that the server might not be available for you guys when im testing things, and the connection might not be good since im in the caribbean :D
let me send a message to jack( main person running uo evolution) he's on my facebook so he might reply back. ill see what he did to get his shard running
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let me send a message to jack( main person running uo evolution) he's on my facebook so he might reply back. ill see what he did to get his shard running
*jeff* not jack.
the changes are awesome :) very noticeable. also, is that lil green spec on the right side a test area like the old green acres?


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the changes are awesome :) very noticeable. also, is that lil green spec on the right side a test area like the old green acres?


really happy you like the changes!! check out ambrosia too :)

yes, i created a greenacres... it should show up on your admin runebook since its a region.

it took a looong time to make all the changes to the map... looking at the difference now it's really quite noticeable!! IT feel more alive now.. less of a chore to walk through. i used to walk aimlessly before with no real purpose... now i follow the road :)

really happy you like the changes!! check out ambrosia too :)

yes, i created a greenacres... it should show up on your admin runebook since its a region.

it took a looong time to make all the changes to the map... looking at the difference now it's really quite noticeable!! IT feel more alive now.. less of a chore to walk through. i used to walk aimlessly before with no real purpose... now i follow the road :)

i used fiddler to get a .jpg img of the maps.
cool! I updated the resource info with the new pics
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F*ck it... i found a windows server hosting service for $15 a month. gonna register for 6 months and upload my fork. Gadget, Garth, you guys interested in playing on a server with 24/7 uptime?
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i'd be down. im able to be on anytime befor 4pm my time (wisconsin cmt) and anytime after 11pm. i'm a contract cleaner. i'm also more than willing to trow some cash your way is possible to keep the sever going. im also off saturdays and sundays, so im able to be on all weekend.
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i'd also be interested in figuring out how map editing works. looks like the other 5 maps aside from that one building in the fel map are untouched.
okay cool.. i'll start the server and i guess worse case i'll use it alone.
would be nice to see some more movement on the server tho while playing.

it would be whitelisted, so only persons active here could join.

yes.. i worked a bit on Lodoria, which has TONS of empty space. Check out the sanctuary there int he mountain. map editing is easy, i told Gadget how to do it a few pages back.
i will deff be using the bank and inn more often lol great way to meet up with how all them are linked
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i will deff be using the bank and inn more often lol great way to meet up with how all them are linked

also would be a great time to make fresh characters
give me a day or two though... once set up, you can tell me what your character skills are and gold and ill just use admin to set you up. you'd have to start from scratch so don't mind giving you a character with what you feel you need to play.
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i'll upload it when i am done the gauntlet
okay! I registered for a 3 month trial, you guys can contribute if you want to the cost - no worries if you don't. I just want to play with quality people. I will give it a go to see how well it works. IT's a windows machine so i can actually install notepad++ And work on the files without downloading/uploading them.

neat little thing.... I wouldn't mind doing a github for the server changes we are making, but i really don't know how to do that... so it would have to be one of your guys.
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i am uploading the server now, will take 2 hours or so. once all is set up i'll message you guys privately with the details.
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My payday just happens to be tomorrow lol ill be able to login in bout 7 hours once im off work. Will be able to keep up on here tho with my phone. Are we limited to just the 6 world maps (facets) that we have?
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My payday just happens to be tomorrow lol ill be able to login in bout 7 hours once im off work. Will be able to keep up on here tho with my phone. Are we limited to just the 6 world maps (facets) that we have?

For mad editing* forgot to add that in.
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My payday just happens to be tomorrow lol ill be able to login in bout 7 hours once im off work. Will be able to keep up on here tho with my phone. Are we limited to just the 6 world maps (facets) that we have?
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For mad editing* forgot to add that in.
Map*** x.x
I don't understand the question... the maps in the server are the ones in odyssey... have you added more ????

I haven't added any, but theres a few ways to tho. But my question was more bout what areas are untouched as to map edits? I love world building and want to start somewhere but im not familiar with these maps.
well as far as i am concerned, pick a spot in the middle of the mountains and just hollow it out and build whatever you want. We can update the muls when you are done. there are tons of "stone/mountain" areas that are multiple screens long that don't have any content in them.

Anyways, i'm done setting up the server!! i'm messaging you the info.

Anyone else who wants to join up, message me.
well as far as i am concerned, pick a spot in the middle of the mountains and just hollow it out and build whatever you want. We can update the muls when you are done. there are tons of "stone/mountain" areas that are multiple screens long that don't have any content in them.

Anyways, i'm done setting up the server!! i'm messaging you the info.

Anyone else who wants to join up, message me.
Awesome. I'll be off work in like 3 hours unless i can get out early.
no rush, the server is on 24/7..

that way we can all play the latest version, and if someone makes changes just send to me and ill update. and i can send the server package with the save whenever someone wants it.
no rush, the server is on 24/7..

that way we can all play the latest version, and if someone makes changes just send to me and ill update. and i can send the server package with the save whenever someone wants it.
Did you get the gauntlet up and running?
yes but it needs testing and editing... just been really busy with work lately.
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Okay... i've messaged a few peeps from this thread. if we can get 5-8 players that would be just fine. we're all playing odyssey /adventures, so might as well play together right? the server is on 24/7 and you can get the save and server files, so no reason not to.

by the way the server has knives chat and im attaching the documentation - good way to communicate ingame


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Wooo, sweet, thanks a lot for setting it up, Final! :) I'll check the info soon and I'll try to at least make a test connection and make a character later today (I know exactly how you feel with work XD ). I'll also see if I can figure out setting up a github repo - I participated in a couple projects over Git before, one of them Gitlab-based and another Github-based, but I haven't set up a repo yet, though it should be pretty straighforward. If I figure it out I'll send you the info :)

Also, can't wait to try the gauntlet thing - as soon as you have a version up that I can grab, I'll see if I can figure out to script a buildworld-compatible auto rebuild for it :)
Heya Finaltwist,

Thanks for the server invite! Unfortunately, my connection is currently pretty shoddy or else I'd love to play with everyone. I've been having such a blast with UO again that I'm trying to piece together or find an old machine to keep my server propped up for local use.

Anyway, you mention penalties for travelling magic (except moongates) -- which .cs file can I find those changes in? I might be overlooking or over-complicating it but I just want to make small changes for low level travel by way of a runebook for other folks that are playing who aren't as interested in heavy restrictions. Me personally: I'm dragging every bit of that 20,000 copper on the ground through moongates and across rivers and over the mountain span. hehe

Thanks everyone who is contributing to this post-Odyssey adventure with Finaltwist, too. The extended lifespan of this game is unbelievable and some love that very few MMOs will ever have the chance to receive so many years later.

I'm using Linux Mint btw :)
By the way, how well does that client run on Linux? I'd be interested in having a few tiny machines for the game.
Heya Finaltwist,

Thanks for the server invite! Unfortunately, my connection is currently pretty shoddy or else I'd love to play with everyone. I've been having such a blast with UO again that I'm trying to piece together or find an old machine to keep my server propped up for local use.

Anyway, you mention penalties for travelling magic (except moongates) -- which .cs file can I find those changes in? I might be overlooking or over-complicating it but I just want to make small changes for low level travel by way of a runebook for other folks that are playing who aren't as interested in heavy restrictions. Me personally: I'm dragging every bit of that 20,000 copper on the ground through moongates and across rivers and over the mountain span. hehe

Thanks everyone who is contributing to this post-Odyssey adventure with Finaltwist, too. The extended lifespan of this game is unbelievable and some love that very few MMOs will ever have the chance to receive so many years later.

the penalty is in the recall/sacredjourney/moongate scripts. just search in the function that does the travel.
I changed it so the penalty isn't AS BAD when travelling in the same world, but cross world has a substantial penalty
i need to upload a new version of the server as i have also added a PvM monster gauntlet event, with monster waves etc etc.

sorry we can't see you in the server... you might want to give it a shot anyways just to see?
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new client is up. i'm also uploading a new version of the server with new scripts and edits.
@uohaloran: Linux Mint runs both the client and the server beautifully without me having to resort to anything like Wine, it's pure native Mono :) Even Razor works, even if the interface looks a bit ugly-ish, but it's totally functional! :D

@Finaltwist: Woo, nice changes! I'm going to join soon for a short while and test how my connection works out and start a character! :D
okay just realized the lcient is set to login to the server.. if youw ant to play in your own (offline) server, download the new file in the dropbox and overwrite the settings.json file in the client.

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