downloaded the whole pack again. unzipped to c:\, started the server and finally started the client.
But again: cant find C:\Ultima-Adventures\ClassicUO\statics36.mul
guess the latest distribution doesnt like my rig...
did you overwrite, or clean copy? did you change anything in the folder? If thats not the issue then i don't know!
ok downloaded the package, and there are like 2 classicuo versions inside of it.
Is your path actually set to C:\Ultima-Adventures? Or does it still have a different name?

Loaded the server up after editing the path for that, and the client files.
Because yes inside C:\Ultima-Adventures\ClassicUO\ is no statics36.mul.

But the default path points to C:\Ultima-Adventures\Files basically wich has an empty file for that inside
Yes the path is correct and no edits were made. Unzipped the package to the C drive. Tnx for the support guys
You edit path at your own peril, its meant to be extracted to c:\

Many people reported errors if they didn't do that. If anyone can figure it out its you pyro
can you show your path in the explorer? And also the settings.json?
pyro, would you know anyone who could help us with an issue the server has been having with lag from certain actions? e.g. some scripts seem to flood the server, and buying 30-40 items from a vendor lags the entire server. the players are willing to pitch in $200 for someone to help fix this
Not sure who would, I read that you had issues with being flooded by that assist thing.

Can you reliably cause the lag on a local server? The buying well is it buying them at once or each 1 item at a time?
Not sure who would, I read that you had issues with being flooded by that assist thing.

Can you reliably cause the lag on a local server? The buying well is it buying them at once or each 1 item at a time?
no, mass buying/selling causes lag (30-40 items at once) ill see what my mediocre understanding can come up with.
Revamped the bard playstyle! Troubadours are now a valid playstyle on their own and can go toe to toe with affinity mages and tamers /melee.. - it always seemed odd to me that bard required 400 skill points but couldn't really inflict any kind of damage... we completely revamped the way bards are played and crated the troubadour. they are masters of crowds, and can deal very significant direct damage as well... area provoke? check. Area discord? Check. Want to play from the shadows while hidden? Check Want to provoke a mob to attack itself? Check... live on the server
Revamped the cooking skill to make food more relevant!! Added stills and fermenting barrels to make alcoholic drinks, which will give a bonus to regen rates. Lots of changes, if i have time ill make a full log here, but all changes are in the announcement in the discord.
Well, I've been on a rampage coding new features to revamp existing unused skills. First, we re-did the bard playstyle and called it troubadour - who can now area provoke, cuase a monster to harm himself, area discord, and even wrestle discorded mobs with amazing efficacity. Then we worked on the mage class and created the sorcerer affinity - boosting all aspects of the mage playstyle and removing the reliance on immersion-breaking items for powerful mages.

I asked myself what else i could tackle, and decided to re-vamp cooking. Cooking has been completely redone now - there's a clear difference between player made food and npc food. NPC food acts just the same way it does everywhere else - but player made food is much better! Player made food has a "delicious" bonus, which drastically increases skillgain rates. Additionally, I added 4 types of fermenting barrels which can create new alcoholic drinks (brewing). Ale, wine, cider and liquor. These new player-made drinks will add a dramatic bonus to regen rates. Yes, you can now be a powerful drunken mage, or drunken warrior, or drunken monk.

Since all of these require raw ingredients, i added some harvest patches which act like the fruit trees, except they provide crops used for fermenting drinks. Grapes, apples, hops and wheat (barley).


This will really change the importance of cooking and hopefully lead to a few player-run cooking establishments!
Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server with a new update entry:

Runuo 2.7 and new class-specializations!

Brand new release of Adventures, Now featuring a full upgrade to Runuo 2.7!

Runuo2.2 was great and worked well enough, but the older .NET version meant that it would go unsupported at some point in the future. Runuo2.2 also had older server code. The upgrade now alligns more closely with Servuo, which I hope to one day upgrade to.

Well over 300 hours have gone into this release - fixing issues, bugs, exploits, FIXING LAG (thanks Pyro), and upgrading to runuo 2.7, which really allows the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi @Finaltwist apprciated for your work. I am trying to compile it on linux to run a offline server. Unfortunately it seems that the code of runuo 2.7 core is missing. According to the scripts it seems that there are some augment coding, so that I can not just import existing runuo 2.7 source code.

That will be highly appreciated if would like to add source code in directory `runuo-2.7-core` to the download source.

Btw, if it is possilbe, could you give me any hint about how to create an Admin account? Or any hint about re-spawn the world after delete exist Saves folder? I understand that you won't support offline on techinical side. Just some simple advice is good enough. Thanks.
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Hi @Finaltwist apprciated for your work. I am trying to compile it on linux to run a offline server. Unfortunately it seems that the code of runuo 2.7 core is missing. According to the scripts it seems that there are some augment coding, so that I can not just import existing runuo 2.7 source code.

That will be highly appreciated if would like to add source code in directory `runuo-2.7-core` to the download source.

Btw, if it is possilbe, could you give me any hint about how to create an Admin account? Or any hint about re-spawn the world after delete exist Saves folder? I understand that you won't support offline on techinical side. Just some simple advice is good enough. Thanks.
everyting is there buddy. look in utilities/runuo2.7
My next project: There are a TON of actions in UO that are very repetitive.. boring, lead to carpal tunnel syndrome... my next project will be to automate a number of different boring tasks. No more need for macros or scripts... want to fish? Say "start action fishing" and your toon will find water, look for a fishing pole and start fishing until you stop or move or are overweight.

Testing this for fishing now... will add lumberjack, milling wheat, etc etc. It's stupid how people have to rely on razor or classicassist to do things that the game itslef should do.

I think this new system will be quite amazing and make playing the game more fun, by taking reprtitive tasks and automating them.
everyting is there buddy. look in utilities/runuo2.7
Thanks for your reply @Finaltwist. There is the folder `utilities/runuo2.7 core`, but it only contains empty folders, no `.cs` files inside. I also checked two runuo2.6 folders in /utilities, none of them seems right. Could you advice please?
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Hello. I've been searching for a docker to spin up and play some old school UO, then I read about Ruins and Riches, but no links to that seem to exist anymore. Then I found this Adventures fork, and it looks great, but there is 0 information on how to get it up and running. The tutorials section isn't that helpful, the 1 video showing up to set up runuo is over 7 years old, and this Adventures thing seems like exactly what I'm looking for, something I can spin up, with pre-set up scripts and world, that I just fire up, give the link to a few of my friends, and we can play on a server like the old days.

Please someone point me to some kind of download or any instructions to set up servuo and Adventures. I'm really surprised that at this point there isn't something pre-built like a docker or a package that someone can just download, spin up, and be logged within 10 minutes.
Hello. I've been searching for a docker to spin up and play some old school UO, then I read about Ruins and Riches, but no links to that seem to exist anymore. Then I found this Adventures fork, and it looks great, but there is 0 information on how to get it up and running. The tutorials section isn't that helpful, the 1 video showing up to set up runuo is over 7 years old, and this Adventures thing seems like exactly what I'm looking for, something I can spin up, with pre-set up scripts and world, that I just fire up, give the link to a few of my friends, and we can play on a server like the old days.

Please someone point me to some kind of download or any instructions to set up servuo and Adventures. I'm really surprised that at this point there isn't something pre-built like a docker or a package that someone can just download, spin up, and be logged within 10 minutes.
You can download R&R via the following links, one for the game client, another one is the server.
You could find the pdf instruction in the folder from the second link.

For UO Adventures I suggest you to download the latest update (you can find the download link on top right of this page) and check the readme file inside. It instructs you how to run the client and connect to the server which is hosted by the dev team.

Btw, the UO Adventures has a dedicated server package, which is based on RunUO but not ServUO. It is included in the downloaded folder. However I think it is more conviennce to connect to the online server. Unless you encounter big internet latency due to location, just like me.
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You can download R&R via the following links, one for the game client, another one is the server.
You could find the pdf instruction in the folder from the second link.

For UO Adventures I suggest you to download the latest update (you can find the download link on top right of this page) and check the readme file inside. It instructs you how to run the client and connect to the server.
Wow thanks! It much be too late for me to have missed a blue "download" button at the top of the page. :/

Do you happen to know what I need for the Visual Studio piece of setting up servuo? I was watching the guy's video on Youtube (the same one linked in the tutorials here) but it's 7 years old, and he kind of glosses over the VS install. It looks like it's not called express anymore, it's called Community, and when you download it it asks if you want to install a bunch of modules/workloads.
Wow thanks! It much be too late for me to have missed a blue "download" button at the top of the page. :/

Do you happen to know what I need for the Visual Studio piece of setting up servuo? I was watching the guy's video on Youtube (the same one linked in the tutorials here) but it's 7 years old, and he kind of glosses over the VS install. It looks like it's not called express anymore, it's called Community, and when you download it it asks if you want to install a bunch of modules/workloads.
I guess it is Visual Studio Community, which is free edition of Visual Studio. You could search the keyword on google to get the installer from Microsoft website.

I don't think you have to download it to compile and run ServUO (Unless you want to twist the source code). According to the instruction here GitHub - ServUO/ServUO: An Ultima Online server emulator written in C# .NET, you can run a .bat script on Windows to compile the executable file and run the server.
Thanks for your reply @Finaltwist. There is the folder `utilities/runuo2.7 core`, but it only contains empty folders, no `.cs` files inside. I also checked two runuo2.6 folders in /utilities, none of them seems right. Could you advice please?
runuo 2.2, i renamed the wrong folder
Wow thanks! It much be too late for me to have missed a blue "download" button at the top of the page. :/

Do you happen to know what I need for the Visual Studio piece of setting up servuo? I was watching the guy's video on Youtube (the same one linked in the tutorials here) but it's 7 years old, and he kind of glosses over the VS install. It looks like it's not called express anymore, it's called Community, and when you download it it asks if you want to install a bunch of modules/workloads.
Just extract all to your C:\ and you're ready to play friend. there's a read me first file.
create a new account with your password, then edit accounts.xml in the save folder and copy/paste your desired encrypted password into the wizard account.
All this seems to do is break the wizard account, I am using a simple text editor.

But fwiw heres what I did

In CharacterCreation.cs change this line

newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;


newChar.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Administrator;

Create Your new Admin account, change the line back and now You have an Admin account. Also don't forget to recompile.
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New system being coded! Adventures Automations! I found it odd how everyone accepts that macros/scripts are necessary to do certian actions in uo... every tried mining by hand for an hour? Fishing? Cutting trees? making dough? Thing is, UO is really repetitive, and so people had to be creative to find ways to play without getting carpal tunnel.

When playing recently, i wanted to mill wheat to make flour, but i didn't want to do that by hand, so i was about to ask a friend to code a classic assist script for me to automate the process. then i told myself "Wait up! Im a coder and I can code a system that fully automates this ingame!"

And so i did.

How does it work? well, if you want to fish, you equip a pole. you go near water, and say "i wish to start fishing".

that's it. your char will look for a valid fishing tile near you, and start fishing until your pack is full or you move, or you tell it to stop. no more needing razor or classicassist or easyuo. Why not have all that tedium dealt with ingame? I even added an auto-feed/drink feature for good measure if your char has food/drink in his pack.

This will make playing the game MUCH more fun, easier and enjoyable i think!
Complete revamp of the cooking, food, alcohol, drinks and harvesting systems... harvestable crop patches (auto-pick by walking near), cheese press, cider barrel, wine barrel, liquor still all produce drinks with various alcohol content... Food produced by players now carry a "delicious" bonus, the more delicious a food is, the more it will increase hunger (past 20) and the quicker players will be able to learn skills - up to a 200% bonus to skillgain. Being fed now has benefits!


Being drunk now gives a substantial benefit to regen rates, but comes with some drawbacks
You can imagine what this does to casting spells using words of power... or taming animals... are the mana/stam/hits regen bonuses worth the price of incoherentness?

Automation systems are now fully working - fish simply by saying "i wish to start fishing" , mine simply by saying "i wish to start mining", bake bread make dough, all automated. gone are the days of having to click endlessly.

For those evil types, I just added a bone grinder, a device which grows maggots using human body parts to create what we call a blood lord's patty... for those who dare!

Now In the process of changing the bod system, every bod you submit will give you credits with that guild, which can be redeemed at your convenience. no more having to cycle bods to find that one you are missing. do the bod you have, benefit.

Lots of changes, constantly!
All this seems to do is break the wizard account, I am using a simple text editor.

But fwiw heres what I did

In CharacterCreation.cs change this line

newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;


newChar.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Administrator;

Create Your new Admin account, change the line back and now You have an Admin account. Also don't forget to recompile.
Didnt seem to work for me, even using the wizard admin account none of the gm commands work
That is how I got in, Danburo13's method does work. The existing Character(s) on the account will not become an Admin I found, any new character created with the above will be an admin. Why I dunno, try a new char and see.
For anyone running this server offline, there is a HUGE vendor/gold bug. players can buy a home and sell it and make gold each time. the cost of homes don't get deducted from the bank. also, any purchases from vendors don't get deducted, so players can buy whatever they want. the issue is in Banker.Withdraw() method.
That is how I got in, Danburo13's method does work. The existing Character(s) on the account will not become an Admin I found, any new character created with the above will be an admin. Why I dunno, try a new char and see.
we found a way to scrub the accounts.xml file ... next release everyone with an account on the server will be able to login to their chars offline

ATruGod said...​

This worked for me, but the character(s) on the account before the change are still regular ole everyday folk. Any new character created on the account is automatically an admin. I haven't Tried the "scrub the accounts.xml" file method. Albeit, that kinda makes sense.
fair enough haha, i just upgraded from runuo2.2 to runuo 2.7 (granted i had help, but still) was a lot of work... took me 2 full-time days.
Added new sleepable beds, refined cooking, added 10+ harvestable food patches from tomatoes to squash and everything in between, added a new cattle breeder (breeds cows!), added a completely new BOD system... i was hearing constant complaints about how tedious BODS were.. so now every bod you complete adds to a credits points system, which you can redeem at any time... The game keeps improving!

Ive added the ability to RENAME CONTAINERS IN A HOME! Why this has never been done is a mystery to me... having a wall of containers and not knowing what is what is very annoying... so now you can single click to rename




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After 20 years of Sphere UO/RunUO experience from my childhood :D. I was trying to play on the offline server and i did play the runuo 2.2 version for a day. I couldn't connect easily but made it through the normal client ( Without the launcher i think). Now that i know RunUO 2.7 and more stuff got out , i did put everything to trash and followed the readme.txt and i keep getting disconnect while making my first new account. every step has been followed. Forcing client and stuff. I Restarted the whole process a few times..... I really wonder if it's a Windows 10 compatibility or something because i did play the runuo 2.2 for a whole day ! I did some reading and i think i downloaded a new Classic launcher but i can't remember now :( . I really wonder why the readme instruction won't work out of the box.... Server start fine , all in the C:/ path.... I'm lost :(

Update: I Found a way in ! I changed , in the launcher client path, from C:/Ultima-Adventure/ClassicUO/ClassicUO.exe for C:/Ultima-Adventure/ClassicUO Launcher/ClassicUO/ClassicUO.exe. IT DID CONNECT ! I wonder if the readme.txt was telling to do so... How do i know if im playing the real RunUO2.7 with all the features? Is there a way to determine with fork i'm logging into ?
if you extract the entire package to c:\ (not overwriting anything), and run runme options 1 or 2 it should work, unless you have something really odd about your computer. if you start changing paths and changing client destinations then you may have issues. it does work out of the box for the majority of people.
Love this build, really enjoying everything.

Only thing: Is there a way to revert the music back to the classic original T2A era UO music? The Elder Scrolls / Jeremy Soule stuff is great but it's not really doing it for me as far as Ultima goes, would love the classic music back.
Look in the music directory in the client. I believe I left the old music there . you need to replace the current tracks with the old.
Noob question: I keep getting attacked by the shop keeper whenever I practice swordfighting with the dummy. I always leave peace mode on. Sometimes I also aggro npcs in town. I'm not sure why. Am I missclicking or double-clicking wrong? Please, tell me what I can do to avoid this

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