Complete revamp of the cooking, food, alcohol, drinks and harvesting systems... harvestable crop patches (auto-pick by walking near), cheese press, cider barrel, wine barrel, liquor still all produce drinks with various alcohol content... Food produced by players now carry a "delicious" bonus, the more delicious a food is, the more it will increase hunger (past 20) and the quicker players will be able to learn skills - up to a 200% bonus to skillgain. Being fed now has benefits!
Being drunk now gives a substantial benefit to regen rates, but comes with some drawbacks

You can imagine what this does to casting spells using words of power... or taming animals... are the mana/stam/hits regen bonuses worth the price of incoherentness?
Automation systems are now fully working - fish simply by saying "i wish to start fishing" , mine simply by saying "i wish to start mining", bake bread make dough, all automated. gone are the days of having to click endlessly.
For those evil types, I just added a bone grinder, a device which grows maggots using human body parts to create what we call a blood lord's patty... for those who dare!
Now In the process of changing the bod system, every bod you submit will give you credits with that guild, which can be redeemed at your convenience. no more having to cycle bods to find that one you are missing. do the bod you have, benefit.
Lots of changes, constantly!