Search results

  1. Spells in town

    I am looking for the spells in the script that a player can't cast in town like Blade Spirits and Energy Vortex. Anyone know where those are located in the scripts?
  2. Changing from TOL to UOR

    This is all I used to change on RunUO in "CurrentExpansion.cs, but doesn't work with ServUO. What needs to be changed? #region References using System; using Server.Accounting; using Server.Network; #endregion namespace Server { public class CurrentExpansion { public static readonly...
  3. z axis and xmlspawner

    This did not work....even tried 2 under. Thanks though Where do you add z/90 I see no entry for it OK....while looking at my own spawner picture here I noticed the spawn range at 1....changed it to 0 and all is well...thanks guys
  4. z axis and xmlspawner

    I built a platform high off the ground z=90 but when I spawn something it goes to ground level at times. Below it to try to stop it I placed an extra floor and a column, but still it spawns on the ground at times. Is there any way to prevent this so that it spawns on the 90 z axis 100% of the time?
  5. Joeku's staff rune book

    Would that also return marked places that you have added? Even if the server has saved?
  6. Joeku's staff rune book

    There needs to be a "check" before deleting a rune or rune book. I have accidently deleted a town and another staff has also. Once deleted it's gone and you have to remark everything. Would be great if when you clicked the "x" button a gump would ask "Do you really want to delete"
  7. Way point

    Wow....thanks. I totally forgot about the way point runes. Been many years since I had a server.
  8. Way point

    How do I set a way point? Before I could just click way point in props and then click on the next spawner and it would auto set. Now it says "That cannot be assigned to a property of type : WayPoint". Tried this on regular spawner and XML spawner
  9. Mondain's Steed

    Milva: yes that is it and thanks for the script because I searched "Mondain Steed", Charger of the Fallen", and "Royal Charger" and all could not be found. PoOka: I had already made a script so I added your mountid and perfect. Thanks for all y'alls help!
  10. Mondain's Steed

    I cannot find Mondain's Steed in the scripts.....does anyone know if or where it can be found? I have the Body number "284" but when I tried to make one with the nightmare script it changes from a Charger of the Fallen back to a nightmare when mounted.
  11. TRex location in scripts?

    Thanks....was right were you said it was
  12. TRex location in scripts?

    The TRex is buried somewhere inside another script. Anyone know where it is? I would like to make some adjustments on it's str.
  13. Champion Artifact Drops, anyone?

    You do realize 1.00 is still just 1%. Try 100.0 or 99.0 then if you don't get an arty you have a problem.
  14. Invis hue

    I have the number to make any creature to look clear like a shadow wyrm, but that number does not work on walls. Would anyone out there have that number?
  15. Factions

    I just set up factions and joined a player character and admin character and neither one can wear the faction robe. Says "You can't equip a faction item". Any thoughts or have I done something wrong? Oh and I killed a silver serpent and got no silver and I am True Brit. It's like I am not in the...
  16. Server restarted....lost accts and builds

    Thanks, that did work, but still do not know why it happened.
  17. Server restarted....lost accts and builds

    Was fine last night, but this morning my characters froze. I restarted razor, but it would not connect to the server. I rebooted the server and it started from scratch, and said there are no accts and made me create a new acct. I did and was hoping the things I had built was still there, but...
  18. The Turtle Mob

    Thanks Visam. Did the above and works. Thanks for posting this Nesh....looks really cool!
  19. January Bug Fixes the pictures showing. I went to the dl older clients and dl'd 7th Anniversary. Pointed Pandoras to it and walla...done. Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated. NOW.....quickly...hehe. I have posted this elsewhere and no one has answered. I need the number that represents...
  20. January Bug Fixes

    WOW! OK.....I got my remote desk top Pandoras up and running!....yay! But, I did the exact same thing to my server comp and can't seem to make it start up. It get stuck on "Creating new profile" or "Loading". I am running as admin. Any other suggestions? But, thank goodness I got my remote comp...

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