What do I put for the following?


I'm running Time of Legends

Also my client version is:

Also, what port should I be using?
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Do the next thing and window wont close:

Hanks quote:

A useful trick/tip I picked up on. If you're trying to setup the server and it keeps instantly closing and not creating the cedserver.xml Try this.

SHIFT+Right click on the folder that contains cedserver.exe and left click Open Command Window Here. You should see the cmd window pop up with the directory location. Now in that cmd window type cedserver.exe and hit Enter. Proceed like normal how you would if you were setting up your server.

Instead of it instantly closing you should now see an Error msg. Now you know what is causing the issue and if you still can't figure it out you now have more information you can give to others to assist you beyond it simply closes.

If you don't know how to copy from a cmd window. Left click the icon in the top left of the cmd window Edit > Select all. Again left click it and Edit > Copy.
Here is the error
[doublepost=1510055867][/doublepost]Tried copying the muls to PEBinariers directory. Same error:

[doublepost=1510056594][/doublepost]@StaticZ: I've read help a dozen times. It hasn't helped. I don't know what else to do.
I don't understand what you posted. Your English needs work.

Probably not the best approach to getting help by knocking him on his communication skills. Check your format setting in the config and see if it's set to the appropriate format for the type of files you are pointing to.
@Lord of Clay Of Aquinas: Yeah you are probably right but sorry, he didn't tell me what was wrong in the previous post as he said. But whatever. No config file was generated/there isn't one.
@TwilightRaven; During the initial steps of configuration, you enter in what format your files are. Double check to make sure you are using the correct one for the version of mul files you are using.
Ok. So what's the deal with this "prefix"?

0х0010 Use *.uop files Use LegacyMUL data in MYP format (*.uop). To do this, you also require valid value for Prefix, in other way data from map file can't be read.

[doublepost=1510151992][/doublepost]What's the name of the configuration file? I'm going to try and write the xml by hand using the example
@Lord of Clay Of Aquinas: Yeah you are probably right but sorry, he didn't tell me what was wrong in the previous post as he said. But whatever. No config file was generated/there isn't one.


1) You enter paths to mul files, but tell server to use uop data format

Projects Wiki said:
The element Format is a set of the flags which are setting *.mul versions of files of used on the server and the client, the following flags are generally used:
0х0010 Use *.uop files Use LegacyMUL data in MYP format (*.uop). To do this, you also require valid value for Prefix, in other way data from map file can't be read.

What's the name of the configuration file? I'm going to try and write the xml by hand using the example

Projects Wiki said:
As the server can work at the same time only with one facet, operation with several facets is carried out by server start with different configurations. Naturally for simultaneous operation ports shall be different in each configuration. For this purpose we create some configurations (for example "map0.xml", "map1.xml", "map2.xml") and we launch the server, having transferred as parameter the profile name ("cedserver.exe "map0.xml"").
Acording this config file name and location can be anything you whant. If no one config file specified at start up tryed to load default one "cedserver.xml". If it's also not present server have to create it and asks for options which it have to use.
Then what is this prefix it is talking about
[doublepost=1510157766][/doublepost]Ok., Where should I put the mul files? In the PEBinaries folder or should I link to program files where UO client is
Then what is this prefix it is talking about
<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<CEDConfig Version="6">
3 <Language>..\Language\English.ini</Language>
4 <Port>2597</Port>
5 <Map>
6 <Map>map0.mul</Map>
7 <StaIdx>staidx0.mul</StaIdx>
8 <Statics>statics0.mul</Statics>
9 <Width>896</Width>
10 <Height>512</Height>
11 <Prefix>0</Prefix>
12 <Format>0x0000</Format>
13 </Map>
14 <Tiledata>tiledata.mul</Tiledata>
15 <Radarcol>radarcol.mul</Radarcol>
16 <Accounts>
17 <Account>
18 <Name>admin</Name>
19 <PasswordHash>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</PasswordHash>
20 <AccessLevel>255</AccessLevel>
21 <LastPos x="0" y="0"/>
22 <Regions/>
23 </Account>
24 </Accounts>
25 <Regions/>

[doublepost=1510157766][/doublepost]Ok., Where should I put the mul files? In the PEBinaries folder or should I link to program files where UO client is[/QUOTE]As you wish, you can use absolute paths or relative
Yeah. Its not generating a config xml. I did everything right and it says bad mul files.

C:\Program Files (x86)\uoquint.com\CentrED+\PEBinaries>cedserver
======= CentrED+ Server [Version: 0.7.9 Build: 270] =======
Copyright: "UO CentrED" ver 0.6.1 (c) 2009 Andreas Schneider
: "CentrED+" version (c) 2017 StaticZ (uoquint.com)
language file [..\Language\English.ini]
[11:21:07] Language loaded: English
Network Settings
Port [2597]: 2597
Paths Settings
map [map0.mul]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\map0.mul
staidx [staidx0.mul]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\staidx0.mul
statics [statics0.mul]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\statics0.mul
tiledata [tiledata.mul]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\tiledata.mul
radarcol [radarcol.mul]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\radarcol.mul
Maps Settings
Width [768]: 896
Height [512]: 512
Format [0x0000]: 0x000C
Admin account
User Name: ted_gress
Password [hidden]:
[11:21:47] Language loaded: English
[11:21:47] Config file loaded: "cedserver.xml"
[11:21:47] Initialization starting
[11:21:47] Loading: Map, Statics, StaIdx, Tiledata
[11:21:47] Initialization complete
[11:21:47] Bad mul files. Check map and file sizes.
[11:21:47] Shuting down...An unhandled exception occurred at $00424730 :
EFCreateError : Unable to create file "C:\Program Files (x86)\uoquint.com\CentrED+\PEBinaries\cedserver.xml"

C:\Program Files (x86)\uoquint.com\CentrED+\PEBinaries>
Wiki again said:
Its important: the server requires exclusive access to files, it means that you can't use one and теже files for simultaneous operation of the CentrEd server + and UOClient/Sphere/RunUo/Fiddler.

2) Check you map staidx files sizes and compare for valid ones, which you again can find in table on wiki
The sizes aren't listed. I thought this was supposed to be compatible with the newer client.
[doublepost=1510222198][/doublepost]So is that the problem @StaticZ? My client is too new?
i got a question, i downloaded map files from some server, its possible to ''merge'' them into mine? or copy some parts of it and paste them into my map files?
i got a question, i downloaded map files from some server, its possible to ''merge'' them into mine? or copy some parts of it and paste them into my map files?
I am unaware of centered being able to do this. This type of operation was performed by older programs. But, the outdated programs only work with older clients. Unlikely you will have any success. You can visually replicate the areas by hand. Or use those maps as your base. I am unaware of any modern method of doing this.
My client is too new?
I even don't know your client version and your file sizes, but I think not. It will be strange if such big changes where made in old expansion.

i got a question, i downloaded map files from some server, its possible to ''merge'' them into mine? or copy some parts of it and paste them into my map files?
Yes its possible, for such things I'm using Essence UDK Tools.
You have 5.2244489796 trash blocks at the end of your file, just trim them for map and statics. You can do it with Essence UDK Tools or with any other tool which allows to do it (for example win hex).
Can I just reinstall the client? Also, UDK tools - I extracted it and tried to run it but it just flashes on the screen then disappears. Ugh
Multiply by 1024 right?

map0.mul: 89,916,416
staidx0.mul: 5,505, 024

The bottom number is right but the top one is off

You have 5.2244489796 trash blocks at the end of your file, just trim them for map and statics. You can do it with Essence UDK Tools or with any other tool which allows to do it (for example win hex).

Neither of you think it's a little weird that you're trying to use a map0.mul in a client.exe version that requires map0LegacyMUL.uop?

TwilightRaven, I have the same issues and have been waiting almost 3 weeks for a fix/answer on why map files from 7.0.60+ no longer work.

StaticZ, I don't think the data is actually trash data, is it just zero-filled?
Voxpire: Because the xml config has a prefix option for uop files, I thought maybe once the config file was created I could add the prefix and use the uops
I even don't know your client version and your file sizes, but I think not. It will be strange if such big changes where made in old expansion.

Yes its possible, for such things I'm using Essence UDK Tools.

Essence UDK tools, open and closes heres the error it throws; ( i extracted the files inside an empty folder)
StaticZ, I don't think the data is actually trash data, is it just zero-filled?
Sure, map are square, map0 has sizes 896 x 512, so to increase it's heigh or width requires to add 896 or 512 blocks. The only situation where this blocks can be vaild is case when facet were replaced for map sizes like 28673 x 32, but this will mean:
1) felucca was replaced
2) maps with such sizes are very strange for gameplay
3) sizes not multiples of 8 will or can cause problems on server\client

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