Is there any way to get the client to fully render the map correctly? or is there problems with the map? seems when heights are adjusted it creates black tiles, in game this shows correct, just exist in the editor.


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Tried that and same effect applied. Here is the config im using

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CEDConfig Version="6">
    <Map>K:\Ultima Server2\UltimaLive\ClientFiles\map6.mul</Map>
    <StaIdx>K:\Ultima Server2\UltimaLive\ClientFiles\Staidx6.mul</StaIdx>
    <Statics>K:\Ultima Server2\UltimaLive\ClientFiles\Statics6.mul</Statics>
  <Tiledata>K:\Ultima Server2\UltimaLive\ClientFiles\tiledata.mul</Tiledata>
  <Radarcol>K:\Ultima Server2\UltimaLive\ClientFiles\radarcol.mul</Radarcol>
      <LastPos x="804" y="686"/>
[doublepost=1507766377][/doublepost]Oh I see, I took your suggestion to literal.. LOL. I used 0x00000008 and it worked.
I use, however the map files the server uses are UOP's converted from that client to MUL, as I preferred MUL to this point as its easier to edit. If fiddler were more UOP compatible i would switch but since it's not, thats where i stand. lol

Came back to edit this to also say
I converted all the files from my client from UOP to MUL (the required files) so it would work. , not sure if that helps or not.
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Problem is related with tiledata.mul or texmaps. Make sure you use same one both on server and client side. Check paths for client and server, make sure client and server loads files you suspect, make sure that this files are correct and valid (at least you can try to load them in Fiddler). If problem willn't be found - send me your files I wil take a look.
  1. Im using client and i have a similar terrain issue.


It is normal that Centred mess up my mul files by just loading the editor? if i load the editor and dont touch or change anything, then load my uo server there are bug terrains

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You have same problem - If you use 6.x client then you have old files format, you shouldnt use 0x0008 flag in format properties.

Centred don't mess anything, simply in new and old client versions tiladata file format differes. Which version you use quite hard to detect, so this property was moved to config file. If you set invalid value centred willn't be able to read file corect and as the result willn't get valid textures ids for land tiles. As the result you see what you see. In this case you can also mention that all tiles names are incorect.
0x0000000C isnot flag. Flags are 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 and so on. All this values are flags as they contains only one bit set to 1, while all others are set to 0. So you can easily specify severel flags as sum of each of them. For example 0x0C = 0x08 + 0x04, so its combination of 2 flags. First one switch tiledata format, other is reserved for supporting dif files, which not implemented now. See wiki for more info, I all describe there
0x0000000C isnot flag. Flags are 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 and so on. All this values are flags as they contains only one bit set to 1, while all others are set to 0. So you can easily specify severel flags as sum of each of them. For example 0x0C = 0x08 + 0x04, so its combination of 2 flags. First one switch tiledata format, other is reserved for supporting dif files, which not implemented now. See wiki for more info, I all describe there
Ok thank you, going to check the wiki

Edit: Yesss got it working ,thank for the fast reply, @Joshua @StaticZ
@StaticZ - so far everything is working good, the files i have seem to be ok using the correct flag. Using Ultima Live mixed with UO Architect was a serious pain for large scale map edits because every now and then the statics became corrupt, now that this tool is good again that will allow me to speed up things. Thank you kindly for your hard work. :)
I got issues with terrain, it looks different and bugged in game. I applied the same tile upon others few times, might be that the issue?

also there are tiles i cant not remove, i have to use that dark space tile (The one around malas)
I've also encountered a bit of a bug.

When you restrict your viewable area by height (say making it so you can only see -5 tiles and below), then try to paint a new texture in an area, it paints the texture over the entire area regardless of the restriction.

I regularly need to reduce or change the scope of visibility to change, say, grass to dirt in a big area. I don't want to change the mountains I've painstakingly put in, but the area around them. This needs to be done square by square, or in very small chunks, so I don't overwrite the higher textures.

This functionality works for statics, you can paint and delete statics only in the area in your scope of visibility, but when it comes to textures, it just does the entire area.

I'll cheerfully put together some screenshots and examples if my description isn't adequate! Just let me know.

As an aside: Thank you so very much for updating CentrED+. The new edition is exhibiting far less errors and crashing when running under WINE, and is generally feels much snappier.
I've also encountered a bit of a bug.
When you restrict your viewable area by height (say making it so you can only see -5 tiles and below), then try to paint a new texture in an area, it paints the texture over the entire area regardless of the restriction.
I regularly need to reduce or change the scope of visibility to change, say, grass to dirt in a big area. I don't want to change the mountains I've painstakingly put in, but the area around them. This needs to be done square by square, or in very small chunks, so I don't overwrite the higher textures.
As an aside: Thank you so very much for updating CentrED+. The new edition is exhibiting far less errors and crashing when running under WINE, and is generally feels much snappier.
Textures can't overlap you can only ever have 1 texture per tile and statics can be over that. It is impossible to have 2 textures this is why they are seperated by the check boxes top left side of the screen. You can turn off statics with the check box to make sure you are only working with textures. And vice versa.
Textures can't overlap you can only ever have 1 texture per tile and statics can be over that. It is impossible to have 2 textures this is why they are seperated by the check boxes top left side of the screen. You can turn off statics with the check box to make sure you are only working with textures. And vice versa.

Um, this has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

I'm talking about using the scope of visibility tool to limit your work area, then the draw tool applying the selected texture to areas outside of your scope of visibility. This seems to only apply to textures, and not statics.
I got issues with terrain, it looks different and bugged in game. I applied the same tile upon others few times, might be that the issue?
Possibly you turn on flat render mode in centred, it works like the result on your screen. Also places look little different.

also there are tiles i cant not remove, i have to use that dark space tile (The one around malas)
It's impossible to delete terrain tiles, it's not bag or problem of centred it's specific of UO engine and map files format. Each terrain tile have only one texture and altitude, mo less, no more. It possible only to change them for others.

On last - seems some tiles which present in config file not exists in your client.

When you restrict your viewable area by height (say making it so you can only see -5 tiles and below), then try to paint a new texture in an area, it paints the texture over the entire area regardless of the restriction.
Indeed, never take attention.. Seems it's very old bug...

As an aside: Thank you so very much for updating CentrED+. The new edition is exhibiting far less errors and crashing when running under WINE, and is generally feels much snappier.
Thanks, glad to hear that this is required and helpfull)
@StaticZ What am I missing?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CEDConfig Version="6">

======= CentrED+ Server [Version: 0.7.9  Build: 270] =======
Copyright: "UO CentrED" ver 0.6.1 (c) 2009 Andreas Schneider
         : "CentrED+" version (c) 2017 StaticZ (
[16:57:43] Language loaded: English
[16:57:43] Config file loaded: "cedserver.xml"
[16:57:43] Initialization starting
[16:57:43] Loading: Map, Statics, StaIdx, Tiledata
[16:57:43] Initialization complete
[16:57:43] Bad mul files. Check map and file sizes.
[16:57:43] Shuting down...done

Client version: 7.0.60.x
Possibly, I tested it only with one client. Files there also were little strange - they all contain one unused data chain. Maybe they just fix this own bug. I will look on days.
I noticed this wants MUL map files but ServUO only has UOP. How do you get around this?

When I get to the final step, the window just closes. I am assuming it's because it does not recognize the UOP map file. Also, ServUO has like legaxyx and legacy0.uop's. Crazy, is very confusing. Any help is appreciated.

Everything is spot on but the window closes after entering user name and password and does not create the xml file. Any thoughts?
Create a cedserver.bat file with these lines;

That will stop it from closing before you can find out the issue.
@StaticZ One thing I did notice after 7.0.60 is they added a new TileFlag. Not sure if CED is reading the flags properly because almost every other SDK/software that reads TileFlags still only reads 4 bytes and discards the other 4 as "unknown". Could this be the issue?
Tiles flag was increased from 4 bytes to 8 much early scine HS (, CED read complitly all flags. Anyway CED will work even with incorect loaded tiledata, but sure in this case world willn't draw correctly.
My centred used to work, now is not working anymore, is throwing an access violation error, any thoughts?


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@sahisahi what vesrion you use? What steps you done before you get this problems?
I dont really remember, changed the UO directory probably, but i set it back to the ones i was using before and still getting that error.

edit: well im using a virtualbox since i dont feel like formatting just to use Centred+ :p

is there a way to make roads? im trying to make some and its very tedious lol any trick?
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@sahisahi - upon a google search on that error, it may be related to a language file. Just something to check on. Make sure that the language you choose on the first window is set to the default language of your machine. I think it defaults to the language the program was written for initially.

@sahisahi - upon a google search on that error, it may be related to a language file. Just something to check on. Make sure that the language you choose on the first window is set to the default language of your machine. I think it defaults to the language the program was written for initially.

View attachment 10157

no thats not the problem i have my language in english.

Btw @StaticZ whats the new tool - editing mesh?

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