Are there any reports of CentrED breaking the boat rapping on standard fel tram maps when modified?

I've never had this happen and I have heavily used CentrED+ on several maps.
Even when working with non traditional sized maps.
Sounds good, i was about to start revamping the trammel map but did not want to break the boat system . lol thank you :)
Edge of the Fem Tram map in the ocean, when you get to the edge of the map it takes the boat and its occupants to the other side of the map, instead of running into a wall so to speak. in custom maps that is normal, in the stock maps it works correctly. so i was curious if modifying a stock map using centred would break that.
No, it can't break anything, sure untile you willn't try to change map or dungeon pocket sizes. CentrEd edit only maps, i.e. files that contain only land or static ids nothing else, all game logic is part of server and\or rarely hardcoded in client.
I have it installled I load it up stays on connecting

once i get passed that i will ahve it
[doublepost=1463610472][/doublepost]I may have wrong format

I am running off the classic client
[doublepost=1463611400][/doublepost]its like i can see it connectiong to the server

never actully connects
[doublepost=1463611804][/doublepost]I am back at the part of the cedserver.exe where it says width
then height
then value
Sorry I don't understand anything, maybe my english is too bad, but for me its sounds as some set of accidental words
It sounds like you are not running a configured ' cedserver.exe ' . You need to setup the server as the client is looking for that.
im at the part
with width \
where i put the vaule
[doublepost=1463617824][/doublepost]if any one can help me come to

Put in #darknessfallsuo where it says channel

where i will be at
[doublepost=1463620107][/doublepost]where it says server do i put
[doublepost=1463620227][/doublepost]like i put in default like he does on the video and it says

error on connect connection refused i put 2593 it does not hing at all
[doublepost=1463621333][/doublepost]I got eery thing done it makes the xml file and all just cant log in stays on connecting
[doublepost=1463625278][/doublepost]if any one needs it i can seend the xml file

you know if i did it right


  • cedserver.xml
    914 bytes · Views: 29
Sorry to necro a thread but I am at my whit's end. I have used Centred+ in the past with no issues setting it up but for some reason, this time I am getting errors, not from the server but from the client. The server sets up everything just fine, creates the xml as it should and remains open but when I launch the client and try to connect, this is where the troubles begin.

I have deleted the info saved in appdata/local about 30 times now trying to get the client to actually do something different.
I have tried both a single folder with the mul files needed that the server and client access simultaneously as well as two separate folders one for the client and one for the server with the exact same results.
Tried running both in admin mode, nothing, haven't tried compatibility mode but I don't believe that is the issue

Now onto the error, I get a number of them but the one that does not seem to be vague is:
"Unable to open file

Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program."

If I power through this I get a few other errors such as a few "Access Violation" and a single "Unable to create file ""." error. I am kind of at a loss here as I think I made clear, last time I used this I installed it and it ran straight out of the box, with setup obviously but it was fairly smooth sailing, I did not have to do any wacky editing to anything.

I am running a Mondain's Legacy map so everything is set server side as it should be with regards to how the Start and server setup page on uoquint says it should be set. In terms of client, I am using so that hex number I guess it is that I am using is 0x0004. If it matters I am running Windows 10 x64.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am stuck on what the heck is going on.​

I feel like it's going to be something really easy you over looked (which is easy trust me) or possibly from your tileentry.cache could be possibly a bad download? I remember going to a few sites for the download to try and get one. Have you tried getting a different copy and reinstalling?
Now onto the error, I get a number of them but the one that does not seem to be vague is:
"Unable to open file
Try to run with admin rights, maybe windows blocks access to this file also you can try to set compatible mod or reinstall centred+ and select to use local userdata path in this case all settings will be in application folder

I feel like it's going to be something really easy you over looked (which is easy trust me) or possibly from your tileentry.cache could be possibly a bad download?
its cache file, you woldn't copy or search it anywhere, if you think you have problem with it then just delete it - centred+ will reacreate it itself while loading, This file just contain some preredered images for entries to speed up loading and working with them.
Try to run with admin rights, maybe windows blocks access to this file also you can try to set compatible mod or reinstall centred+ and select to use local userdata path in this case all settings will be in application folder

its cache file, you woldn't copy or search it anywhere, if you think you have problem with it then just delete it - centred+ will reacreate it itself while loading, This file just contain some preredered images for entries to speed up loading and working with them.

Yeah I was just thinking maybe his download had some bad files. I would try going back and installing. It's so easy to mess things up.
I will attempt to reinstall Centred+ for a fourth time. I did do that three times last night after giving up after 6 hours of pointless time wasting.

I will also attempt a compatibility mode but in terms of the tilesentry.cache, that appears to be a file that Centred+'s client creates when it initially run and stored in the appdata/local/Centred+ folder so if it is corrupt or being corrupt, it would be an issue inside the creation process of that file I imagine.
If you have a copy of this file I can try to plop in I would be willing to try that, but I will try the two steps suggested above and see where it takes me, any suggestions on what version of Windows I should attempt to run this in for compatibility mode?
Yeah it's kind of tough to say as I haven't seen that actual error yet. I have been off on my setup before to where the maps look all kinds of messed up and such. And it was just changing the hex numbers etc. Maybe it's a Windows 10 thing? I'm still on 7 so I'm not 100% sure but it shouldn't be giving you this much trouble. When I get home I can try to send you a file.
I guess there might be an issue with my TilesEntry.xml file, going to reinstall it for the fourth time now, just tried compatibility mode with the following results.

I am getting this error now when I initially run the client and it fails when the splash screen says "Loading: TilesEntry.xml":

"Range Check Error.

Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program."

and when I hit cancel I get:

"The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000409)
occured in the application at location 0x0000000076E31551.

Click on OK to terminate the program."

then when I plow through just hitting OK instead of cancel on the windows and try to reconnect after it crashed I get the:
"Unable to open file

Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program."
[doublepost=1474746572][/doublepost]Alright same issue after uninstall and reinstall of Centred+, I even went as far as to delete the previous install exe's and redownloaded a fresh copy to make sure there was nothing fishy about the previous ones I had downloaded. So with that said I will await further help from anyone who can, I don't feel like being in another 6 hour loop of frustration again trying to get this thing running.
[doublepost=1474746656][/doublepost]Oh I should ask, if there is any other information that maybe helpful for troubleshooting, please let me know. I don't exactly know what is pertinent and what is not so I have tried to supply what I feel is pertinent to the situation.
any suggestions on what version of Windows I should attempt to run this in for compatibility mode?
In such cases usualy better to try all variants, but as I understand from your messages you have other errors before it while loading, so in this case it looks that its not a problem. Always better to begin with first error all others in many cases can be related with first one.

I guess there might be an issue with my TilesEntry.xml file, going to reinstall it for the fourth time now, just tried compatibility mode with the following results.

I am getting this error now when I initially run the client and it fails when the splash screen says "Loading: TilesEntry.xml":

"Range Check Error.
I think in TilesEntry.xml config there are some tiles that not present in yours mul files, this can cause problem while generating and saving TilesEntry.cache. In fact if you use original config there are new ships from HS which are build with tiles that not present in ML client. CentrEd+ give much advantages if you configure it for your client, but on other hand all clients differes much so its impossible to make one universal config for all versions (besides many use modified data files). Bad values in config files often cause crasshes and errors, in lasy version I fixed most known of them except loading TilesEntry.xml config... In future I will fix crushungs caused by incorrect tiles indexes in it, but for now you have to fix it yourself. For fast approach you can just clear it and remove entries from Tilesgroup.xml config (on wiki there are description for all configs files if you need it).
Maybe, in older version entries not implemented and there are no such config on other hand there are more same errors while loading others.. But if you whant work it better to solve problem same entries can save much more time in future for example if you will need to make some forest or smth else things.
In terms of client, I am using

If you continue to have errors relating to "out of range" or something like that, it could be due to the map size. Perhaps the map size for was different than the current maps, and there is a conflict there.
If you continue to have errors relating to "out of range" or something like that, it could be due to the map size. Perhaps the map size for was different than the current maps, and there is a conflict there.
Wrong map size can be only reason for server errors, not client.
I grabbed it from uoquint dot ru, I guess that would be the developer's site in every instance I have downloaded it in the past when it was working and recently when it has not worked for me.

I guess I can try editing the corresponding xml file, I have to admit I am not super comfortable doing it but I can take a look see and find out what is involved. I think I may try a rewind and try earlier versions first I guess.

In terms of map size, that is not an issue, first the server loads but more importantly I am 100% confident I did not make that mistake, I double and triple checked file sizes before I even initially launched the server and set it up and as previously stated it runs, it is the client portion that is giving me the issues not the server.
[doublepost=1474784663][/doublepost]Hoping to not speak too early but apparently dropping back a single version has fixed whatever wacky issues I have had as I can connect, not going to try to place some tiles to see if there are any issues!
[doublepost=1474785968][/doublepost]So it appears the rollback will work for my needs. Now time to get to work obliterating someone else's terrible work and rebuilding from scratch!

Thanks for the help guys and my apologies if I came across the least bit snarky, I was getting really really annoyed at the prospect of having to perhaps use a lesser program for what I needed.
Okay, more trials and tribulations with this program, just a minor issue I would like to find out if I can sort it out. When using the draw menu if I want use the checkbox "Place tile with a chance" which I assume makes placing groups of foliage and trees randomly place random items from your currently selected group, the issue is I can not change or even see if I could change that percentage number. I will upload a screen shot of what exactly I am talking about, but my question is, is there a way for me to expand the menu that appears in the image I have uploaded as when I try to resize it the damn thing just disappears.


Note I got the latest version of Centred+ working using some jankiness, I am running it in compatibility mode, Windows 7 compatibility to be exact as if I don't it permanently minimizes the program once I connect to the server and refuses to let me maximize the window.
At least you can edit translation file to make this text shorter, but it willn't fix all problems, as you can see color menu also out of menu sizes. This all looks like you are using windows 10 wich resize UI sizes, fonts as so on. This is rather common problem as most of applications that not designed for it dont work correct with this. So just disable win10 resizing..
Ok, I'll give that a try. Ya I'm using Windows 10, while being leaps and bounds better than 8/8.1 as is usual with "updates to technology/software" they tend to be a jump forward but forces users to take a few steps back in the process.

Curiously where might I edit the translation file info should I want to do that? And is it as easy as opening it in like a text editor and saving it after edit?

Thanks again and despite my trials getting this thing running I still consider this the best map editor tool out there for UO, only thing I wish it had was the ability to place uoa files or multis from the multis.mul file but no worries, I'll take what I can get considerig the low low price
Yes, but I think better just to disable UI resizing for centred as this is most easy solution and will fix all other problems too.
I tried the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" in the compatibility tab but it did not change anything so I ended up editing the English ini file and rewording the line that was causing issues.

I will poke around more because ultimately you're right, I should not have to make any changes to the ini file to have the thing work properly. So right now I am running it in windows 7 compatibility with the "disable display scaling on high dpi settings" checked.
[doublepost=1475031511][/doublepost]Disabled scaling throughout Windows 10 which makes everything exceptionally tiny but it seems to have fixed the issue and given me more desktop real estate at the same time, so I will keep things like this for as long as my eye sight holds out :D

Sorry to be a bother.
I have problems with CentrED+, it doesnt connect.

I get connection refused whenever i try to connect to the server

Cant even complete configuring the server, after i type the password and press enter, the cmd window closes!

it should say installation complete right?
Read wiki on site there is written what to do to if cmd window is closing and who configuration file must look (beter to create it itself, I don't test auto creation so it can contain problems)
Sorry im silly, i checked the wiki, the error is unable to open file, so im setting up the wrong path files then

i put the mul files in c:\ to make it easier

and i still get the error

i created the xml file manually, if i use port 2593 it stucks at connection
and my runuo server console says Client Connected. [1 Online]

if i use 2597 or 2598 it says connection refused
Last edited:
sure, you have to connect to entred server, not to runuo. To be able to do it you have to set free port for centred
Hey StaticZ,

faced a weired problem. So I try to run Centred+ on my new machine, but it seems that I get a nice viewing error with my 4k display.
Seems the scaling is quite not able to handle this resolution.
I am running Centred+ on Win10 with 1080ti graphics card, two screens on a ryzen prozessor, but this stuff only appeared after I tried to run it on the 4k display. Even the "deactivate scaling with high dpi count" did not work. The programm also tends to start in the background, and every try to get it back on screen fails. I can see it with ctrl+tab, but cannot get it with the win + arrowbars or other attemps... So I am not sure what to do about this....

Thanks for helping me out with this...
If anyone else run into this or another problem and has a solution, please come up with it :)
Hey StaticZ,
Thanks for helping me out with this...
If anyone else run into this or another problem and has a solution, please come up with it :)

So on my 2nd computer (Intel Nuc i5-7th gen, 16GB, 950 Pro with a Dell 24" 4k), It does work for me, but only about 50% is displayed, the other half of the viewing area is black. Eventually (I think it's a time out issue) I get a dropped connection. Could be a lack of the client being able to handle it also.

However, I have another issue where I'm trying to set up a new cedserver with the default map. But it crashes after creating the password.
I'm converting the UOP files to MUL files.

Upon starting the server, the options I choose are:

(The files are all in the same directory as the cedserver.exe)
0x0008 (I've also tried 0x0010 and 0x000C)

Username: admin
Password: 12345 (just a test)

It quickly says some lines and then crashes (But does create the XML file)
Try using the xml located here:
You'll have to remove the "ServUO" etc from the file name when you download. You may also have to edit the file internally based on your client flag, but this xml worked for me and others. Let me know.

Place this in the same folder as the server .exe file.

Same thing happens. I only modified the format.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CEDConfig Version="5">
<LastPos x="0" y="0"/>
[doublepost=1501261084][/doublepost]Modifying with Notepad++
[doublepost=1501274826][/doublepost][16:43:29] Bad mul files. Check map and file sizes.

I'm using the latest UOP files converted to MUL files...
Tried this aswell... Did not work. I managed to expand the mulfiles (Which requires a new client later on...) to reasonable size. But all mulfiles need to have the same version. I did it with the last working SA version. Proved well till now....

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