Hello, New here to Odyssey and Ultima Adventures, sorry if this is a stupid question but can someone guide me on how to obtain a spellbook? I went to a mage, scribe, sage but they don't sell spellbooks, only scrolls. Also I spawned in Britain surrounded by like 12 chatty balrons, is it normal? (am i being demon racist?)
Amazing work btw, this really rekindled my love for this game
1. you didn't use the client provided in the download page (you saw balrons, but they are children if you use our client)
2. spellbooks are sold randomly, and meant to be crafted by other players too
3. you should really play on the server instead of playing offline, that way you get to play with other like minded folks :)

The new soulbound legacy system just went live today - characters have permadeath, but have a legacy system that makes a soul more powerful with each incarnation... ultimately leading to a powerful player without the need for any items. msg me if you want to play on the server, its a friendly group.
Also had this issue-

There was an exception while attempting to load '[CliLoc]':
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Ultima.Files' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
at Ultima.Files.LoadDirectory()
at Ultima.Files..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Ultima.Files.GetFilePath(String file)
at Assistant.Language.LoadCliLoc()"

..When running the included "ClassicUO" client packaged with the server files.

I read elsewhere you're not planning on supporting offline players. Understood, but would it be possible then to get a discord invite to play online?
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Scratch that, fixed it.

Didn't see much on this topic, so for documentation's sake-

Make sure to download ClassicUO launcher, create a "Classic UO" launcher folder at the top level of "Ultima-Adventures', and then drag and drop the Classic UO folder into the Launcher folder before opening.

Razor's not opening by default, I have absolutely no idea how to add it post-hoc to Ultima-Adventure's ClassicUO client.

...Still down to play online with you guys, however!
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Hi Folks

Can you use the enhanced client with this?, either with the server or with the offline option?, i read its not really supported (offline) but im not really 100% committed to getting back into UO again yet so would rather try it out offline first IF it does work etc

its not a dealbreaker, 2d client is fine, just prefer the new one
Hi Folks

Can you use the enhanced client with this?, either with the server or with the offline option?, i read its not really supported (offline) but im not really 100% committed to getting back into UO again yet so would rather try it out offline first IF it does work etc

its not a dealbreaker, 2d client is fine, just prefer the new one
Just in case anybody else reads my message, no it wont support enhanced as the setup relies on a specific user client called classicuo

to get this working for offline use with the nov 14 version

1. You need to download the server files from this resource and copy the folder our of it to c:\ i.e C:\Ultima-Adventures

2. Download classicuo client and extract it to a folder, make sure the folder is called "ClassicUO Launcher" and ensure it is exactly at this location C:\Ultima-Adventures\ClassicUO Launcher (there is a shortcut file inside the server folder C:\Ultima-Adventures called "ClassicUOLauncher.exe - Shortcut" that should show an icon image IF step 2 is correctly done and will be a blank file image if it is not working)

3. Run the "RunUo.exe" file inside C:\Ultima-Adventures (i get errors when running the RunUo Nodecay.exe) and wait for it to get to compile etc, the last thing it should say is that it is doing minute tasks or something similar

4. use the shortcut mentioned in stage 2 to run the classicuo client, you will need to set up a profile, and conveniently there is a screenshot inside the C:\Ultima-Adventures folder that shows you the correct settings at time of writing.

5. create an account by entering any username and password at the login screen and away you go, i checked with test1234 // test1234

ill be checking if i can get the nodecay exe working somehow as that sounds RAD and read you can still use razer with the classicuo client so if i can get that working ill post for any other's reading this

as a side note, from the short run around i have had so far this is an AMAZING setup, town was full of life and chatting citizens, plus the children really are very annoying
ill be checking if i can get the nodecay exe working somehow as that sounds RAD and read you can still use razer with the classicuo client so if i can get that working ill post for any other's reading this
Hi, I've been playing this privately with a friend or two for just over a week as well.

The regular .exe is capable of nodecay, you might have to change 'public static int decayrate()' in myserversettings to a '-1'. I actually never tested if there was decay without that set to -1.

I was wondering do you have the option to create 'story items' with your client? I'm hoping the reason I don't see them is the way I got my client working, I just used the Odyssey client with the map/art files and other client .mul files copied over.
Hi, I've been playing this privately with a friend or two for just over a week as well.

The regular .exe is capable of nodecay, you might have to change 'public static int decayrate()' in myserversettings to a '-1'. I actually never tested if there was decay without that set to -1.

I was wondering do you have the option to create 'story items' with your client? I'm hoping the reason I don't see them is the way I got my client working, I just used the Odyssey client with the map/art files and other client .mul files copied over.
Thanks for the reply :), from the comments in that file it seems your right and that the decay specific executable is to not have decay i think (might be misreading) but thanks for the pointer :)

ill happily test and let you know but i need a bit more info on what you mean by "story item", and its spawning,

currently im guessing you mean a quest item, or some similar thing like a book, or item given to you for a quest

do you mean, can i spawn these items useing admin commands, or do you mean, do they appear in normal play, i.e when doing a quest?
if this is about right can you give me a specific example, i.e a quest or named item and ill see what i can do to get it to work
There was talk earlier in this thread I believe of a new 'story item' system, this is it a little way down in this post:

In case that link isn't working it's post number 478 in this thread.

I get the impression there's supposed to be an option on the context sensitive menu when you single click on yourself.
It was one of the things that got me interested in using Adventures over Odyssey while reading this thread.

It's most likely that the download just hasn't been updated recently which is a shame because some of the new features do sound pretty cool.
There was talk earlier in this thread I believe of a new 'story item' system, this is it a little way down in this post:

In case that link isn't working it's post number 478 in this thread.

I get the impression there's supposed to be an option on the context sensitive menu when you single click on yourself.
It was one of the things that got me interested in using Adventures over Odyssey while reading this thread.

It's most likely that the download just hasn't been updated recently which is a shame because some of the new features do sound pretty cool.

So I tested with an owner account and as a player, both the accounts i have are less than 24 hours old though as i haven't had much chance to actually play yet and one was completely new, it might be a case of needing to be an older account than a few days etc but i doubt it

I cant see a story item context menu pop up, but that makes sense to me, the download has the date of November the 14th and that text post is in December so its likely only on the live server
Thanks for testing it at least.

By the way, if you're playing on your own you might want to change the luck formula so it's more similar to regular Odyssey. Obviously everyone is different but I was used to the levels of loot in Odyssey so was pretty bummed when I took down my first Balron only to be rewarded with a stale loaf of bread hehe.

It's in GetPlayerinfo.cs; search for : public static bool LuckyPlayer( int luck )
and below it, the LuckyKiller bool as well.
good shout :), just been messing around so far but having a blast with some friends with this now, EXCELLENT resource :)

thinking im going to keep a log of the how to and where to edit things for people trying to use this as ultima offline as i am :)

one thing ive noticed so far is that the server log gives you the names of the admin accounts for the gm runebook and you can copy paste them into the accounts file, then change there password to log into them, probably is not a real issue for the server but ive found it fun to check out the places they are standing in etc
Greetings all! i was away during the holidays - but back on now. We've just implemented the soulbound system, did lots of bug fixes over the holidays.... the soulbound system is really quite fun (item attributes and bonuses do not apply to soulbound characters).

Anyone who wants to join can message me, im back at my computer now.
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Thanks for testing it at least.

By the way, if you're playing on your own you might want to change the luck formula so it's more similar to regular Odyssey. Obviously everyone is different but I was used to the levels of loot in Odyssey so was pretty bummed when I took down my first Balron only to be rewarded with a stale loaf of bread hehe.

It's in GetPlayerinfo.cs; search for : public static bool LuckyPlayer( int luck )
and below it, the LuckyKiller bool as well.

You can mod the game any way you like obviously, but ive made some heavy changes to luck since the nov 14th package.

actually ive' completely revamped the loot system now - less items per kill, but the items you get have a higher chance of being better. I hate having to look through hordes of items when adventuring... there was just too much of it.
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For anyone playing offline: when i have the time to upload the next package, you will need to overwrite your save to get all the changes (and believe me there are lots). i don't support the offline package for offline play, its just a copy of the server which is where I and others play.

Also, we have a very active discord for adventures where you can ask questions etc. I would recommend trying the server so there's no need to worry about updating.
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the nov. 14th package is very much obsolete... just shifted through the discord changelog to see whats changed - there is more than i can write here. anyone is welcome to the discord to see the changes and improvements and new content added.
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I started fiddling with diminishing returns for a few of the attributes and stats in the game.

Problem: it was very easy to get a 70/70/70/70 suit as it was, with so many artefacts being thrown at the player's face. This caused a situation where players were quasi invincible - especially when you could get +100 Str and +100 HP bonus, etc.

A solution to this is to create hard cap (this is what is done in most if not all shards), where you cap, say, HP bonus at +50. That solution works, but isn't really useful, since anyhting over +50 cap would just go to waste and get ignored.

Instead, i came up with a diminishing returns algo which was applied to fame/karma/gold/taming in UA. This can also be applied to these stats, instead of hard caps.

For example, if a player has +100 bonus HP on his items, he might only get +60 HP as a bonus. If the player wants to get the full +100, he will need +200 or +250 HP bonus. Diminishing returns also makes kit VERY easy to increase a value at first, but gets progressively harder and harder as it goes up, making the process of maxing out an attribute much more of a challenge.

This is being put on the server now - getting a maxed out character using items will be much trickier and require more planning, making it more of a challenge.

Getting a fully decked out invincible char before was too easy
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heres an example of diminishing returns being applied to resistances:

12 resists on armor => 12 resists for player
28 resists on armor => 26 resists for player
55 resists on armor => 47 resists for player
73 resists on armor => 53 resists for player
100 resists on armor => 65 resists for player
120 resists on armor => 70 resists for player

see, at the 50 level there is very little reduction but to max out the resists you need to really focus on the resist you want
getting a +110 suit on all resists will be more of a challenge.
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Introducing: The SoulBound System - Permadeath gameplay with legacy progression.

A while ago a few of us were talking in the discord and we realized it might be interesting to play Adventures with permadeath. The idea was simple - when a char dies, he starts fresh as a new character, somewhere else. This really changes how you approach the world's dangers and gives a while new shot of adrenaline to the game.

Well, with the contribution from a few members of the discord, a few months later the system has developped into a full on permadeath system with a legacy element - allowing you to play the game with any AOS bonuses without the need for ANY items whatsoever. As your progress with your soulbound characters, the legacy elements allow you to improve your characters' souls, giving them AOS bonuses permanently.

So how does it work? Simple - when you start a new character, the greeter will introduce the concept:

Speak the words and more information will be given


I won't spoil the quest here, but once chosen, the new character will start on the server with a soulbound character

When you have completed the quest, the character will be able to accumulate soulforce, the thing that allows you to improve your character. Note that this is not easy to gain - and keep in mind that soulbound characters receive NO bonuses from items other than resistances. Armor does what it is meant to do, protect you and that's all. It doesn't allow you to see in the dark anymore.


The idea is simple, accumulate soulfource, improve your character. This is a very different gameplay from what most shards offer, and brings back the focus on character development instead of item collection and item-focused gameplay.

But all good things must come to an end, and your character will likely die


Don't worry... when you resurrect, you will appear in the world as a completely new character. The new character will come as one of many templates (thief, ninja, mage, tamer, etc) which includes starting skills and starting equipment. All skills/items are lost from that character, but soulforce transfers to the new character, hence the legacy progression element.

I hated the item-focused gameplay of AOS... with this new innovative system in place you can play any way you want, without the need for items.It's really fun!
just addeda new feature yesterday - when a player logs out, a clone of his character remains in the world. this clone can then train anyone else up to 80 skill for a cost, and half the cost goes to the logged out player. in other words, players can now make money while offline for skills they have gm'd.
Doesn't this already happen? I have copies of all the characters that ever logged in already hanging around on my copy, I always thought that was quite funny.
Agreed, i see all my signed out character's wondering around town, and can train from them already in the nov 14th release, but not sure if any cash actually goes to those players for it
No this is a new system i just added (they can only train to 42 before and no money went to the player)

It's a cool feature as it allows a player to make some money while offline. the clones were also tweaked as there were too many of them
Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - Community modded fork Ultima Odyssey with a new update entry:

Major update

Here is a copy of the latest server files and client. MAJOR changes and content added to this now, the result of work of many months and multiple people.

The client is now much easier to understand and use
diminishing return algos added to open up late game
harvesters, balance spikes
soulbound system

too many changes to list here, see changelog:
Jan 19
- PvE gauntlet is now active near clues moongate. simply double click on the gauntlet master. note: you cannot die when...

Read the rest of this update entry...
check you PMs friend
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I am now working on an invasion system that doesn't need any GM/admin intervention using the infected mobs system. Because infected kill and create new mobs of what they kill, i had to find a way to stop premiumspawners from re-spawning the mob (who would get killed by the infected right away, ad finitum). this appears to be working now!... infected will soon roam the lands.
Damn i got this to work i wanted my review to be 5/5 because this is simply amazing O_O But it doesnt let me fix review ;( I hope you guys know this is epic tho sorry for trouble ilu
Is there a way to remove the tombstones from spawning when someone dies? I can't find the script for this event.
just curious, why would you want to remove it?
anyways its in corpse.cs

As an update, i amm currently working on a fully automated invasion system that doesnt require any gm/admin interaction. the code is live on the server and who knows when/if it will start! the lands may start getting invaded soon.
Thank you, the main issue is that they are littering up all the land and if you click the body twice it spawns multiple gravestones. In dungeons, they were creating death barriers as well.

Love all the work you are doing though, I just die a lot!
Yeah i fixed the multiple stones on double click but it didn't make the offline package.

You should play on the server, friend. whatever you do there is forever kept in the save.
So @Finaltwist - I know you (graciously) reached out to me back when you started the UA project. I was wondering if you still had space? I'd like to give it a more fulsome try. No need to do what you did last time (basically recreate my character on UOdyssey) - I would want to start from new. I've downloaded the latest version of the client/server but am struggling with the install. Do I still need to download the original Odyssey client and copy files over, or is the latest downloadable version (which I now have) feature complete? TIA.
do not use/rely on the odyssey client, UA is entirely stand alone.
extract the package to c:\ and run classicuolauncher.exe

thats all.


ill message you the discord link too
You are logging in to the server my friend, i saw you trying last evening :)
That login only works when you play local (but why would you want to do that?)
You are logging in to the server my friend, i saw you trying last evening :)
That login only works when you play local (but why would you want to do that?)
Oh, was it multiplay here?
I thought it was single play.
Because I’m Korean, I’m not good at English. Understand me.
haha thats fine! login to the server (what you were doing before, but just create a new account/password).
you will join us on the server. I would be curious to know wha tyour ping is!
I'm really struggling to figure out how I'm meant to run this without prior knowledge. The included ultima odyssey file in documents is confusing and I'm not sure if I should be merging this with the odyssey files and using the clients in the download or in odyssey?

In your next update I would recommending putting a readme in the main directory that describes where to start and what each folder/file is for in a general sense.

Looking forward to getting it running and having a play with friends.
You know, its really easy, and many have asked this very question multiple times in this thread (i repeat this every week or so)

1. extract the UA package to c:\
2. run classicuolauncher.exe


what happens is people want to extract it in another directory and that screws all the paths that have to be manually updated. Other try to merge with odyssey and end up with rubberbanding/missing art. if you follow the above (which the resource explains) it will work.

this is another thing i also say quite often: the package is a copy of the server that is running - the server is updated daily with fixes/content and the package here is already obsolete. It's best to play on the server, you and your friends are welcome to do so.

i just created a fully automated invasion system and its live now on the server. player will have to fight it off or risk loosing entire cities.
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our discord is also quite active for questions/socializing too.
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Hey new to the project, just wanted to say loving it so far! Massive improvement over vanilla Odyssey :)

Have a couple question though if you don't mind! Seems that new Characters on my server start with 5000 gold? Been digging through server config files and can't seem to find an entry pertaining to this?

Any insight? :p Would like this to be set to 100 base, 5000 is overkill.

Also the default admin "Wizard" can't access or use admin commands?

With the above in mind, Is there a way to wipe the server and start fresh? Unless that is already the case with the posted files? Looking to just play solo or casually with a couple friends (provided I can convince them LOL).

Thanks again for all the hard work! I love that projects like this exist!
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Hey new to the project, just wanted to say loving it so far! Massive improvement over vanilla Odyssey :)

Have a couple question though if you don't mind! Seems that new Characters on my server start with 5000 gold? Been digging through server config files and can't seem to find an entry pertaining to this?

Any insight? :p Would like this to be set to 100 base, 5000 is overkill.

Also the default admin "Wizard" can't access or use admin commands?

With the above in mind, Is there a way to wipe the server and start fresh? Unless that is already the case with the posted files? Looking to just play solo or casually with a couple friends (provided I can convince them LOL).

Thanks again for all the hard work! I love that projects like this exist!
To clarify, the Wizard account can't access commands such as [buildworld for example :)

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thats because buildworld will break your server, and no sorry this isn't a resource meant to be played offline. You can of course, but it won't get any of the updates and new content as it builds up. I just run this and work on this for the server, thats what i enjoy - i don't have the time or resources and even know how to make it offline friendly.

my advice to you is to play odyssey if you want an offline experience. If you want to join the server, youre welcomed to. Everything you do there will forever be included in the package as its updated so youll never lose anything you do.

Also, you can "fork" this project and create your own project just like we did for odyssey if you don't agree with the direction taken. thats fine - but i won't be able to support you there - players on the server are already keeping me much too busy with bugs and issues - i barely have enough time to play myself.
thats because buildworld will break your server, and no sorry this isn't a resource meant to be played offline. You can of course, but it won't get any of the updates and new content as it builds up. I just run this and work on this for the server, thats what i enjoy - i don't have the time or resources and even know how to make it offline friendly.

my advice to you is to play odyssey if you want an offline experience. If you want to join the server, youre welcomed to. Everything you do there will forever be included in the package as its updated so youll never lose anything you do.

Also, you can "fork" this project and create your own project just like we did for odyssey if you don't agree with the direction taken. thats fine - but i won't be able to support you there - players on the server are already keeping me much too busy with bugs and issues - i barely have enough time to play myself.
Hey thanks for the reply!

So just so I'm clear :p There isn't anyway to remove play corpses/graves and or player structures (Ideally all at once lol)?

Its a shame if not, Ultima Adventures has some very clear advantages to the base Odyssey repo (IE killable town guards, expanded and improved map, etc..) that in my eyes make it vastly superior.

Anyway, thanks again!

Sorry for all the dumb questions :p
Hey there! Me again :p

I was curious if there was a way to enable itemdecay/corpses or tombstones in the latest release?


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