Hi Nexus - questions are fine, but if you want to start editing the package youll have to learn the scripts and what they do. enabling item decay isn't easy as it means changes to the exe. yeah - odyssey is best for offline use (djryv made it very user friendly). UA isn't meant to be played offline by yourself, its a social game
Hi all! This sounds like an amazing time for my husband and myself to just escape for a little while when we can. I'm looking forward to trying it, and I was wondering which version of UO works best with Adventures? This will be my first attempt at setting up a server for us, and my head is spinning. I hope it works! Thanks in advance.
As i asked in pm, and you redirected to forum
Is there any possibility to get vs studio acceptable sln project or something editable ? Using vs code without any func/type following is a hell :D
I'm trying to add some QoL things, right now have nice bug with locked resistances. To fix it imma switching between pure sln of servuo (latest, UA uses holy damn 4-5 expansions before) and Scripts directory files in vs code. It's driven me crazy.
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Abyssed, you have all the scripts, just build your own solution. Takes about 15 minutes. Add all the scripts, make a few references and Bob's your uncle.
Hello everyone!

I found this project after watching someone stream it on Twitch. I thought it would be fun to have my own little world to play on, especially one that is customized as well as this one. I put it on the c:/ drive as instructed, opened RunUo, and then opened the ClassicUOLauncher. I was able to input my local IP and set it up based on the JPG image provided (Using my local IP instead of the server IP), but when I try to connect, it tells me that the client is outdated. It then takes me to the ClassicUO homepage to download the new one. I assume this will not work, because it will just overwrite the custom stuff for this server? Is there a workaround or an updated version I need to download?

you made it on the server and the world is well now :)

welcome to UA :)
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As i asked in pm, and you redirected to forum
Is there any possibility to get vs studio acceptable sln project or something editable ? Using vs code without any func/type following is a hell :D
I'm trying to add some QoL things, right now have nice bug with locked resistances. To fix it imma switching between pure sln of servuo (latest, UA uses holy damn 4-5 expansions before) and Scripts directory files in vs code. It's driven me crazy.

Would relaly like to invite you on the server to help with the development of the game if you can code... why not play on the server, have your progress and character included in the future distros, and contribute to the development?

you have no idea how many bugs we've squashed since the last offline package... the list is HUGE. the offline package is basically outdated a few days after its released.

My first attempt was running RunUO.exe from the ultima-adventures directory. However, the default Wizard/admin admin account wouldn't work.
Did that by chance change for this project?

I then tried the steps at the very beginning of this thread, overwriting our Odyessey install. Are the steps at the beginning post still correct? Overwriting an Odyssey install?

Sorry for my confusion. Thank you
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the list is HUGE
Oh yes, oh yes. Just omg.
why not play on the server
Why i need to play on remote server if you present local one.

After years i'm opened UO for myself and it's like a charm, but with some not friendly shit. Now, i dont need to waste my time to up 100+ blacksmiting with annoying 15 min delay and chance ! Thats for example, which you cannot accept.

There is no need to fixing bugs. Only to take latest version of servuo, client which supports it, and create something new with similar/new ideas.
And maybe not on C# (im not a sharper) cause i dont think it's okay to handling 10+ mobs with whirlwind attack with such freezeee~ (mb not language related, dunno)
Ah, dats resists at 120 magic resist locks at 44... holy damn whos testing dis shit, lel.
Wow this is fantastic! I played Odyssey for a long time and look forward to exploring this to see the differences. I'm on a local server at the moment but one question I have is: is it possible to disable the world map gump somehow? For other players and for myself. I don't see where it could be in the Scripts. Or is this just a built-in part of the Classic UO client? Having everything shown to you kind of ruins exploration imo. Anyways I look forward to trying out the live server soon.
Ah, dats resists at 120 magic resist locks at 44... holy damn whos testing dis shit, lel.

The way the minimum resistance value is calculated is as follows:
Below 40 Resist, your minimum resistance is 0.
Between 40 and 100, your minimum resistance value is (Skill * 10) – 400) / 15. Above 100 skill, your minimum resistance value is (Skill + 100) / 5.

Skill Minimum Resist
40.0 and below 0
55.0 10
70.0 20
85.0 30
100.0 (GM) 40
110.0 (Elder) 42
120.0 (Legendary) 44

That is UO standard POST AoS i dunno where you gt the idea it would be different?
a change was added to the server code whereby most stats go through a diminishing marginal returns algo. this meaks it easy to reach lower levels, but incredibly hard to reach high levels of anything. resists were added to that.
e.g. if you add 45 physical resists in armor, youll get 40. if you add another 45 to that, you will be 60-63 resists.

this makes getting an all 70's suit increbidly challenging, making it more fun in late game. this is applied to a bunch of stats now and is well received. getting an all 70's suit is incredibly rare now.

BTW the infected tried to invade the lands in the server, took over cimmeran hold and fawn before the players were able to stop it in its tracks. went really well. Lots of AI changes made, balancing tweaks, and i swear ive been fixing exploits and bugs nonstop for the last 2 months now, about half were odyssey code.

I won't have an offline package ready for some time, a player is working on a new guild-city in lodoria, so im going to wait until hes done before packaging the server.

one of the changes made was to make actually playing the game more rewarding... for example, you can gain provocation if a mob you provoke kills another mob, or you can gain MORE crafting skill by running a shoppe, or you can gain taming by training a pet to a higher level, etc etc. also, skillgain for certain skills is quicker in dungeons, etc. quality of life changes
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I was curious a long time ago I reviewed the code for harpooooons, I dont recall exactly but can you tell me mr.twist, does it work properly. I looked at it again late last night. My friends and I are prolly coming to join you all. ... the code for the damage gain ect. Off the fishing skill. It shows up to a 10 point gain I think. Is this correct. Gm or better Fisher 10 pts? Now I could be mistaken, I think all the things like this can give 10 point max. Thank you for your time and consideration as always. God bless UO, God bless UO ADVENTURES!!!

在Server.Network.PacketHandlers.UseReq(NetState状态,PacketReader pvSrc)
在Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
在Server.Core.Main(String [] args)


  • ContainerFunctions.cs
    127.2 KB · Views: 1
  • HoardPile.cs
    12.2 KB · Views: 1
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I like this adventure very much, but my English is not good, can only play offline with friends, but double-click to pick up the treasure, there is a mistake

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its in the code item.cs (utilities/runuo 2.2)
i have the original one, but there have been changes to core since then so you couldn't just use that.
Well the server has been keeping me so busy i haven't had a chance to update the package in a while. i realize i am due to do that soon tho.

As an update, there have been over 50 bugs fixes since last release, new systems added, a player is busy adding the jedi, another is making really cool map changes to lodoria. we've tested the invasion system (fully automated) and it works quite well (and its fun!). the game is really evolving.

Next update will require a save overwrite, as usual. I'll try and post changelog for now
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Changelog of changes made in the server since the last package was released

March 27 2021
- Fixed a major issue with taming values around the world. all mobs had incorrect taming vlaues and insane stats as some code was reverted back in december. All taming vlaues for mobs has been fixed, and animals are much closer to what they should be now. elite aninals are still possible, but they won't be as crazy as before
- who here is tired of having to tame a gazillion animals to train taming? Well, i finally found a solution! Tamers will now be able to gain taming skill by levelling their pets! This will be a simple system: when a pet goes from one level to the next, the tamer will receive a taming "check" depending on the level of the pet. for example: if a tamer raises a mammoth from level 9 to level 10, it will be the same as having tamed 10 mammoths (there will be 10 checks of taming a mammoth). this should vastly improve skillgain experience, and encourage players to focus on one pet, instead of this dumb OSI system we have now. Theoretically, a tamer can now gm taming with just a few animals (bringing them up to level 50 means the quivalent of taming 50 of that pet). Just to explain the math for training pets and taming gains: everytime you pet goes up a level, it's the equivalent of taming a number of mobs equal to the level. So if you train a pet from lvl 1 to 10, it's the equivalent of taming 55 of that mob. If you can train a pet to lvl 30, it's the equivalent of taming 465 of that mob
- new recipes added to alchemy (including transmutations!) and inscription.
- to make it less about macroing and more about playing, skillgains in dungeons now have been dramatically increased. this only applies to dungeons, and hopefully no one exploits this by fidning a way to macro in a dungeon without any risk. this is meant for players actually playing the game so they don't have to rely on macroing in a house just to gain skill. skillgain bonus will range from 0 to 100% bonus, based on dungeon difficulty and type of skil
- changes to how harvesters work, including copper will now make harvesters run 50% longer (make harvesters more efficient)
- Persons pledged to good will no longer be able to steal from shopkeeper's coffers, and steal from positive karma mobs
- notice to all, timers were very slow to respawn mobs in dungeons (could take a hole hour before), and most mobs were just one mob here and there. I iwll be making changes to completely randomize spawn times (from 15seconds to 30 minutes) for dungeons, and will be making the amount of mon spawned in dungeon vary from 1 to 1-4. dungeons will now be much trickier and should be more challenging
- coded in a fix where bandage speed was not displaying properly in info gump
- The random encounter engine spawning the reds and blues was added over a year ago and a placeholder file was used for the spawns and encounters. I'll be adding a few more encounters over the next few days, based on map and land... so don't be surprised if you encounter a group of blues fighting a group of reds, guards patrolling sosaria, praetor patrolling darkmoor, lizardmen hunting parties in serpent isles, etx
- weed elementals now have a chance of dropping pipeweed seeds
- A new invasion system has been added to the server!! This system is 100% automated, and when /if it happens is completely random (it should happen every 60 days or so). The only hint i am giving is that the invasion has to do with infected, and the town crier will let you know one day if he has news of infected. IF he does, that means the invasion has begun, and it will ramp up gradually if no one pushes it back you can ask the town crier about "infected" to see if there are any and where they are. There is a minor boss who is spreading the infection (kill it to help fight the invasion!) and a major boss behind the entire event
- reducing the sound made by story items by 50%, this was annoying some players
- Soulforce values required to update soulbound vault has been reduced dramatically. its now easier to play soulbound
- Next restart, you will not be able to bribe for kills to be removed. Say "bribe", "kills" or "murders" to Xardock in his castle. 10k per kill
- magic hammer crash has been fixed, effective next restart
- item limit in backpacks has beenn lowered to 250 max items... after some tests (thanks @Razorspined ), too many items in packs was found to be the source of the playerdeath/corpse loot lag. the more items, the longer the lag
- the Auto res gump will now take 30 seconds to appear, and autores will only be usable every hour. this is to prevent players under 125 stats to take advantage of the feature.
- Players will now be able to train from clones (offline version of players) even if they are red.
- stuck bug in underworld fixed
- animal brokers will now award fame for exceptional pets sold to him
- mages will now no longer maxheal before dying automatically. there will be a max of 250hp healed. this was an issue where mobs with large amounts of health were insta-healing right before dying.
- honorae and praetors will now check if their assailant is hidden when doing their life drain
- Animals will no longer spawn with gold (bears, birds, elephants, jaguars, etc)
- fixed a bug where a player would automatically mount after exiting a nomount region when under transformation spell
- Breeding: babies will BEGIN with the stats of either parent. so if you train both parents with high resists or str, the baby will be born with the same resists. this allows for much more complex and elite animals to be bred as the baby will start with enhanced stats. over multiple generations this can mean extremely powerful pets. this also applies to resists
- changed how the animal broker prices pets who have a level grater than 1 (trained pets). this will make it much more profitable to train pets as a means to make gold.. revised this further considering the amount of work needed to train a pet... @lvl 5, pet is worth 4x base price, @lvl10, 7x, @ lvl 30, 18x, @ lvl 50, 27x. the idea is to make untrained pets worth a bit less, but training them makes them worth much more than untrained
- red murderers have now taken to moving about the lands in packs of 2 to 6! They are now a force to be reckoned with!
- Guards have now been ordered by their royal highnesses to collect any gold of foes they take down to be used towards the royal treasury
- increased gold drops for champspawn champs
- made changes to some championspawns difficulty
- made changes to delay for certain mage mobs
- fixed exploit where someone could use the moongate gump even when not near a moongate
- faixed issue where wraith form caused spawn mobs to spawn
- did some general improvements to certain magery mobs (AI).
- anyone will be able to mount cu sidhes. however, they will now lose loyalty (get hungry) when healing
- tombstones will now show how long soulbound characters lived for
- barding difficulty has been completely revamped this is now dynamic and based on the mobs power and fame
- fixed issue where magic scissors would crash server if the person did not target an item (e.g. targetting the ground or such)
- changed provocation so that you will get additional "checks" against the skill (chances to gain) whenever a provoked creature kills another. the fame of the creature that dies will determine how many checks are made. e.g. if you provoke a creature to another, and the other dies, you can get up to 10x attempts to gain skill. this will help gaining the skill whle playing the game. and speed up gains while playing
- you can now gain poisoning skill by drinking poison above your level
- herding will now provide additional bonus to a pet's earnt exp for levelling up to 25% at 125 skill
- fixed issue where travel penalty/death penalty were not applied correctly
- fixed blackrock gate issue, will now work
- fixed issue with brave adventurers bulletin board where reward is 0 - will now default to 1, allowing player to cancel quest by dropping 1 gp on the board
- fixed issues with doom gauntlet (made doom vendor invulnerable)
- you can no longer drop tombstones in bones - if they are in the way, please take some time to move them to the side into a cemetery area
- a certain invasion mob will now have a chance of dropping special widow morphing armor when killed
- added some lore, written by players
- Legendary items will now be able to go to level 200.
- Shoppes will now be usable by players with kills (reds)
- Shoppes will now give you MUCH MORE chances to gain skill, based on new orders filled. When an order is filled, the system will give you a skillcheck (chance of gain) based on the difficulty of the order. min difficulty will do 1 skillcheck, max difficulty will do 12 skillchecks (per order). this should really help players gain crafting skills by actually crafting instead of simply macroing.. I am also okay increasing the frequency of checks even more if its still very slow. FYI: was 2 skillchecks per order before (irrespective of difficulty)
- Finally found, with some sleuthing around, the reason for the bugged hellhounds (thanks to @Sygun for his help). Putting out a fix for this next restart as it affected all canines
- coming out of the hellhound fix, ive noticed that many mobs do not have the correct skills based on their AI (for example, a mage AI mob might not have magery skill). will be fixing this, which will make mobs more efficient in dispatching helpless adventurers
- double shot will now be usable while not mounted
- Blue guards will now no longer try to resurrect reds/killers or evil characters
- Hunger/thirst will now no longer decrease when dead
- Children will no longer follow ghosts
- lowered breath damage for some of the legacy mobs who had insane stats (breath damage would one-hit kill at 200+hit). breath damage will now scale with diminishing returns with a max of 200hp (pre-resists)
- made some changes to champs in chamspawns, powerscroll drops will now no longer de dependent on region or area. instead, if a guard hits a champ, the champ will have its powerscroll drops reduced
- I did a deep dive today and found that Odyssey had the murder count timer set at 40 hours of game time (!!!). I am reducing this to 8 hours. Short term murder counts reduced from 8 hours to 3 hours
- Turning red will not only happen when you accumulate 2 kills
- Guide to adventure edited and fixed to show no skill limit
- Tweaks to kills and murders: guards will not attack if you have 1 murder. they will attack if you have 2. reds will not attack if you have 2 or more, town heralds won't attack if you have 1
- Infected have been tweaked - they no longer freeze as often/as long, but now have a few other tricks up their sleeves
- The invasion is now part of the world, and i thought i would put some info about it here. the invasion has 3 stages, the entire thing is fully automated (gms need do nothing). there is something spreading the invasion around the lands. invasion stages can be reduced by killing the spreader, or killing mass amounts of infected. the type of mobs will give a hint where you can find the invasion boss. killing the invasion boss completely stops the invasion (until it starts again in a few months).. Rewards: a special set of morphing armor may spawn that allows your vanquished foes to rise again and fight for you. The boss is the only way to get the final piece of the armor
- soulbound starting armor (when a new soulbound template is created) will have basic resists, hopefully negating the need to go out and purchase or obtain a new set of armor. Each template (bard, warrior, ninja, etc) will have its own set of resists.
- Applying nerf hammer to breath damage
- coded in a fix for dungeon puzzle boxes: you should now be able to steal them with the stealing skill if your skill is over 85
- opitimizations made to corpse creation
- fixed crash where npc/basecreature tried to enter skullgate
- added a book near the balance pillar in the bank explaining a bit about the balance mechanics
- mammoths now have a small chance to anger on tame (10%)
- fixed bug where grey souldbound would still be grey on resurrect
- made some tweaks to SB templates... many only had 1 skill, no armor, etc.. also SB chars didn't respawn with full thirst/hunger
- soulbound will not have to spend 3-5 minutes in ghost form before being able to resurrect into a new body
- fixed issue with stabled pets and soulbounds, where mounts would appear in the next incarnation from the last
- Illusionist stones in lodor changed from 500gp to 5000 gp because: goldsink
- Any homes placed for more than 24 hours will now have a chance of losing 10% of the cost of the home on demolish/relinquishing of the home, smaller chance of a 5% loss, smaller chance of a 5% GAIN, and even smaller chance of a 10% GAIN. this will make selling a home a bit more random, and allow for goldsink. this wont affect player to player transactions
- Fixed a major bug with the tamer vendor in the glade: all mobs sold defaulted at 29.1 control skill required, which is an obvious bug for mobs like dragons and Hyrius. After some deliberation, the following changes were made:. glade tame vendor will now sell creatures with HALF the control skill required. If a creature would normally have 100 control required, the vendor will sell the creature with 50 control. Because of this, the prices have been adjusted to reflect this. all tames previously sold by the glad will retain their 29.1 control required. you will also require 60 minimum taming/lore to buy certain mobs from the tamer vendor
- changed the max attributes you can train a pet to (more resists possible, more hits, etc). increased the gains possible from training a pet when it goes up a level. (is now 1-3 times the pet level - so a pet going to level 12 could mean up to 36 checks of the skill ). actually, just upped this to 1-4 times... training a pet should really help gain skill now, especially levels 10+
- harpoons will now require ingots instead of boards to craft
- Cusidhes added to the spawn in darkmoor
- Pet control skill now has a chance to lower when a pet is trained up a level. so its now possible for a trained pet to have a much lower minimum skill required. The more a pet is trained, the more docile it becomes.
- Shards of the Balance! These shards can be obtained from the time lord for 5000 balance influence, and will allow the holder to drop a portal which will summon forces from his side of the balance to help fight foes, or keep an area secure. The portals will be weak at first, but grow in power with time the longer they are placed. The longer they are placed, the harder they will be to destroy. This will solidify PvM area control mechanics. they can be placed anywhere, and destroyed by players who have pledged to the opposing side of the balance.. restricted players are not pledged, and therefore cannot destroy a portal. however they can weaken it. Unrestricted players who have pledged may destroy portals, and receive between 1000-5000 balance points for destroying an opposing portal
- since portals were briefly tried, many questions asked and feedback given. I've made some important changes to the portals: 1. only players or their tames or their summons will be able to attack the portal itself. 2. non pledged players/tames will only make 10% damage to the portal itself. 3. if a non pledged player is still able to bring the portal to 0 hits, the portal will simply reset to its basic strength. 4. is a non pledged player does (3), the portal will not respawn a new mob for a few hours
- you can now ask the timelord "buy" to see what he has to trade
- the auto-res gump will now only show 35 seconds after death to allow for res-orbs
- a pet's breath damage will now only affect its master based on loyalty. low loyalty pet means breath will damage you more, high loyalty pet, breath will only rarely have a chance to hit you. applied this to other pets controled by the owner as well
- wooden armor fixed, thanks @GreenLoaf the Smoking
- corpses from players will not be lootable by other players for 10 minutes after death
- added new system which will allow players to catch thiefs. Any player who steals an item from another player will have an internal flag set, ANY player can then double click on the thief to "catch" him. a player who catches a thief will see the entire thief's backpack for 3-5 seconds and will be able to take anything from the thiefs pack. Once the 3-5 seconds runs out, the thief will no longer be "catchable". IF a thief does not wish to be caught, he can escape to a thief vendor in the thieves guild and "tithe". doing so will reset the internal flag.. thiefs can steal anything from another player's pack. this mechanic however will allow victims to catch the thief and get their items back without the need for pvp. a skilled thief should therefore try to stay in the shadows, and certainly not get caught, as the consequences can be dire!. Just so everyone knows, when a player is flagged from having stolen an item, ANYONE can catch the thief afterwards, until the thief resets the flag thiefs looking for help to erase their missdeeds with the thief guildmaster will only be able to do so once every 24 hours
- just fixed an issue with the rate of return on the balance and investment bag, the math favored the good bags most of the time due to a small error in one of the equations. rates of returns will now be more accurate and represent returns based on the change in the balance
- fixed issue where champion couldn't challenge another champion via glove duel
- fixed balance points being issued incorrectly when destroying a portal
- In the spirit of Easter - the [Tame] vendor will be retailing a new selection of eggs! There are currently 5 types of egg and each one contains a mystery pet including a few very rare pets. Eggs are difficult to hatch, so you will have to seek out lost wisdom and strange and powerful artifacts to hatch them. Naturally, you will need a vet to help with the delivery of your new baby and these services don't come cheap - but with enough veterinary skill you can help out with the birth and receive up to 50% of the vet costs back. The pets come bonded and have reduced control costs, but if you do hatch something beyond your control skill then fear not, they will still follow you so you can hitch/stable them or sell them to the broker/another player. If you have any suggestions for more eggs/pets, or encounter any issues - please let me know.
- fixed animal broker so that him dying wont crash the server (gopefully)
- gave all vendors some basic self defence skills
- ive made some changes to the code in certain system in the server to see if any of it helps with lag, etc. removed dumb captcha, removed useless code in the core .exe, removed instance corpses code (we don't have any of that)
- golem manual fix, made it so arcane gems add the correct amount
- Pets that are grey/attacking a player should no longer be attacking player once tamed. added an algo to check and make sure barding provoke ends when its supposed to. lowered the loyalty penalty for a pet not listening to a master from 5 to 3. added an algo to check if a tamed pet is attacking its master
- lowering the loyalty loss for pets who can heal themselves (less loyalty loss now)
- Put in a bandage patch for a mysterious issue where pets would go grey for no apparent reason
- Hopefully fixed dungeon pedestals where players used stealing skill on them (players with over 85 stealing should be able to steal the pedestals instead of doing the puzzle)
- Tames' control slots will be dynamic, based on the creature stats: up to now, controlslot requirements have been set by the creatures' script, which is a completely arbitrary value (someone just went "uh.. i think this creature should be this many control slots, because no reason!"). This made sense in some cases, and no sense in others. going forward, control slot requirement will be based on the creatures' stats - meaning low power tames will all be 1 control slot, and really powerful tames will be up to 6 control slots. this way, its possible that a regular tame might be 2 control slots, but an elite version of that mob might be 3 control slots.. Bottom line: low power Thames will be low control slots: powerful pets will be higher control slots. Example: nightmare 1slot, paragon nightmare 3 slots
- unrestricted players: penalty for death (skill) reduced from a range of .1 - 1.0 to a range of 0.1 - 0.6. this means less loss on death
- fixed a bug with moving crates that allowed you to use them when not in a home
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Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - Community modded fork Ultima Odyssey with a new update entry:

Ultima Adventures 1.08 is out - massive content/bug/balance changes

Another major update... lots has happened in UA over the last 3 months. Major changes to taming/tames to make taming more dynamic and fun, major changes to how skills are gained (to make it easier to gain while playing instead of just having to macro), automated invasion has been tested (the town of fawn was lost, but saved by players).

Lots of new content in the way, the jedi are being added and new player city (like sarth) being added in lodoria. this will likely make it in the next...

Read the rest of this update entry...
this is amazing TY...i have just recently bought a server n would like to use ur work with a tier'd system im creating......it wont fit on ur map i dont think because it brings a ton of changes to settings/items/monsters/stats..and really only i know n understand the system in my head :( ( and if your like me...giving another player balance control can be an issue hahaha )..but i will release it to the public when done in 2-3 months...but im alrdy reworking the tiers into sosaria so maybe 30 days ill actually open the server live while i finish rest of the worlds...ive basically used everything djervy and you n prevs devs have done to the map...
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i am also making seperate folders of my tier changes of items/monsters so when it does go public ppl can pick n choose their own options settings n can decide if tier'd system is for their map
this is amazing TY...i have just recently bought a server n would like to use ur work with a tier'd system im creating......it wont fit on ur map i dont think because it brings a ton of changes to settings/items/monsters/stats..and really only i know n understand the system in my head :( ( and if your like me...giving another player balance control can be an issue hahaha )..but i will release it to the public when done in 2-3 months...but im alrdy reworking the tiers into sosaria so maybe 30 days ill actually open the server live while i finish rest of the worlds...ive basically used everything djervy and you n prevs devs have done to the map...
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i am also making seperate folders of my tier changes of items/monsters so when it does go public ppl can pick n choose their own options settings n can decide if tier'd system is for their map

Let's talk! What do you mean by tiered system? What does it do?? Pm me if you want, if it works for UA we can arrange git access etc. :)
i went over alot of your new release n ive actually decided to not use your fork :(,,,it has alot of kool things but alot of broken aspects like diminishing returns on too much( i can give a compelte list of thigns i didnot like and did if u like)but enough wasnt liked i pretty much have to use djervys map......my tier system is balanced with endless progression for a dev to continue onward without having to control a players magical properties. one of my biggest concerns is ur deed system u implamented for BoDs...it breaks everything....players can break past monsters too easily with it n very little effort with macroing crafting. so u had to create a diminishing return script...but u only slowed the process down it doesnt fix it :(.....so i ahve created a tier'd system that covers every aspect of balance////creatures/items/magic/deeds/artifacts...its all being reworked from tier o djeryv's work then tier1+ my work.so im not changing ne aspects of djeryv's map im only making it better.....i do plan to add a few github scripts u got like invasion but. there is no stat cap via magical properties for my server and it still 100% balanced. the problem with ur BoD system is that u only have 1 tier of deed so ur stuck using a scalar 1-20 points blah blah w/e.....that will screw u end game like it has.instead i took away deeds from crafters (cause all players can have all skills) and made them spawn off tier'd monsters.....but the trick was setting caps n max's for deeds.....here is an example
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example=hitfireball deed........say u find a tier1 hit fireball deed it will add +1hitefireball to an item...now a player would think shit i find 100 of these im golden....but a tier 5 hitfireball will give +5...but that still isnt the trick...the trick to balance is max's n caps like i mentioned earlier....so for instance a tier'd deed 1-5 will give +1to +5% depending on the tier'd deed u using....but tiers 1-5 deeds only give max 25%...thats the trick...so if a player wanted to deed in more hitfireball% he would have to find deeds tier 6-10(which drop off tier 6-10 monsters) and tier 6-10 deeds would give the same 1-5% per tier type 6-10 BUT..it raises the max cap to be applied to 50% hitfireball...so u c a player would have to be in tier 20+ to max 100% a certain deed. thus i have controled n balanced his progression with the rest of the tier system
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its too much to explain in one sitting hahahahahahha
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my server will also have no rules for the most part....pvp happens its ultima :)
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i cant script like you n green but i can balance stuff very well from DMing DnD since i was a little boy :)
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cool cool, we forked form odyssey as well - your system sounds like a "level" system (level 10 player, etc)? I think thats what you mean by tier?
Well good luck with that my friend, i look forward to seeing what you end up doing. I don't understand the 3 star review... kind of a low blow isn't it?

As an aside, JEDI have been added to the UA Server! Huzzah!
my review is based off player experience and examing the script as a new moderator...was only being honest of whats there....and honestly the major issue is diminishing returns....but i notice in ur 1.08 update u added diminishing returns to armor resists but u upgraded custom ores resists? it seems u r working against urself and more n more each new update is being added to diminishing returns....now players sdi/wdi r now having diminishing returns aswell and breath reductions? have u thought maybe ur stat system n mobs u r using r unbalanced for each other? yet u take from the player rather then upgrade monsters......for that i gave a 3 star if not i would have given more because u guys have put alot of good work into the map..there r few kinor problems that can be looked past but diniminishing returns should have NEVER even been an option..but thats my opninion and 3/5 stars is decent just not amazing :(...P.S. if Diminishing returns is changed ever i will reveiw my 3 star rating...but till then....i cant give more stars in knowing the players are being dinimished for playing...even if you trick the player n code it to say 60 n not 200hp n still give 60hp rather then 200 then that works...but u cant have an item show 200 hp gain n a player only see's a 60hp change. he gonna know somethings up n lose interest cause numbers aint even adding up right in his gear.
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the server balancing has happened over months, and believe me it works. if you don't like a system i fully respect that. everyone has different playstyles. Im doing this for the UA server, nothing forces you to play it, and in fact i release everything i code and make it public so people like you can take it and do what you want with it.

Your rating doesn't mean much as you have not played the server at all, met the community and tried the issues on the server, thats why i think its a bit off-handed. anyways.. have fun buddy.
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i have actually about 24 hrs into the game ( your server) and i played and coded original Dawn pre Odyssey when it was first released to the public and i know whats standard n what u have changed....i donot wish to use your code but ty for the offer.....my reveiw was spot on for my opinion and im not the only one obviously....im prolly the only one to start saying something about it.you have accused me of knowing nothing n not even being on your server....atleast all my accusations was true facts. anyways goodluck wish u the best but dont think my review isnt solid.
if you played for 24 hours i don't think you really got a chance to test how the diminishing returns affected balance my friend. It scales to make late game more of a challenge. The problem we were having was that after a month of playing some powergamers were god-like, where they had fully maxed suit, did 200+ damage, had the best pets around, etc.

The dynamic algo fixed this situation on the server, and has been tested for 4 months now (with many late game players on). it really works for late game.

Ill say it again, im happy more people are modding odyssey and look forward to what you will do.
the reason for godlike players was due mainly to the BoD reward system u added alot of power to players and gave nothing to the monsters. try to amp up monsters to balance in accordance to players using deeds...if ur gonna keep the deed system u have no choice but to amp up or take from players. and taking from the player isnt true balance just a temporary fix.......i think ur server is very kool n neat and it would truly be amazing if u didnt restrict the player n let him get strong n adapt the creatures to ur deed system( also if a crafter life can get deeds shouldnt the adventurers life too?) and if u do that ur rlly gonna need monster amps.i had 1 item that gave 200 hp when i was working ur code...it gave me 61hp thats pretty bad considering my guy had no other items. 200hp in a peice of gear isnt alot for oddysey considering their r drops with 100hp on them (if u know of them) even a max of 10 hp on 1 item is 160+ hp due to 16+ equipment slots.so just by maxing my gear withonly 10 hp each im being penalized b4 i even hit my cap. its really unkool!
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ive also done EVERY aspect of the game as far as content is concern'd for odyssey....so within 24 hrs i got a good idea of what was wrong with the server. also i spent a good week b4 i even jumped on the server trying to rework ur map to c if it would fit with my theme...almost but 1.08 broke it :(
so i understood alot of ur game/code b4 i even started playing......if u fix that damn diminishing returns ur golden....im only a small voice of player playstyles...u alrdy have a strong community.keep it up...most are happy with what it is :)
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i put you on ignore jae, i wish you the best personally. we're all entitled to have our own opinions.

that being said, a player managed to bring infected dragons to britain and infected the city last evening! :D :D
a new player joined and got instantly zombified, and other players came to help. fun adventures!
Angrily bashing my keyboard all over these forums!!!

I am not immune to bitching about things, but you have been here for a short time and every single post you made (except for 2 of them) have been highly combative. I get that the rating system is meant as a free speech area of personal opinion as well...so I guess I will exercise that myself here. First of all, your posts have really poor grammar which leads me to believe you are not from an English speaking country, and that perhaps there may be cultural difference amongst us that each other isn't fully aware of which could cause a misunderstanding on human interactions and what is appropriate and what is not.

You obviously came here because you played Odyssey at some point and wanted a little more in the game so you turned to Ultima Adventures for that extra content. You are basically looking for a fully fleshed out world where 98% of the work is already done for you so you can then add your custom systems. Apparently you dove into the code and didn't like what you saw. Ok. The appropriate action could have perhaps been that you simply move onto something else. That you would have thought to yourself, "hmmm...this isn't going to work so I will try another route". Instead you went our of your way to publicly vent about how this game sucks because you are not familiar enough with coding to bend it to your will. You brag about how great you are with game balance. Then create a UO game that incorporates your skills and vision into a well balanced game...because I can guarantee you will not find this perfection of balance with either Odyssey or Adventures. The reason is simple. Nobody in UO (official or freeshards) have yet to achieve this magical land of complete balance. It is hard enough in single players games, and nearly impossible for a skill based system like UO since you don't have character classes to narrow the focus.

I know Odyssey isn't balanced...but I did the best that I could. I don't know what Adventures added to the game or how balanced it is or isn't...but none of that ultimately matters. What I think matters is that people playing either of these 2 games are having fun with it. So instead of complaining about everything here at the forums, how about offering your own ideas, scripts, and worlds for something you think is worthwhile?
ive actually been here for quite some time since u was calling it dawn...and u donot give urself enough credit djervy oddyssey itself is great...but UA has twisted itself since it first came out. and with recent updates..as diminishing returns isnt something old...its something the old community has to deal with now...and i made sure since i did rework his code...they knew about it. i found UA to be a knockoff (downgrade) from what u originally created djervy. and im not comparing UA to oddyssey.( but he does use the map )...his new update changes is what has started to destroy the server.my server uses one of your original odyssey maps....have no itnention of using twisteds stuff...friend of mine who plays his server asked me to use it for my server..i gave it a try found all the flaws i thought the community should know...and now im moving on to my project....but wouldnt i be a jerk if i didnt tell ppl about diminishing returns?
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if there are better options/.......ppl wont know if ppl like me dont say something.and my posts are great for the new moderator thinking of using twwistds map...now he knows kinda what to expect. and what he is getting himself into b4 he attempts it. i thoguht thats what these forums were for? i gave his map 3/5 stars thats a decent game...but the more he takes from players more others r gonna feel same way...diminishing returns is new...watch them all jump off when they start seeing it.
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ive actually been here for quite some time since u was calling it dawn...and u donot give urself enough credit djervy oddyssey itself is great...but UA has twisted itself since it first came out. and with recent updates..as diminishing returns isnt something old...its something the old community has to deal with now...and i made sure since i did rework his code...they knew about it. i found UA to be a knockoff (downgrade) from what u originally created djervy. and im not comparing UA to oddyssey.( but he does use the map )...his new update changes is what has started to destroy the server.my server uses one of your original odyssey maps....have no itnention of using twisteds stuff...friend of mine who plays his server asked me to use it for my server..i gave it a try found all the flaws i thought the community should know...and now im moving on to my project....but wouldnt i be a jerk if i didnt tell ppl about diminishing returns?
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if there are better options/.......ppl wont know if ppl like me dont say something.and my posts are great for the new moderator thinking of using twwistds map...now he knows kinda what to expect. and what he is getting himself into b4 he attempts it. i thoguht thats what these forums were for? i gave his map 3/5 stars thats a decent game...but the more he takes from players more others r gonna feel same way...diminishing returns is new...watch them all jump off when they start seeing it.
Actually, you could have simply started a new thread and explained you were forking the codebase (you pick which one) to create a new version that incorporates features x,y and z and that these features are different than what the original codebase implements.

Look, I use the Odyssey codebase and have made a few minor changes to suit my single player gaming. No biggie. I don't play on Twisted's shard or codebase because his changes are intended to incorporate more multiplayer elements that simply do not work in my limited single player playstyle. I may not agree with how he implemented those on his server but I'd never call him out as doing it wrong. Its his project and he is fully entitled to make whatever changes to whatever system he wants. If his players are having fun, well, that's all that counts.

So go branch the code, make your version and promote it. Don't just come here just to point out things you don't like. That serves no one.
but wouldnt i be a jerk if i didnt tell ppl about diminishing returns? if there are better options/.......ppl wont know if ppl like me dont say something.
Fair enough...and you wouldn't be a jerk if you didn't say anything. It is just your presentation can be seen as rude and relentless (and not just this thread either). You describe diminishing returns...and I will confess that I sorta get it, but I also saw these elements in a patch note here. Maybe Adventures messed up on a change here or maybe it was intentional. It was your primary focus though. Your review covers this one topic (minus the copy and past rant from another review to tack on). So was everything with this game great except for this one element that bothered you? Someone commented that Odyssey wasn't good but Adventures was great because they could kill the guards. This single statement leads me to believe that the only thing that person deems important is guard killing. Did they think that the rest of Odyssey was great but the fact I didn't let them kill guards make it a crappy game? I don't know. They saw it as a flaw but it was an intentional design decision on my part. You had an opportunity to get involved in the Adventures community and perhaps help with this issue if it is truly seen as an issue with the majority...but that ship has saled on both sides.
Djeryv, just want to nod to you and your work. odyssey has been what made learning c# fun, and i swear it kept me sane during the covid lockdown we had here where i live. thanks for that!
his changes are intended to incorporate more multiplayer elements that simply do not work in my limited single player playstyle.
This is actually a good and simple articulation of the differences. Odyssey assumes a single player game with maybe a couple of others like a open world Baldur's Gate type experience. Adventures is putting the MMORPG back into it with their ideas and systems...and the fact they run a public server.
Djeryv, just want to nod to you and your work. odyssey has been what made learning c# fun, and i swear it kept me sane during the covid lockdown we had here where i live. thanks for that!
No kidding on the lockdowns. Those first 2 months were horrible but I went back to work after that. During those two months is when I redecorated all of the cities because I was sooooo bored.
So go branch the code, make your version and promote it. Don't just come here just to point out things you don't like. That serves no one.

Aye, I make everything i do available to anyone. It wouldn't be fair for me to have taken Odyssey's code, made a few changes, and kept it to myself. Everything ive done is available for people to look at, take and change if they want to. The harvesters system for example - allows for area control and resource gathering while offline. Hopefully someone one day finds it useful and makes it better.

I just don't have the time to package everything individually, so its a big package that anyone can dissect.
my scripts n world will be made public soon...i think UA is a decent game but i donot feel as if diminishing returns is good...(mainly i have friends that play UA n feel like defending them idk) but i will say going through ur code twisted i have used some of it to forge my server so TY....if i seem combative i apologize...i feel strongly that players shouldnt be taken from n its your way of doing things not mine, if u ever need a balance idea or nething feel free to msg me if i can help. but my intention wasnt to degrade UA because it is a good game. and when if ever diminishign returns gets fixed or coded so the player doesnot c it...i will GLADLY change my review because UA is a good game.
Aye, I make everything i do available to anyone. It wouldn't be fair for me to have taken Odyssey's code, made a few changes, and kept it to myself. Everything ive done is available for people to look at, take and change if they want to. The harvesters system for example - allows for area control and resource gathering while offline. Hopefully someone one day finds it useful and makes it better.

I just don't have the time to package everything individually, so its a big package that anyone can dissect.
I never said you didn't. Not sure why you posted that. I was defending what you did...
i think he was using it as a reference to let ppl know they can use his fork n branch out themselves :p

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