usar o assistente de login senha admin
eu tentei esse ai, mas ele não tem o comando [admin, fala qa conta não tem permissão
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sera q tem jeito de tirar essas crianças e esses corpos q ficam espalhado pelo mundo? e muito enjuado isso.
sorry buddy, if youre having more issues you might want to wait for others to chime in. My main focus is to support and play on the server. if you want to play offline thats great, i have no problems with that. this is a copy of a server - its meant to help people playing solo to have a "decorated, populated world", like they were playing on a shard. if you don't like that youll have to find a way to delete all corpses/houses/items.
desculpe amigo, se você está tendo mais problemas, você pode querer esperar que outras pessoas interfiram. Meu foco principal é oferecer suporte e jogar no servidor. se você quiser jogar offline isso é ótimo, não tenho problemas com isso. esta é uma cópia de um servidor - seu objetivo é ajudar as pessoas que jogam solo a terem um "mundo povoado e decorado", como se estivessem jogando em um fragmento. se você não gostar disso, terá que encontrar uma maneira de deletar todos os cadáveres / casas / itens.
Obrigado meu amigo, o servidor e ótimo, não quis fazer nehuma critica, pra mim ta excelente jogar nele, e um grande trabalho, minha inteção aqui jamais foi te criticar, grande abraço, não vou te incomodar mais com minhas duvidas, bom trabalho, e mais uma vez obrigado.
thanks buddy!

Have fun - its fun reading your portogese (?) - im a fluent spanish speaker so it s alittle hard to understand but its doable.
enjoy the world, glad you got it working
admin account: wizard is only a gm so doesn't have access to some commands like [admin

any way to increase its access level ?
tem sim amigo, e so vc excluir o arquivo acount dentro da pasta save q o runuo vai te pedir pra criar uma conta gm, muito facil.
in save/account/accounts.xml
change to owner in the xml file
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We're busy adding new plays (new play added to the tavern stage!, the tale of King Henry), editing maps etc. lots of new content coming up

The new play system is a great addition to the server - we now have a play for new character creation, a play running at the stage in the tavern (called the ballad of the bachelor), and now someone is working on a play to introduce mangar's tower to a new player. This system is really easy to use and can be used to run any scripted quest. really happy with it.
I came across this old package with Automated Staff and the Cleaning Crew NPC included seemed like a great addition for a shard that has no item decay. I have cleaning crew working in Britain now, keeping the streets clean.

for anyone using this package offline, there have been a large number of bug fixes, balance changes and new content added since june. I'll try and get to an update of the package soon. This is a major update that fixes a lot - dupe item bugs, possible lag issues, etc. For example, throwing weapons were being used like arrows/bolts, but the throwing weps didn't appear on the map like arrows, instead they were moved to internal map... our server had 120,000 + throwing weapons sitting idly in internal map. There are other internal items as well - we also streamlined some core functions, added new plays and quests, revamped the loot and balance systems to make them more ... well.. balanced.

A new sactuary was added to lodoria, etc. there is just too much to post here. Of course, save over-write will be necessary for this update to work properly.
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Also just reviewed the resource post to make it clearer as we are having a lot of people come on the discord having issues running the game (because they installed in another directory, or used odyssey client or whatnot)
Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - A community project to create a fun custom Server with a new update entry:

MASSIVE content/fix/systems update

Here is the latest package for UA. its a major update since June 18. I would recommend this package for new music, systems, new AI, new areas on map, and a ton of balancing/exploit fixes, revised arties, etc.
This is a MASSIVE update.

Sept 3rd
  • Music updated!! turn it on and see if you like the style! taken from a number of famous (and infamous) rpgs
  • Healers will now be able to resurrect squires
  • Removed restriction for soulbound not to be able to access...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Just started trying this out so far, and it seems really interesting! Going to wait before getting too far into things until the package is updated with the latest updates, though liking it so far. Not really played Ultima Online much at all but this seems to work as a pretty solid offline RPG. Excellent work.
haha this project is never done my friend. the offline resource here is always outdated as soon as its uploaded. all the up to date changes are on the server where 10 or so people play the game. the resource is a copy of the server. if you want to play without having to worry about overwriting the save later when there's an update, server is the only way to do that.

im already fixing a bug that was discovered last night and an exploit that was also identified. offline will always need to be over-written to get latest code whenever its released.
haha this project is never done my friend. the offline resource here is always outdated as soon as its uploaded. all the up to date changes are on the server where 10 or so people play the game. the resource is a copy of the server. if you want to play without having to worry about overwriting the save later when there's an update, server is the only way to do that.

im already fixing a bug that was discovered last night and an exploit that was also identified. offline will always need to be over-written to get latest code whenever its released.
Oh I know it's still ongoing :). I was referring to waiting for the latest patches, rather than waiting for it to be complete. Excellent work finding and fixing the bug already! I may indeed try out the server sometime soon as well.
well... I created this to be able to play with good people online (its too lonely for me running from my computer). So of course i want everyone to come and play online and develop the world together :)
Hallo.I wanted to set a different prefix, for me it would be a "." instead of "[" . I changed this in handler.cs, but it doesn't work.
cant help you brother, but post here when you figure it out. also, any other changes you make please post here. if they make the game better we will incorporate in the package

can give credits in code etc if you want.
I have been trying out this wonderful world, but have a question - does cotton even respawn? I have seen people recommend farming it for early gold, but after gathering it once it doesn't seem to grow anymore even after 12 hours of real time.

Also, what's the use for silver/bronze coins? Don't remember them even being in base game.
hehe... you're going to have a ton of questions. Why don't you join the discord in the resource page? that's why we have it :)
just putting this here - a player on the server has told me about an incredibly game breaking exploit with shoppes. I've had to balance shoppes quite a bit but this exploit was basically unlimited gold in 2-3 minutes. Fixed on server - just putting this here for anyone else who might be running odyssey/etc.
It is incredibly nice of you to tell Adventures players that there is a big exploit in the game they downloaded, told them that you fixed yours, but didn't bother to tell them how to fix theirs.
yes, i don't want to spread exploits, anyone can pm me. Say for example you were playing an odyssey server with djeryv, and you read the exploit here and then went on the server and got millions in a few mins, im sure djeryv wouldn't be happy. any game admins can pm me.

Actually here, ill tell you if you try UA again and re-rate that off-handed and despicable 0 star rating you gave. Don't talk to me about being nice.

Hah ;)
Nice try. Djeryv doesn't run a server that I know of, and I never played your server to leave a rating. I am simply pointing out your behavior of taking things from others but not willing to give back. I am sure the gaming community appreciates your ethics. But hey, it is another way to social your media for sure. "Join the discord for this latest bug fix" "PM me for the latest bug fix" "Create a forum account to get the bug fix" because people just love making account for every platform. But I guess they can wait a few months for your next update where they have to wipe their current game out and start all over again, because of this really huge game breaking gold duping bug. At least you share with the UO emulation community when it is convenient for you.
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I figure I don't need to explain the exploit here, just post what i did to fix it. note the fillorder in customers.cs
I also added the feature where players can earn skill from completing shoppe orders (why not, its a great way to train up a skill)
Code is below

        public static void FillOrder( Mobile from, BaseShoppe shoppe, int customer )

                string cust = "";
                if ( customer == 1 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer01; }
                else if ( customer == 2 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer02; }
                else if ( customer == 3 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer03; }
                else if ( customer == 4 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer04; }
                else if ( customer == 5 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer05; }
                else if ( customer == 6 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer06; }
                else if ( customer == 7 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer07; }
                else if ( customer == 8 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer08; }
                else if ( customer == 9 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer09; }
                else if ( customer == 10 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer10; }
                else if ( customer == 11 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer11; }
                else if ( customer == 12 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer12; }

                int taskGold = 0;
                int taskTools = 0;
                int taskResources = 0;
                int taskDifficulty = 0;
                    taskGold = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 4 ) ); //FINAL payout is in customers.cs
                    taskTools = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 5 ) );
                    taskResources = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 6 ) );
                    taskDifficulty = Server.Misc.Customers.GetChance( Server.Items.BaseShoppe.GetSkillValue( shoppe.ShelfSkill, from ), Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 7 ) ) );

            if ( (taskDifficulty <= 0) || (shoppe.ShoppeTools < taskTools) || (shoppe.ShoppeResources < taskResources) || (( shoppe.ShoppeGold + taskGold ) > 100001) )
                if (from.Alive)
                from.SendMessage( "CHEATING IS NOT ALLOWED HERE. " );

                shoppe.ShoppeTools = 0;
                shoppe.ShoppeResources = 0;
                shoppe.ShoppeGold = 0;


            string client = shoppe.Customer01;

            if ( customer == 1 ){ client = shoppe.Customer01; }
            else if ( customer == 2 ){ client = shoppe.Customer02; }
            else if ( customer == 3 ){ client = shoppe.Customer03; }
            else if ( customer == 4 ){ client = shoppe.Customer04; }
            else if ( customer == 5 ){ client = shoppe.Customer05; }
            else if ( customer == 6 ){ client = shoppe.Customer06; }
            else if ( customer == 7 ){ client = shoppe.Customer07; }
            else if ( customer == 8 ){ client = shoppe.Customer08; }
            else if ( customer == 9 ){ client = shoppe.Customer09; }
            else if ( customer == 10 ){ client = shoppe.Customer10; }
            else if ( customer == 11 ){ client = shoppe.Customer11; }
            else if ( customer == 12 ){ client = shoppe.Customer12; }

            int difficulty = Server.Misc.Customers.GetChance( Server.Items.BaseShoppe.GetSkillValue( shoppe.ShelfSkill, from ), Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( client, 7 ) ) );

            int tools = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 5 ) );
            int resources = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 6 ) );
            int fame = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 8 ) );

            if ( difficulty >= Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 110 ) )
                from.PlaySound( 0x2E6 );
                from.PlaySound( shoppe.ShelfSound );

                int gold = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 4 ) );

                shoppe.ShoppeReputation = shoppe.ShoppeReputation + fame;
                    if ( shoppe.ShoppeReputation > 10000 ){ shoppe.ShoppeReputation = 10000; }

                shoppe.ShoppeGold = shoppe.ShoppeGold + gold;
                    if ( shoppe.ShoppeGold > 500000 ){ shoppe.ShoppeGold = 500000; }
                from.PlaySound( from.Female ? 812 : 1086 );
                from.PlaySound( shoppe.ShelfSound );
                int gold = Convert.ToInt32(GetDataElement(client, 4));

                shoppe.ShoppeReputation = shoppe.ShoppeReputation - fame;
                    if ( shoppe.ShoppeReputation < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeReputation = 0; }
                shoppe.ShoppeGold = shoppe.ShoppeGold - gold; //Sygun - Compensation for failing the job
                    if (shoppe.ShoppeGold < 0) { shoppe.ShoppeGold = 0; }

            shoppe.ShoppeTools = shoppe.ShoppeTools - tools;
                if ( shoppe.ShoppeTools < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeTools = 0; }

            shoppe.ShoppeResources = shoppe.ShoppeResources - resources;
                if ( shoppe.ShoppeResources < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeResources = 0; }

            RemoveEntry( shoppe, customer );

            int poolofsnot = 1;

            if (difficulty <= 25)
                poolofsnot = 1;
            else if (difficulty <= 50)
                poolofsnot = 3;
            else if (difficulty <= 75)
                poolofsnot = 6;
            else if (difficulty <= 100)
                poolofsnot = 10;
            else if (difficulty <= 110)
                poolofsnot = 11;

            while (poolofsnot > 0)
                poolofsnot -= 1;
                Server.Items.BaseShoppe.ProgressSkill( from, shoppe, difficulty );
I figure I don't need to explain the exploit here, just post what i did to fix it. note the fillorder in customers.cs
I also added the feature where players can earn skill from completing shoppe orders (why not, its a great way to train up a skill)
I think I see what is going on here. I'll let Chris know. If it is doing what it looks like it was doing then good fix.
This is an exploit for any gump-based system, if the check isn't made in onresponse (if it relies on a button showing or not showing)
Adding more Flavor to the world.

I was sitting one evening remembering with fondness the good old days of Muds (text multiplayer dungeons). I found myself looking at a few websites from muds still operating since the early 90's... 30 years of online presence. I studdenly felt the need to immerse myself in one, to see if i still get the same feeling.

Oddly enough I did! The text opens the imagination, hints at what is around the corner, leaving everything up to you to create in your own mind. Graphic games have removed this... we enter now, we see what is around, but it feels... bland compared to a mud's description.

With this in mind, I decided to add a new texttile to Adventures that displays flavor text when a player enters a new area. I felt Djeryvs clues tiles were a great tool and were really underused in the game so made a few tweaks to them. You can now place them anywhere, add 3 different text strings and itll pick randomly from the 3 and display above the player's head. I added a few of these to the world, and lo and behold, I got that very same feeling from the text-only mud, but in UO!

For example, here is my character approaching an inn


Ah... lovely UO graphics. That's nice, but i felt something was missing... see how different the scene looks with a bit of flavor text.


I started populating one dungeon... hinting at previous inhabitants, wondering at some decor or book left behind, or adding hints of sounds coming from the walls. The entire experience of walking in the dungeon feels more alive, deeper.

I'll be populating dungeons as i go, and hoping that other GMs on the server do the same. These little tiles are an easy add to the game, but do wonders in adding flavor to the game, and bringing back those good old days of text-adventuring.
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OK apparently I got in your Adventures shard. trained, died, and now can't log back in.
OK apparently I am in "my own server."
looks like people running around, but only way I could get in was redirect
If I am admin, what is the command setup
If I am admin, what is the command setup
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I have been trying out this wonderful world, but have a question - does cotton even respawn? I have seen people recommend farming it for early gold, but after gathering it once it doesn't seem to grow anymore even after 12 hours of real time.

Also, what's the use for silver/bronze coins? Don't remember them even being in base game.
the cotton respawn does take a while, if your playing offline it should be i think every 4 hours that the server is running i think, so if you shut down between sessions its potentially warping the time it takes

online most of the cotton fields are a bit hotly contested by newer players and aspiring tailors so they can be bare alot of the time

both coin types can be put into the bank and double clicked to turn them into gold, additionally silver coins are used to power spikes (balence point harvesting engine's) and copper is used to power harvesters (auto resource gathering engins)
it sounds awesome but i have a problem. starting server is not problem but when i clicked classicuolauncher or its for 64bit client, it crashes, don't open and when i look in crash report it says "xna framework graphics no suitable graphics device exception: could not initialize opengl / GLES library. i have ati radeon x1600 with catalyst (and opengl support), 64 bit win7 and framework 4.8... please help me guys :(
it should all open and run out of the box as long as your useing a Windows based os, if your not linux needs some extra steps to get it working

if you are and its in c:\ultima-adventures the issue is either a probelm with the extraction (sounds stupid i know but have seen lots of weird errors from this, delete the folder and maybe redownload, then re extract from scratch)

if it still doesn't work then your missing some kind of dependancy, or are trying to run the game on a system that doesn't have a compativlble, or otherwise properly working card or a bad driver ( like a virtual machine potentially, or some random custom tweaked driver)

try on an alternative device if you have q second computer handy etc
The easiest way to just start playing is basically to download the package, extract it to C:/, and run "Runme Option 2 - ClassicAssist Launcher", make sure you have Adventures selected and just hit start. Should be able to log in and just play.
The easiest way to just start playing is basically to download the package, extract it to C:/, and run "Runme Option 2 - ClassicAssist Launcher", make sure you have Adventures selected and just hit start. Should be able to log in and just play.
thats how it should work yeah, but some people have different computers, etc.

ive been taking a break from coding, so mostly just bugs, crash and fixes in the last week or two. I have spent a few hours adding flavor text (using texttiles) to the world, and someone volunteered to populate the townspersons speech database, so still making progress :)
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server is working but when i launch classic assist launcher -2 and select adventure shard "an error occured sending request" message showing and client screen remains black. in back years i've tried this solo work before, in different projects. and i failed again and again.i guess i never play solo this game :(
Can you post a screenshot of your launcher settings? Maybe we can figure it out.


  • Classicuo Launcher profile example.JPG
    Classicuo Launcher profile example.JPG
    44.1 KB · Views: 52

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