vc pode me dizer como eu crio uma conta gm no servidor? offline.
eu tentei esse ai, mas ele não tem o comando [admin, fala qa conta não tem permissãousar o assistente de login senha admin
Obrigado meu amigo, o servidor e ótimo, não quis fazer nehuma critica, pra mim ta excelente jogar nele, e um grande trabalho, minha inteção aqui jamais foi te criticar, grande abraço, não vou te incomodar mais com minhas duvidas, bom trabalho, e mais uma vez obrigado.desculpe amigo, se você está tendo mais problemas, você pode querer esperar que outras pessoas interfiram. Meu foco principal é oferecer suporte e jogar no servidor. se você quiser jogar offline isso é ótimo, não tenho problemas com isso. esta é uma cópia de um servidor - seu objetivo é ajudar as pessoas que jogam solo a terem um "mundo povoado e decorado", como se estivessem jogando em um fragmento. se você não gostar disso, terá que encontrar uma maneira de deletar todos os cadáveres / casas / itens.
Here is the latest package for UA. its a major update since June 18. I would recommend this package for new music, systems, new AI, new areas on map, and a ton of balancing/exploit fixes, revised arties, etc.
This is a MASSIVE update.
Sept 3rd
- Music updated!! turn it on and see if you like the style! taken from a number of famous (and infamous) rpgs
- Healers will now be able to resurrect squires
- Removed restriction for soulbound not to be able to access...
Oh I know it's still ongoinghaha this project is never done my friend. the offline resource here is always outdated as soon as its uploaded. all the up to date changes are on the server where 10 or so people play the game. the resource is a copy of the server. if you want to play without having to worry about overwriting the save later when there's an update, server is the only way to do that.
im already fixing a bug that was discovered last night and an exploit that was also identified. offline will always need to be over-written to get latest code whenever its released.
public static void FillOrder( Mobile from, BaseShoppe shoppe, int customer )
string cust = "";
if ( customer == 1 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer01; }
else if ( customer == 2 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer02; }
else if ( customer == 3 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer03; }
else if ( customer == 4 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer04; }
else if ( customer == 5 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer05; }
else if ( customer == 6 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer06; }
else if ( customer == 7 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer07; }
else if ( customer == 8 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer08; }
else if ( customer == 9 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer09; }
else if ( customer == 10 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer10; }
else if ( customer == 11 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer11; }
else if ( customer == 12 ){ cust = shoppe.Customer12; }
int taskGold = 0;
int taskTools = 0;
int taskResources = 0;
int taskDifficulty = 0;
taskGold = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 4 ) ); //FINAL payout is in customers.cs
taskTools = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 5 ) );
taskResources = Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 6 ) );
taskDifficulty = Server.Misc.Customers.GetChance( Server.Items.BaseShoppe.GetSkillValue( shoppe.ShelfSkill, from ), Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( cust, 7 ) ) );
if ( (taskDifficulty <= 0) || (shoppe.ShoppeTools < taskTools) || (shoppe.ShoppeResources < taskResources) || (( shoppe.ShoppeGold + taskGold ) > 100001) )
if (from.Alive)
from.SendMessage( "CHEATING IS NOT ALLOWED HERE. " );
shoppe.ShoppeTools = 0;
shoppe.ShoppeResources = 0;
shoppe.ShoppeGold = 0;
string client = shoppe.Customer01;
if ( customer == 1 ){ client = shoppe.Customer01; }
else if ( customer == 2 ){ client = shoppe.Customer02; }
else if ( customer == 3 ){ client = shoppe.Customer03; }
else if ( customer == 4 ){ client = shoppe.Customer04; }
else if ( customer == 5 ){ client = shoppe.Customer05; }
else if ( customer == 6 ){ client = shoppe.Customer06; }
else if ( customer == 7 ){ client = shoppe.Customer07; }
else if ( customer == 8 ){ client = shoppe.Customer08; }
else if ( customer == 9 ){ client = shoppe.Customer09; }
else if ( customer == 10 ){ client = shoppe.Customer10; }
else if ( customer == 11 ){ client = shoppe.Customer11; }
else if ( customer == 12 ){ client = shoppe.Customer12; }
int difficulty = Server.Misc.Customers.GetChance( Server.Items.BaseShoppe.GetSkillValue( shoppe.ShelfSkill, from ), Convert.ToInt32( Server.Misc.Customers.GetDataElement( client, 7 ) ) );
int tools = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 5 ) );
int resources = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 6 ) );
int fame = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 8 ) );
if ( difficulty >= Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 110 ) )
from.PlaySound( 0x2E6 );
from.PlaySound( shoppe.ShelfSound );
int gold = Convert.ToInt32( GetDataElement( client, 4 ) );
shoppe.ShoppeReputation = shoppe.ShoppeReputation + fame;
if ( shoppe.ShoppeReputation > 10000 ){ shoppe.ShoppeReputation = 10000; }
shoppe.ShoppeGold = shoppe.ShoppeGold + gold;
if ( shoppe.ShoppeGold > 500000 ){ shoppe.ShoppeGold = 500000; }
from.PlaySound( from.Female ? 812 : 1086 );
from.PlaySound( shoppe.ShelfSound );
int gold = Convert.ToInt32(GetDataElement(client, 4));
shoppe.ShoppeReputation = shoppe.ShoppeReputation - fame;
if ( shoppe.ShoppeReputation < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeReputation = 0; }
shoppe.ShoppeGold = shoppe.ShoppeGold - gold; //Sygun - Compensation for failing the job
if (shoppe.ShoppeGold < 0) { shoppe.ShoppeGold = 0; }
shoppe.ShoppeTools = shoppe.ShoppeTools - tools;
if ( shoppe.ShoppeTools < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeTools = 0; }
shoppe.ShoppeResources = shoppe.ShoppeResources - resources;
if ( shoppe.ShoppeResources < 0 ){ shoppe.ShoppeResources = 0; }
RemoveEntry( shoppe, customer );
int poolofsnot = 1;
if (difficulty <= 25)
poolofsnot = 1;
else if (difficulty <= 50)
poolofsnot = 3;
else if (difficulty <= 75)
poolofsnot = 6;
else if (difficulty <= 100)
poolofsnot = 10;
else if (difficulty <= 110)
poolofsnot = 11;
while (poolofsnot > 0)
poolofsnot -= 1;
Server.Items.BaseShoppe.ProgressSkill( from, shoppe, difficulty );
I think I see what is going on here. I'll let Chris know. If it is doing what it looks like it was doing then good fix.I figure I don't need to explain the exploit here, just post what i did to fix it. note the fillorder in customers.cs
I also added the feature where players can earn skill from completing shoppe orders (why not, its a great way to train up a skill)
the cotton respawn does take a while, if your playing offline it should be i think every 4 hours that the server is running i think, so if you shut down between sessions its potentially warping the time it takesI have been trying out this wonderful world, but have a question - does cotton even respawn? I have seen people recommend farming it for early gold, but after gathering it once it doesn't seem to grow anymore even after 12 hours of real time.
Also, what's the use for silver/bronze coins? Don't remember them even being in base game.
thats how it should work yeah, but some people have different computers, etc.The easiest way to just start playing is basically to download the package, extract it to C:/, and run "Runme Option 2 - ClassicAssist Launcher", make sure you have Adventures selected and just hit start. Should be able to log in and just play.
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