I never said you didn't. Not sure why you posted that. I was defending what you did...
He was just stating that he made his stuff public and that he can't pull his own custom stuff out of it because it is too far integrated into everything else...so you need his entire package to pick apart what they did. Could you imagine though? "Download my XYZ addon for Odyssey...unzip the package into your custom folder...then edit these 102 other scripts".

I thought it was funny they put the Jedi stuff in. I really...really thought I was the only one that liked that Syth/Jedi stuff because I don't know anyone using it...other than me. To ramble a bit...the other day I was in the snowy part of Lodor and there was a Syth and Jedi probably 50 tiles away from each other. The funny things with random spawning.
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nah greenblood been workin hard to get that in....he bugged me inbetween for assistance but he mainly did it himself..so proud of him! GJ @GreenBlood with Jedi.
I never said you didn't. Not sure why you posted that. I was defending what you did...
I was re-affirming what you wrote, friend
not being defensive at all, i appreciate what you said, and you stepping in!
Thanks! :D
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He was just stating that he made his stuff public and that he can't pull his own custom stuff out of it because it is too far integrated into everything else...so you need his entire package to pick apart what they did. Could you imagine though? "Download my XYZ addon for Odyssey...unzip the package into your custom folder...then edit these 102 other scripts".

I thought it was funny they put the Jedi stuff in. I really...really thought I was the only one that liked that Syth/Jedi stuff because I don't know anyone using it...other than me. To ramble a bit...the other day I was in the snowy part of Lodor and there was a Syth and Jedi probably 50 tiles away from each other. The funny things with random spawning.
it was a player who decided to add the jedi into UA, all i did was merge his code in the server files when he was done.

As for editing 102 scripts, hehe thats what we had to do for months when we were merging your changes to UA. Good way to learn how to code.
I saw Star Wars stuff in the past that people made for UO. I just thought they were bland...but they were trying to make something out of the original UO files to make such things. After making that spaceship dungeon I wanted the Star Wars part to feel more in line with the cosmetics of the movies/books. So I added the laser swords that make lightsaber sounds and the art for the gumps for their spellbooks. The Syth mask was just me trying to show off. The Syth and Jedi are equal spawned numbers but I see the Syth more often when I play. In hindsight, I should have lured the Syth to that Jedi and watch the show.
djeryv... any chance you would ever do a UseTheForceAI?

I've been aching to find a good (read: challenging and hard) AI set... I heard AnCorp used to have challenging AI... using OSI is pretty bland and too dumb
I actually don't develop anything now. I gave the project to Chris (Mangar) to maintain. I had the files on a Mangar Google account and I just gave him that account so he used the name as his online avatar. He was hoping RunUO was going to take off again but I think that puttered out. I actually report bugs to Chris and he does updates to the game. He even did a few map edits so now I get to be a customer and just apply his stuff.

When I was messing around, I tried doing AI stuff but I was afraid I didn't know what I was really doing. I did tweak a couple because behaviors were weird...especially archers. They would just stand there shooting arrows. I thought they should try to move away from targets.

Does anyone have the AnCorp server code?
I've made a few changes to AI, have an Magery2AI script that makes mages stay way from targets (which could be easily applied to archers), we also added omniai and now bards actually bard you (provoke your pets, discord/peace you etc), ninjas hide and stealth, etc. I also made few custom tweaks as well to behavior via basecreature etc.

I created a base class (basecursed) that adapts and changes AI based on its circumstances (is it low on health? switch to distance fighting, is it fighting an archer? try to freeze or switch to melee, is it fighting a melee char? switch to magery etc).

I wish more were available publicly... no i don't have ancorps server code. :(

BTW djeryv... you're always welcome to try out UA too, i know its not your vision of the game, but it might be a fun way to spend a few hours once in a while. we have a good friendly group of players. If you want anything ingame, its yours (we all owe you that!)
Okay!! been quiet on here, but crazy busy in the discord - anyone who plays this should join the discord, even those playing offline (there are a few offline players who talk amongst themselves there). Good place to get help.

Since last update, major changes to gameplay elements - including a full revamp of the invasion, a new superboss (invasion general), a new area for soulbounds to train in with 300% skillgain, etc etc. Too many changes to list all here.... revamp of the morph armors, new mockobos

etc etc.

you can check the list of changes in the annoucement channel. I guess i'm overdue for an offline update too at some point... when i have time!
Some players were even RP'ing where they would limit their skillpoints to 1000 points. So a way was added for people to play with a 1000 skillcap if they so choose. Its now possible to play UA with unlimited skillcap, limited skillcap, restricted, normal (good/evil), and soulbound (permadeath hardcore). Anyone can play the way they want now - I'm trying to make it so its possible for players to play the way they want as much as possible. The methods can even compound - for example, you could play as a 1k skillcap soulbound restricted character, or a unlimited skillcap unrestricted player. I haven't calculated how many permutations are possible :D
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A long time ago I was very tempted to make a quest for the TriForce but chickened out because it wasn't Ultima-ee enough.
there is that zelda quest floating around right?

you do amazing content... most players want a skara-like quest for later game. Not sure how i was gonna do that... but i was thinking a curse put on the player with a long process of recovery would be a goo way about it. skara is truly a lot of fun, sadly not really scaled for late game.
you do amazing content... most players want a skara-like quest for later game. Not sure how i was gonna do that... but i was thinking a curse put on the player with a long process of recovery would be a goo way about it. skara is truly a lot of fun, sadly not really scaled for late game.
The maps are very full, but remember that you can do "facets" so you can have 12 different Lodors or 5 different Sosarias. Just saying in case you want to recycle dungeons to make different ones...although they will look like their replicates but it still provides a blank area to work with. One thing I was considering was to take the dungeons as a different facet and link "like" ones together to make a big dungeon. Like taking every fire type dungeon in the game and then making a big fire dungeon while setting it to something maybe higher than level 4 in difficulty. Put in some new fire creatures and such.

As for a Skara-type quest, maybe look at other 80's games and draw inspiration...like a quest that throws all of your gear in your bank box (with no access to your bank box) and throws you at the bottom of a dungeon (like Dungeon Master or Eye of the Beholder) and you have to get to the top to escape...while finding equipment along the way. Sure, you are a Titan of Ether or an Alien (if you have those) with alot of skills...but now you are rushing to find a club because you are naked and weaponless. Once you get to the top of the dungeon, you escape back into the land.
The maps are very full, but remember that you can do "facets" so you can have 12 different Lodors or 5 different Sosarias. Just saying in case you want to recycle dungeons to make different ones...although they will look like their replicates but it still provides a blank area to work with. One thing I was considering was to take the dungeons as a different facet and link "like" ones together to make a big dungeon. Like taking every fire type dungeon in the game and then making a big fire dungeon while setting it to something maybe higher than level 4 in difficulty. Put in some new fire creatures and such.

As for a Skara-type quest, maybe look at other 80's games and draw inspiration...like a quest that throws all of your gear in your bank box (with no access to your bank box) and throws you at the bottom of a dungeon (like Dungeon Master or Eye of the Beholder) and you have to get to the top to escape...while finding equipment along the way. Sure, you are a Titan of Ether or an Alien (if you have those) with alot of skills...but now you are rushing to find a club because you are naked and weaponless. Once you get to the top of the dungeon, you escape back into the land.
cool idea!

We saved quite a bit of real estate by redoing the underworld map which allowed us to add a number of different dungeons, but not enough for a full skara quest like you did.

But I have a problem with adding harder and harder dungeons/mobs. I found that players could quickly reach a point where nothing is challenging anymore. If you just added harder dungeons/mobs then that just gives them 1-2 weeks more of play before they reach that cap again.

That's why I added the diminishing return system for most of the stats/damage/etc. makes it increasingly difficult to max anything - at low level 1 point adds one point, then you need 2 points to add 1 point, then 3 points to add 1 point, etc.

In that vein, i'd add any new content with recycling existing content in mind... for example, evil badguy comes and curses you. You have a chance of 3 of 4 different curses - one curse reduces your damage/damage of pets, another reduces your health/str, another makes you slow, etc. this type of quest/content makes sure that the current content stays relevant. A player would then have to play the game in the current world to uncurse himself.

There's already a TON of content here. I don't think the answer is adding more... rather finding ways to make the content the player doesn't want to engage in more relevant.

in this example, a cursed-slow player would not be able to kill demons anymore, walking/hitting/casting slower. they would have to go back to normal dungeons for adventuring. the quest to become uncursed could require ingredients from lower end dungeons.
been having a lot of fun coding in new AI for the red Pks to make them more player-like. they now have more awareness, and can even throw actual explosion pots. The idea here is to create pvp combat but in pvm. Still a long ways from that but one step closer.

Also been coding in new specials for all the champs in the champ spawns. Mephitis was completely revamped, and now creates a zerg army to completely overtake the players. Rikktor was also given some love, and regurgitates liquid fire that scorches the area where the player is/was standing. This means players will have to dodge the fireballs, less they burn to a crisp.

Im also doing all this using the wonderful OneTime system, so you can have hundreds of items all governed by one single timer. Love that system.
The maps are very full, but remember that you can do "facets" so you can have 12 different Lodors or 5 different Sosarias. Just saying in case you want to recycle dungeons to make different ones...although they will look like their replicates but it still provides a blank area to work with. One thing I was considering was to take the dungeons as a different facet and link "like" ones together to make a big dungeon. Like taking every fire type dungeon in the game and then making a big fire dungeon while setting it to something maybe higher than level 4 in difficulty. Put in some new fire creatures and such.

As for a Skara-type quest, maybe look at other 80's games and draw inspiration...like a quest that throws all of your gear in your bank box (with no access to your bank box) and throws you at the bottom of a dungeon (like Dungeon Master or Eye of the Beholder) and you have to get to the top to escape...while finding equipment along the way. Sure, you are a Titan of Ether or an Alien (if you have those) with alot of skills...but now you are rushing to find a club because you are naked and weapon less. Once you get to the top of the dungeon, you escape back into the land.
Hi Djeryv

i have been trying to get copied facets to work for some fun at home (i play on the online server for serious adventuring :) ), whenever i add an extra line to to maddefinitions.cs file i seem to always get a copy of lodoria but with the moveable area of whatever other map i am trying to emulate

ie i am copying an existing line and then upping the numbers at the start to make it its own map reference etc

if you ever looked at this any idea what noob mistake i am making? haven't been able to find any real guide on this online :(
been having a lot of fun coding in new AI for the red Pks to make them more player-like. they now have more awareness, and can even throw actual explosion pots. The idea here is to create pvp combat but in pvm. Still a long ways from that but one step closer.

Also been coding in new specials for all the champs in the champ spawns. Mephitis was completely revamped, and now creates a zerg army to completely overtake the players. Rikktor was also given some love, and regurgitates liquid fire that scorches the area where the player is/was standing. This means players will have to dodge the fireballs, less they burn to a crisp.

Im also doing all this using the wonderful OneTime system, so you can have hundreds of items all governed by one single timer. Love that system.
dancing around explody pots was a really nice development Twist. Its great to see how the server is growing and how challenging everything is shaping up to be.
dancing around explody pots was a really nice development Twist. Its great to see how the server is growing and how challenging everything is shaping up to be.
Thanks buddy! Im really trying to make them more player-like. Also made some additional tweaks just this morning... be careful!

Someone this morning was able to defeat the new mephitis with her zerg spawn special, ill try and revamp all the champs with new specials and custom AI. the good thing in doing that is the specials can be put somewhere central and used somewhere else, for example on tames that have levelled up past a certain point.

Tames will have specials one day, not the usual specials like HP regent or any of the AOS attributes like hitfireball or whatnot... i want to add reallyl unique specials for the tames. This game will never be complete!
I think that one thing that made outlands so fun to play is the amount of stuff that you have to manually dodge. Maybe adding more area effects to different monsters (other than champs) could make combat a lot more lively in here for people that already have super fancy gear without being too punishing for people that are starting out. Having some sort of message popping up like ** the <dragon> inspires deeply and his eyes burn with molten hatred ** could tell the player that its time to heroically run away because the floor will be lava for the next few seconds.
But overall I'm yet to see a server that is updated as fast as adventures with a team this small.
Great work lads :)
just added this to rikktor a few days ago!

Rikktor will throw a fireblast at a player (which can be dodged, has a 1s delay) and the blast leaves fireitems in a circle area around the blas tthat burn anything on it. good suggestion here and i love the idea of seeing players run around dodging things. ill see how rikktor fares and code something better for the next mob :)
Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - Community modded fork Ultima Odyssey with a new update entry:

More content, more bug fixes!

Greetings all,
The last few months have been busy on the server and this update is filled with new content, new mobs, updated AI and of course, balance and bug fixes. Of note:
- completely revamped Red NPC AI with new special moves and awareness to make them more like real players
- completely revamped Champ spawn champs, and i mean completely redone... get zerg'd by mephitis, tricked by barracoon, or torched by rikktor, or schooled by neira
- tweaked and improved automatic invasion...

Read the rest of this update entry...
ive updated the champions from the champspawns... pretty happy with that result... my next task will be to update the very dumb AI. I redid necromage AI today - instead of having them cast spells randomly without context, they will now cast based on situational awareness. is the enemy far? close? are there many?

Sygun is also working on some map changes, and another player is working on updating the conversational npcs in the game. we want to use them as a wiki of sorts. if you have a question about a system just go up to them and ask "how do you buy a harvester?" should be a nice alternative to having a manual or external source of info like the discord.

All in all, having lots of fun improving this amazing game. :D
Como faço para jogar offline? ja tentei varias vezes, mas so consigo entrar no servidor online.
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Como faço para jogar offline? ja tentei varias vezes, mas so consigo entrar no servidor online.
toda vez q tendo executar offline eu recebo essa mensagem

Sua versão do cliente Ultima Online parece ser inválida.

Baixe o Launcher oficial para configurar e executar o jogo.

Link: classicuo.eu.
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its easy: delete what you have now. its not properly exrtracted.

1. download the latest package
2. extract ultima-adventures to c:\
3. run classicuolauncher shortcut in c:\ultima-adventures\
4. to play online just proceed. to play offline select the local profile

I should sticky these instructions... have to type them every week or so here or in the discord :/
its easy: delete what you have now. its not properly exrtracted.

1. download the latest package
2. extract ultima-adventures to c:\
3. run classicuolauncher shortcut in c:\ultima-adventures\
4. to play online just proceed. to play offline select the local profile

I should sticky these instructions... have to type them every week or so here or in the discord :/
Thank you so much for trying to help me, but I've tried everything and I can't play offline, I can even go offline, but the world is empty, and also I can only log in if I open runuo first, and indicate where my original uo is installed , I logged in with the gm account, wizard, but it can't do anything to edit the world.
if the world is empty you are not using the right client ?

are you using classicuolauncher shortcut in c:\ultima-adventures? did you extract everything in c:\ (no other location works)

90% of these issues come from people extracting in another location and thinking it will work.
if the world is empty you are not using the right client ?

are you using classicuolauncher shortcut in c:\ultima-adventures? did you extract everything in c:\ (no other location works)

90% of these issues come from people extracting in another location and thinking it will work.
through the ClassicUO client, I enter the normal online server, but without using ClassicUOLauncher, I don't know what's happening, I've done several profiles, but I can't go offline.
have you installed at c:\

not any other directory (e.g. c:\games or c:\program files etc)

it must be c:\ultima-adventures\
i have no idea what the problem is my friend, you need to explain to me exactly what happens, what isn't happening, and what you are doing step by step.

e.g. i click on this, i select this, i click on that and this happens, etc
i have no idea what the problem is my friend, you need to explain to me exactly what happens, what isn't happening, and what you are doing step by step.

e.g. i click on this, i select this, i click on that and this happens, etc
Thank you very much for your interest in helping me, but I managed to make this shard, Ruins & Riches work, now I'm playing, it worked, 100% I'm very happy.
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Thank you very much for your interest in helping me, but I managed to make this shard, Ruins & Riches work, now I'm playing, it worked, 100% I'm very happy.
I'll explain what I was doing, downloaded adventure 1.9, put in c: ultima-adventures, extracts ClassicUOLauncher-win-x64-release, click ClassicUOLauncher, profile localhost, click laucher, do not open anything, only open if click on ClassicUO.exe, got it?
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yeah that is much better for solo play. ultima adventures is meant to be played on the server :)

For those reading this, ive added a completely new system to the game - a fully automated roleplay Play/Theater/Scenario system...
I didn't like how new characters were created (in that room), so i created a system that allows "actor" npcs to walk around, talk to each other and interact with players in a completely scripted manner.

Now when a new character is created, the player goes through a completely scripted scenario that plays out before him. really happy with this system!
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Just uploaded the automatic Scenario to the server! I'm quite proud of this system, uses the OneTime setup to automate a play using npc actors... id love feedback - anyone curious can start a new char on the server and let me know thoughts.

as far as i know, this hasn't been done before like this... onetime makes it possible where before you would need a TON of different timers... onetime is really amazing.

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the problem is that this latest download does not have all the files, for example the runme me options are not there nor the runuo.exe

thats an issue i will fix right away!
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This works out... the new update will include all the code ive done in the last 2 weeks... new intro for new characters, new content, more bug fixes... etc.
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Finaltwist updated Ultima Adventures - Community modded fork Ultima Odyssey with a new update entry:

New character creation update

This update completely changes the new character creation so its a lot more immersive and informative. The update also changes a few of the AI scripts to be a lot more effective and less "dumb". Update changelog

June 19
- revamped the necromancy AI. they should now be much more responsive to what is happening around them and choose their spells more carefully (instead of just randmomly)
- applied a fix for a crash caused by paralyzing webs
- harpoon rope quivers added to random drops...

Read the rest of this update entry...

Active Shards


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